
Wild animals should not be kept in zoos.

poleca 85% 408 głosów


In my opinion wild animals should not be kept in zoos. There are many arguments forward for not keeping animals in captivity. It’s not good for them.

As far as I can see there are many reasons against keeping wild animals in zoos. The first argument is that people can’t give, for example, giraffe everything that she have in freedom. The second is that the animals (and people too) are very unhappy when they are in captivity.

I, personally, am against keeping animals in zoos. When tiger, who needs run a lot, is in zoo and he doesn’t have as big area as in freedom. They need to hunt and while they are in zoos everything for eat they have, they don’t have to do anything for get food. I think that keeping animals in captivity can be reason of not have as many children as in wild area. Wild animals need very big ground to run, hunt their food,

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