Fish was thought to be a ruler of the Lower Egypt or a part of Lower Egypt during the late prehistoric period.[1][2] He most likely never existed and is a modern invention due to misunderstanding of early hieroglyphic signs.[3] Fish is known only from the Fish hieroglyph and was possibly a king of the prehistoric Dynasty 0[4] of Predynastic Egypt.[5]

Fish is thought to have ruled late in the 31st century BC.[6]

He is known only from artefacts that bear his mark, a hieroglyphic fish symbol. The dates and geographic extent of his rule are not known nor is his actual name.


  1. Jürgen Schraten, Zur Aktualität von Jan Assmann: Einleitung in sein Werk (Springer-Verlag, 11.11.2010) page 59.
  2. Studien Zur Altagyptischen Kultuer 2008. page 158 zur Altägyptischen Kultur, Band 37.
  3. Barry Kemp (a1), Andrew Boyce and James Harrell, The Colossi from the Early Shrine at Coptos in Egypt, in: Cambridge Archaeological Journal Volume 10, Issue 2April 2000, 233.
  4. THE DYNASTY 0 Pahroeohs.
  5. Felde, Rolf: Gottheiten, Pharaonen und Beamte im alten Ägypten, Norderstedt 2017, page 125.
  6. Michael Hoveler Muller, Zu den fruhzeitlichen Konigen "Fingerchnecke und und Fisch aus dem Grab U-j in Umm el Qaab. page 159.

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