Talking or thinking about books I don't mean only the words or sentences; I do mean a world I can imagine, characters and heroes. Books give me the essential of that.
To recommend a book I've read recently, for students who are learning my mother tongue, will be difficult. The main reason for this, is their and my interests or beliefs about the world around us. They may bot be interested in fantasy, poetry, dialy-life or martial arts books. But if someone asks me to recommend one I will probably choose a book entitled "AI-KYO life", written in 1986 by D. Readers might be scared of the title, but it is a good source of Polish language and culture.
This book shows how martial arts have effected the Polish culture and the mentality of Poles. It's a great book, introducing Polish fighters who tell how their lives were changed, what they have achieved and how it can be addictive for them. In the book they can find interviews and pics, advice on how to choose an appropiate martial art, and how long they need to train.
All in all, I recommend this book for those who want to learn about Poles, their attitude and changing lives; even for those who train or want to train martial arts.