- IPA(key): /ˌɪn.tɹə/
- Within a single entity indicated by the root word:
- Within a group or concept.
- intraclade is within a monophyletic taxon, intracoalition is within a coalition, intracorporate is within a corporation
- Inside or with, in terms of location or position.
- intrabone is within a bone, intracardiac is inside the heart, intracolic is within the colon
- During, within a time period.
- intraoperational is during an operation, intradiurnal is during the hours of daylight, intradecadal is within a decade
- Behaviour of a single individual.
- intrajudge is within the evaluations of a single judge, intradoctor is relating to a single doctor, intraparticipant is of a single participant
- Within a group or concept.
- A direction that is inward or into the location indicated by the root word.
- intracavitary is into a cavity of the body, intracloacal is into or within the cloaca, intracistern is into the cisterna
- Indicating that the root is internal in nature.
- intramarry is to marry a member of the same group, social stratum, or religion: the marriage is intra a social group rather than this being within a single marriage; intranet is a private computer network: i.e. a network that is intra; intrapreneur is a person employed to work independently within a company in order to introduce innovation and to revitalize and diversify its business: i.e. an entrepreneur that is intra; intraconnect is to connect with other cells that are connected together in a cluster,
- In between two entities:
- Between two or more similar entities that are within a larger entity. The root indicates the commonality between the entities.
- intrachiral is between individuals of the same chirality, intraploidy is between organisms that have the same ploidy, intra-allelic is such that one allele affects the expression of another allele in the same gene locus
- Spatially located in between two points within the region indicated by the root entity.
- intramedian is located between the anterior and posterior media longitudinal veins on the wing, intragalactic is occurring between two or more points within a galaxy, intramolecular is between different parts of the same molecule
- Spatially located in between the root entity and a reference point.
- intramercurial is between the planet Mercury and the sun, intrapetiolar is situated between the petiole and the stem, intraaxillary Situated below the point where a leaf joins the stem.
- Between two or more similar entities that are within a larger entity. The root indicates the commonality between the entities.
- The interior of the region indicated by the root.
- intracalvarium is the interior of the calvarium, intracranium is the interior of the cranium
- A part of the root entity.
- intramountain is a part of a mountain, intradiegetic is part of the narrative
- In alignment or synchronous with the root entity.
- intrametric is pulses that are aligned with the musical metre, intradirective is being an intransitive verb in which the subject both actively performs and undergoes the action
Derived terms
English terms prefixed with intra-
terms derived from within
- intragenerationally
- intraprocedurally
- intraaortally
- intraaxonally
- intraclonally
- intrabronchially
- intrachromosomally
- intraamniotically
- intrabacterially
- intrabursally
- intracaecally
- intracolonically
- intracytoplasmically
- intradermolingually
- intradurally
- intraembryonically
- intraepithelially
- intrafascicularly
- intragenitally
- intragingivally
- intraglomerularly
- intrahemocoelically
- intralaryngeally
- intraleukocytically
- intraneurally
- intraoviductally
- intrapancreatically
- intrarenally
- intraruminally
- intrasegmentally
- intraclade
- intracoalition
- intracorporate
- intrahabitat
- intradialect
- intradialectal
- intraministry
- intrameal
- intradisciplinary
- intracultivar
- intracultural
- intradistrict
- intradocument
- intraexciton
- intrafactional
- intrafactory
- intrafilter
- intragender
- intragestural
- intragesture
- intrahousehold
- intralaboratory
- intralinguistic
- intralevel
- intralimb
- intramilitary
- intranode
- intraoffice
- intraleague
- intrapatch
- intraphyletic
- intraplatelet
- intraracial
- intrareligious
- intrarun
- intrasatellite
- intrascanner
- intraschool
- intrasensor
- intraservice
- intramanchette
- intrafruit
- intraionic
- intraligand
- intramonomer
- intraforest
- intrachromosomal
- intrabivalent
- intrachromatid
- intragenetic
- intragenic
- intralocus
- intragenotypic
- intrahomologous
- intrabasin
- intragrain
- intrabasinal
- intralingual
- intracisternal
- intra-octaval
- intracase
- intraband
- intrabath
- intragap
- intramode
- intradot
- intramarginal
- intracorporeal
- intralinguistic
- intracompany
- intrafamilial
- intrafamily
- intraindividual
- intrafandom
- intracranial
- intragroup
- intrafaith
- intracuff
- intrafield
- intrabatch
- intrabrand
- intrabrood
- intracapsid
- intracapsomeric
- intracapsular
- intracensal
- intrachain
- intracircuit
- intracistronic
- intracity
- intracladal
- intraclass
- intraclonal
- intraclub
- intracluster
- intraclutch
- intracoalitional
- intracodon
- intracohesin
- intracohort
- intracollicular
- intracolony
- intracolonial
- intracolumn
- intracolumnar
- intracompartmental
- intracomplex
- intracomponent
- intracondylar
- intracontinental
- intracortical
- intracountry
- intracounty
- intracratonic
- intracytokine
- intracytosolic
- intradepartmental
- intradevice
- intradiagnostic
- intradimer
- intradimeric
- intradistributional
- intradiverticular
- intradivision
- intradivisional
- intradomain
- intradomiciliary
- intraduplex
- intradyadic
- intrafemoral
- intrafetal
- intrafibrillar
- intrafilamentary
- intrafloccular
- intrafloral
- intrafocal
- intrafollicular
- intraforaminal
- intraformational
- intrafraction
- intrafractional
- intrafractionation
- intraframework
- intragametophytic
- intraganglionic
- intragene
- intrageneration
- intragenerational
- intragenome
- intragenomic
- intragenotype
- intrageneric
- intragenus
- intraglacial
- intraglioma
- intraglomerular
- intraglycosomal
- intragovernmental
- intragradational
- intragraft
- intragranular
- intragranulomatous
- intramontane
- intragrouping
- intracrinal
- intrahalo
- intrahaplogroup
- intracephalic
- intrahelical
- intrahemispheric
- intrahemocoelic
- intrahepatocytic
- intrahepatocyte
- intraherd
- intrahernial
- intrahexamer
- intrahexameric
- intrahilar
- intraholoenzyme
- intrahomologue
- intrahospital
- intrahost
- intradomestic
- intrahyphal
- intrakinetochore
- intralamellar
- intralaminar
- intralarval
- intralayer
- intralexemic
- intralineage
- intrahepatocellular
- intralobe
- intralobar
- intraloop
- intralumenal
- intraluminar
- intralymphocytic
- intralysosomal
- intramacromolecular
- intramacrophage
- intramacrophagic
- intramandibular
- intramarital
- intramarsupial
- intramatrical
- intramazal
- intramelanosomal
- intramembrane
- intramembraneous
- intramembranous
- intrameniscal
- intramicellar
- intramitochondrial
- intramodal
- intramodel
- intramodule
- intramodular
- intramolluscan
- intramonomeric
- intramorainic
- intramucosal
- intramulticellular
- intramunicipal
- intramyocellular
- intramutational
- intramycelial
- intramyocyte
- intramyofibrillar
- intraneuritic
- intranidal
- intranetwork
- intraneuronal
- intranidal
- intranodal
- intranodular
- intranarial
- intranucleoid
- intranucleolar
- intranucleosomal
- intranucleotide
- intranuclear
- intraindustry
- intramethodical
- intraannual
- intrapopulation
- intrapopulational
- intrapore
- intraporal
- intradenominational
- intralexical
- intrabank
- intrabloc
- intrablock
- intrabreed
- intrabuilding
- intracaste
- intracategorical
- intracategory
- intrachromosome
- intraclan
- intracollegiate
- intracommunal
- intracommunity
- intraguild
- intracranioventricular
- intramouse
- intraacinar
- intraadipocyte
- intraaggregate
- intraanalytical
- intraanimal
- intraarray
- intraassay
- intraatomic
- intratomic
- intraatrial
- intraaxonal
- intracurricular
- intraelectrode
- intraembryonic
- intraimperial
- intraendosomal
- intraenterocytic
- intraependymal
- intraepitopic
- intraerythrocyte
- intraethnic
- intraexon
- intraexonic
- intraexperimental
- intrainstitutional
- intraisland
- intraoctave
- intraoligochaete
- intraoocyte
- intrabony
- intrafibrillary
- intrameiotic
- intra-Muslim
- intra-NATO
- intranational
- intracoder
- intrahuman
- intrainterventional
- intracameral
- intrahumeral
- intralymphatic
- intracoastal
- intracampus
- intradiploic
- intraenterprise
- intralegal
- intrajudicial
- intracutaneous
- intralimbic
- intralocular
- intramundane
- intramental
- intramyelinic
- intradisulfide
- intrapedal
- intraprotein
- intraordinal
- intrapetalous
- intraphase
- intrapacket
- intraquery
- intraplatform
- intrapathway
- intraphenotypic
- intrareplichore
- intrapolaron
- intraorbital
- intraparty
- intraordinary
- intraquartile
- intrasentential
- intrapair
- intraparticle
- intraprotocol
- intrapedicular
- intrapeduncular
- intrapeptide
- intraperoxisomal
- intraphagocyte
- intraphagocytic
- intraphagolysosomal
- intraphagosomal
- intraphylum
- intrapillar
- intraplant
- intraplasmid
- intraplastid
- intraplastidic
- intraplexus
- intrapolymer
- intrapolysomal
- intraprezygapophyseal
- intraprofessional
- intraprovince
- intraprovincial
- intrapulse
- intrapuparial
- intraputamenal
- intraramal
- intraregional
- intraregnal
- intrarelationship
- intrarepublic
- intrarepublican
- intraresidual
- intraribosomal
- intraripple
- intraradicular
- intraroot
- intrascalar
- intrasample
- intrasectional
- intrasectoral
- intrasectorial
- intrasegment
- intrasegmental
- intraserotype
- intraserotypic
- intraserovar
- intraorganismic
- intraoperon
- intraorganellar
- intraorganizational
- intraorganization
- intraoutbreak
- intraoxygenator
- intraserous
- intraphilosophical
- intrapsychological
- intrapersonal
- intrarespiratory
- intrapsychic
- intradialectally
- intraliposomally
- intralymphatically
- intraesophageally
- intraframe
- intraclast
- intraesterification
- intracorrelation
- intracatheter
- intracognition
terms derived from inside
- intracardiac
- intracolic
- intrabone
- intraluminal
- intramedullary
- intrabrachial
- intraarticular
- intracalvarial
- intracanal
- intraclavicular
- intraconal
- intracorporal
- intracryptal
- intracystic
- intradiscal
- intraductal
- intraduct
- intrafascial
- intrafenestral
- intrafrontal
- intrafurcular
- intracostal
- intradental
- intrachondral
- intralobular
- intrafacial
- intracarotid
- intracarpal
- intracartilaginous
- intracerebellar
- intracervical
- intrabuccal
- intracavernosal
- intracavernous
- intracorpuscular
- intrafallopian
- intrafascicular
- intragemmal
- intraglandular
- intraglottal
- intrajejunal
- intrajugular
- intralaryngeal
- intrageniculate
- intraligamentary
- intraligamentous
- intrahepatic
- intramammary
- intramaxillary
- intrameningeal
- intraaxial
- intraconoidal
- intrafunicular
- intracystic
- intracerebroventricular
- intracordal
- intrabinary
- intrahisian
- intraerythrocytic
- intracrater
- intraneural
- intramyometrial
- intraflagellar
- intraischemic
- intramaze
- intralesional
- intracellular
- intracrustal
- intracorporeal
- intragonadal
- intracytoplasmic
- intracerebral
- intracloud
- intradomicile
- intramatrix
- intramyonuclear
- intrabacillary
- intrabacterial
- intraballoon
- intrablastocoelar
- intrablastocoelic
- intrabolus
- intrabrain
- intrabronchial
- intrabursal
- intraburst
- intracaldera
- intracanopy
- intracanthal
- intracapillary
- intracavital
- intracavity
- intragyral
- intrachamber
- intrachannel
- intrachip
- intrachloroplastic
- intrachoanal
- intrachoroidal
- intrachromophoric
- intraciliary
- intracrevicular
- intracrystal
- intracrystalline
- intradendritic
- intradimensional
- intraalveolar
- intramniotic
- intraestuarine
- intraadrenal
- intraamniotic
- intraamygdala
- intramygdaloid
- intraaortic
- intrabiliary
- intrabiventer
- intracerebrovascular
- intrabronchiolar
- intrabulbar
- intracaecal
- intracalcarine
- intracanalicular
- intraabdominal
- intracochlear
- intracelomic
- intracoelomic
- intracolonic
- intraconjunctival
- intracorneal
- intracoronal
- intraluteal
- intracuticular
- intraduodenal
- intradural
- intra-aural
- intraendodermal
- intraendoplasmic
- intraendothelial
- intraepidermal
- intraepithelial
- intraesophageal
- intrafoveal
- intragenital
- intraglial
- intraglottic
- intragingival
- intrahippocampal
- intrahypothalamic
- intraintestinal
- intraislet
- intralabyrinthine
- intrabaleen
- intrameatal
- intrametatarsal
- intranasopharyngeal
- intraneocortical
- intranasopharyngeal
- intranasal
- intradermal
- intragastric
- intranigral
- intracaval
- intrarectal
- intrascrotal
- intraplacental
- intrasarcomeric
- intraorgan
- intrapelvic
- intrapulmonary
- intraorganic
- intraparenchymal
- intrapharyngeal
- intrapleural
- intrapontine
- intraprostatic
- intrapyramidal
- intraretinal
- intrasellar
- intraparietal
- intraosseous
- intraplaque
- intraorganismal
- intrarenal
- intraorganic
- intrascaffold
- intrapiscine
- intrapapillary
- intraparabronchial
- intraparasitic
- intraparenchymatous
- intraplane
- intraplanar
- intrasaccular
- intrascalene
- intrascapular
- intraseptal
- intrapalpebral
- intraovarian
- intraoviductal
- intraphloemic
- intraperitoneal
- intrapetrous
- intraophthalmic
- intrapallidal
- intrasciatic
- intraoral
- intrapancreatic
- intraparotid
- intrapatellar
- intrapericardial
- intraperiplasmic
- intraperitoneum
- intrapituitary
- intraprismatic
- intraprotoplasmic
- intrapulpal
- intrapupillary
- intraputaminal
- intraradical
- intraruminal
- intrasarcoplasmic
- intrascleral
- intraplantar
- intraresidue
- intrapopliteal
- intrafusal
- intralocation
- intraplate
- intrapipette
- intraplatform
- intralacustrine
- intralake
- intracompartmentally
- intragenomically
- intramethodically
- intracontinentally
- intracorporally
- intradomestically
- intragenetically
- intragenotypically
- intranationally
- intraorbitally
- intraregionally
- intrasaccadically
terms derived from during
- intraoperationally
- intraseasonally
- intraoperational
- intradiurnal
- intradecadal
- intradialytic
- intrafebrile
- intraictal
- intranatal
- intrametastatic
- intrapartum
- intracycle
- intracyclic
- intracyclical
- intraglacial
- intraregnal
- intrasaccadic
- intraoperative
- intrapause
- intrapluvial
- intraprocedural
- intraseasonal
- intranight
- intraday
- intradaily
- intramonth
- intramonthly
- intraperiod
- intrasecular
- intraoperation
terms derived from inward
terms derived from solo
terms derived from internal
terms derived from betwixt
terms derived from central
terms derived from between
terms derived from interior
terms derived from part
terms derived from same
See also
- IPA(key): [ɪntra ]
Derived terms
Czech terms prefixed with intra-
Further reading
- intra- in Slovník afixů užívaných v češtině, 2017
- IPA(key): /ɛ̃.tʁa/
- Rhymes: -a
Audio (file)
Derived terms
German terms prefixed with intra-
- IPA(key): [ɪntra]
- Hyphenation: in‧tra
Derived terms
Category Indonesian terms prefixed with intra- not found
Further reading
- “intra-” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Agency for Language Development and Cultivation – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, 2016.
Derived terms
Italian terms prefixed with intra-
Derived terms
- Spanish terms prefixed with intra-
Further reading
- “intra-”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014
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