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Christmas in Poland

Christmas is very old festival. It starts on December 24th and lasts till December 26th. In Poland we buy and decorate the Christmas tree a few days before Christmas. A Christmas tree smells lovely! I decorate my Cgristmas tree with coloured lights, balls, angels...


Introduce yourself and your family to a pen friend. (przedstaw siebie i swoja rodzine w liście do przyjaciela)

Hello Paul, My name is Kuba Grabowski. I live with my family in Poznań in central Poland. One word describes my whole family. That word is musical. There are four people in my family- five if you count me. In our family the children read music before they read...


Nastroje i uczucia - angielski

intrested (in)- zainteresowany (czymś) excited- podekscytowany, podniecony enthusiastic- pełen entuzjazmu fascinated- zafascynowany delighted- zachwycony bored- znudzony tried- zmęczony exhausted- wyczerpany famous- sławny crowded- zatłoczony noisy- hałaśliwy...


Wygląd ludzi - angielski

strong- silny muscular- muskularny thin- szczupły stocky- przysadzisty lean- smukły chubby- pulchny overweight- z nadwagą skinny- chudy freckled- piegowaty height-wzrost tall- wysoki quite tall- całkiem wysoki the tallest- najwyższy short- niski rather short- raczej...


Holiday postcards

Dear Mum and Dad Finally it's snowing here in The Tatra. We can't ski yet as snow is too thin. We skate every day and walk in the mouintains. Zakopane is so different to Gdańsk. We miss the sea gulls and salty smell. Our little pension is warm, cosy and...


Batata Talasani/ Spicy potato Straws (pikantne rurki ziemniaczane)

To serve four people. Preparation time fifteen minutes. Cooking Time fifteen minutes. Ingredients: -4 large spoons of sunflower oil, -2 small spoons of crushed garlic -6 large potatoes, peeled and cut into thin chips -salt to your taste -1 small spoon of chilli...