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Side - jedna z najbardziej popularnych miejscowości na Riwierze Tureckiej, kusi swoim urokiem od lat. Nieduże miasteczko (18 tysięcy mieszkańców) położone jest nad brzegiem Morza Śródziemnego, posiada przebogatą historię sięgającą kilkuset lat...
(Tekst nie jest bezbłedny, ale napisany na możliwości normalnego ucznia) It` s very sad, but I don` t know anyone, who likes learning. Despite of this situation, we know very well, that we should
side is that we well be able to travel easier because there well not be any passports and sophisticated things to do to go to other country. However, this also has some bad sides because low-breakers
the bed is a large window through which comes a lot of light. On the right side of the room furnishings are where are my clothes. I also have a bar where I keep documents. from the right side of the wall cabinets are glass there are books and
equipped. At the front door is the door of the bathroom, to the left of the door are from the first room. On the left side of the front door is a fridge, microwave. Next is the sink and stove. On the right
area and Tommy and Sadie Jackson live on the Protestant side . The story starts five days before the 12th July. Sadie and Tommy are very busy with the preparation for their religious day. Kevin and