In December 1996 the United Nations proclaimed 21 November as World Television Day commemorating the date on which the first World Television Forum was held in 1996.[1]

Opposition to this declaration took the form of 11 abstentions to a vote on the resolution; in expressing their opposition, the delegation from Germany said:[2]

There are already three United Nations days encompassing similar subjects: World Press Freedom Day; World Telecommunication and Information Society Day; and World Development Information Day. To add another day does not make much sense... [T]elevision is only one means of information and an information medium to which a considerable majority of the world population has no access... That vast majority could easily look at World Television Day as a rich man's day. They do not have access to television. There are more important information media and here I would mention radio in particular. We think it is more important to enhance the role of those media than that of television.


  1. United Nations General Assembly Session 51 Resolution 205. Proclamation of 21 November as World Television Day A/RES/51/205 17 December 1996. Retrieved 2010-11-21.
  2. United Nations General Assembly Session 51 Verbotim Report 88. A/51/PV.88 page 24. Mr. Henze Germany 17 December 1996. Retrieved 2008-07-09.

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