Greek (green) and Latin (red) volumes of the Loeb Classical Library in a London bookshop
Volume 170N of the Greek collection in the Loeb Classical Library, revised edition
Volume 6 of the Latin collection in the Loeb Classical Library, second edition 1988

The Loeb Classical Library (LCL; named after James Loeb; /lb/, German: [løːp]) is a series of books originally published by Heinemann in London, but is currently published by Harvard University Press.[1] The library contains important works of ancient Greek and Latin literature designed to make the text accessible to the broadest possible audience by presenting the original Greek or Latin text on each left-hand page, and a fairly literal translation on the facing page. The General Editor is Jeffrey Henderson, holder of the William Goodwin Aurelio Professorship of Greek Language and Literature at Boston University.


The Loeb Classical Library was conceived and initially funded by the Jewish-German-American banker and philanthropist James Loeb (1867–1933). The first volumes were edited by Thomas Ethelbert Page, W. H. D. Rouse, and Edward Capps, and published by William Heinemann, Ltd. (London) in 1912, already in their distinctive green (for Greek text) and red (for Latin) hardcover bindings.[2] Since then scores of new titles have been added, and the earliest translations have been revised several times. In recent years, this has included the removal of bowdlerization from earlier editions, which often reversed the gender of the subjects of romantic interest to disguise homosexual references or (in the case of early editions of Longus's Daphnis and Chloe) translated sexually explicit passages from the Ancient Greek into Latin, rather than English.[3]

Since 1934, the library has been co-published with Harvard University.[4] Profit from the editions continues to fund graduate student fellowships at Harvard University.

The Loebs have only a minimal critical apparatus, when compared to other publications of the text. They are intended for the amateur reader of Greek or Latin, and are so nearly ubiquitous as to be instantly recognizable.[5]

In 1917 Virginia Woolf wrote (in The Times Literary Supplement):

The Loeb Library, with its Greek or Latin on one side of the page and its English on the other, came as a gift of freedom. ... The existence of the amateur was recognised by the publication of this Library, and to a great extent made respectable. ... The difficulty of Greek is not sufficiently dwelt upon, chiefly perhaps because the sirens who lure us to these perilous waters are generally scholars [who] have forgotten ... what those difficulties are. But for the ordinary amateur they are very real and very great; and we shall do well to recognise the fact and to make up our minds that we shall never be independent of our Loeb.

Harvard University assumed complete responsibility for the series in 1989 and in recent years four or five new or re-edited volumes have been published annually.

In 2001, Harvard University Press began issuing a second series of books with a similar format. The I Tatti Renaissance Library presents key Renaissance works in Latin with a facing English translation; it is bound similarly to the Loeb Classics, but in a larger format and with blue covers. A third series, the Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, was introduced in 2010 covering works in Byzantine Greek, Medieval Latin, and Old English. Volumes have the same format as the I Tatti series, but with a brown cover. The Clay Sanskrit Library, bound in teal cloth, was also modeled on the Loeb Classical Library.

As the command of Latin among generalist historians and archaeologists shrank in the course of the 20th century, professionals came increasingly to rely on these texts designed for amateurs. As Birgitta Hoffmann remarked in 2001 of Tacitus' Agricola, "Unfortunately the first thing that happens in bilingual versions like the Loebs is that most of this apparatus vanishes and, if you use a translation, there is usually no way of knowing that there were problems with the text in the first place."[6]

In 2014, the Loeb Classical Library Foundation and Harvard University Press launched the digital Loeb Classical Library, described as "an interconnected, fully searchable, perpetually growing, virtual library of all that is important in Greek and Latin literature."[7][8]


The Loeb Library serves as a model to be emulated for:


The listings of Loeb volumes at online bookstores and library catalogues vary considerably and are often best navigated via ISBNs.



  • L170N) Iliad, Second Edition: Volume I. Books 1–12. ISBN 978-0-674-99579-6.
  • L171N) Iliad: Volume II. Books 13–24. ISBN 978-0-674-99580-2.
  • L104) Odyssey: Volume I. Books 1–12. ISBN 978-0-674-99561-1.
  • L105) Odyssey: Volume II. Books 13–24. ISBN 978-0-674-99562-8.
  • L344) Dionysiaca: Volume I. Books 1–15
  • L354) Dionysiaca: Volume II. Books 16–35
  • L356) Dionysiaca: Volume III. Books 36–48
Other epic poetry
Lyric, iambic and elegiac poetry
Other Hellenistic poetry
Greek Anthology
  • L067) Volume I. Book 1: Christian Epigrams. Book 2: Christodorus of Thebes in Egypt. Book 3: The Cyzicene Epigrams. Book 4: The Proems of the Different Anthologies. Book 5: The Amatory Epigrams. Book 6: The Dedicatory Epigrams
  • L068) Volume II. Book 7: Sepulchral Epigrams. Book 8: The Epigrams of St. Gregory the Theologian
  • L084) Volume III. Book 9: The Declamatory Epigrams
  • L085) Volume IV. Book 10: The Hortatory and Admonitory Epigrams. Book 11: The Convivial and Satirical Epigrams. Book 12: Strato's Musa Puerilis
  • L086) Volume V. Book 13: Epigrams in Various Metres. Book 14: Arithmetical Problems, Riddles, Oracles. Book 15: Miscellanea. Book 16: Epigrams of the Planudean Anthology Not in the Palatine Manuscript


Fragments of Old Comedy
  • L513) Volume I. Alcaeus to Diocles
  • L514) Volume II. Diopeithes to Pherecrates
  • L515) Volume III. Philonicus to Xenophon. Adespota


Early Greek Philosophy
  • L524) Volume I. Introductory and Reference Materials
  • L525) Volume II. Beginnings and Early Ionian Thinkers, Part 1
  • L526) Volume III. Early Ionian Thinkers, Part 2
  • L527) Volume IV. Western Greek Thinkers, Part 1
  • L528) Volume V. Western Greek Thinkers, Part 2
  • L529) Volume VI. Later Ionian and Athenian Thinkers, Part 1
  • L530) Volume VII. Later Ionian and Athenian Thinkers, Part 2
  • L531) Volume VIII. Sophists, Part 1
  • L532) Volume IX. Sophists, Part 2
  • L204) The Deipnosophists: Volume I. Books 1–3.106e
  • L208) The Deipnosophists: Volume II. Books 3.106e-5
  • L224) The Deipnosophists: Volume III. Books 6–7
  • L235) The Deipnosophists: Volume IV. Books 8–10
  • L274) The Deipnosophists: Volume V. Books 11–12
  • L327) The Deipnosophists: Volume VI. Books 13–14.653b
  • L345) The Deipnosophists: Volume VII. Books 14.653b-15
  • L519) The Deipnosophists: Volume VIII. Book 15
Marcus Aurelius
  • L058) Collected works
  • L226) Volume I. On the Creation. Allegorical Interpretation of Genesis 2 and 3
  • L227) Volume II. On the Cherubim. The Sacrifices of Abel and Cain. The Worse Attacks the Better. On the Posterity and Exile of Cain. On the Giants
  • L247) Volume III. On the Unchangeableness of God. On Husbandry. Concerning Noah's Work As a Planter. On Drunkenness. On Sobriety
  • L261) Volume IV. On the Confusion of Tongues. On the Migration of Abraham. Who Is the Heir of Divine Things? On Mating with the Preliminary Studies
  • L275) Volume V. On Flight and Finding. On the Change of Names. On Dreams
  • L289) Volume VI. On Abraham. On Joseph. On Moses
  • L320) Volume VII. On the Decalogue. On the Special Laws, Books 1–3
  • L341) Volume VIII. On the Special Laws, Book 4. On the Virtues. On Rewards and Punishments
  • L363) Volume IX. Every Good Man is Free. On the Contemplative Life. On the Eternity of the World. Against Flaccus. Apology for the Jews. On Providence
  • L379) Volume X. On the Embassy to Gaius. General Indexes
  • L380) Supplement I: Questions and Answers on Genesis
  • L401) Supplement II: Questions and Answers on Exodus
  • L440) Volume I. Porphyry's Life of Plotinus. Ennead 1
  • L441) Volume II. Ennead 2
  • L442) Volume III. Ennead 3
  • L443) Volume IV. Ennead 4
  • L444) Volume V. Ennead 5
  • L445) Volume VI. Ennead 6.1–5
  • L468) Volume VII. Ennead 6.6–9
  • L197) Moralia: Volume I. The Education of Children. How the Young Man Should Study Poetry. On Listening to Lectures. How to Tell a Flatterer from a Friend. How a Man May Become Aware of His Progress in Virtue
  • L222) Moralia: Volume II. How to Profit by One's Enemies. On Having Many Friends. Chance. Virtue and Vice. Letter of Condolence to Apollonius. Advice About Keeping Well. Advice to Bride and Groom. The Dinner of the Seven Wise Men. Superstition
  • L245) Moralia: Volume III. Sayings of Kings and Commanders. Sayings of Romans. Sayings of Spartans. The Ancient Customs of the Spartans. Sayings of Spartan Women. Bravery of Women
  • L305) Moralia: Volume IV. Roman Questions. Greek Questions. Greek and Roman Parallel Stories. On the Fortune of the Romans. On the Fortune or the Virtue of Alexander. Were the Athenians More Famous in War or in Wisdom?
  • L306) Moralia: Volume V. Isis and Osiris. The E at Delphi. The Oracles at Delphi No Longer Given in Verse. The Obsolescence of Oracles
  • L337) Moralia: Volume VI. Can Virtue Be Taught? On Moral Virtue. On the Control of Anger. On Tranquility of Mind. On Brotherly Love. On Affection for Offspring. Whether Vice Be Sufficient to Cause Unhappiness. Whether the Affections of the Soul are Worse Than Those of the Body. Concerning Talkativeness. On Being a Busybody
  • L405) Moralia: Volume VII. On Love of Wealth. On Compliancy. On Envy and Hate. On Praising Oneself Inoffensively. On the Delays of the Divine Vengeance. On Fate. On the Sign of Socrates. On Exile. Consolation to His Wife
  • L424) Moralia: Volume VIII. Table-talk, Books 1–6
  • L425) Moralia: Volume IX. Table-Talk, Books 7–9. Dialogue on Love
  • L321) Moralia: Volume X. Love Stories. That a Philosopher Ought to Converse Especially With Men in Power. To an Uneducated Ruler. Whether an Old Man Should Engage in Public Affairs. Precepts of Statecraft. On Monarchy, Democracy, and Oligarchy. That We Ought Not To Borrow. Lives of the Ten Orators. Summary of a Comparison Between Aristophanes and Menander
  • L426) Moralia: Volume XI. On the Malice of Herodotus. Causes of Natural Phenomena
  • L406) Moralia: Volume XII. Concerning the Face Which Appears in the Orb of the Moon. On the Principle of Cold. Whether Fire or Water Is More Useful. Whether Land or Sea Animals Are Cleverer. Beasts Are Rational. On the Eating of Flesh
  • L427) Moralia: Volume XIII. Part 1. Platonic Essays
  • L470) Moralia: Volume XIII. Part 2. Stoic Essays
  • L428) Moralia: Volume XIV. That Epicurus Actually Makes a Pleasant Life Impossible. Reply to Colotes in Defence of the Other Philosophers. Is "Live Unknown" a Wise Precept? On Music
  • L429) Moralia: Volume XV. Fragments
  • L499) Moralia: Volume XVI. Index
Sextus Empiricus
  • L070) Enquiry into Plants: Volume I. Books 1–5
  • L079) Enquiry into Plants: Volume II. Books 6–9. Treatise on Odours. Concerning Weather Signs
  • L225) Characters. Mimes. Cercidas and the Choliambic Poets
  • L225N) Characters. Herodas, Mimes. Sophron and Other Mime Fragments
  • L471) De Causis Plantarum: Volume I. Books 1–2
  • L474) De Causis Plantarum: Volume II. Books 3–4
  • L475) De Causis Plantarum: Volume III. Books 5–6
Greek Mathematics (extracts)
  • L335) Greek Mathematical Works: Volume I. From Thales to Euclid. ISBN 978-0-674-99369-3.
  • L362) Greek Mathematical Works: Volume II. From Aristarchus to Pappus. ISBN 978-0-674-99399-0.


  • L002N) Roman History: Volume I. Books 1–7 (New edition by Brian McGing)
  • L003N) Roman History: Volume II. Books 8–10 (New edition by Brian McGing)
  • L004N) Roman History: Volume III. Books 11–12 (New edition by Brian McGing)
  • L005N) Roman History: Volume IV. Civil Wars, Books 1–2 (New edition by Brian McGing)
  • L543) Roman History: Volume V: Civil Wars, Books 3–4
  • L544) Roman History: Volume VI: Civil Wars, Book 5. Fragments
  • L236) Volume I. Anabasis of Alexander, Books 1–4
  • L269) Volume II. Anabasis of Alexander, Books 5–7. Indica
Dio Cassius
  • L032) Roman History: Volume I. Fragments of Books 1–11
  • L037) Roman History: Volume II. Fragments of Books 12–35 and of Uncertain Reference
  • L053) Roman History: Volume III. Books 36–40
  • L066) Roman History: Volume IV. Books 41–45
  • L082) Roman History: Volume V. Books 46–50
  • L083) Roman History: Volume VI. Books 51–55
  • L175) Roman History: Volume VII. Books 56–60
  • L176) Roman History: Volume VIII. Books 61–70
  • L177) Roman History: Volume IX. Books 71–80
Diodorus Siculus
  • L279) Volume I. Library of History, Books 1–2.34. ISBN 978-0-674-99307-5.
  • L303) Volume II. Library of History, Books 2.35–4.58. ISBN 978-0-674-99334-1.
  • L340) Volume III. Library of History, Books 4.59–8. ISBN 978-0-674-99375-4.
  • L375) Volume IV. Library of History, Books 9–12.40. ISBN 978-0-674-99413-3.
  • L384) Volume V. Library of History, Books 12.41–13. ISBN 978-0-674-99422-5.
  • L399) Volume VI. Library of History, Books 14–15.19. ISBN 978-0-674-99439-3.
  • L389) Volume VII. Library of History, Books 15.20–16.65. ISBN 978-0-674-99428-7.
  • L422) Volume VIII. Library of History, Books 16.66–17
  • L377) Volume IX. Library of History, Books 18–19.65
  • L390) Volume X. Library of History, Books 19.66–20
  • L409) Volume XI. Library of History, Fragments of Books 21–32
  • L423) Volume XII. Library of History, Fragments of Books 33–40
  • L454) History of the Empire: Volume I. Books 1–4
  • L455) History of the Empire: Volume II. Books 5–8
  • L117) The Persian Wars: Volume I. Books 1–2. ISBN 0-674-99130-3
  • L118) The Persian Wars: Volume II. Books 3–4. ISBN 0-674-99131-1
  • L119) The Persian Wars: Volume III. Books 5–7. ISBN 0-674-99133-8
  • L120) The Persian Wars: Volume IV. Books 8–9. ISBN 0-674-99134-6
  • L186) Volume I. The Life of Flavius Josephus. Against Apion
  • L203) Volume II. The Jewish War, Books 1–2
  • L487) Volume III. The Jewish War, Books 3–4
  • L210) Volume IV. The Jewish War, Books 5–7:
  • L242) Volume V. Jewish Antiquities, Books 1–3
  • L490) Volume VI. Jewish Antiquities, Books 4–6
  • L281) Volume VII. Jewish Antiquities, Books 7–8
  • L326) Volume VIII. Jewish Antiquities, Books 9–11
  • L365) Volume IX. Jewish Antiquities, Books 12–13
  • L489) Volume X. Jewish Antiquities, Books 14–15
  • L410) Volume XI. Jewish Antiquities, Books 16–17
  • L433) Volume XII. Jewish Antiquities, Books 18–19
  • L456) Volume XIII. Jewish Antiquities, Book 20
  • L128) Histories: Volume I. Books 1–2
  • L137) Histories: Volume II. Books 3–4
  • L138) Histories: Volume III. Books 5–8
  • L159) Histories: Volume IV. Books 9–15
  • L160) Histories: Volume V. Books 16–27
  • L161) Histories: Volume VI. Books 28–39
  • L048) Volume I. History of the Wars, Books 1–2. (Persian War)
  • L081) Volume II. History of the Wars, Books 3–4. (Vandalic War)
  • L107) Volume III. History of the Wars, Books 5–6.15. (Gothic War)
  • L173) Volume IV. History of the Wars, Books 6.16–7.35. (Gothic War)
  • L217) Volume V. History of the Wars, Books 7.36–8. (Gothic War)
  • L290) Volume VI. The Anecdota or Secret History
  • L343) Volume VII. On Buildings. General Index
  • L108) History of the Peloponnesian War: Volume I. Books 1–2. ISBN 978-0-674-99120-0.
  • L109) History of the Peloponnesian War: Volume II. Books 3–4. ISBN 978-0-674-99121-7.
  • L110) History of the Peloponnesian War: Volume III. Books 5–6. ISBN 978-0-674-99122-4.
  • L169) History of the Peloponnesian War: Volume IV. Books 7–8. General Index. ISBN 978-0-674-99187-3.

Attic orators

  • L106) Collected works
  • L202) Collected works
  • L209) Volume I. To Demonicus. To Nicocles. Nicocles or the Cyprians. Panegyricus. To Philip. Archidamus
  • L229) Volume II. On the Peace. Areopagiticus. Against the Sophists. Antidosis. Panathenaicus
  • L373) Volume III. Evagoras. Helen. Busiris. Plataicus. Concerning the Team of Horses. Trapeziticus. Against Callimachus. Aegineticus. Against Lochites. Against Euthynus. Letters
  • L244) Collected works
Minor Attic Orators


Diogenes Laërtius
  • L016) Life of Apollonius of Tyana: Volume I. Books 1–5
  • L017) Life of Apollonius of Tyana: Volume II. Books 6–8. Epistles of Apollonius. Eusebius: Treatise
  • L458) Life of Apollonius of Tyana: Volume III. Letters of Apollonius, Ancient Testimonia, Eusebius′s Reply to Hierocles
  • L134) Lives of the Sophists. Eunapius: Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists

Ancient Greek novel

Greek Fathers

  • L190) Letters: Volume I. Letters 1–58
  • L215) Letters: Volume II. Letters 59–185
  • L243) Letters: Volume III. Letters 186–248
  • L270) Letters: Volume IV. Letters 249–368. Address to Young Men on Greek Literature
Clement of Alexandria
John Damascene
Apostolic Fathers

(edited by Bart Ehrman, replacing Kirsopp Lake's edition)

Other Greek prose

  • L446) On the Characteristics of Animals: Volume I. Books 1–5
  • L448) On the Characteristics of Animals: Volume II. Books 6–11
  • L449) On the Characteristics of Animals: Volume III. Books 12–17
  • L486) Historical Miscellany
Aelius Aristides
  • L533) Orations: Volume I
  • L545) Orations: Volume II
Aeneas Tacticus
Babrius and Phaedrus
  • L383) Alciphron, Aelian, and Philostratus: The Letters
  • L121) The Library: Volume I. Books 1–3.9
  • L122) The Library: Volume II. Book 3.10-end. Epitome
Dio Chrysostom
  • L257) Discourses 1–11: Volume I
  • L339) Discourses 12–30: Volume II
  • L358) Discourses 31–36: Volume III
  • L376) Discourses 37–60: Volume IV
  • L385) Discourses 61–80. Fragments. Letters: Volume V
Dionysius of Halicarnassus
  • L319) Roman Antiquities: Volume I. Books 1–2
  • L347) Roman Antiquities: Volume II. Books 3–4
  • L357) Roman Antiquities: Volume III. Books 5–6.48
  • L364) Roman Antiquities: Volume IV. Books 6.49–7
  • L372) Roman Antiquities: Volume V. Books 8–9.24
  • L378) Roman Antiquities: Volume VI. Books 9.25–10
  • L388) Roman Antiquities: Volume VII. Book 11. Fragments of Books 12–20
  • L465) Critical Essays: Volume I. Ancient Orators. Lysias. Isocrates. Isaeus. Demosthenes. Thucydides
  • L466) Critical Essays: Volume II. On Literary Composition. Dinarchus. Letters to Ammaeus and Pompeius
  • L071) On the Natural Faculties
  • L516) Method of Medicine: Volume I. Books 1–4
  • L517) Method of Medicine: Volume II. Books 5–9
  • L518) Method of Medicine: Volume III. Books 10–14
  • L523) On the Constitution of the Art of Medicine. The Art of Medicine. A Method of Medicine to Glaucon
  • L535) Hygiene: Volume I. Books 1–4
  • L536) Hygiene: Volume II. Books 5–6. Thrasybulus. On Exercise with a Small Ball.
  • L546) On Temperaments. On Non-Uniform Distemperment. The Soul’s Traits Depend on Bodily Temperament
  • L147) Volume I. Ancient Medicine. Airs, Waters, Places. Epidemics 1 & 3. The Oath. Precepts. Nutriment
  • L148) Volume II. Prognostic. Regimen in Acute Diseases. The Sacred Disease. The Art. Breaths. Law. Decorum. Physician (Ch. 1). Dentition
  • L149) Volume III. On Wounds in the Head. In the Surgery. On Fractures. On Joints. Mochlicon
  • L150) Volume IV. Nature of Man. Regimen in Health. Humours. Aphorisms. Regimen 1–3. Dreams. Heracleitus: On the Universe
  • L472) Volume V. Affections. Diseases 1. Diseases 2
  • L473) Volume VI. Diseases 3. Internal Affections. Regimen in Acute Diseases (Appendix)
  • L477) Volume VII. Epidemics 2, 4–7
  • L482) Volume VIII. Places in Man. Glands. Fleshes. Prorrhetic 1–2. Physician. Use of Liquids. Ulcers. Haemorrhoids. Fistulas
  • L509) Volume IX. Anatomy. Nature of Bones. Heart. Eight Months' Child. Coan Prenotions. Crises. Critical Days. Superfetation. Girls. Excision of the Fetus. Sight
  • L520) Volume X. Generation. Nature of the Child. Diseases 4. Nature of Women. Barrenness
  • L538) Volume XI. Diseases of Women 1–2
  • L013) Volume I. Orations 1–5
  • L029) Volume II. Orations 6–8. Letters to Themistius, To the Senate and People of Athens, To a Priest. The Caesars. Misopogon
  • L157) Volume III. Letters. Epigrams. Against the Galilaeans. Fragments
  • L451) Selected Orations: Volume I. Julianic Orations
  • L452) Selected Orations: Volume II. Orations 2, 19–23, 30, 33, 45, 47–50
  • L478) Autobiography and Selected Letters: Volume I. Autobiography. Letters 1–50
  • L479) Autobiography and Selected Letters: Volume II. Letters 51–193
  • L014) Volume I. Phalaris. Hippias or The Bath. Dionysus. Heracles. Amber or The Swans. The Fly. Nigrinus. Demonax. The Hall. My Native Land. Octogenarians. A True Story. Slander. The Consonants at Law. The Carousal (Symposium) or The Lapiths
  • L054) Volume II. The Downward Journey or The Tyrant. Zeus Catechized. Zeus Rants. The Dream or The Cock. Prometheus. Icaromenippus or The Sky-man. Timon or The Misanthrope. Charon or The Inspectors. Philosophies for Sale
  • L130) Volume III. The Dead Come to Life or The Fisherman. The Double Indictment or Trials by Jury. On Sacrifices. The Ignorant Book Collector. The Dream or Lucian's Career. The Parasite. The Lover of Lies. The Judgement of the Goddesses. On Salaried Posts in Great Houses
  • L162) Volume IV. Anacharsis or Athletics. Menippus or The Descent into Hades. On Funerals. A Professor of Public Speaking. Alexander the False Prophet. Essays in Portraiture. Essays in Portraiture Defended. The Goddesse of Surrye
  • L302) Volume V. The Passing of Peregrinus. The Runaways. Toxaris or Friendship. The Dance. Lexiphanes. The Eunuch. Astrology. The Mistaken Critic. The Parliament of the Gods. The Tyrannicide. Disowned
  • L430) Volume VI. How to Write History. The Dipsads. Saturnalia. Herodotus or Aetion. Zeuxis or Antiochus. A Slip of the Tongue in Greeting. Apology for the "Salaried Posts in Great Houses." Harmonides. A Conversation with Hesiod. The Scythian or The Consul. Hermotimus or Concerning the Sects. To One Who Said "You're a Prometheus in Words." The Ship or The Wishes
  • L431) Volume VII. Dialogues of the Dead. Dialogues of the Sea-Gods. Dialogues of the Gods. Dialogues of the Courtesans
  • L432) Volume VIII. Soloecista. Lucius or The Ass. Amores. Halcyon. Demosthenes. Podagra. Ocypus. Cyniscus. Philopatris. Charidemus. Nero
pseudo-Menander Rhetor and pseudo-Dionysius of Halicarnassus
  • L539) "Menander", Two treatises. "Dionysius", Ars Rhetorica
  • L521) Heroicus. Gymnasticus. Discourses 1 and 2
Philostratus the Elder and Philostratus the Younger
  • L256) Philostratus the Elder, Imagines. Philostratus the Younger, Imagines. Callistratus, Descriptions
  • L049) Geography: Volume I. Books 1–2
  • L050) Geography: Volume II. Books 3–5
  • L182) Geography: Volume III. Books 6–7
  • L196) Geography: Volume IV. Books 8–9
  • L211) Geography: Volume V. Books 10–12
  • L223) Geography: Volume VI. Books 13–14
  • L241) Geography: Volume VII. Books 15–16
  • L267) Geography: Volume VIII. Book 17 and General Index


  • L266) Volume I. Private Documents (Agreements, Receipts, Wills, Letters, Memoranda, Accounts and Lists, and Others)
  • L282) Volume II. Public Documents (Codes and Regulations, Edicts and Orders, Public Announcements, Reports of Meetings, Judicial Business, Petitions and Applications, Declarations to Officials, Contracts, Receipts, Accounts and Lists, Correspondence,
  • L360) Volume III. Poetry



  • L096) Ausonius: Volume I. Books 1–17
  • L115) Ausonius: Volume II. Books 18–20. Paulinus Pellaeus: Eucharisticus
Juvenal and Persius
  • L091) Collected satires ISBN 0-674-99102-8
  • L094) Epigrams: Volume I. Spectacles, Books 1–5
  • L095) Epigrams: Volume II. Books 6–10
  • L480) Epigrams: Volume III. Books 11–14
  • L018N) Elegies
Sidonius Apollinaris
  • L296) Volume I. Poems. Letters, Books 1–2
  • L420) Volume II. Letters, Books 3–9
Silius Italicus
  • L277) Punica: Volume I. Books 1–8
  • L278) Punica: Volume II. Books 9–17
  • L206N) Volume I. Silvae
  • L207N) Volume II. Thebaid, Books 1–7
  • L498) Volume III. Thebaid, Books 8–12. Achilleid
Valerius Flaccus
Minor Latin Poets edited by J. W. Duff


Seneca the Younger


Seneca the Younger


Ammianus Marcellinus
  • L300) Roman History: Volume I. Books 14–19
  • L315) Roman History: Volume II. Books 20–26
  • L331) Roman History: Volume III. Books 27–31. Excerpta Valesiana
  • L246) Historical Works: Volume I. Ecclesiastical History, Books 1–3
  • L248) Historical Works: Volume II. Ecclesiastical History, Books 4–5. Lives of the Abbots. Letter to Egbert
Julius Caesar
  • L368) History of Alexander: Volume I. Books 1–5
  • L369) History of Alexander: Volume II. Books 6–10
  • L231) Epitome of Roman History
  • L114) History of Rome: Volume I. Books 1–2
  • L133) History of Rome: Volume II. Books 3–4
  • L172) History of Rome: Volume III. Books 5–7
  • L191) History of Rome: Volume IV. Books 8–10
  • L233) History of Rome: Volume V. Books 21–22
  • L355) History of Rome: Volume VI. Books 23–25
  • L367) History of Rome: Volume VII. Books 26–27
  • L381) History of Rome: Volume VIII. Books 28–30
  • L295N) History of Rome: Volume IX. Books 31, 34
  • L301N) History of Rome: Volume X. Books 35–37
  • L313N) History of Rome: Volume XI. Books 38–39
  • L332) History of Rome: Volume XII. Books 40–42
  • L396) History of Rome: Volume XIII. Books 43–45
  • L404) History of Rome: Volume XIV. Summaries. Fragments. Julius Obsequens. General Index
  • L116N) Volume I. War with Catiline. War with Jugurtha.
  • L522N) Volume II. Fragments of the Histories. Letters to Caesar
  • L111) Volume II. Histories 1–3
  • L249) Volume III. Histories 4–5. Annals 1–3
  • L312) Volume IV. Annals 4–6, 11–12
  • L322) Volume V. Annals 13–16
Velleius Paterculus
The Augustan History, edited by D. Magie
  • L139) Scriptores Historiae Augustae: Volume I. Hadrian. Aelius. Antoninus Pius. Marcus Aurelius. L. Verus. Avidius Cassius. Commodus. Pertinax. Didius Julianus. Septimius Severus. Pescennius Niger. Clodius Albinus
  • L140) Scriptores Historiae Augustae : Volume II. Caracalla. Geta. Opellius Macrinus. Diadumenianus. Elagabalus. Severus Alexander. The Two Maximini. The Three Gordians. Maximus and Balbinus
  • L263) Scriptores Historiae Augustae: Volume III. The Two Valerians. The Two Gallieni. The Thirty Pretenders. The Deified Claudius. The Deified Aurelian. Tacitus. Probus. Firmus, Saturninus, Proculus and Bonosus. Carus, Carinus and Numerian


  • L534) Apologia. Florida. De Deo Socratis
  • L240) Volume VI. Pro Quinctio. Pro Roscio Amerino. Pro Roscio Comoedo. The Three Speeches on the Agrarian Law Against Rullus
  • L221) Volume VII. The Verrine Orations I: Against Caecilius. Against Verres, Part 1; Part 2, Books 1–2
  • L293) Volume VIII. The Verrine Orations II: Against Verres, Part 2, Books 3–5
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Seneca the Elder
  • L463) Declamations: Volume I. Controversiae, Books 1–6
  • L464) Declamations: Volume II. Controversiae, Books 7–10. Suasoriae. Fragments


Cornelius Nepos
  • L467) Collected works
  • L031) The Lives of the Caesars: Volume I. Julius. Augustus. Tiberius. Gaius. Caligula
  • L038) The Lives of the Caesars: Volume II. Claudius. Nero. Galba, Otho, and Vitellius. Vespasian. Titus, Domitian. Lives of Illustrious Men: Grammarians and Rhetoricians. Poets (Terence. Virgil. Horace. Tibullus. Persius. Lucan). Lives of Pliny the Elder and Passienus Crispus

Latin Novel



  • L007N) Volume XXII. Letters to Atticus 1–89
  • L008N) Volume XXIII. Letters to Atticus 90–165A
  • L097N) Volume XXIV. Letters to Atticus 166–281
  • L205N) Volume XXV. Letters to Friends 1–113
  • L216N) Volume XXVI. Letters to Friends 114–280
  • L230N) Volume XXVII. Letters to Friends 281–435
  • L462N) Volume XXVIII. Letters to Quintus and Brutus. Letter Fragments. Letter to Octavian. Invectives. Handbook of Electioneering
  • L491) Volume XXIX. Letters to Atticus 282–426
  • L112) Correspondence: Volume I
  • L113) Correspondence: Volume II
  • L262) Select Letters
Pliny the Younger
  • L055) Letters and Panegyricus: Volume I. Books 1–7
  • L059) Letters and Panegyricus: Volume II. Books 8–10. Panegyricus
Seneca the Younger
  • L075) Volume IV. Epistles 1–65
  • L076) Volume V. Epistles 66–92
  • L077) Volume VI. Epistles 93–124

Church Fathers

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  • L027) Confessions: Volume II. Books 9–13
  • L239) Select Letters
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  • L413) City of God: Volume III. Books 8–11
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  • L415) City of God: Volume V. Books 16–18.35
  • L416) City of God: Volume VI. Books 18.36–20
  • L417) City of God: Volume VII. Books 21–22
  • L387) Volume I. Preface. Daily Round. Divinity of Christ. Origin of Sin. Fight for Mansoul. Against Symmachus 1
  • L398) Volume II. Against Symmachus 2. Crowns of Martyrdom. Scenes From History. Epilogue
Tertullian and Marcus Minucius Felix

Other Latin Prose

Cato and Varro
  • L283) On Agriculture ISBN 0-674-99313-6
  • L551) Cato: Testimonia. Origines
  • L552) Cato: Orations. Other Fragments
  • L292) On Medicine: Volume I. Books 1–4
  • L304) On Medicine: Volume II. Books 5–6
  • L336) On Medicine: Volume III. Books 7–8
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  • L407) On Agriculture: Volume II. Books 5–9
  • L408) On Agriculture: Volume III. Books 10–12. On Trees
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  • L200) Attic Nights: Volume II. Books 6–13
  • L212) Attic Nights: Volume III. Books 14–20
  • L510) Saturnalia: Volume I. Books 1-2
  • L511) Saturnalia: Volume II. Books 3-5
  • L512) Saturnalia: Volume III. Books 6-7
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  • L352) Natural History: Volume II. Books 3–7
  • L353) Natural History: Volume III. Books 8–11
  • L370) Natural History: Volume IV. Books 12–16
  • L371) Natural History: Volume V. Books 17–19
  • L392) Natural History: Volume VI. Books 20–23
  • L393) Natural History: Volume VII. Books 24–27. Index of Plants
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  • L419) Natural History: Volume X. Books 36–37
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  • L125N) The Orator's Education: Volume II. Books 3–5
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Valerius Maximus
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  • L493) Memorable Doings and Sayings: Volume II. Books 6–9
  • L333) On the Latin Language: Volume I. Books 5–7
  • L334) On the Latin Language: Volume II. Books 8–10. Fragments
  • L251) On Architecture: Volume I. Books 1–5. ISBN 978-0-674-99277-1.
  • L280) On Architecture: Volume II. Books 6–10. ISBN 978-0-674-99309-9.

Fragmentary Collections

Old Latin, edited by Warmington, E.H.
Fragmentary Republican Latin
  • L294N) Volume I. Ennius: Testimonia. Epic Fragments.
  • L537) Volume II. Ennius: Dramatic Fragments. Minor Works.
  • L540) Volume III. Oratory, Part 1. Beginning with Appius Claudius Caecus (340–273 BCE).
  • L541) Volume IV. Oratory, Part 2.
  • L542) Volume V. Oratory, Part 3.
  • L314N) Volume VI. Livius Andronicus. Naevius. Caecilius.


  1. "Loeb Classical Library | Harvard University Press". Harvard University Press. The Loeb Classical Library® is published and distributed by Harvard University Press.
  2. "CAPPS, Edward". Retrieved 2021-05-06.
  3. "The New Translations". Loeb Classical Library. Retrieved 30 August 2020. A footnote then gave in Latin the real meaning of the Greek line.
  4. Hall, Max (1986). Harvard University Press: A History. Harvard University Press. pp. 64–. ISBN 9780674380806. Retrieved 1 January 2013.
  5. Wilson, Emily (August 15, 2006). "Found in Translation". Slate. ISSN 1091-2339. Retrieved July 4, 2018.
  6. Birgitta Hoffmann, "Archaeology versus Tacitus' "Agricola": a first-century worst-case scenario" given to the Theoretical Archaeology Group conference, (Dublin) 15 December 2001.
  7. Loeb Classical Library 1.0, Francesca Annicchiarico, Harvard Magazine, September–October 2014
  8. About the Library | Loeb Classical Library
  9. "Mysteries and Masterpieces". Harvard Magazine. 2011-12-16. Retrieved 2023-02-27.
  10. The I Tatti Renaissance Library
  11. "Murty Classical Library of India | Harvard University Press". Retrieved 2023-02-27.
  12. 西洋古典叢書 第I期 (in Japanese)
  13. 西洋古典叢書 (in Japanese)
  14. Biblioteka Renesansowa
  15. Bibliotheca Graecorum et Romanorum Mexicana

Further reading

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