100 Transcendental Studies (French: Études transcendantes)[note 1] by Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji are a series of 100 piano études written between 1940 and 1944. Swedish pianist Fredrik Ullén has released all 100 études on BIS Records.[2][3][4][5][6][7]


The études vary greatly in style, character, and length, with the shortest running about a minute and the longest running approximately 45 minutes. According to the Sorabji Archive, the following études have yet to be premiered: Nos. 27, 33, 39, 42, 45–48, 51, 53–58, 60–64, 68, 74, 82, 87, 90, 91 and 93.[8]

Sorabji almost certainly intended for these Études to be compared with Franz Liszt's Transcendental Études. The style of Sorabji's études is typical of his work, consisting of atonal melodies, dissonant harmonies, complex polyrhythms, rapid changes in texture and mood, and extreme technical challenges for the pianist to work through. Taken individually, these are some of the shortest pieces Sorabji ever composed. A complete list of the études is included below. World première pianists and dates from The Sorabji Archive.[9]

World première pianists and dates

NumberTitleDurationPremiere artistPremiere dateNotes
1Mouvementé1:50Yonty Solomon9/30/1979An opening theme is presented and then repeated in multiple keys, inversions, and voices. Somewhat reminiscent of the opening of Chopin's 24 Preludes, Op. 28
2Vivace e leggiero1:09Carlo Grante7/20/1995Rapid jumps in both hands alternating between high and low notes meander up and down the keyboard in unison
3(no marking)4:17Carlo Grante3/24/2000A wistful melody moves slowly around the keyboard, containing many expressive passages and rich harmonies
4Scriabinesco. Soave e con tenerezza nostalgica2:53Carlo Grante10/18/1998As the marking indicates, this study evokes a mood reminiscent of Scriabin's late works, with a soft, expressive melody and harmonies reminiscent of Scriabin's works built around his "mystic chord"
5Staccato e leggiero1:24Fredrik Ullén4/27/2002Both hands play triplets of large chords marked staccato; played with effective use of the sostenuto pedal
6(no marking)1:37Fredrik Ullén7/15/2002The first in a sequence of double-note études that explore every interval; an étude in seconds with frequent 3:4 polyrhythms.
7Leggiero abbastanza1:07Carlo Grante7/20/1995
8(no marking)1:56Fredrik Ullén2/15/2003An étude in thirds --- mostly appearing in the right hand, with the left accompanying, but occasionally transferred to the left hand. The accompaniment consists of chords and countermelodies; the mood is contemplative.
9Staccato e leggiero0:58Andrew Ball11/2/1997
10Con brio ed impeto - Volante3:09Yonty Solomon9/30/1979An intense, fiery etude consisting of rapidly ascending and descending arpeggios (some mirrored between the hands) underpinned by sharply dissonant chords.
11Animato abbastanza1:37Fredrik Ullén8/17/2003
12Leggerio quasi “saltando”1:44Carlo Grante8/23/1996
13(no marking)3:31Fredrik Ullén2/15/2003Another piece evoking Scriabin, beginning with groups of three note pairs in chromatic scales that move slowly and tremblingly up and down, developing into larger structures but with the underlying tremolo texture consistent throughout
14Tranquillamente soave4:35Fredrik Ullén2/15/2003
15(no marking)1:40Andrew Ball11/2/1997
16(no marking)2:43Carlo Grante2/8/1998
17Molto accentato1:56Giampaolo Nuti11/13/1999
18Liscio. Tranquillamente scorrevole5:13Giampaolo Nuti11/13/1999
19Saltando e leggiero2:12Carlo Grante6/2/1996As the name implies, this etude consists of clusters of four notes in both hands which require the pianist to "jump" up and down the keyboard rapidly
20Con fantasia5:24Fredrik Ullén7/9/2003This nocturne-like slower etude consists of a melody in the right hand with wispy, complex rhythms against simple arpeggios and chords in the left hand
21Con eleganza e disinvoltura4:37Fredrik Ullén7/9/2003
22Leggiero volante e presto assai1:24Fredrik Ullén7/9/2003
23Dolcemente scorrevole1:24Fredrik Ullén9/22/2005
24Mouvementé5:40Yonty Solomon9/30/1979
25Vivace e secco2:42Fredrik Ullén8/11/2003
26Dolcissimo9:56Fredrik Ullén8/11/2003
27Staccato e leggiero a capriccio2:57(unperformed)
28Leggiero e volante2:15Fredrik Ullén8/17/2003
29A capriccio. Leggiero2:09Fredrik Ullén9/22/2005
30Con fantasia4:36Fredrik Ullén9/22/2005
31Vivace assai2:14Carlo Grante7/20/1995
32Legato possibile, quasi dolce3:12Fredrik Ullén8/17/2003
33Vivace e brioso4:42(unperformed)
34Soave e dolce. Insinuante4:11Fredrik Ullén8/17/2003
35(no marking)2:17Fredrik Ullén3/22/2006
36Mano sinistra sempre sola7:16Nicola Ventrella11/20/1999A two-part etude for the left hand alone, the first part consisting of a warm, expressive melody with typically complex harmonies, the second consisting of a technically challenging one-handed fugue with some voices in two- and three-note chords in parts
37Riflessioni. Moderato3:54Fredrik Ullén8/11/2003
38Con fantasia4:53Sid Samberg9/10/2013An étude in minor ninths --- mostly appearing in the right hand, with the left accompanying, but occasionally transferred to the left hand. Littered with complex polyrhythms and contrapuntal passages in the accompaniment.
39(no marking)3:34(unperformed)
40Moderato3:09Fredrik Ullén8/17/2003
41(no marking)3:40Fredrik Ullén8/19/2006
42Impetuoso e con fuoco ed energia4:15(unperformed)
43(no marking)4:39Fredrik Ullén8/19/2006
44Ben cantato. Dolce e chiaro15:25Kentaro Noda11/2/2008
45(no marking)1:26(unperformed)
46(no marking)2:44(unperformed)
47Leggiero e a capriccio2:35(unperformed)
49Vivace ma non troppo2:23Fredrik Ullén8/17/2003
50Per il pedale 34:50Fredrik Ullén8/17/2003
51(no marking)3:15(unperformed)
52(no marking)3:14Alexander Abercrombie4/12/2003
53A capriccio1:59(unperformed)
54(no marking)4:17(unperformed)
55(no marking)2:43(unperformed)
57(no marking)3:15(unperformed)
59Quasi fantasia. Moderato10:46Fredrik Ullén5/18/2003
60Saltando, leggiero3:07(unperformed)
61(no marking)4:12(unperformed)
62(no marking)2:37(unperformed)
63En forme de valse. Leggiero con disinvoltura17:00(unperformed)
64(no marking)2:38(unperformed)
65(no marking)2:33Fredrik Ullén8/12/2003
66(no marking)6:07Nicola Ventrella7/9/1996
67(no marking)4:10Fredrik Ullén8/12/2003
68Sotto voce2:28(unperformed)
69La punta d’organo. Sotto voce25:39Florian Steininger2/1/2014
70Rhythmes brisés4:08Alexander Abercrombie4/12/2003
71Aria13:14Fredrik Ullén8/8/2014
72Canonica. Marcato2:11Nicola Ventrella12/19/1997
73Quasi Preludio-corale. Sonorità piena, morbida e dolcissima17:57Kentaro Noda11/2/2008
74Ostinato. Secco4:22(unperformed)
75Passacaglia. Largo28:50Fredrik Ullén8/17/2003A passacaglia with 100 variations, a microcosm of the entire series of 100 etudes
76Imitations. Presto assai1:10Nicola Ventrella12/19/1997
77(no marking)1:34Nicola Ventrella12/19/1997
78(no marking)1:44Ernest So3/21/2020
79The inlaid line. Legatissimo il tema melodico2:08Jørgen Hald Nielsen4/9/2011
80La linea melodica. Mormorando sordamente5:46Kentaro Noda11/2/2008
81The Suspensions. Lento quasi Adagio e gravemente solenne5:35Nicola Ventrella7/9/1996
82Sordamente e oscuramente minaccioso2:28(unperformed)
83Arpeggiated fourths4:12Nicola Ventrella11/20/1999
84Tango habanera. Leggiero, con grazia indolente8:00Jonathan Powell2/1/2003
85(no marking)1:40Nicola Ventrella11/20/1999
86Adagietto. Legatissimo2:20Carlo Grante1/23/1996
87Studio gammatico3:15(unperformed)
88(no marking)1:20Nicola Ventrella12/19/1997
89Chopsticks. Vivace1:20Fredrik Ullén8/12/2003
90(no marking)3:00(unperformed)
91Volante leggiero1:45(unperformed)
92Legato possibile. Velato, misterioso1:30Fredrik Ullén8/17/2003
93Leggiero, saltando2:10(unperformed)
94Ornaments. Con fantasia3:30Florian Steininger2/15/2013
95(no marking)0:45Nicola Ventrella11/20/1999
96(no marking)2:50Kentaro Noda11/2/2008
97(no marking)3:00Kentaro Noda7/19/2007
98Staccato e vivace2:40Kentaro Noda7/19/2007
99Quasi fantasia. Scorrevole16:05Kentaro Noda1/4/2006An expansion on the fantasia from J. S. Bach’s Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D minor, BWV 903
100Coda-finale. Fuga a cinque soggetti56:00Kentaro Noda1/4/2006The longest of the 100 etudes, this is a quintuple fugue which develops five themes extensively


  1. Roberge, Marc-André. "Linguistic, Terminological, and Musical Problems in Titles of Works". Retrieved 13 November 2022.
  2. "100 Transcendental Etudes (1940-1944)". www.bis.se. Archived from the original on 5 March 2016. Retrieved 11 May 2019.
  3. "100 Transcendental Etudes (1940-1944)". www.bis.se. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 11 May 2019.
  4. "100 Transcendental Etudes (1940-1944)". www.bis.se. Archived from the original on 5 March 2016. Retrieved 11 May 2019.
  5. "100 Transcendental Etudes (1940-1944)". www.bis.se. Archived from the original on 22 March 2016. Retrieved 11 May 2019.
  6. "100 Transcendental Etudes (1940-1944)". www.bis.se. Archived from the original on 6 May 2019. Retrieved 11 May 2019.
  7. "The Sorabji Archive — News".
  8. "100 Transcendental Etudes (1940-1944)". www.sorabji-archive.co.uk. Retrieved 11 May 2019.
  9. "100 Transcendental Etudes (1940-1944)". www.sorabji-archive.co.uk. Retrieved 11 May 2019.


  1. The original title given by Sorabji is Études transcendentales. This title, however, is unidiomatic, as the French word "transcendentale" is used to describe a certain philosophy or meditation, not something surpassing a certain level. For this reason, Paul Rapoport and Roberge, Marc-André suggest the corrected title Études transcendantes be used.[1]
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