Posts filed under 'Updates'

5 Jun 2011 | in Updates

iSteve: The book of Jobs is already available for pre-order on Amazon:… Check out that vintage portrait on the cover!

23 May 2011 | in Updates

Steve Jobs old and rare keynote, a year before Apple bought NeXT >… // a must see for die-hard fans, interesting for all

25 Apr 2011 | in Updates

Acting on impulse, I just bought the ‘Steve Jobs in carbonite’ iPhone case… We’ll see if I regret it…

29 Mar 2011 | in Updates

RT @cdespinosa: Fun fact from the WSJ: Apple spent less on R&D 2000-2010 than Microsoft spent in 2011 alone.…

20 Mar 2011 | in Updates

RT @mikecassidy: Cassidy: Romain Moisescot makes Steve Jobs a full-time job: Romain Moisescot is arguably the world’s biggest Ste… htt …

14 Mar 2011 | in Updates

RT @cdespinosa: Steve Jobs and My Life of Crime

4 Mar 2011 | in Updates

Our old video “One more thing” on TechCrunch! // update coming very soon

2 Mar 2011 | in Updates

RT @daringfireball: Holy shit, it’s Steve.

23 Feb 2011 | in Updates

My answer on Quora to: How many pairs of black turtlenecks and jeans does Steve Jobs own?

20 Feb 2011 | in Updates

My answer on Quora to: Is secrecy good or bad for Apple?