190415 18k 0 Master Files Listing for the BFDS (Batch File Distribution System) the Files Support arm of the International BATPOWER echo (learn all about BATch File Programming).
170505 298k 0 CMDOW is a Win32 commandline utility for NT4/2000/XP/2003/7/8 that allows windows to be listed, moved, resized, renamed, hidden, unhidden, disabled/enabled, minimized, maximized, restored, activated/inactivated, closed, killed and more. Freeware open source under the MIT license.
170125 40k 0 POPSMT v0.4 - POP3/SMTP Client for DOS using WATTCP (16-bit, Packet Driver required). Supports RFC822, UUPC, Pegasus, FreeEmacs, APOP, ESMTP (CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, PLAIN). Options for Debug, Logging, etc. Fixes -fs envelope From to X-Sender, adds multiple arg files, etc. by Richard Backus (c) Jan 2005
170125 149k 0 TNPORT - TelNet Interface for DOS - jul2005 Allows binary (ZModem) both ways! INT14 and FOSSIL (COM only) interface Using 16-bit WATTCP, a better TCPPORT
160705 4k 0 NetCopy and NetMove will copy and/or move any n.msg file and renumber n as needed to keep the file a unique name. Does NOT depend on any control file(s) just the existing files. Freeware for DOS/Wins 32-bit {c} 2016 Ben Ritchey fido4cmech@lusfiber.net
160309 57k 0 Random Copy v1.4 *FREEWARE* will choose one file randomly from a group of dirs/files (wildcards ok) and copy that file across to the destination. by Quentin Christensen 16-bit DOS and 32-bit Win (LFN) versions.
150123 44k 0 PatchWC will patch the Wildcat! v4.20 executable WILDCAT.EXE for Y2K issues. Note this fixes the problem of Wildcat! forcibly logging off users after any Door game is run. by Joe Martin
130317 96k 0 DASD Vision {tm} x86 v3.J is a Disk & File Maintenance package for MS-DOS (v5/6/7/8.x) environments. The main program is an Inter- active (light-bar type) File Manager. Direc- tory structure is shown AS IS with ALL Files and Attributes indicated. Options for Sort- ing, repetitive Executions, Command Recall, Online Help, DASD Allocations, etc. PD Free- ware compatible with Wins 3/9x/NT/XP, OS/2 & DOSEmu v0.98+ ... Ben aka cMech
130316 2k 0 DateTime is a very small and fast utility that will display the current Date and Time for use in redirection to log files. (i.e. "Sat Mar 16 2013 075 2:15:12 pm) Freeware with Assembly source code. (c) Ben Ritchey aka cMech fido4cmech@lusfiber.net
130308 42k 0 BBS2HTML v1.0p - Converts FILES.BBS listings to HTML. Put you file collection on the WEB! Easy, automated, UNCRIPPLED FREEWARE Works with PCBoard, Wildcat, TBBS or any system that supports FILES.BBS file formats.
120401 96k 0 DASD Vision {tm} x86 v3.H is a Disk & File Maintenance package for MS-DOS (v5/6/7/8.x) environments. The main program is an Inter- active (light-bar type) File Manager. Direc- tory structure is shown AS IS with ALL Files and Attributes indicated. Options for Sort- ing, repetitive Executions, Command Recall, Online Help, DASD Allocations, etc. PD Free- ware compatible with Wins 3.1/95/98SE/NT4, OS/2 & DOSEmu v0.98+ ... Ben aka cMech
110921 79k 4 RSS2Txt v1.5 converts RSS (RDF+XML) Headline News Feeds from Yahoo! to ASCII Text with optional Ageing of items by Date and Time, plus control over Links & Description info. Creates Translation Exception Log (errors). Unix2DOS utility also included/required. Tested on native MS-DOS v6.22, v7.1 and Windows 98-SE/XP (DOS box). PD/FREEware. See file Demo.Bat for example setup, file RSS2TXT.DOC for info as well as RSSFAQ.Txt for extended reading. ISO 8859-1 compliant. http://bellsouthpwp.net/c/m/cmech617/
030129 102k 2 CONVERT.EXE (2002.08): Converts between data formats: FROM dBase, ASCII-delimited (typically commas between fields and quotes around strings), and fixed field TO Lotus WKS, ASCII-delimited, dBase, and fixed field. Also provides ability to add and drop fields, giving you the ability to crunch tables. Freeware. Bruce Guthrie / U.S. Dept of Commerce bguthrie@doc.gov
080903 7k 2 NLSS.Bat v2.01.09 - Search through a Fidonet nodelist for a given address, and display the nodelisted details. Needs some external utilities available from the BFDS file echo (companion to the BATPOWER echo). Read the NLSS.bat with your favourite text viewer for details and -required- tweaks for your PC's config. (The BATch is just another textfile after all. =:) Paul D. Quinn (3:640/384).
080306 205k 4 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
071224 198k 2 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
071201 3k 4 REPLACE Version 2.01.15 1987-88(C) Gene Garapic (1:157/502). Comes AS-IS with no warranty. May be freely distributed. Command line syntax is: REPLACE [filename] [find] [replace] Features: replace using ASCCII codes, quoted characters, work in column mode, pad with character mode, expand tabs. Orginal file is renamed with as ".BAK". New file takes on the name of original.
060331 15k 2 DOSDROP.ZIP = "Drop to DOS" dated 06-Nov-03. A *free* utility that adds an entry to the pop-up menu that is displayed when the right mouse button is clicked on a folder. If you right-click on any folder and choose the "Drop to DOS" option a Command Prompt window will be opened with the current directory being the folder you've choosen. Drop to DOS runs on Win95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP. This version will also run on `Windows Vista'. If you are using an older copy (eg v1.09 dated 22Sep00) run setup to deactivate then run setup again to activate. That's it. Copyright (c) by TeraByte Unlimited; speciality = hard drive management (eg BootIt Next Generation, Image for Windows, Image for DOS, and CopyWipe).
060315 154k 4 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
060220 150k 2 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
060125 147k 2 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
051214 142k 1 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
051118 249k 3 A large collection of useful batch files and batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/ For MS-DOS 6.22 and /Win3.1x/95/98/ME with the COMMAND.COM interpreter.
051031 140k 1 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
051021 105k 1 XSET: EASY solution to enhance batch files. Put ANYTHING you want in environment variable *Catch output of any command or program. *High-level user interface: line-edit, colors windows, boxes, time-out, default values,... *Built-in commands to modify strings: search, subst, lower/upper, substring, regular expr. *Calculation, system data: date/cpu, filename *Manage var. (like PATH) longer than 128 char *And much more ! (password, random, ...)
051009 133k 2 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
050909 131k 1 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
050726 127k 1 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
050605 125k 1 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
050509 120k 1 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
050421 114k 1 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
050421 247k 4 A large collection of useful batch files and batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/ For MS-DOS 6.22 and /Win3.1x/95/98/ME with the COMMAND.COM interpreter.
050328 113k 1 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
050128 109k 2 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
050123 10k 1 DOSDROP.ZIP = "Drop to DOS" v1.09 22Sep00. A free utility that adds an entry to the pop up menu that is displayed when the right mouse button is pressed on a folder. If you right click on any folder and chose the Drop To DOS option, a Command Prompt window will be opened with the current directory being the folder you chose. Drop to DOS runs on Win95/98/NT/ME/2K/XP. By TeraByte Unlimited (specialty = hard drive management software). *Freeware*
050117 40k 1 POPSMT v0.4 - POP3/SMTP Client for DOS using WATTCP (16-bit, Packet Driver required). Supports RFC822, UUPC, Pegasus, FreeEmacs, APOP, ESMTP (CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, PLAIN). Options for Debug, Logging, etc. Fixes -fs envelope From to X-Sender, adds multiple arg files, etc. by Richard Backus (c) Jan 2005
050101 20k 2 FmtLoop is a Batch script plus the requisite utilities for repetitive formatting of floppy diskettes without any keyboard intervention (until done). Works for A: or B: drives. Tested under native DOS. Free.
041220 134k 2 CmdUtils v1.5 as of 5/28/2000 is a collection of free command line utilities for Win9x/NT with Source code. Recycle, PropsFor, ContextMenu (context.exe), Bin (bin.exe) and FixP. (c) 1998-2000 Matt Ginzton http://www.maddogsw.com/
041206 106k 2 Command Line Interface (CLI) script programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi For NT/2000/XP with the CMD.EXE interpreter. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
041014 245k 2 A large collection of useful batch files and batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/ For MS-DOS 6.22 and /Win3.1x/95/98/ME with the COMMAND.COM interpreter.
040912 110k 1 GdPUtil v1.7 is the command prompt Handyman for 32-bit Windows. Freeware. Synchronize execution of multiple Bat files as well as perform multiple String & Date/Time functions on Text files. ISFile & ISDir functions, Aged file Deletions, play Waves, Run a program with a timed Kill, and more. http://www.gdps.dk
040719 38k 2 BJrAlarm will display on the console as a prompt, then continuously sound an alarm tone sequence until any key is pressed. Use to replace Echo+Beep+Pause sequences in .Bat files. PD/Freeware for any DOS and/or any Wins/DOS box. Also included is Alarm.Com for single tone use.
040531 17k 2 Sound Chip Detection and Config program under DOS v1.02 (C) 2002 by Wolfgang Hesseler, Felix Kaiser, Konstantin Koll, is Free for non-commercial use and will detect various Sound Blaster compatible sound chips, configure them and set the BLASTER variable correctly. You can call this program in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
040531 13k 3 ASCBAT21.ZIP - Batch file (v2.1) displays ASCII tables 00-FFh in decimal, binary, octal and hex in a VERY easy-to-understand format. Tables displayed in plain text or color if ANSI driver is loaded. Freeware.
040523 105k 1 XSET: EASY solution to enhance batch files. Put ANYTHING you want in environment variable *Catch output of any command or program. *High-level user interface: line-edit, colors windows, boxes, time-out, default values,... *Built-in commands to modify strings: search, subst, lower/upper, substring, regular expr. *Calculation, system data: date/cpu, filename *Manage var. (like PATH) longer than 128 char *And much more ! (password, random, ...)
040323 9k 2 BFC is a Binary File Compare utility for DOS that works in the same way as DOS command "FC /B" but much faster. Public domain, assembly source included. Wildcards and Sub-dir recursion supported. http://sta.c64.org
040315 238k 3 A large collection of useful batch files and batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/ For MS-DOS 6.22 and /Win3.1x/95/98/ME with the COMMAND.COM interpreter.
040309 239k 1 FileFinder v5.2 - Finds Files, & DIRS on normal, networked,& CDROM drives & inside compressed files, also locates DUP files.. Extremely fast and versatile. NEW - Ability to modify file attributes and stop search after user specifed number of matches.
040302 7k 3 DelAge32 v1.3 Deletes files by Age (number of Days, time disregarded). Allows Preview for matching files and subdir Recursion. New options (/created overrides mod date). Windows/DOS box only (c) 2004 Freeware by Horst Schaeffer. http://home.mnet-online.de/horst.muc/
040204 274k 1 VBX - Manfred's Little Box Painter v3.03 2004/01/23, a Box drawing editor, using ASCII graphics in DOS with limited text editing. Extensive interactive hypertext Help screens (F1). Draw with cursor keys in single or double-bar mode generating all the corners, tees and crosses, etc. MUCH more (Case/Mark/Cut/Paste, etc.)
040115 46k 1 EKKO.COM (Superset of DOS ECHO) has Enhanced Text & Control character displays, access to Prompt metastrings, Extended Screen control without ANSI.SYS and much more. Somewhat BIOS dependent, with versions for IBM-PC, TI ProC and Sanyo MBC-55x uPs. Freeware (c) 1991 Norman L. De Forest
040109 26k 1 DayNbr for Win32 (command line version) from Dan Egli (1:3005/3) substitutes any command string with the current Julien Day (optional adjustment +/- days) then passes command to O/S for execution. http://thedungeon.dnsalias.net/daynbr.exe
040105 16k 1 DAYNBR Version 2.10 is a simple program. It calculates the correct day number, edits a DOS command's parameters to contain the day number, then executes the command. It was originally created to assist in automating the processing of FidoNet's weekly nodelist. NOTE that v2.1 is DAYNBR.EXE (vice .COM) so be sure and rename DAYNBR.COM to something like DAYNBR10.COM when upgrading ...
040104 11k 2 DAYNBR v1.0 will Edit a DOS command to contain reference(s) to Julian day-of-year, then execute the command. Handy for FIDONet NodeDiff naming structure. Free for non-commercial use/distribution. (c) 1985 by Ben Baker
031209 87k 1 LOCATE v1.31 - Freeware file finder. Find directories, files, or both; 0-byte files; executables only; mask by date, time, and/or attributes. Will search into hidden sub- directories. Extended wildcards. Options to change directory, delete files, display Win95 long filenames. Macro output for real flexibility. Can be used as a batch tool as well as a command-line utility. A86 source and exhaustive documentation. Charles Dye
031023 45k 5 BatchMan v1.0 by Michael Mefford, published in PC-Magazine Vol 9 No. 2, is a collection of 48 batch file enhancement utilities, all rolled into one 6K program. Create colorful menus that branch on a user keypress and adjust the keyboard typematic rate and tame the grating DOS beep or turn it into a tune. PushPath/PopPath & Time/Date functions plus Lock Toggles and much more. MASM source. Full ErrorLevel support for all commands.
031022 147k 1 DOS utilities with a few Batch processing enhancements including an extended .BAT compiler. Licensed FREEWARE from Wiering Software (re-distribute original ONLY)
031011 233k 1 A large collection of useful batch files and batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/ For MS-DOS 6.22 and /Win3.1x/95/98/ME with the COMMAND.COM interpreter.
031005 5k 3 Wprompt v1.0 is a Batch Tool (c) 2003, Horst Schaeffer that displays a prompt box with up to 3 standard buttons, and returns an Errorlevel to check the selected button in batch files. Freeware, command-line. http://home.mnet-online.de/horst.muc/
031005 52k 1 TOUCH v1.08d - Yet Another Touch Utility to change date and time stamps of files. This one supports multiple filespecs, DR DOS file lists, and recursion into subdirectories. Uses local date format, or force US/UK/Japan format. Thorough validity checking of dates and times (can be disabled.) Displays days of the week. Can also set attributes. Copy stamps from another file. Optional prompt. GPL freeware, Charles Dye. NASM source.
030803 65k 1 ErrTime v1.2 (PD/Free, 1995) for DOS, OS2, Win-NT & Netware is a Utility to return an errorlevel equal to the second, minute, hour, day, weekday, day of month, week, month, or year in a batch file.
030803 105k 1 XSET v547 enhances batch files: Put ANYTHING you want in environment variables, Catch output of any command or program, line-edit, color windows, boxes, time-out, default values, string search, subst, lower/upper, substring, regular expr., Calculation, system data: date/cpu, filename, & more. Shareware
030726 114k 1 FDATE v16a: batch-file date manipulation utility-- everything you'd want to do with dates in batch files: put a date (in any format) into an environment variable; numeric & date arithmetic; string handling; get user input; English, French, Spanish, German, Danish output. New in v16: support for am/pm hours in custom outputs. Freeware.
030712 7k 3 BFDS Information and Application. The BATch File Distribution System Network is the Files support FDN for the Inter- national BATPOWER echo, promoting BATch File Programming for any/all DOS's.
030622 35k 2 DELTREE.COM v1.02e - Deletes subdirectories (with all contents) and files. Supports DR DOS-style file lists. Free software under the GNU General Public License, by Charles Dye.
030605 41k 2 RENN.EXE (version 2; DOS; freeware; 2003) is a quick and easy compiled Quick BASIC DOS utility to TIDY, MOVE, APPEND, and MAINTAIN files with numbers embedded in their filenames. Source code is available upon request from the author, and suggestions are welcomed. Uploaded to CompuServe by the author. JuliaBen@CompuServe.com
030516 64k 5 WIZ v4.1 is a lightning fast, multi-disk file finder. Supports full Wildcards, better that DOS's. Scans multiple disks, and within archives. Can qualify files by size, date, class -- executable, archive. Find duplicate files, works good on giga- byte+ disks. Approx 5 times FASTER than any other whereis program. Works with DBLSPACE, CD-ROMs and on networks, incl. Novell & Lantastic. Shareware.
030217 5k 2 VARGET 1.2 - Set environmental variables from assignments in an INI file, optional handling of [sections] Win NT compatible. (c) 2003, Horst Schaeffer
021214 88k 2 BATKIT v5.8 - Batch file utilities. GETKEY displays a message (plain or fancy), gets a response (255 char max) from user & stores it in an env. variable or ERRORLEVEL. Many options-response verify & logging, response time-out, display formatting & branching, more. SAVEDIR stores current directory in the env. & can change drives & directories. WAIT pauses a batch file. GETSCRN captures text screens. Shareware $15.
021204 11k 1 LMOD 1.3 extracts data from STDIN, and merges with given string, for single line or range of lines. Can be used to set environmental variables from DOS output, generate list of commands, modify lists.. Windows NT/2000 compatible.
021203 50k 1 ZIP 2.21 is a tiny DOS file transfer utility that exchanges files at high speed between desktop, notebook, or handheld computers over a serial or parallel cable. Compatible with Win95/98 too. No memory-resident drivers. User configurable. Menu driven, or command line operation (good in batch files). Can compare directories, back up changed files or entire directory trees. Requires IBM PC compatibles and appropriate cable. Freeware.
021203 54k 1 MFD 1.2 (Meyer File/Directory) utilities are a set of six small, powerful programs (DTA,DCMP,CPY,DLT,GO,RND) to locate, select, display, compare, change, copy, move, rename, delete, and backup files and/or directories. Many options and features not found in standard DOS commands. Includes a utility to set user defaults. Compatible with Windows 95/98. Freeware.
021109 54k 1 Change disk/directory: "do what I mean" You can specify all or part of the name of the directory you want to go to, and RCD will do it's best to figure out which directory you mean, and on which disk. If several possibilities, a selection window pops up.
021020 48k 2 CompTree v1.81 by Allan Hiberg --------------------------------- A file comparing utility for DOS and Win95 DOS boxes with the ability to compare directory trees and delete source files if they match the target files. Docuentation in Danish and English. With support for Win95 long file names. Good for verification after (for example) copying files or writing them to CD-ROM. Freeware! ======================================= Important new features in this version: ======================================= - Cosmetic error when >2GB fixed
020926 1k 3 FindCD v1.02 will locate your CD-ROM drives (empty, loaded or an actual file), display the Drive letter and return an ErrorLevel. Freeware from http://www.nu2.nu
020908 90k 4 LOCATE v1.30 - Freeware file finder. Find directories, files, or both; 0-byte files; executables only; mask by date, time, and/or attributes. Will search into hidden sub- directories. Extended wildcards. Options to change directory, delete files, display Win95 long filenames. Macro output for real flexibility. Can be used as a batch tool as well as a command-line utility. A86 source and exhaustive documentation. Charles Dye
020813 270k 1 J.M.K Software Factory's Rapid Batch v1.1 is a Free Scripted Batch Compiler for DOS (Win DOS-box Ok) and/or Linux (Interpreter only, v1.2). Includes Compiler, Linker & Interpreter for testing .RB code (DOS only) Author: J.M. Meyer, http://www.jmksf.com. Note that online registration has been discontinued but is not required anyway.
020106 4k 1 IMSema v1.0 will Create and/or Truncate any file(s) as/to Zero-length. ( FREEware ) These can be used as Semaphores for custom procedures or for FTN Echomail processing.
011031 88k 1 LOCATE v1.29b - Freeware file finder. Find directories, files, or both; 0-byte files; executables only; mask by date, time, and/or attributes. Will search into hidden sub- directories. Extended wildcards. Options to change directory, delete files, display Win95 long filenames. Macro output for real flexibility. Can be used as a batch tool as well as a command-line utility. A86 source and exhaustive documentation. Charles Dye
011025 193k 3 A large collection of useful batch files and batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/ Self-contained. Mostly no exotic external batch enhancers needed.
011023 109k 1 The Third set of utilities from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes the programs dirf, dirinfo, doubles, dtedif, hidden, readonly, split, sysfiles, whatdate, and zerofile. Author URL http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
011001 36k 2 The seventh set of utilities from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes the programs backgrnd for 16 text mode background colors, samesize for browsing disk for samesized files and cursor fo setting the cursor size. Author URL http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
010929 183k 1 A large collection of useful batch files and batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/ Self-contained. Mostly no exotic external batch enhancers needed.
010921 7k 2 NetMove v1.1 moves Fidonet messages (nnn.MSG) to any Drive and/or Path preserving existing files. If the message already exists it is automatically re-numbered. All File Names are kept unique to prevent the overlaying of files. (c) 2001 Ben Ritchey Jr.
010920 7k 1 SAVEIT is a DOS Screen Capture utility for BATch procedures. Automatically saves ASCII Text data to a disk file (SAVEIT.TXT unless specified). Supports Monochrome & Color Modes up to 132 Columns x 61 Rows. Useful for preserving on-screen data based on ErrorLevels or other Debugging techniques. (with Assembly source code) BJr
010730 11k 3 LMOD 1.2 extracts data from STDIN, and merges with given string, for single line or range of lines. Can be used to set environmental variables from DOS output, generate list of commands, modify lists.. Windows NT/2000 compatible.
010715 9k 1 FIND tools for DOS, ver 2.3 XFIND scans all given files for a string, reports files by name for further handling. TFIND searches for strings (Boolean AND) in a file; optional field specificaton for fixed field (column oriented) lists. Output acc. to MS-DOS FIND. Extra Mode: only letters and digits are relevant.
010516 3k 3 LOGTRIM ver 1.7 - Trims Logfiles. Logtrim keeps the size of logfiles within a given range (kilobytes). Optional section identifier for proper cutting. Freeware, by Horst Schaeffer.
010308 180k 3 A large collection of useful batch files and batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/ Self-contained. Mostly no exotic external batch enhancers needed.
010213 176k 1 A large collection of useful batch files and batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/ Self-contained. Mostly no exotic external batch enhancers needed.
010212 10k 2 SERIAL will Modify an existing Floppy diskette SERIAL #. CHKFSER will Check any Serial number (xxxx-xxxx format). Error messages and ErrorLevel at exit. (Note that Serial numbers are assigned and written during formatting). PD Freeware with Source Code (x86 Assembly). BJr '01
010206 9k 2 SHOW ver. 1.1 - small DOS text browser, supports LFN (Win9x) piped input (STDIN), with mouse interface, search function, Custom colors through INI file (c) 2001 Horst Schaeffer
001231 45k 3 ATTRIB.COM v1.09b - File attribute utility, syntax-compatible with Microsoft's but more verbose and with more options. Supports DR DOS-style file lists, changing attributes of subdirectories, recursion into subdirs, and multiple filespecs. Prompting, paging, attribute copying, and a toggle operator. And yes, it does support that undocumented comma thing. GPL freeware, Charles Dye.
001206 15k 2 FidoNet Echo BATPOWER Frequently Asked Questions, r.00/12 in an ASCII text format, and 'updated' as needed, by the moderator. [C = 12] /\oo/\
001204 167k 1 A large collection of useful batch files and batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/ Self-contained. Mostly no exotic external batch enhancers needed.
001116 94k 2 Universal Unpacker (GUS-Clone) English version 1.63.01 (c) 1995-2000 FREEware by Juergen Peters, Identifies 171 different types of Archives and Unpacks most of the more common types using external software. Virus scan possible during unpacking, move broken archives to baddir. Now with LFN support under Windows 9x!
001116 13k 1 LOGIT! v2.02 by Michael McGavin is a handy small utility for entering information in a Max/Squish/Bink-style log file from the command line. It's intended use is in batch files for BBS setups, although how you use it is up to you.
001105 73k 2 GET v2.5 BATch file Enhancement utility (c) 1991 Bob Stephan, Free for personal use, provides Errorlevel and Environment Variable interface for Keyboard and Screen Input and Output, Disk and File Info plus Memory and System Info.
001026 91k 1 RPSORT.COM ver 1.03 (19k) rel 3-Jan-95 [DOS] A highly functional and extremely fast sort utility. Handles very large (multi-Mbyte) text files, multiple sort keys and many sort key types. Input is one or more filespecs (which may include wildcards & pathnames). Output must be a single file. (Input files are sorted together into the single output file.) It can delete null lines (consisting only of a CRLF). It can also sort fixed length records. It accepts line lengths of up to 32,750 columns long, and it can delete records/lines whose sort keys duplicate any in a previous record/line. ASM source code is included. By Robert Pirko. *Freeware*
001026 21k 2 DIRSIZE.EXE v2.6 13-Oct-96 [DOS, DOS Shell under Win95]. DirSize shows you a graph- ical tree of the directories on your disk with each's size and wasted space, either as a % or value. Multi-level directories have summary statistics. Displays Win95 long file names. For the drive, displays cluster size, free space, used space and capacity. For the files examined, displays used space and wasted space, and can show wasted space for a given cluster size. Rounds up file sizes to the cluster size. Sorting can be disabled. Output can be re- directed. DOS 3.0+, 100k memory. By Simon Carter/Crystal Software. *FREE for private use* (Otherwise its $5.)
001008 81k 3 LOCATE v1.29 - Freeware file finder. Find directories, files, or both; 0-byte files; executables only; mask by date, time, and/or attributes. Will search into hidden sub- directories. Extended wildcards. Options to change directory, delete files, display Win95 long filenames. Macro output for real flexibility. Can be used as a batch tool as well as a command-line utility. A86 source and exhaustive documentation. Charles Dye
001007 7k 2 Tic2Dir.Bat [ver 2.00.g3] Moves TIC-attached files to defined target directories, from a designated configuration file. Ideal for point systems or Fido-style node operators with no downlinks. Requires LMOD.EXE, by Horst Schaeffer and MS-DOS. (Uses LMOD in lieu of NSET.) Free!
000904 4k 1 DOSCLICK for the DOS window (Win 95/98) Run commands by mouse click at the DOS prompt. Up to 5 commands can be assigned to different areas of the window. Plus special functions in command line.
000904 142k 1 VBX - Manfred's Little Box Painter v1.06 Box drawing editor, using ASCII graphics in DOS with limited text editing (for word processing you may call Eric Meyer's VDE from VBX with a single keystroke)
000828 122k 1 FDATE v14a: batch-file date manipulation utility-- everything you'd want to do with dates in batch files: put a date (in any format) into an environment variable; numeric & date arithmetic; string handling; get user input; English, French, Spanish, German, Danish output. New in v14: HTML documentation. Freeware.
000713 87k 1 XXCOPY Release Version 2.40.0 (2000-06-18) XXCOPY is simply a logical extension to XCOPY. It remains faithfully compatible with XCOPY in the invocation syntax, yet, adds many innovative features to be a very serious utility for anyone who feels comfortable in managing files in command line mode (DOS Box).
000622 24k 1 ---- EWC -- ECHO WITH COLOR -------- ͵ Utility hnlich ECHO fr DOS-Leute zur Anwendung in Batch-Dateien. Lesen Sie README.TXT und EWC_D.DOC. Alles ist FREEWARE. Ĵ Utility similar to ECHO for DOS people for use in batch programs. Read README.TXT and EWC_E.DOC. It is all FREEWARE. Ĵ (C) Claussen, Riedwiesenweg 10, D-69181 Leimen, Germany Telefon 06224-73493 Telephone +49 6224 73493 E-Mail: Claussen.Leimen@t-online.de
000513 84k 4 XXCOPY Release Version 2.25.1. Note that a higher numbered _Beta_ version has been released through the BFDS. XXCOPY is simply a logical extension to XCOPY. It remains faithfully compatible with XCOPY in the invocation syntax, yet, adds many innovative features to be a very serious utility for anyone who feels comfortable in managing files in command line mode (DOS Box).
000508 28k 1 DirTotal v1.4 A small dos utility to show how much each directory plus its subdirectories take up HD space. Supports Win95 long file names. Public domain, comes with Pascal source
000501 25k 3 MouseClip v1.00, Freeware, Copyright (c) 2000 Jason Hood. A resident program (TSR) that uses the mouse to copy and paste in DOS text modes. Copies both blocks and streams with double-click mode. Copies to and from the Windows clipboard. 286+, with ASM source. jadoxa@hotmail.com http://adoxa.homepage.com/mo useclip/
000424 44k 2 ATTRIB.COM v1.09a - File attribute utility, syntax-compatible with Microsoft's but more verbose and with more options. Supports DR DOS-style file lists, changing attributes of subdirectories, recursion into subdirs, and multiple filespecs. Prompting, paging, attribute copying, and a toggle operator. And yes, it does support that undocumented comma thing. GPL freeware, Charles Dye.
000424 51k 3 TOUCH v1.08b - Yet Another Touch Utility to change date and time stamps of files. This one supports multiple filespecs, DR DOS file lists, and recursion into subdirectories. Uses local date format, or force US/UK/Japan format. Thorough validity checking of dates and times (can be disabled.) Displays days of the week. Can also set attributes. Copy stamps from another file. Optional prompt. GPL freeware, Charles Dye. NASM source.
000424 34k 1 DELTREE.COM v1.02c - Deletes subdirectories (with all contents) and files. Supports DR DOS-style file lists. Free software under the GNU General Public License, by Charles Dye.
000423 82k 1 XXCOPY is simply a logical extension to XCOPY. It remains faithfully compatible with XCOPY in the invocation syntax, yet, adds many innovative features to be a very serious utility for anyone who feels comfortable in managing files in command line mode (DOS Box). XXCOPY is also a great batch file enhancer with unique features such as alias-name retention, and file/directory exclusion, and directory- collapsing/rebuilding. XXCOPY runs under Windows 95/98 and comes with a 16-bit version XXCOPY16 which allows copying files in DOS environment using short name only (which can be resynchronized with corresponding long file names later). You may also use it for synchronizing systems.
000423 19k 2 LGFV is small and fast MS-DOS archives viewer. - You need no archivers themselves to view archives - Archive will be correctly recognized regardless of its extension - It recognizes 90 types of archive formats - It's really fast
000408 122k 3 ALL is a is a list processing tool that runs as a command line program under plain DOS or in a DOS box under any of the 16bit or 32bit Microsoft Windows platforms (Windows 3.x, Windows 9x, Windows NT 4.0). The 32-bit version also has support for long file names. ALL partly has the functionality of the "for" command under Windows NT but is much easier to use and has many more features.
000408 80k 1 XXCOPY is simply a logical extension to XCOPY. It remains faithfully compatible with XCOPY in the invocation syntax, yet, adds many innovative features to be a very serious utility for anyone who feels comfortable in managing files in command line mode (DOS Box). XXCOPY is also a great batch file enhancer with unique features such as alias-name retention, and file/directory exclusion, and directory- collapsing/rebuilding.
000401 3k 1 Checks system date against a range of dates in the year. Returns errorlevel 1 if in range, 0 if out of range. With }asm source --Emmons, Paul
000229 44k 3 ATTRIB.COM v1.09 - File attribute utility, syntax-compatible with Microsoft's but more verbose and with more options. Supports DR DOS-style file lists, changing attributes of subdirectories, recursion into subdirs, and multiple filespecs. Prompting, paging, attribute copying, and a toggle operator. And yes, it does support that undocumented comma thing. GPL freeware, Charles Dye. (previously released through BFDS as YATU109.ZIP; this copy is the same thing but bears the correct file name)
000223 2k 2 CALENDAR.ZIP - Prints a calendar on the crt. Form of the command is: CALENDAR MMM YY For example, to print a calendar for the month of July, 1986, you would type: CALENDAR JUL 86 or cal jul 86 That's all there is to it!
000130 14k 2 Verify Boot Date. Catch Y2K problems with your clocks, and/or detect CMOS battery failures. C source included Part of the Danen Utilities FreeWare from GeCe Ventures
991230 43k 5 ATTRIB.COM v1.08 - File attribute utility, syntax-compatible with Microsoft's but more verbose and with more options. Supports DR DOS-style file lists, changing attributes of subdirectories, recursion into subdirs, and multiple filespecs. Prompting, paging, attribute copying, and a toggle operator. And yes, it does support that undocumented comma thing. GPL freeware, Charles Dye.
991230 51k 2 TOUCH v1.08a - Yet Another Touch Utility to change date and time stamps of files. This one supports multiple filespecs, DR DOS file lists, and recursion into subdirectories. Uses local date format, or force US/UK/Japan format. Thorough validity checking of dates and times (can be disabled.) Displays days of the week. Can also set attributes. Copy stamps from another file. Optional prompt. GPL freeware, Charles Dye. NASM source.
991223 37k 1 SPLICE 1.1 splices bits of files together e.g. 1. excising a section of a file. 2. replacing a section of a file. 3. inserting a section into a file. 4. extracting a section of a file. 5. appending a section onto a file. This program may be freely copied and used for any purpose except military. C++ source included. By Canadian Mind Products roedy@mindprod.com http://mindprod.com
991223 8k 2 SAY! 1.4 like ECHO with all 256 chars you can easily specify embedded control characters. e.g. SAY! "Y" 13 | DEL *.* SAY! 27 "&l5257.1058J" 26 > LPT1: SAY! 7 7 7 "The sky is falling" Use it to send control strings to a printer, or simulate keystrokes to a program. Generates arbitrary strings for pipes or redirection. SAY! is very similar to SAY in the Ziff Communications PC Powertools. MASM/OPTAsm source included. By Roedy Green of Canadian Mind Products. Copyrighted but may be copied freely for non-military use only. Version 1.4 just embeds the new address and phone number.
991223 9k 2 GRADE 1.5 classifies files by size as small or large and sets the errorlevel accordingly. You might say it separates the sheep from the goats. It is typically used to trigger re-building the Magellan primary index when the secondary index get too big. MASMASM/OPTAsm source included. Written by Roedy Green of Canadian Mind Products. Copyrighted but may be copied freely for Non-military use only. Version 1.5 embeds the new address and phone number. Does not handle long filenames.
991223 4k 1 DBOX 1.3 - like ECHO, except draws a double line box around the text May be freely distributed for non-military use only. MASM/OPTAsm source included Usage: DBOX Please insert the yellow diskette. Leading and trailing blanks are removed from the string and one blank is added to each end. The result on the screen is: +------------------------------ ------+ | Please insert the yellow diskette. | +------------------------------------+ Except it will look better because DBOX uses the IBM double line drawing set.
991223 9k 4 CDD! 1.3 - an improved Change Directory command that sets the errorlevel. The CD command that comes with MS or PC DOS has four flaws: 1. It does not set the ERRORLEVEL for Invalid directories. 2. It fails when there is a trailing backslash on the name. 3. You cannot hide its error messages with >NUL: redirection. 4. It will not change the drive for you, just the directory. CDD! acts just like CD except that it fixes these four problems. CDD! is slower since it is must be loaded each time, whereas CD is internal to DOS. CDD! similar to 4DOS CDD. MASM/OPTAsm source included. May be freely distributed and used for any purpose except military.
991212 123k 2 A large collection of useful batch files and batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/ Self-contained. No exotic external batch enhancers needed.
991212 110k 2 BFDS: FMAN v1.2 - A compact MS-DOS File Manager that lets you maintain Annotated Directory Listings to help overcome the DOS 8-plus-3 limitation
991212 28k 2 CONVERT.EXE (6.09): Converts between data formats: FROM dBase, ASCII-delimited (typically commas between fields and quotes around strings), and fixed field TO ...
991212 90k 3 BFDS: BATPWR02.ZIP is a compilation of msgs appearing in the FidoNet International echo, BATPOWER, between 27 Feb 96 and the date of this file. by Bat Lang.
991210 101k 2 XSET: EASY solution to enhance batch files. Put ANYTHING you want in environment variable *Catch output of any command or program. *High-level user interface: line-edit, colors windows, boxes, time-out, default values,... *Built-in commands to modify strings: search, subst, lower/upper, substring, regular expr. *Calculation, system data: date/cpu, filename *Manage var. (like PATH) longer than 128 char *And much more ! (password, random, ...)
991129 190k 1 MiniTrue is a versatile utility which combines a fast and powerful search/replace functionality with a full-featured textviewer, enabling quick and efficient browsing, searching and/or modification of a large number of files. MiniTrue can operate interactively and prompt to see if a replacement should be made or it can make all desired substitutions automatically.
991121 79k 2 RFW 1.00.3 - ROSE's File Weeder - 21-Nov-99 ------------------------------------------- RFW can be used as + duplicate file weeder + CRC-32 file integrity checking program + anti ad and trash file remover + smart file renamer + large virus collection pre-sorter ! two versions: For min.& max. free memory -------[ http://come.to/rose_swe ]--------- Freeware from ROSE SWE, Ralph Roth
991113 8k 4 Tic2Dir.Bat [ver 1.05.00] Moves TIC-attached files to defined target directories, from a designated configuration file. Ideal for point systems or Fido-style node operators with no downlinks. Requires NSET.COM, by Horst Schaeffer and MS-DOS. (Improved KEEP option.) Free!
991113 187k 2 MiniTrue is a versatile utility which combines a fast and powerful search/replace functionality with a full-featured textviewer, enabling quick and efficient browsing, searching and/or modification of a large number of files. MiniTrue can operate interactively and prompt to see if a replacement should be made or it can make all desired substitutions automatically.
991109 6k 2 The MS-DOS command "if" can not do numeric predicatiton like bigger than, smaller than, bigger equival than or smaller equival than. Ifnumber.exe can. It returns an errorlevel, which you can use for batch programming.
991026 9k 3 Redirects standard error to standard output and runs a client program. Useful when output is lost because a program sends more than a single screen to standard error. Source included under GNU GPL. Supports PATH environment variable. Works with Win32 console utilities (e.g., ROUTE.EXE). Example: ERROUT ROUTE | MORE
991012 134k 2 VBX - Manfred's little Box Painter v1.04 Box drawing editor, using ASCII graphics in DOS with limited text editing (no word processing). Extensive interactive Help screens (called by F1). Allows drawing with cursor keys in single-bar or double-bar mode supplying all the corners, tees and crosses automatically. Draw with character under cursor, which may pe picked from complete extended ASCII table.
991004 78k 2 LOCATE v1.27 - Freeware file finder. Find directories, files, or both; 0-byte files; executables only; mask by date, time, and/or attributes. Will search into hidden sub- directories. Extended wildcards. Options to change directory, delete files, display Win95 long filenames. Macro output for real flexibility. Can be used as a batch tool as well as a command-line utility. A86 source and exhaustive documentation. Charles Dye
991004 51k 2 TOUCH v1.08 - Yet Another Touch Utility to change date and time stamps of files. This one supports multiple filespecs, DR DOS file lists, and recursion into subdirectories. Uses local date format, or force US/UK/Japan format. Thorough validity checking of dates and times (can be disabled.) Displays days of the week. Can also set attributes. Copy stamps from another file. Optional prompt. GPL freeware, Charles Dye. NASM source.
991004 43k 2 ATTRIB.COM v1.07 - File attribute utility, syntax-compatible with Microsoft's but more verbose and with more options. Supports DR DOS-style file lists, changing attributes of subdirectories, recursion into subdirs, and multiple filespecs. Prompting, paging, attribute copying, and a toggle operator. And yes, it does support that undocumented comma thing. GPL freeware, Charles Dye.
990921 84k 4 AUMenu is a multi-platform menu shell. It creates an environment that is easily understood. You simply select from a list of numbered items by using the arrow keys or keying in the number of an item, then pressing the enter key to execute the command. Another means of selection is a hot key,
990825 101k 1 XSET: EASY solution to enhance batch files. Put ANYTHING you want in environment variable *Catch output of any command or program. *High-level user interface: line-edit, colors windows, boxes, time-out, default values,... *Built-in commands to modify strings: search, subst, lower/upper, substring, regular expr. *Calculation, system data: date/cpu, filename *Manage var. (like PATH) longer than 128 char *And much more ! (password, random, ...)
990729 101k 3 XSET: EASY solution to enhance batch files. Put ANYTHING you want in environment variable *Catch output of any command or program. *High-level user interface: line-edit, colors windows, boxes, time-out, default values,... *Built-in commands to modify strings: search, subst, lower/upper, substring, regular expr. *Calculation, system data: date/cpu, filename *Manage var. (like PATH) longer than 128 char *And much more ! (password, random, ...)
990727 33k 1 DELTREE.COM v1.02b - Deletes subdirectories (with all contents) and files. Supports DR DOS-style file lists. This update ports the source to NASM. Free software under the GNU General Public License, by Charles Dye.
990726 36k 2 CHKSUM.COM v1.04 - Computes and displays checksums for files. Supports CRC32 (used by PKZIP, ARJ, etc.) and DR-DOS XDIR checksums. Free software under the GNU General Public License, with A86 source. Charles Dye.
990707 41k 3 ATTRIB.COM v1.06 - File attribute utility, syntax-compatible with Microsoft's but more verbose and with more options. Supports DR DOS-style file lists, changing attributes of subdirectories, recursion into subdirs, and multiple filespecs. Prompting, paging, attribute copying, and a toggle operator. And yes, it does support that undocumented comma thing. GPL freeware, Charles Dye.
990610 123k 2 VBX - Manfred's little Box Painter v1.00 Box drawing editor using ASCII graphics in DOS with limited text editing (no word processing). Allows drawing with cursor keys in single-bar or double-bar mode supplying all the corners, tees and crosses automatically.
990608 3k 3 WCLIP 2.1 - WIN clipboard utility for DOS box: send/receive by STDIN/STDOUT redirection, options: append, T-pipe Country specific character conversion according to "OEM" font. Freeware (c) 1999, Horst Schaeffer
990603 144k 1 Viewer for common word processor formats; ASCII and ANSI, and HTML. VIEW can save files in format suitable for import to word processors. Shareware $30US.
990601 13k 1 Multiple COPY, 16 bit version. MCOPY will allow you to copy multiple files that you cannot normally group with standard wildcards (* and ?), you just separate the files with commas or semicolons. For example MCOPY AUTOEXEC.BAT,CONFIG.SYS C:\TEMP will copy both files to C:\TEMP. You can also use wildcards; MCOPY *.EXE;*.COM;*.BAT C:\UTILS, this will copy all .EXE,.COM, and .BAT files to C:\UTILS.
990601 21k 2 MDEL32 - 32 bit deletion utility. Syntax: mdel ,,... [,,...] MDEL is a powerful program that allows you to quickly delete a lot of files. You can separate all of the files with commas or semicolons to be deleted; MDEL *.EXE,*.COM, will delete all .EXE and .COM files. You can also use a second optional parameter to exclude files from being deleted. MDEL . *.ZIP for example will delete all files except .ZIP files. This is a very convenient way of deleting a lot of files except a select few.
990601 13k 2 MDEL16 - 16 bit deletion utility. Syntax: mdel ,,... [,,...] MDEL is a powerful program that allows you to quickly delete a lot of files. You can separate all of the files with commas or semicolons to be deleted; MDEL *.EXE,*.COM, will delete all .EXE and .COM files. You can also use a second optional parameter to exclude files from being deleted. MDEL . *.ZIP for example will delete all files except .ZIP files. This is a very convenient way of deleting a lot of files except a select few.
990601 468k 1 Inkutils 1.53 ... 11 DOS/Windows 95/98 Utilities with long filename, FAT32 and 4DOS support Includes DEDIT: 4DOS/TakeCommand/NDOS full-screen description editor with unique auto config, importing and Win9x long filename grabbing functions DD: The best directory deletion utility. EE: a command line/desktop/TSR (1K) calculator. CE - Replaces the terse "Abort, Retry or Fail" message with an informative window that pops up. *PLUS* 7 other utils and a menu style user guide. Freeware by Mark Incley.
990530 16k 1 MDIR v1.05 - Free directory lister. Syntax based on the DIR command from MS-DOS 5. For use under non-Microsoft DOSses. Compatible with DR DOS and FreeDOS. A86 source available on request. Charles Dye
990523 30k 3 DELTREE.COM v1.02a - Deletes subdirectories (with all contents) and files. Supports DR DOS-style file lists. This update fixes a problem (crash!) with FreeDOS and removes the root-safety check on removable drives. Free software under the GNU General Public License, with A86 source. Charles Dye.
990519 35k 2 Toddy - DOS Command Line Editor - Eric Tauck Toddy is a terminate and stay resident (TSR) utility that enhances the entry and editing of DOS commands, saves commands for later retrieval, and provides resident macros that work like simple batch files. Only certain programs that use DOS for input, like COMMAND.COM or DEBUG.COM, will be affected by Toddy. Toddy will work on any PC compatible running DOS 2.0 or greater. Toddy may be used and distributed freely.
990519 13k 2 4DECOMP.EXE v1.01 (8k) rel 19-May-99 [4DOS] This will decompress 4DOS (both v5.0 and v6.02 algorithms) BATCOMP-compressed ".BTM-files" to their original batch-code. Written by Akisoft, Vienna. *Public Domain*
990512 101k 1 XSET: EASY solution to enhance batch files. Put ANYTHING you want in environment variable *Catch output of any command or program. *High-level user interface: line-edit, colors windows, boxes, time-out, default values,... *Built-in commands to modify strings: search, subst, lower/upper, substring, regular expr. *Calculation, system data: date/cpu, filename *Manage var. (like PATH) longer than 128 char *And much more ! (password, random, ...)
990505 21k 2 CMOS.COM v1.00 - FreeDOS utility to save and restore CMOS memory. Can save the 64 bytes of "extended" CMOS present in some systems. GPL freeware, with A86 source, Charles Dye.
990423 117k 4 Type keystrokes automatically while in the middle of another program. Useful in getting past the starting screens of programs, building macros, creating screen savers, etc. Can also be used to remap the keyboard. Version 5.90-beta.
990321 25k 1 DDKEY 2.03 Freeware. Powerful 8k TSR key redefinition utility with pop-up editing, optional record mode, literal key, halt for user entry in macros, instant on/off, pair shorthand, toggle CapsLock/NumLock in macro, automatic capitals at sentence start, 24-hr alarm, screen blanker, ASCII table, modify cursor, print screen to file, load & save key files. Pause, reassign, chain macros. Customizable. Loads high. Includes Dvorak layout. May be freely distributed. David M. Dibble, DmD@silent-running.com
990315 452k 2 PARSE-O-MATIC - Convert your files from one format to another. Extract information. Edit automatically. Our customers include: Boeing, CompUSA, Eaton, Eddy Corp., Georgia Gulf, Harris, Hughes, McCain Foods, McDonald's, Nestle, Nike, Philip Morris, Pitney Bowes, Prentice Hall, Procter & Gamble, Royal Bank, Royal Caribbean, Visa. This version adds five new commands. This evaluation copy has ALL functions enabled. For DOS, Windows or OS/2.
990131 39k 3 ATTRIB.COM v1.04 - File attribute utility, syntax-compatible with Microsoft's but more verbose and with more options. Supports DR DOS-style file lists, changing attributes of subdirectories, recursion into subdirs, and multiple filespecs. Prompting, paging, attribute copying, and a toggle operator. And yes, it does support that undocumented comma thing. GPL freeware, Charles Dye.
990102 77k 1 LOCATE v1.26 - Freeware file finder. Find directories, files, or both; 0-byte files; executables only; mask by date, time, and/or attributes. Will search into hidden sub-directories. Extended wildcards. Options to change directory, delete files, display Win95 long filenames. Macro output for real flexibility. Can be used as a batch tool as well as a command-line utility. A86 source and exhaustive documentation. Charles Dye
981225 4k 1 BFDS: Wipe v2.11 - data security utility that can completely erase data from a disk. Delete files up to 4 gigabytes in size, multiple, invisible or protected files
981225 8k 4 UNIQ.COM - Deletes identical adjacent lines from a file, count number of occurrences, duplicates only (ignore case), & More, by Maynard Hogg
981225 21k 1 SHELL Version 1.71 (20/02/95): is a COMMAND.COM replacement except with some extra functionality found in the UNIX shells. less than 20Kb of RAM
981225 33k 1 SETENV utility V2.5 (c) The SETENV program for a DOS allows setting an environment variable. SETENV utility will run under DOS 3.30 thru 4.x, 5.0, and 6.x.
981225 41k 1 ScanText is a program that counts the number of lines in a file or directory in which there are occurrences of a single word or a string of words.
981225 11k 1 SAFESEND.EXE Version 1.1a - send a command string or the contents of a file to a destination file or device when you are not sure if the device is available.
981225 88k 3 RPSORT is a highly functional and extremely fast sort utility. Free for use, no payment is asked. Also includes the assembly language source code.
981225 27k 1 Quick File Find v 6.3 - QFF is short for Quick File Find. Use DOS wildcards (*?), as in DOS-commands, and '[]' (brackets) to search for files.
981225 443k 2 PTS is a 32-bit operating system PTS-DOS 7.0 Beta release 0001 06/06/95. NOTE: THIS IS A BETA VERSION OF PTS-DOS 7.0. THIS SOFTWARE PROVIDED "AS IS".
981225 2k 2 MicroSoft's PRINTFIX.COM program Updated for DOS 6.2 memory-resident utility for computers that encounter printing errors with MS-DOS version 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, & 6.2
981225 3k 1 Freeware Print-2-File utility. When activated before generating a print request, this TSR will intercept the request and divert it to a file.
981225 96k 3 BFDS: EE is an environment editor. It allows editing of entries in the active environment, changing things like search path, command interpreter spec.
981225 37k 1 MiniTrue V1.0: String Search/Replace utility. over 50 strings, GREP-like regular expression matching Using 50 rows to display the output if desired.
981225 27k 1 Math V2.4 is mathematical expressions calculator. You can use it at DOS prompt you can enter expressions and watch result, use 26 memory registers.
981225 74k 1 BFDS: GiveList v1.0 Gives lists to any program. (similar to '@' in DRDOS, which doesn't run with every program.) GiveList can also give lists to batchfiles.
981225 11k 1 GETERR.EXE V1.0 can be used to record and report DOS errorlevels. "if errorlevel" statement but the value is also in environment variable "errorlevel".
981225 14k 1 EXTPATH 1.00 is a freeware utility for MS-DOS 1.00 or above that can show or modify the active environment and can extend the DOS PATH variable
981225 58k 1 DOCP - directory-oriented file copy Version 1.1, is a directory-oriented copy program. It gives you better control over which files you can copy or move.
981225 6k 2 BFDS: EXIST is a useful program that determines the existing drives on your PC. It has only one option - to disable checking floppy drives.
981225 10k 2 CMDTIME, translates '$n' options on the command-line to values based on the current time/date, and then executes the given command. Very flexible, by Scott Dudley.
981225 2k 5 Choice Plus V1.02 - Feature laden Replacement for DOS Choice command. Use in Batch file to get input and return and Errorlevel, Wks 3.3-6.22.
981225 15k 2 BFDS: This program compares the root sector (partition table for hard disks, boot sector for floppy) with data stored in a supplied file. With Source code.
981225 18k 2 BigText Ver. 2.1 will translate your text to BIG text. It can be used in batch files to produce messages which can be read across the room.
981225 34k 3 ARGUS V1.61 - logs essential system activities of DOS into a text file. Works complete in the background (without screen output). With Source Code
981213 29k 1 Free utility to check for presence of ramdisk. Found disks are reported via an environment variable and by exit code error level. Options include specify drive to test, test all drives, specify a default value and auto-create a dir on the found ramdrive. Runs under all known operating systems that are or emulate DOS, including Windows and OS/2.
981125 123k 1 JOC-MENU 2.0 - Pulldown menu system quick and powerful. Execute all your aplications with menus. 10 levels of anidation. 16 options by menu. All the menus visibles in the in the screen. Quick and easy definition of menus. Takes no memory when executes a program. Mouse suport. Screensaver. Hypertext help system. Calculator. Calendar. Ascii table, etc Can also be used for launching applications in win95/NT.
981110 96k 3 XSET: EASY solution to enhance batch files. Put ANYTHING you want in environment variables *Catch output of any command or program. *High-level user interface: line-edit, colors, windows, boxes, time-out, default values,... *Built-in commands to modify strings: search, subst, lower/upper, substring, regular expr. *Calculation, system data: date/cpu, filename *Manage var. (like PATH) longer than 128 char *And much more ! (password, random, ...)
981109 46k 4 CompTree v1.80 by Allan Hiberg ------------------------------- A file comparing utility for DOS and Win95 DOS boxes with the ability to compare directory trees and delete source files if they match the target files. Docuentation in Danish and English. With support for Win95 long file names. Good for verification after (for example) copying files or writing them to CD-ROM. ======================================= Important new features in this version: ======================================= - Screen output can be suppressed - Result-determined and -dependent beeps - Empty subdirs are automatically deleted
981103 14k 2 TCAP is a text capturing utility. Console I/O is copied to a file. TCAP's purpose is somewhat like the "script" program available on Unix systems, with respect to its ability to log text from the console while it is running. It can remain resident in memory (i.e., as a TSR program) to capture text from several programs or commands, or capture text from a single program.
981007 7k 1 XCOLS reads line by line of data from standard input, treats it as columnar data and rearranges selected columns according to a command-line template. This template can contain text. For instance: DIR | XCOLS File ~1 was created at ~$ will cast the output from the DIR command, replacing ~1 with a file name (first column of data) and ~$ with the file creation time (last column of data) in the string given in XCOLS's command line. Freeware by Joao Magalhaes
981006 9k 1 Renames files according to a scheme of an optional string followed by a number with a minimum number of digits, zero padded, keeping the extension, such as "peg0039.jpg". Filenames are sorted in RAM before renaming (limit: 4000 filenames.) Operated by command line arguments or successive questions. Unsupported freeware by Joao Magalhaes jcm@mail.EUnet.pt http://home.EUnet.pt/~jcm/
980923 452k 2 PARSE-O-MATIC - Convert your files from one format to another. Extract information. Edit automatically. Our customers include: Boeing, CompUSA, Eaton, Eddy Corp., Georgia Gulf, Harris, Hughes, McCain Foods, McDonald's, Nestle, Nike, Philip Morris, Pitney Bowes, Prentice Hall, Procter & Gamble, Royal Bank, Royal Caribbean, Visa. This version adds five new commands. This evaluation copy has ALL functions enabled. For DOS, Windows or OS/2.
980905 68k 1 LOCATE v1.25c - Freeware file finder. Find directories, files, or both; 0-byte files; executables only; mask by date, time, and/or attributes. Will search into hidden sub-directories. Extended wildcards. Options to change directory, delete files, display Win95 long filenames. Macro output for real flexibility. Can be used as a batch tool as well as a command-line utility. A86 source and exhaustive documentation. Charles Dye
980821 42k 1 TOUCH v1.05 - Yet Another Touch Utility to change date and time stamps of files. This one supports multiple filespecs, DR DOS file lists, and recursion into subdirectories. Uses local date format, or force US/UK/Japan format. Thorough validity checking of dates and times (can be disabled.) Displays days of the week. Can also set attributes. Copy stamps from another file. Optional prompt. Freeware, Charles Dye. With A86 source.
980816 43k 2 Multiple Recursive Search & Replace (MRSR) is a command line program for doing search and replace operations on text files. Rather than being limited to a single file at a time, or a single search and replace at one time, MRSR allows multiple files and a virtually unlimited number of search and replace operations at once. MRSR also does BLOCK searches. MRSR will optionally go through an entire sub-directory tree. MRSR allows updates to Web pages and also source code. This is the 16-bit demo version for MSDOS 5.0 or greater.
980816 43k 2 Multiple Recursive Search & Replace (MRSR) is a command line program for doing search and replace operations on text files. Rather than being limited to a single file at a time, or a single search and replace at one time, MRSR allows multiple files and a virtually unlimited number of search and replace operations at once. MRSR also does BLOCK searches. MRSR will optionally go through an entire sub-directory tree. MRSR allows updates to Web pages and also source code.
980813 30k 2 ATTRIB.COM v1.02a - File attribute utility, syntax-compatible with Microsoft's but more verbose and with more options. Supports DR DOS-style file lists, changing attributes of subdirectories, recursion into subdirs, and multiple filespecs. Prompting, paging, attribute copying, and a toggle operator. And yes, it does support that undocumented comma thing. Freeware, Charles Dye.
980812 7k 2 CAL.COM v1.07 - Low-fat calendar program. Freeware, Charles Dye. Monthly and yearly calendars from 1753 through 2399. Bug fix: should run okay on 8086 and 8088 CPUs now.
980805 27k 1 DELTREE.COM v1.00 - Deletes subdirectories (with all contents) and files. Supports DR DOS-style file lists. This update corrects an incompatibility with FreeDOS. Free software under GNU General Public License, with A86 source. Charles Dye.
980727 22k 2 Utilities to manage different screen modes. Console logging system is freeware by Ben Ritchey Jr. The author's AV protected self-extracting archive is included unmodified within this distribution archive.
980723 68k 1 LOCATE v1.25a - Freeware file finder. Find directories, files, or both; 0-byte files; executables only; mask by date, time, and/or attributes. Will search into hidden sub-directories. Extended wildcards. Options to change directory, delete files, display Win95 long filenames. Macro output for real flexibility. Can be used as a batch tool as well as a command-line utility. A86 source and exhaustive documentation. Charles Dye
980711 143k 1 (v3.1) SyncDir - ``replace'' replacement: Synchronize directories, similiar to the MSDOS 5.x+ ``replace'' command but many more options, including subdirectory support. freeware noesis@cats.ucsc.edu compuserve 72125,1533
980624 54k 2 Type keystrokes automatically while in the middle of another program. Useful in getting past the starting screens of programs, building macros, creating screen savers, etc. Can also be used to remap the keyboard. Version 5.00.
980622 54k 1 Perpetual Gregorian Calendar Generator with Basic Source & Executables, from Sky & Telescope, July 1985, corrected for Year 2000 compliance. Ben Ritchey Jr. benjr@bellsouth.net
980604 40k 2 SEDMOD v1.0 - A modified version of sed, the Unix stream editor. Sed is a filter to find/delete/add/alter lines, words or characters in text files or piped input, using Unix regular expressions. Features of SEDMOD include new switches for case- insensitive matching, global replace; new regexes for tab, newline, hex, and other chars; upper/lower case conversion of output; Awk-style word args $0 - $9. C source code included. GNU FREEWARE.
980531 33k 4 CompTree v1.60 by Allan Hiberg. A file comparing utility for DOS and Win95 DOS boxes with the ability to compare directory trees and delete source files if they match the target files. Docuentation in Danish and English. With support for Win95 long file names. Good for verification after (for example) copying files or writing them to CD-ROM.
980530 10k 1 FS v1.2: Dos batch file enhancer (NOT Win 95!) Accepts filemask (or list filename), colours, locations, attributes and displays choices. Keyboard/mouse highlights selection which is returned in FS environ variable. FREEWARE!
980517 144k 1 The first set of utilities from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes day, dird, dirs, dirw, dtetim, dtetimal, grapinfo, pvmklo, pvmklohl, reset, stack, sysinfo, timdif, timelog. Timo's own home: http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
980510 134k 2 A large collection of useful batch files and batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/ Self-contained. Mostly no exotic external batch enhancers needed.
980510 2k 2 A trivial little menu program in batch. Requires no external programs (e.g. CHOICE). However, I "cheated" by creating a small temporary COM file from inside the batch. This utility hardly qualifies as a "must have" for recent versions of DOS as a menu can be easily implemented with CHOICE, but it's an interesting technique.
980501 10k 1 FS v1.1: Dos batch file enhancer (NOT Win 95!) Accepts filemask (or list filename), colours, locations, attributes and displays choices. Keyboard/mouse highlights selection which is returned in FS environ variable. FREEWARE!
980429 8k 4 A batch file menu enhancer by Bruce Howells. This freeware utility allows the creation of batch file menus which recognise the up & down arrow keys, and the Home and End keys to enable the operator to select the required menu option. When provide with correct parameters, the program highlights the current menu option with a bar of colour different to the rest of the menu.
980428 2k 3 Drop Menu batch file using only DOS tools. Ron Bruce's example batch file uses the MSDOS tools CHOICE.COM and ANSI.SYS to make a pull-down menu controlled by arrow keys.
980425 2k 2 Set environmental variable from text file. This batch file DEBUG from your MSDOS directory to set INPUT environmental variable to the contents of a text file you specify when running ESET. Once this variable is set, it can be easily used within your batch file using %INPUT%.
980425 3k 3 UCASE.BAT and LCASE.BAT - All batch subs. Change the case of text using only the utilities supplied with MSDOS. Tested under ver 6.22 and Win95.
980418 3k 2 Would you believe a calculator batch file? Mark Wilson from Zone 3 reinvents the wheel! With tongue in cheek, Mark characterizes his experimental effort in these glowing terms: "Oh, and one other thing... It's extremely slow with large numbers on a 66Mhz 486;) (Small numbers, too) ;)"
980413 185k 2 POCKETD PLUS v5.3 - 35k DOS Army Knife NEW! Supports Win95 long filenames and more!! "BEST UTILITY" awards 1992, 1994 and 1995 by PsL, WHAT PC and Ziff-Davis. Tiny but superb color DIR, Utility factory, power file COPY & immensely powerful file manager. Over 300 (!) options and sub-options from command-line or Windows/DOS menu-driven interface. Still the most powerful and innovative utility around. /ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/pocketware
980412 5k 1 MICROCODE, batch file version of MasterMind. Game from Down Under by Bruce Howells. This color code matching game is in the tradition of the old classic. Requires ANSI.SYS and CHOICE.COM and patience! Operates under DOS 6.22 and Win 95.
980412 2k 3 Batch File: Puts sys info into environment. Places Day of Week, Date, Time, Current Directory, Current Drive & Dos Version # into six environment variables which may then be used in your own batch files.
980412 6k 1 Tic Tac Toe, the Batch File Version. If you don't have enough memory to run DOOM or it's clones, try this collaboration between Bruce Howells and Michael Marquart.
980328 100k 2 Terminate and stay resident programs from Prof. Timo Salmi of the University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes alarm, disable, enough, keycount, leds, noboot, nobreak, nocapslc, numlock, pinpoint, resclock, rescloc2, shftcaps, shftnuml, sordino, timedown, timepest, timeup. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
980326 32k 4 Sam's Little EDitor, great DOS text editor is now declared Freeware! by its author, Sam Wilmott. Details in SLED.DOC. It's the same great editor, only the .DOC has changed.
980221 2k 1 Beep tone independent of processor speed. Works even for those troublesome Pentiums :) SPEAK.COM produces a 440 Hz tone of 10/18ths second delay based on clock tics rather than clock speed. Barry Block's message in BATPOWER containing the debug script and offsets to adjust tone and duration is provided in SPEAK.DOC.
980220 130k 3 Bat Lang's BFDSTAPE.LST with four FILES.BBS formats. Hopefully, one of these will facilitate automatic updating of your own BBS file list if you are updating from the tape he is offering.
980213 2k 2 Beep 100 times, sounds like one long tone. Vernon Frazee's original message in the BATPOWER conference to Rex Stuart (containing the debug script) is contained in the doc.
980211 66k 1 LOCATE v1.24a - Freeware file finder. Find directories, files, or both; 0-byte files; executables only; mask by date, time, and/or attributes. Will search into hidden sub-directories. Extended wildcards. Options to change directory, delete files, display Win95 long filenames. Macro output for real flexibility. Can be used as a batch tool as well as a command-line utility. A86 source and exhaustive documentation. Charles Dye
980208 1k 1 TIMELEVL - generates errorlevel proportional to tenths of an hour. (e.g. 10:30 PM yields an errorlevel of 205). Jason Betts scripted this in BATPOWER as a sequal to HOUR.COM. His original script appears in the doc.
980207 1k 2 Returns the hour of the day as errorlevel. This is the HOUR.COM utility discussed February 1998 on the BATPOWER conference, and scripted with a small error. HOUR.COM in this archive was constructed with the corrected script and tested okay here.
980205 18k 4 BJR0298.ZIP - Batch File Utilities for MS-Dos and compatible Operating Systems. Source is available by request from benjr@bellsouth.net (MIME Base-64 Encoding via IRex E-Mail) The Positronium FIDONet 1:3803/7 Positron.org
980202 1k 1 Batch files to save the boot record. Three batch files from the F-Prot ftp site, all designed to write the MBR or 'first DBR' ? from a HDD or FDD to a data file. /\oo/\
980202 71k 2 Tutorial collection on SED (Stream Editor). These text files supplement the original, cryptic documentation included with the BFDS release of SED.
980125 30k 1 Create unique file names for batch files. MakeName creates a batch file that sets a DOS variable to a string which represents the current date and time. You can call this from another batch file to set a unique file name. Useful for backup & export applications. Runs under DOS, Windows, OS/2, or Novell. Distri- bution license available; you can include the MakeName program in a commercial application. Visit our Web site at users.aol.com/psoftinfo
980110 2k 3 BFDSNEWZ, Vol 1 No 8 for January 10, 1998. New "Freq by Imail" service. BFDS feeds suspended temporarily. BFDS NEWZ is published semi-occasionally.
980106 1k 1 Timr.com v2 by Barry Block 2:280/901.42 Can be used to time an event using the DOS system time function. Hour:minute:sec:sec/10 are returned. Minor bugfix release by the author, replaces version 1.
980105 77k 2 Test for Year 2000 compliance and fix it. TEST2000 ver 2.21a checks out your system, and YEAR2000 fixes your BIOS if it's not okay. From righttime.com, this is for DOS, Win, and OS/2.
980104 7k 2 Demo and utilities for WAIT4.COM (HORST30). This demo highlights some of the features of Horst Scheaffer's WAIT4.COM and allows selection of colors and fonts for this utility. WAIT4.COM is part of HORST30.ZIP, released previously to the BFDS.
980104 7k 2 The HORST BATCH COMPANION, Vol 03. This series contains batch files illustrating the use of the batch utilities released by Horst Schaeffer in his HORST30.ZIP archive. Not previously scripted nor released to BATPOWER. Unzip with PKUNZIP -D.
980104 6k 6 DOC.BAT - Organize and view DOC files. This simple batch file uses some of Horst Schaeffer's utilities to organize and view doc files from the DOS command line.
980101 3k 2 BFDS_ADM Q&A - Getting this area working! All sysops, please take a moment to examine the information in this file. Through no fault of your own, this area may be misconfigured on your system, but corrections are simple.
971224 31k 3 BFDS files now available on Tape. A complete list of the base-line files that comprise a full-up BFDS site. Available to any Sysop that mails a DC 2060 or 2120 tape to Bat Lang, 6501 Lancret Hill Dr, Austin TX 78745-4713. The tape will be mailed back containing the files listed in BFDSTAPE.LST. Please remit return postage.
971221 11k 4 1997 annual collection of BFDS NEWZ. Nothing new is added here, this just archives issues 001 through 006, previously released during 1997. This file replaces all BNEWZ*.* files in the BFDS, and will happen automatically if you allow replacements from the TIC file. Details in the first 1998 edition of BFDSNEWZ.007.
971219 5k 5 BATPOWER rules and scripting guidelines. Posted monthly by Bat Lang, Batpower Moderator, this is the 12-16-97 posting. BATPOWER is the conference devoted to batch language programming.
971219 19k 3 PMENUE 2.3 - Batch Menu with bar and mouse. Freeware by Horst Scheaffer. VPAGE.COM, one of the utilities included in this archive, has been modified in accordance with the author's instructions for this replacement release.
971218 6k 1 KeyBuf expands the keyboard buffer. This buffer is used by BIOS to store the unread keystrokes; the standard buffer is 32 bytes long and can contain up to 16 key strokes (each one is a 2 bytes code). If you use to type a command or any other keyboard input before the BIOS (and thus the DOS) is ready to read it maybe you run out of buffer space. The result is a long acoustic signal and the loss of the extra characters you typed. KeyBuf will solve this problems for you.
971214 18k 2 Ben'sCmdExtender, for DOS622 internal cmd's. BCE.COM is a resident program intended to extend the internal command set of DOS. From Benjamin McGee in BATPOWER, 12/97
971213 1k 1 SETEL.COM allows you to 'set' an errorlevel. SYNTAX: SETEL n will set an errorlevel of n. Any pgm that looks for an errorlevel should, thereafter, return the value as n.
971211 5k 2 Matthew Lewis' discussion in the the BATPOWER conference concerning the setup of CONFIG.SYS using the multi-configuration options introduced with MSDOS 6.20. Matthew explores some undocumented techniques and offers some creative techniques for using the CONFIG variable to control AUTOEXEC.BAT. This discussion is easier to follow than the HELP documentation available with DOS.
971211 25k 2 Provide System Information and Services by Greg Miskelly, version 500. This versatile batch extender provides a wealth of time and date information returned as either an environmental variable or errorlevel return. PSIS also provides the following services: test drives, reboot system, add or subtract or increment or decrement variables, menu display and operation, password security, screen saver, push and pop directory, add text to the beginning or end of file, display file, input a string, flush the keyboard buffer or stuff keys into buffer.
971210 6k 1 SNOOPY 4.1 -- A fast easy-to-use FREE utility that allows user to read internal FILE_ID.DIZ files in files compressed with ZIP, LHA, RAR and ARJ. Allows wildcards * and ?. Output can be directed to screen, printer or disk file. (C)1993-1997 by Bob Lotspeich.
971210 30k 1 SPLIT ver 1.0 - high speed file splitter. Allows file splitting with a variety of options. Features a batch file output which will rejoin the files. Syed Nasir Alsagoff, Snake Soft Inc. 1997 Penang, Malaysia. Emailware - send the author email to register.
971207 12k 2 Logs file use over a period of time. This can be useful for determining which programs you don't need or which would benefit from a RAMdisk.
971207 10k 1 Patch MSDOS to increase environment size. Covering versions up to 6.22, this patch allows greater storage of information which can be passed between programs or batch files.
971202 5k 3 SETINFO, sets ENVARs: DAY, D8, MON, DOM, YEAR, & JUL[ian]. These are then available for use in batch files, or renaming files that use date/time in their names. Freeware by Richard Epling, 1:203/735
971130 80k 1 FIXTEXT.EXE (6.08): Program which applies a user-definable character-translation table to a text file. Can allow you to convert graphics characters to their text equivalents.
971121 50k 1 DTRate v1.0B Data Transfer Rate System. Generates Benchmark rates for Data Transfer to/from Hard Disk and RAM for evaluating System Performance and Hardware Upgrades and/or changes. Creates Boot diskette, print ready Report and Disk file with results. MASM 5.1 Source included. Nov 97 BJr
971119 83k 1 A powerful batch file and command shell. First type DU -9e to configure the HELP screens for English, then type DU ? for short help or DU ?? for long help.
971101 43k 2 TOUCH v1.04 - Yet Another Touch Utility. Change date and time stamps of files - supports multiple filespecs, DR DOS file lists, and recursion into subdirectories. Uses local date format, or force US/UK/Japan format. Thorough validity checking of dates and times (can be disabled.) Displays days of the week. Can also set attributes. Copy stamps from another file. Optional prompt. Freeware, Charles Dye. With A86 source.
971025 8k 2 The HORST BATCH COMPANION, Vol 02. This series contains batch files illustrating the use of the batch utilities released by Horst Schaeffer in his HORST30.ZIP archive. These were previously scripted to BATPOWER, but not released to BFDS at the time.
971019 4k 2 PSET.BAT - echo control codes to printer. Uses Horst Schaeffer's QECHO.COM and PCHECK.COM to control a dot matrix printer from the DOS command line.
971017 5k 1 This is a program to return the extended key ASCII and/or extended key code(s) of the key(s) that you press. The Function keys and arrow keys are examples of keys that return extended codes when pressed.
971016 8k 3 The HORST BATCH COMPANION, Vol 01. This series contains batch files illustrating the use of the batch utilities released by Horst Schaeffer in his HORST30.ZIP archive. Originally scripted and released to the BATPOWER conference soon after Horst released HORST30, this is now released to BFDS.
971015 63k 3 The best of BATPOWER... Oct 96 to Oct 97. BATPWR03.ZIP is a compilation of msgs appearing in the FidoNet International echo, BATPOWER, and represent what Bat Lang considered the cleverer, or most significant, postings during this period. There will be some repetition/duplication, but also some real goodies. Good Modeming! /\oo/\
971005 65k 1 LOCATE v1.24 - Freeware file finder. Locate directories, files, or both; 0-byte files; executables only; mask by date, time, and/or attributes. Will search into hidden sub-directories. Extended wildcards. Options to change directory, delete files, display Win95 long filenames. Macro output for real flexibility. Can be used as a batch tool as well as a command-line utility. A86 source and exhaustive documentation. Charles Dye
970811 16k 1 DECIDE version 1.0 This is a batch file enhancing program that allows the batch file to analyze a directory and make decisions based on the search criteria. Sets errorlevel as output. This is public domain software. Created by Edward Brophy 1997 - Freely Distributable.
970729 90k 2 A set of additional text-file filters from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes col, concat, cut, cutw, detab, dump, rep, rot13, scroll, slice, undump, uniq.
970721 22k 2 ATSEND 2.0 by Joseph Sheppard. Sends "AT" commands to Hayes compatable modems from DOS or Batch file. Supports configurable non-standard COM ports. This update writes modem results to a text file as well as the screen. Shareware $10.00.
970609 2k 1 DAY.BAT, for those timely maintenance chores. Will run the following batch files once only in their appropriate intervals: DAILY.BAT, dow.BAT (e.g. MON.BAT) mmdd.BAT (e.g. 0604.BAT), WEEKLY.BAT (on Monday), MONTHLY.BAT (on the 1st), YEARLY.BAT, and yyyy.BAT (e.g. 1998.BAT). A zero byte flag file is written for advanced use.
970604 28k 1 FGREP v1.84 - FGREP (Fast GREP) is a small utility that can be used to find strings of characters in ASCII text files, and arbitrary sequences of bytes in other files. String search capabilities are not extensive (no regular expressions), but FGREP is small and very, very fast. FGREP is intended to replace the FIND filter with something faster and more flexible.
970522 82k 1 FDATE v9.6a batch-file date manipulation utility-- everything you'd want to do with dates in batch files: put the date of your choice (in format of your choice) into an environment variable; numeric & date arithmetic; string handling; get user input; English, French, Spanish, German output. V9.6a includes a minor enhancement to enable text justification under NT. Freeware.
970504 47k 1 (v2.2) DOSLFNBK: Win95 Long Filename Backup. Backs up Win95 long filenames and attributes from DOS or a DOS window. This allows you to use older DOS-based backup and archive programs with Win95. It also makes it possible to recover from a catastrophic disk crash without re-installing Win95 first. Runs in DOS or Win95. Shareware. (v1.6 last Freeware)
970426 34k 1 LFNSORT v1.5 - Win95 Directory Sorter. This program sorts Win95 directory entries. Sort order may be by name, extension, date/time of creation, modification or last access, file size, or custom order. Runs in DOS or Win95. Shareware, $10.
970407 3k 2 List of ERRORLEVELS returned by DOS commands. For the MS-DOS commands which return errorlevels useful in batch files, these errorlevels and their meaning are collected and 'authored' by Gary Cooper, 1:255/13 for BATPOWER.
970211 2k 1 Find state of the Num, Caps, Scroll Lock. Combined with a simple IF ERRORLEVEL test, you can branch and run commands, using LED state as a 'semaphor' for your batch control, by Dennis Boyles, in BATPOWER.
970129 117k 2 LM206.ZIP - an alternative stream editor. Inputs line by line from stdin, modifies, then writes to stdout. Commands may be issued from the command line or from a script file. C source included.
970125 90k 1 The fourth set of utilities from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes adjcurs.bat bigcurs.exe bigncurs.exe caps.exe file_id.diz files.exe keyrate.exe popscr.exe psk.exe pushscr.exe setprt.exe switchar.exe today.exe tsprog.inf tsutld.inf tsutld.nws vaasa.inf warmboot.exe
970106 2k 1 Environment MEMory v1.32 - reports on env. A tiny DOS program which reports total, used, and free environmental space, as well as the current shell state (primary or secondary) Freeware by Denis Boyles, 01-06-97, with a small contribution by Bat Lang.
970105 8k 1 UN v1.03 - Unarchiver Shell, configurable. for ZIP, LZH, ARJ, ZOO, PAK, ARC, RAR, etc. Supports any archive format, since formats are user definable. The file extension is not used for identifying archive type, so any extension can be used ie: BACKUP22.A01 Harvey Parisien.
970104 48k 2 ARCHIVE UTILITY 2.02 -freeware, configurable. supports most major archivers available! ARJ, ARC, LHA, HAP, SQZ, DWC, PAK, ZIP 1.1 and 2.0, ICE, LHARC, LARC, UC2, HYPER, SDN, QWK,and ZOO. Uses MULTIPLE config files, so you can completely change AU's operation from a batch file. Preserves embedded directories, Can be run as an "event" to update all .ZIP files, or be used as an UPLOAD PROCESSOR. add comments or strip them from the files... SCAN for Virus during activity! completely customizeable, logs of all activity. Re-comment your entire BBS file area with ONE command. Search archives for FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI, *.SDA or VENDINFO.DIZ
970101 27k 1 LCase v1.0 (for Windows 95) is a tiny utility that does one thing only: Changes the case of filenames in the current directory to all lowercase. Syntax: LCASE * Freeware by: Vernon Frazee - Jan 1997 mailto:vfrazee@mail.org http://www.gate.net/~vfrazee MS-DOS QBASIC v1.1 source code incl.
961229 105k 3 The third set of utilities from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes the programs dirf, dirinfo, doubles, dtedif, hidden, readonly, split, sysfiles, whatdate, and zerofile.
961126 1k 2 MS-PATCH.BAT... increase environment size. Peter Lovell's batch file may be used to permanently patch COMMAND.COM for DOS versions from 3.3 to 6.22. The patched CC will then assign a larger storage space for environmental variables.
961026 29k 1 The seventh set of utilities from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes the programs backgrnd for 16 text mode background colors and samesize for browsing disk for samesized files.
961025 62k 1 Date Check Pro version 1.61 Oct 25, 1996 Date Check is designed to handle maintenance on your computer that everyone tends to forget. Many configurable options. FREEWARE from -= Wasted Lights Software =-
961022 19k 1 BFDS: RUB (ver 4.6x) copyright 1996 is a file removal utility for DOS. Has been tested on DOS 3.3 - DOS 7, WIN 3.1 - WIN 95, OS/2 2.0 - WARP 4
961017 32k 1 BFDS: [Wersting DIR] 1.10c Replaces DIR. Many powerful features, e.g. color coding based on the file extensions, archive contents support. Freeware.
960929 89k 1 FILL.EXE (6.09): Program designed to move files off to floppy diskettes, taking the biggest files first and skipping those that won't fit.
960929 72k 2 BFDS: BFIND.EXE (6.09):Allows Boolean-type FIND requests. For example, find any line with one string AND another one, or any line with one string OR another.
960929 89k 4 CHANGE.EXE (6.09): Processes change commands in files. Files can be of any size and type (e.g. binary or text) and are processed quickly. Up to thirty change commands
960929 82k 4 DATES.EXE (6.09): Program that warns you in advance when an event like a birthday, anniversary, or holiday is coming up. The idea is to give you advance warning
960929 131k 1 BFDS: DIRCOMP.EXE (6.09): Updates files in one subdirectory based on files in another subdirectory. Similar in some ways to DOS's REPLACE command
960929 138k 1 DIRTOTAL.EXE (6.09): Prepares report showing files in subdirectory or drive. Allows restricting search based on date, size, attributes, etc. Works on networked
960929 334k 2 READ.EXE, READY.EXE, READINIT.EXE, and READMAKE.EXE (6.09): Text file browsing utilities. READ-- Supports marking, copying text, reading Unix and Mac text files
960926 62k 1 BFDS: Date Check Pro version 1.50 - Daily, Monthly, Weekly, Monthly, or Annual maintenance utility. Also generate semaphore files. FREEWARE
960926 272k 3 BFDS: Clay's Utilities for DOS Batch Processes include numerous DOS command line utilities for file interpretation and modifications - FREEWARE
960918 9k 1 RenFile v1.00 - Rename almost any DOS file. Works with file names with spaces and unacceptable characters. Freeware (c)1996 [17 Sep] by DDA/ Reign Ware. W/ Pascal source.
960901 123k 2 BFDS: A large collection of useful batch files and batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo Salmi. Self-contained. No exotic external batch enhancers needed.
960831 77k 2 BFDS: COPSINCE.EXE (6.08): Copies all files modified since a given date. Primarily used for making sure you have a back-up of files and also to copy updated programs
960831 70k 2 BFDS: FORTUNE.EXE (6.08): A tuner-upper for the DOS FOR command. Generates a batch file (typically) which does all those wildcard things you wished FOR could do.
960824 45k 3 DUPE NUKEM V2.8: Having problems with dupe files coming in from the File Bone? Trying to find more space on your 6 4.3 Gig hard- drives for more CDs worth of Shareware? Try Dupe Nukem! This program will look through all your FILES.BBS lists for duplicate files, let you know where they are, and delete them for you! A must-have program for anyone who has a large number of file areas. NEW VERSION! Rename Dupes! Search for different version numbers! Improved Maximus support! CD-Rom Support! Fixed Alt-CFG command! The ULTIMATE Dupe Buster!
960823 64k 1 MiniTrue is a fast and versatile text search/view/replace utility run from the DOS command line. MiniTrue should work on all PC-compatibles with 200K of free memory. MiniTrue is freeware and can be included on shareware/freeware CDs. All other manners of distribution which involve payment require prior permission.
960810 97k 1 BFDS: Terminate and stay resident programs from Prof. Timo Salmi of University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes alarm, disable, keycount, noboot, nobreak, An more.
960731 121k 1 Lightning fast, multi-disk file finder. Full wildcards--better that DOS's. Scans multiple disks, and within archives. Can quality files by size, date, class --
960728 71k 1 BFDS: FILUPDAT.EXE (6.07): Compares a selected list of files in a source path against those in another path and copies those that have been updated.
960715 31k 2 Playback v2.4 Task automator. Records your keystrokes *AND* delays between each keystroke so you can record complete tasks. Replay these "tasks" via multiple hot keys, from the Menu program, at the DOS prompt, within batch files, or at some pre-set time. Execute complete tasks (like getting your E-Mail) with a single keypress. Adjust replay speed, view/edit keyfiles, much more. Shareware mag. "Editor's Choice". From RSE. Reg-$35
960711 286k 4 BFDS: "THE RUN BATCH RUN BOOK" A collection of Batch programs, a guide to Batch enhancers, useful MS-DOS utilities and where you can find them. Written in ASCII text.
960628 45k 2 BFDS: BSS v1.50 does a string search simliar to VAX/VMS search utility. Better wildcarding than DOS, multiple files & directory trees & over 3000 search string
960624 3k 1 NoZero v0.02 deletes all zero byte files which reside in the target directory specified on the command line, or in the current directory otherwise.
960615 69k 2 BFDS: Scientific Command Line Calculator Q, ver 1.92. calculates, evaluates math expressions,plots graphs, solves equations, and much more.
960609 51k 1 SnapShot v1.30: A Software Installation Aid. This program takes a snapshot of all the files and directories on your hard disk(s). It is designed to be run before installing a new software package and again after the package has been installed. The second time the program is run it will produce a text file detailing the files and directories that have been added, changed or deleted which can then be stored as a record of the installation.
960509 232k 1 POWERBATCH v2.3 A high-level command compiler which creates standalone .EXE programs. Great tool for replacing DOS batch files. All the functions of a .BAT file plus 80+ additional commands. If you can write a .BAT file, you can create a sophisticated, fast replacement. DOS 2.0 and up, 1 floppy and up, 128k and up. $30 shareware by CSD, Inc.
960416 71k 1 BFDS: Programs to plot/calculate functions by Prof. Timo - FN Calculator (evaluates functions), FNP Plots any function, FNT Tabulates user's function
960414 84k 1 BFDS: A set of additional text-file filters from Prof. Timo Salmi - Includes col, concat, cut, cutw, detab, dump, rep, rot13, scroll, slice, undump.
960412 25k 3 CDesc v1.10 - DOS utility: creates a BBS-type list of specified files. With Pascal source. Freeware (c) 1996 [12 Apr] by DDA/Reign Ware. Recognizes numerous archive and image types. Uses DIZ from archives, pic info from images.
960314 28k 3 BFDS: ASCII Table Resident Viewer Release 3.22 - FREEWARE PRODUCT All text modes, only 3360 bytes in memory, full mouse support, up to 15 symbols at one call
960311 92k 2 oMENU - A complete DISK MENU system. Provides fast and easy access to your DOS programs. Displays a simple list of your applications and allows you to select one using the arrow keys or a mouse. No knowledge of DOS required. Passwording, File Locater, Calculator. By Harvey Parisien.
960302 76k 1 BFDS: Number base conversions, bit and other calculations from Prof. Timo Salmi - bintodec, bitwise, comdiv, convbase, dectobin, dectohex, factors
960227 15k 2 Contains HBREAK52.ZIP & HBREAK55.ZIP. 5.5 is an update without the (minimal) doc file, so one needs both. Hbreak is an utility capable of aborting the execution of programs. It can recover some .computer crashes/. The only caution is not to invoke it in the middle of another TSR execution (vg. SideKick). It is not recomended to use it while DOS PRINT is working. HBREAK is very powerful. Ctrl-Break interrupts 99% of programs (if DOS is not corrupted and INTs are enabled).
960224 129k 3 BFDS: A compilation of msgs from the FidoNet International echo, BATPOWER, between 15 Jul 94 and the date of this file. Compiled by Bat Lang. Good Batch Tips!
960204 103k 2 MAWK -text manipulation language interpreter. AWK is a programming language useful for manipulating data files and text processing. MAWK interprets short programs from the command line or longer programs read in from a text file.
960129 53k 4 BFDS: BUSYCOMP - two programs that make your computer look busy. Texter: scrolls encrypted text across screen. Numbers: Loads numbers into a calculation matrix.
960128 59k 3 ** IsWhat 1.03 ** BatchFile Util ** ** NEW FEATURES - AWESOME!! ** 10+ Handy functions to determine the: Day of Week - Day of Month - Month of Year Day of Year - Match Date<>Date Rename file with a DateString for name. Rename file with Day Of Year Extension. Calendar, set DATE/TIME environment variables. Insert Date/Time to text files. New Julian Date functions. "Cowboy Software"
960113 58k 1 SmartDelete v1.2. Makes file deletion easier. Select files by almost any criteria. Exclude files from deletion, generate reports, multi-directory operations
951226 132k 1 Jens's UnPacker 1.70 for different archives. The JUP 1.70 program allows you to identify different types of archived files and to extract them without knowing the exact options. * CARDWARE * functions: * add / change configuration * mutiple identfiers possible * more than 100 examples * fixed, sliding and range search * password + output path support * improved EXE file handling * now includes 4DOS support. * multiple configuration files now possible.
951214 77k 1 READ v3.1 (ASP) - A compact PC/AT DOS program for reading or editing ASCII text files of virtually unlimited size. File Selection Menu, Large Text Mode, Word Wrap
951211 22k 1 BFDS: GETKEY.EXE 0.02 is an implementation of the CHOICE command w/ names for all keys. Writes the key name to the standard output or the environment.
951210 17k 1 BFDS: The seventh set of utilities from Prof.Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. with backgrnd pgm for 16 text mode background colors.
951204 17k 2 VF Very Fast Access To Any Dir On Any Drive. VF gives you fast and easy access to your directories and subdirectories. another change dir utility.
951203 105k 2 BFDS: The Third set of utilities from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes the programs dirf, dirinfo, doubles, dtedif, and more
951110 232k 1 File_Handle v2.01 (ASP) - File Management for DOS, Windows and LAN's. Finds files and runs programs easily. Get an overview of all files on the system.
951101 80k 2 Controlled Copy v.1.07 for DOS - NEW: Windows 95 long file name support! Unlimited source masks, flexible source filters, online help, full 4dos compatibility
951022 75k 1 BFDS: FDATE v9.1c batch-file date manipulation utility to do everything you need to do with dates in batch files: All Date functions. Freeware.
951018 5k 4 FDir v1.2 - Find a file(or files) anywhere on a disk. Wildcards(?, *) are supported. Output may be redirected to StdOut. Enter "FDir /?" for help screen.
951010 11k 1 Documentation for EDLIN, the DOS line editor. Although a full screen editor such as DOS EDIT is preferred for interactive work, the ability of EDLIN to accept commands from an input script file is of interest to batch programmers.
951008 20k 1 TifWARE ERRLVL v1.2g -- display return code of previous program; ie, ERRORLEVEL. Works with DOS v3.30 through v6.3. Includes source for TASM v3.0.
951002 16k 1 WPR v0.27 - A recursive directory deleter. Features include checking for root directory, multiple directory, wipe files, making them unrecoverable
951001 156k 2 DTEK is the file detective that records file changes. DTEK is a DOS program that also runs under Windows and OS/2 in a DOS session. Great for finding problems.
950930 104k 2 Color View - Color Directory Viewer to replace the dos "dir" command. View directories in color by extensions, directories, attributes and more.
950906 54k 1 Sentry v2.2 - Security for DOS/Windows : is a DOS security program that allows you to control and monitor access to the PC. supports up to 100 users.
950824 23k 1 PSIS.COM - Batch file enhancer program Freeware - by Greg Miskelly Provides System Information and Services - a wealth of them! Type PSIS to get the extensive help screen. Type PSIS DOC to get an ASCII documentation file.
950817 51k 2 NEED, SNIFF, AVOID 6.4 sysinfo DOS utilities. Tests for presence of DESQview, BTrieve, 386MAX, Append, SMARTDRV, Share, DPMI..free disk, RAM. & More.
950812 62k 2 CWSORT 1.0 32-BIT FLEXIBLE SORT, ASM SOURCE Assembly language source and DOS-extended executable for flexible high-speed text sort utility. Sort variable and fixed fields, 2G files, user-specifiable sort order. For 386+ machines. Released to public domain.
950801 124k 5 RUN BATCH RUN ver 1.3 - Book for batch files. A comprehensive collection of Batch programs, a guide to Batch enhancers, useful MS-DOS utilities and where you can find them, shareware. It's written for the beginners, for those who has been working with MS-DOS for a while and for the experienced user that needs a reference manual to improve his own programs.
950727 62k 2 IsWhat 1.02 - 10+ functions for batch files. Day of Week - Day of Month - Month of Year, Day of Year - Match Date<>Date, Rename file with a DateString for name. Rename file with Day Of Year Extension. Calendar, set DATE/TIME environment variables. Insert Date/Time to text files. Freeware from "Cowboy Software!"
950705 99k 2 BFDS: LISTRS v1.1 - DIRLIST: More accurate than "dir *." Options to show files, change & remove directory. PROGLIST: Shows current directory's .EXE,.COM & .BAT
950615 33k 1 MaxFind v3.3 - Multi-word/line/block text search. Search entire disk, and/or/not logic, "fuzzy" searches. Scope can be one or more lines or a block. Special scopes for: 1. BBS file lists, 2. E-mail, FAQs, BIBLE (ie, special string). PC Mag raved about v.1, now twice as fast, color output, etc. 300K/sec. on a 386/40. With batch files you get answers before most programs load. Bug fixs.
950529 28k 2 STDERRF is an STDERR, standard error, redirection utility. The DOS command line only allows for redirection of STDOUT, standard out, to be redirected from the screen to a file or device. This feature allows the software author to ensure that certain messages that require human intervention are not re-directed into a file but displayed on the screen. STDERRF will force STDERR to be redirected to a file of the user's choice.
950526 19k 1 Zip Clean! v1.1. Removes Unwanted Files from .ZIP Archives. Uses a text file listing of all bad file names, does whole directory in one shot. Fast! FREEWARE.
950518 37k 1 Change disk/directory: Specify all or part of the name of the directory you want to go to, and RCD will do it's best to figure out which directory
950516 21k 1 Directory lister similar to UNIX "ls". Each type of file is color coded for easy location directory color unix disk dir attribute Version 1.0
950511 176k 1 Utilities with File Viewer and Printer support programs. printer utility commands that can be used in batch files to do things that DOS can't do.
950505 14k 2 DT.EXE v2.00 (10k) released 5-May-95 [DOS]. "DateTime" - File Date/Time Stamper. *Free* NEW: (1) Eliminated need to pad date or time values with '0'; (2) Eliminated need for DOS environ. variable for 20th century; (3) Added recognition of 4 digit years (e.g. '2024'); and (4) added international date support. Wildcards and pathnames are accepted. If no options are given, the files are stamped with system date and time. If only date (or) time is given, the value of the other will not be changed. The `-' may be used instead of `:' in the time, eg: DT *.* 2-6-95 8-6-2 Copyright (c) 1995 by DDA - Reign Ware. Pascal source code is included.
950501 96k 2 Convert comma-delimited data to columnar data with CCDF. Some programs can not read comma-delimited data but can understand the data if it is arranged in columns. Don't re-key your data, and don't pull out your hair! Use CCDF! From Pinnacle Software -- the creators of the Sapphire bulletin board system. For support, dial 514-345-9578, or call our free files BBS at 514-345-8654 (download on first call).
950501 52k 4 Alarm v1.02 - DOS based alarm clock to remind you of up to 100 important events. Small (2.8k) TSR module also includes a hotkey-activated popup
950425 31k 1 HONTO v2.11: Directory lister displays extra info, such as image sizes. colors its display, based on the file's content, NOT its extension.
950408 8k 1 XErase v1.00 - DOS Utility: erase ANY file, including those with embedded spaces and/ or control characters in name/ ext. Asks first. Freeware (c) 1995 [95/04/08] by DDA - Reign Ware. W/ Pascal source.
950401 200k 3 Cs Utility v1.3 is a package of 23 small utilities to fine tune your computer like Fast Search, LockFile, Lock, Boot PcInfo and many more.
950326 4k 1 TSR - reports DOS errorlevel when pgm exits. Requires only 400 bytes when resident. Installs and uninstalls at the command line. Originally scripted for the BATPOWER echo by John Gray.
950321 24k 2 Mike's Directory Fast ver. 1.0 Fast, color coded, sorted directory lister for DOS. Many options. Supports listings of subdirectories, paging & more.
950311 76k 3 BatLite compiles a .BAT file into a .COM file. The .COM file loads and runs quickly, and has other advantages over a normal .BAT file: - Repetitive texts are compressed. For big batch files the savings can reach 50% or more. - BatLite compiles GOTOs into direct jumps. This is quite a bit faster than DOS's method of searching the batch file line by line starting at the beginning. - The compiled batch file is tamper-proof. It resists casual examination and cannot be changed without the original source. - The compiled batch file runs entirely from memory.
950310 45k 1 SUPERSET v1.1 (ASP) - DOS Environment Extender which replaces the DOS 'SET' command. Extend length, Prepend or append, Replace or delete environment variables.
950223 105k 1 INCDOS Release 2.0. INCDOS is a set of programs used like standard DOS commands, designed to add functionality and ease-of-use to DOS systems.
950213 47k 1 RView Shell for different archive types. Views and extracts. Calls on user-selectable external programs to extract and view. File types supported are: ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, LZS, PAK, SQZ, ZIP & ZOO. Displays either ZIP- or LZH-style compression ratios. Various sort options. FreeWare!
950123 41k 2 CAL is a nicely-enhanced version of the unix `cal' command for MSDOS. Color configurable, displays configurable list of special days (appointments, birthdays, etc). Source code included.
950116 113k 1 SHERLOCK.EXE v2.73 (ASP) - A dual window ASCII text file comparison utility Contains features for searching, ignoring case, spaces, tabs, jumping around the file
950105 8k 1 LogEntry is a simple Batch program to write entries to a log file in the BinkleyTerm log file format. All parameters and the info to be written to the log are passed to LogEntry on the command line.
950105 34k 2 CHKSHARE checks if SHARE.EXE, and or if Windows is running whether VSHARE.386, is loaded in the permanent environment. CHKSHARE can optionally check the read -only attribute of a specified file (/F=) CHKSHARE has 3 modes of usage
950105 94k 3 A Collection of 50 Batch oriented Utilities to get info about the PC, DOS and configuration. Includes ASK, AUTOBOOT, CHIME, DIRGE, DISKLEFT, DISKPC, FAKEBADC, FORMFEED, ISANSI, WATVID, ISASSIGN, ISCDROM, ISCLOCK, ISCOLOR, ISDESQ, ISEMS
950103 13k 4 XXDEBUG Version 1.10 - 7 bit decoder that supports the XXBUG, XXBUG20, XXBUG30, UUBUG, standard uuencode, standard xxencode and XX34E formats. Alternative decoder to using DOS DEBUG.
950103 37k 1 XXBUG Version 3.00 - 7 bit encoder & script generator. XXBUG will generate a xx-encoded file and attach a header to decode the data. This utility is ideal for transferring binary files across a 7 bit ascii media, for example, mail.
950103 12k 3 BS.EXE v1.01 Backslash Append Utility. A simple text utility with one purpose: to add backslashes to the end of non-blank lines in text files. Freeware by Lee Jackson.
950101 50k 1 Easy Backups with ForAge is a Utility that feeds the file name of the newest or oldest file in a group to another command. Ideal for QUICK AUTOMATIC BACKUPS.
941227 15k 1 Little Directory v.1. ala DOS's DIR. This one has 12 options (1 to 5 columns, walk the subdirectory tree, ..) and you can set your default with an environment variable. Optional tree display with size of each directory. Free.
941120 3k 1 PARSFILE Ver 1.0 (c) Rob Flor, 1993. A batch May be copied freely, but not modified or sold. Syntax: < ParsFile filespec > PARSFILE parses a filespec and sets the following environment variables: DR=Drive PA=Path FI=Filename EX=Extension
941120 78k 1 Trace is a system utility that produces a listing of the MS-DOS requests made by a process. It is a useful debugging tool that can be used on any executable program. Trace can also be used to provide a better understanding of the internal workings
941120 5k 2 This is a program to return the day of using year(Julian) using the system date, and insert it into the environment. An errorlevel of 8 will be returned if the environment is out of memory. Successful termination returns errorlevel 0.
941120 23k 2 LoadIT Realtime Startup Editor Programs Loadit lets you optionally load Programs while your computer Loads! Use it on TSR, Windows & More! (C)1994 IDS Systems
941120 53k 2 READ V2.13 is a Shareware text browserd for IBM PCs and compatibles that combines powerful file handling with lots of features and comprehensive video support. It also supports ISO-8859-1 and has lots of features that are of interest
941120 23k 3 Links/LN enables you to create "links" to EXE and COM files. - Smaller PATH environment variable. Just include a links directory in your PATH and create links to each executable file whose directory was formerly included in your PATH.
941120 97k 2 HEXED V1.53 is a powerful binary file editor/ viewer. It includes a number of useful features and supports a wide variety of file formats (GIF, PCX, MOD etc.) for which it will provide useful information.
941120 78k 1 Quick Utils 3.2 (c) Copyright 1994ll, by Henning Vahlenkamp This is a shareware package for the IBM PC and compatibles, consisting of 14 small, efficient command line programs that perform a variety of functions. Includes full documentation.
941120 73k 3 Deluxe DIR V10.1 - Replaces command.com "DIR" command. More switches, faster and more powerful than dir. Uses colors to show file-type and uses Unix style extended wildcards NEW: Colors user-definable - View ZIP/ARJ/LZH files
941018 7k 2 JUMP.EXE v2.0 - is a batch file enhancer to save the current drive and directory to the environment, and restore them at any later time. Freeware.
941005 85k 2 BFDS: The fourth set of utilities from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes adjcurs.bat bigcurs.exe bigncurs.exe & more
940913 4k 1 Switch your computer in and out of TURBO mode from batch files with Speed.exe. This program should work on all machines which use the (Ctrl)-(Alt)-(+) and (Ctrl)-(Alt)- (-) key to toggle the TURBO speed. Usage : "Speed N" for NON TURBO mode,
940824 3k 2 WATCHDOG (WATCHDG1 for COM1 and WATCHDG2 for COM2) monitors the Carrier signal (DCD, Pin 8) status on the designated Serial Port, and re-Boots the machine if carrier is dropped. This reset WILL include the power-on self-test (Cold Boot). (by James R. Reinders & Jim Kovalsky; Highland, MI) Public Domain/Freeware, feel free to copy and distribute.
940822 230k 1 MS-DOS Version 6.22 Update Disks. Upgrade to Version 6.22 from versions 6.XX. Three files required DOS622_1.ZIP, DOS622_2.ZIP and DOS622_3.ZIP. This upgrade requires that you currently have MS-DOS versions 6.0 or higher. Extract all files into a subdirectory then run the setup.bat program to Upgrade your DOS version. Direct from Microsoft.
940815 50k 1 TurboBAT Batch File Compiler 3.23 04/04/94 TurboBAT Creates a .COM program file from a DOS batch file. Eliminates the need to distribute batch files with source code. Registered users do not need to pay royalties on programs created with TurboBat
940807 35k 1 General Unpack Shell (GUS) v1.90 handles 15 archive types and their self-extractors. (ARC ARJ DWC HA HAP HPK HYP LZH PAK RAR SQZ UC2 ZIP ZOO & SFXs) New in this version: added support for the Russian archiver RAR; added support for some of the more enhanced functions of UltraCompressor II, rev. 2; various fixes and enhancements. FREEWARE.
940711 44k 1 STRINGS 2.6 - unoffical release of STRINGS 2.0, many bug fixes, plus several new commands. You can't live without this batch file utility. ASM source included.
940618 9k 2 Synchronizes DOS clock to CMOS clock. Used in batch file to correct time information when misbehaved applications cause the DOS clock to lose time.
940617 8k 3 KEY-FAKE - loads keystrokes into program. Keystrokes for an application program may be specified from within a batch file prior to running the program.
940615 33k 1 Use FLEXTEX to modify, tabulate, convert, or otherwise manipulate textfiles. The main options are: force the output file into ASCII form; accept Every match, ignoring upper vs. lower case; do a Frequency count on a sorted list; index a sorted list; output Keywords only, with page #; specify number of lines/page (deflt: 66); include a line of cOntext with output
940519 7k 3 Enquire 2.5 is a powerful DOS utility that allows batch files to be interactive. Ask users Yes or No questions, Menu selections or input environment variables. Use return codes to determine actions. (RhizomeWare)
940414 16k 2 CLEARCOM v2.0 -- Removes ZIP comments and resets date of archive to that of the newest file within the ZIP file. Great tool for sysops and users alike. (c)1994 by Bob Lotspeich.
940313 24k 1 Customizable archive lister & utility. Currently supported are ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, LZS, PAK, SQZ, ZIP & ZOO. Displays ZIP- or LZH-style compression ratios. Various sort options. Converts self-extracting archives back to normal. Misc. other features.
940308 15k 4 TifaWARE ASK v1.1c -- ask simple questions in batch files; return one character response. Time-out optional. Includes source for TASM v3.0. Last updated 03-Jul-93. Public domain.
940308 12k 3 TifaWARE DAT v1.3c -- display current date and/or time. Useful for logging program and system usage. Includes source for TASM v3.0. Last updated 03-Jul-93. Public domain.
940308 14k 2 TifaWARE RING v1.4d -- rings console bell. Useful for notifying you when a program has finished or an error has occurred. Includes source for TASM v3.0. Last updated 09-Jul-93. Public domain.
940131 22k 2 BATCHLOG is a simple non-memory resident to program to facilitate log keeping during a batch file. BATCHLOG creates and appends to a text file in the current directory. The output format is: YY-MM-DD ! HH:MM:SS ! "Notes entered on the command line
940131 12k 3 BATPOPUP allows a user to add a color Pop-Up popup menu to their batch files. BATPOPUP lets the user specify the center of, foreground/background colors, and options of the menu and will return the selected option as an errorlevel.
940123 11k 1 This is a simple MS-DOS menuing system. It has a built in screen saver that clears your screen after 2 min of non use. You need DOS v3.00 or later. If you don't have DOS v6.2+, you should upgrade. Use this system as you wish. It is free to distribute or use unmodified. Harvey Parisien
940112 16k 1 INCVAR Version 1.00 - Used to incrementan an environment variable. The number of characters in the variable is invariant - you start with one and there is not increase to two. Up to 150 characters is allowed. A series over time may be: 5,6,7
940112 10k 1 NEARDATE.DOC Version 2.12 - Reminds ther of user of future events. For use in a frequently used batch file (e.g. AUTOEXEC.BAT or CALL from there). Just enter the file name NEARDATE without its parameters for Help. Usage is: NEARDATE YYYY MM DD
931211 14k 2 BFDS: CRITTER is a full-featured replacement for the DOS critical error handler. errors can be logged. automatic responses to an error, & more
931207 7k 3 Version 1.10 of ECHOTHIS.COM. Written by Geoff Cutter This program is used to echo any string by using characters or their representations, each separated by a period. E.g. a parameter might be
931206 12k 1 GetKey 1.01 Batch File Keypress Utility will This CKWare utility will retrieve a keypress and store the result in a DOS environment variable. It handles many keystroke combinations: CTRL-F12, END, ALT-everything! It is great for making menus
931204 9k 1 GetDay 1.00 Batch File Utility will place This CKWare utility will place the day of the week into a DOS environment variable TODAY for use in .BAT files. You can set batch files up to operate on specific days.
931107 134k 3 AutoCon V2.0i is a database manager for Autoexec and Config Files. Allows up to 50 configurations, and makes switching between them easy. Run full interactive (editor, mouse, menus, context sensitive help, etc.) or command line. MENU.CTL device driver (or MSDOS 6) can setup menu of configurations during boot. (ASP)
931017 14k 2 STRPLINE (v1.12) Reads an input text file This program is designed to read an input text file and strip out all lines beginning with one of a series of patterns given in a configuration file. Includes full 'C' source code.
931008 2k 2 XALL 1.0 - eXecute ALL subdirectories utility. Syntax: XALL COMMAND. The command will then be executed in the current directory and all subdirectories. The command to be executed must be located in the DOS path.
930927 41k 1 DelEx 1.27 allows deleting all filess Except except the patterns that you specify. DelEx will handle ten patterns at once. Delex also erases hidden and read-only files. Delex will also keep logs of its file deletions. All deletions are recoverable
930917 28k 1 KEYWORD SEARCH v1.42 - Search for keywords within text & binary files. Grep, boolean, prefix, suffix, whole word, case sensitive & fuzzy searches, onscreen highlighting, line numbers, totals, lelists, subdirectory scans, can read from stdin
930907 874k 3 ExtraDOS Toolbox 09/93 Release. A collection of over 50 DOS utilities. Includes TurboBAT, SpeedRAM, Tidy, CleanUp and many more. All utilities work with DOS 6.0. Shareware registration form and manual included. From Foley Hi-Tech Systems
930816 39k 4 Time And Date (TAD) Version 1.27 allows on changing the time and date on files. TAD supports wildcards. TAD also will keep logs on files that it has changed. For batch processing a quiet mode is included. Registration is only $10.00. SMSnet S
930803 55k 1 PathTool v2.2 PathTool is a powerful utility which easily lets users modify PATH by using straight forward commands. PathTool is capable of generating a PATH longer than 127 bytes. It is more powerful than any existing PATH command.
930531 30k 2 SetEr v. 1.45 is a program which will allow the user to set an errorlevel from the command line or a batch file. Registration is only $6.00. SDN
930525 4k 2 DTEST is a small utility to test the statuse of a floppy drive. It returns errorlevels to reflect: no disk, unformatted disk, disk with no files or vol label, disk with files or vol label.
930506 79k 3 ASET stands for Advanced SET command. It is an alternative to the internal DOS command SET which modifies shell variables. ASET contains over 100 built-in functions which cover the following categories: mathematical calculations, information about files and disks, retrieving information from CONFIG.SYS, string handling, user and file interaction, time/date handling, and others. ASET comes with documentation, a quick reference, the program itself, and seven example files which may executed with a batch file.
930331 8k 1 Returns errorlevel for archive type. Does a cursory check for invalid archives. Currently supported are ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, LZS, PAK, SQZ, ZIP & ZOO. Free program.
930329 22k 1 FPICK - provide file picklist in batch file. Display list of files with file mask, then select using arrow keys and enter key. FPICK places selected file name into an environmental variable for subsequent use by your batch file.
930327 16k 1 X.COM ver 3.1 - Run programs from an archive. X.COM allows you to zip those seldom-used .COM and .EXE files into a COMLIB (command library) file, and then quickly execute them.
930125 34k 1 Looper v. 1.25 allows the user to any time execute the same DOS command or program many times. It is especially useful in printing or copying to file many copies of the same DOS text file. Registration is only $6.00 SMSnet
920819 68k 2 THE SECRETS OF BATCH FILES, COLOR, AND MACROS: How To Create 64 Different Color Programs. Detailed instructions on how to write simple programs (Batch Files) for color and One- Keystroke Speed (Macro) Keys. Teaches in EASY-TO-LEARN LANGUAGE over 100 formulas for the beginner in computer. Learn how to write powerful programs that will make the computer change colors or format or copy a disk. Shareware ($10) from Pat Ferro.
920730 29k 2 Medley Jim Button's very small, easy to use and free DOS menu program. Screen blanking, tiny (6K, perfect for laptops), user defined hot keys, includes menu designer utility program and Users' Manual. FREE ($0 Shareware). Member ASP.
920728 47k 1 DDIFF 3.2 7-28-92 File difference utility Reports differences in files between time periods. Create a benchmark today, and check your files for changes tomorrow. Many options include CRCs, multiple paths, automatic infobase creation for use with Folio VIEWS or NFOLIO, and more.
920601 8k 1 WINSTART.EXE and WINGO.COM (version 1.0) Start Windows programs from the DOS command line. WINGO is a small DOS TSR that you install before Windows; WINSTART is a Windows application that gives WINGO access to the necessary Windows API functions. You MUST run Windows in Enhanced mode. You can disable and reenable WINGO and WINSTART when you want. Win 3.x only. by Douglas Boling and PC Magazine
920204 28k 1 Rename file(s) to a date (or other) format. In the default configuration, a file such as CHANNEL1.QWK would be renamed to 920203.QWK if the current date were 02/03/92. This is a handy way of consistently renaming log files or message packets so you can archive them.
911001 20k 2 Stream Editor. Edits input line by line. Writes to standard output (redirectable). SED allows substitutions including regular expressions. SED can operate either from the DOS command line or from a script file.
910915 183k 1 DOS port of the GNU version of the Unix M4 macro processor. GNUM is a macro processor, in the sense that in copies its input to the output, expanding macros as it goes. Macros are either builtin or user-defined, and can take any number of arguments. Besides just doing macro expansion, GNUM has builtin functions for including named files, running Unix commands, doing integer arithmetic, manipulating text in various ways, recursion, etc.
910514 11k 2 CMDTIME is a program which translates dollar-sign options on the command- line to values based on the current time/date, and then execute the given command. The following options will be translated according to the current date: $a - The abbreviated weekday name $A - The full weekday name $b - The abbreviated month name $B - The full month name $c - Standard date and time string $d - Day-of-month as an integer (01-31) $H - Hour, in the range of 00-23 $I - Hour, in the range of 01-12 $j - Day-of-year as an integer (001-366) $m - Month as an integer (01-12) $M - Minute as an integer (00-59) $p - Local AM or PM as a string $S - Second as an integer (00-59) $U - Week-of-year (00-52)
910123 12k 1 QCMP compares two files for batch files. Similiar to the DOS COMP command, but doesn't display differences, console display is better suited for automated processing, and a usable errorlevel is returned for testing within the batch file.
900818 58k 2 XLAT 1.1 - byte-to-byte translation of files. Translation of data sent to a printer. The system is fast, small, and configurable. It comes with several sample files, documentation, and complete sources. And it's free.
900722 32k 2 This is version 1.30 of PCMENU. I've come to the obvious conclusion that nobody wants to pay for yet another menu system - so the program is now completely free as it used to be. Live and learn. Of course letters containing glowing reviews and $ will not be unwelcome. :) Have fun! We believe all the bugs have been worked out of this, but of course this may not be the case. If you discover any, we'd be greatful if you'd advise us of them.
900617 71k 3 U-SEDIT.ZIP - Stream EDitor tutorial. Mike Arst launches an offensive against the Unix documentation writers, attempting to explain the power of SED in terms that even us DOS users can understand :)
880806 31k 1 'Fill' will copy all your files, filling up each floppy disk. To do this, 'Fill' will build a list of the files of the directory, sort this list by size order and then copy the biggest file to the floppy. Second, it will copy the biggest file that can be copied in the remaining space of the floppy and so on. When the first floppy will be filled up, 'Fill' will prompt you for another disk until the directory is completely copied to floppies.
880405 25k 1 tCALC v.3 Batch File Calculator, SmileWare. Sets env. var. with result of calculation. tCALC can also be used as a command line algebraic entry calculator or in an interactive mode.
880309 22k 2 CHOP breaks big files into smaller ones. A number of options are supported to determine exactly where the breaks take place. This version also allows you to extract a portion of a file.
870427 4k 3 Sizeit is a memory resident program that allows you the opportunity to measure on screen the exact size of the space that will be used on paper when you print the item shown on the screen.
851012 12k 7 BatchGenerator, 09/06/83 v1.2 for DOS. Generates a batch file, under control of a skeleton obtained from the console. Similar to Horst's LISTMOD. Help = BG ? From an OZ BATPOWERee.