The following bibliography of Roberto Bolaño provides a chronological list of the published works of Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño (1953–2003). It includes his fiction (novels, short stories, poems) and non-fiction (essays, speeches, interviews), both published during his lifetime and posthumously.


Note: Titles appearing in brackets have not yet been translated into English and are only literal indications of the original Spanish titles.


English titleOriginal Spanish titleTranslator
The Skating RinkLa pista de hielo (1993)Chris Andrews, August 2009
Nazi Literature in the AmericasLa literatura nazi en América (1996)Chris Andrews, February 2008
Distant StarEstrella distante (1996)Chris Andrews, December 2004
The Savage DetectivesLos detectives salvajes (1998)Natasha Wimmer, April 2007
AmuletAmuleto (1999)Chris Andrews, January 2007
Monsieur PainMonsieur Pain (1999) retitled reprint of small-press
La senda de los elefantes (1984, written 1981-1982)
Chris Andrews, January 2010
By Night in ChileNocturno de Chile (2000)Chris Andrews, December 2003
AntwerpAmberes (2002, written 1980)Natasha Wimmer, April 2010
A Little Lumpen NovelitaUna novelita lumpen (2002, written 2001)Natasha Wimmer, September 2014
26662666 (2004, written 1999-2003)Natasha Wimmer, November 2008
The Third ReichEl Tercer Reich (2010, written 1989)Natasha Wimmer, November 2011
Woes of the True PolicemanLos sinsabores del verdadero policía (2011, written 198x-2003)Natasha Wimmer, November 2012
The Spirit of Science FictionEl espíritu de la ciencia-ficción (2016, written 1984)Natasha Wimmer, February 2019
[Diorama]Diorama(not yet published or translated)

Short story collections

English titleOriginal Spanish publicationTranslator
Last Evenings on EarthSelection of stories from Putas Asesinas (2001)
and Llamadas Telefónicas (1997)
Chris Andrews, April 2007
The ReturnStories from Putas Asesinas and Llamadas Telefónicas
not collected in Last Evenings on Earth
Chris Andrews, June 2010
The Insufferable GauchoEl Gaucho Insufrible (2003)Chris Andrews, August 2010
The Secret of EvilEl Secreto del Mal (2007)Chris Andrews, April 2012
Cowboy GravesSepulcros de vaqueros (2017)Natasha Wimmer, February 2021

Poetry collections

English titleOriginal Spanish titleTranslatorNotes
[Reinventing Love]Reinventar el amor (1976)20-page booklet in México (first publication)
[Fragments from the Unknown University]Fragmentos de la Universidad Desconocida (1992)Poems (1978–1992), reprinted in La Universidad Desconocida
The Romantic DogsLos Perros Románticos:
Poemas 1980-1998
(revised from Los Perros Románticos: Poemas 1977-1990, 1993)
Laura Healy, 200843 poems written from 1980 to 1998
[The Last Savage]El último salvaje (1995)Poems (1990-1993), reprinted in La Universidad Desconocida
TresTres (2000)Laura Healy, September 2011Three poem sequences written in 1981, 1993, and 1994
[The Unknown University]La Universidad Desconocida (2007)Laura Healy, July 2013Includes selection from the previous collections, uncollected poetry
and the novella Antwerp (under the title "People Walking Away")

Other books

TitleOriginal Spanish titleTranslationContents
[Advice from a Morrison Disciple to a Joyce Fanatic]Consejos de un discípulo de Morrison
a un fanático de Joyce
UntranslatedNovel written in 1983 in collaboration with A. G. Porta
Between ParenthesesEntre paréntesis (2004)Natasha Wimmer, May 2011Collection of essays, articles, and speeches (1998–2003)
Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview & Other Conversations-Sybil Perez, November 2009Collection of four interviews with Bolaño (1999–2003)
[Bolaño By Himself]Bolaño por sí mismo (2011)UntranslatedCollection of interviews with Bolaño (1998–2003)


Short stories

Note: Four essays collected within short-story books are listed here tagged with "[essay]".

English titleOriginal Spanish titleOriginal Spanish collectionEnglish collection
SensiniSensiniLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Henri Simon LeprinceHenri Simon LeprinceLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Enrique MartínEnrique MartínLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
A Literary AdventureUna Aventura LiterariaLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Phone CallsLlamadas TelefónicasLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
The GrubEl GusanoLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
SnowLa NieveLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997The Return, 2010
Another Russian TaleOtro Cuento RusoLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997The Return, 2010
William BurnsWilliam BurnsLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997The Return, 2010
DetectivesDetectivesLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997The Return, 2010
Cell MatesCompañeros de CeldaLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997The Return, 2010
ClaraClaraLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997The Return, 2010
Joanna SilvestriJoanna SilvestriLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997The Return, 2010
Anne Moore's LifeVida de Anne MooreLlamadas Telefónicas, 1997Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Mauricio ("The Eye") SilvaEl Ojo SilvaPutas Asesinas, 2001Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Gómez PalacioGómez PalacioPutas Asesinas, 2001Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Last Evenings on EarthÚltimos Atardeceres en la TierraPutas Asesinas, 2001Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Days of 1978Días de 1978Putas Asesinas, 2001Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Vagabond in France and BelgiumVagabundo en Francia y BélgicaPutas Asesinas, 2001Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Prefiguration of Lalo CuraPrefiguración de Lalo CuraPutas Asesinas, 2001The Return, 2010
Murdering WhoresPutas AsesinasPutas Asesinas, 2001The Return, 2010
The ReturnEl RetornoPutas Asesinas, 2001The Return, 2010
BubaBubaPutas Asesinas, 2001The Return, 2010
DentistDentistaPutas Asesinas, 2001Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
PhotosFotosPutas Asesinas, 2001The Return, 2010
Dance CardCarnet de BailePutas Asesinas, 2001Last Evenings on Earth, 2006
Meeting with Enrique LihnEncuentro con Enrique LihnPutas Asesinas, 2001The Return, 2010
JimJimEl Gaucho Insufrible, 2003The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010;
Between Parentheses, 2011
The Insufferable GauchoEl Gaucho InsufribleEl Gaucho Insufrible, 2003The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010
Police RatEl Policía de las RatasEl Gaucho Insufrible, 2003The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010
Alvaro Rousselot’s JourneyEl Viaje de Álvaro RousselotEl Gaucho Insufrible, 2003The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010
Two Catholic TalesDos Cuentos CatólicosEl Gaucho Insufrible, 2003The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010
Literature + Illness = Illness
Literatura + Enfermedad = EnfermedadEl Gaucho Insufrible, 2003The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010
The Myths of Cthulhu
Los Mitos de CthulhuEl Gaucho Insufrible, 2003The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010
Colonia LindavistaLa Colonia LindavistaEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
The Secret of EvilEl Secreto del MalEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
The Old Man of the MountainEl Viejo de la MontañaEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
The Colonel's SonEl Hijo del CoronelEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
Scholars of SodomSabios de SodomaEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
The Room Next DoorLa Habitación de al LadoEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
LabyrinthLaberintoEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
Vagaries of the Literature of Doom
Derivas de la PesadaEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012;
Between Parentheses, 2011
CrimesCrímenesEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
I Can't ReadNo Sé LeerEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
Beach [short story,
originally considered an essay]
PlayaEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012;
Between Parentheses, 2011
MusclesMúsculosEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
The TourLa GiraEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
DanielaDanielaEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
SuntanBronceadoEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
Death of UlisesMuerte de UlisesEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
The Trouble-makerEl ProvocadorEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
Sevilla Kills Me
Sevilla me MataEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012;
Between Parentheses, 2011
The Days of ChaosLas Jornadas del CaosEl Secreto del Mal, 2007The Secret of Evil, 2012
Mexican manifesto[1]Manifesto MexicanoEl espíritu de la ciencia-ficción, 2016postscript to The Spirit of Science Fiction, 2018
Cowboy GravesSepulcros de vaquerosSepulcros de vaqueros, 2017Cowboy Graves, 2021
FatherlandPatriaSepulcros de vaqueros, 2017Cowboy Graves, 2021
French Comedy of HorrorsComedia del horror de FranciaSepulcros de vaqueros, 2017Cowboy Graves, 2021


English titleOriginal Spanish titleCollectionNotes
The Romantic DogsLos Perros RománticosThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
Self Portrait at Twenty YearsAutorretrato a los viente añosThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
ResurrectionResurrecciónThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
In the Reading Room of HellThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
SoniSoniThe Romantic Dogs
Ernesto Cardenal and IErnesto Cardenal y yoThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
Day Bleeding RainThe Romantic Dogs
The WormEl GusanoThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
LupeLupeThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
The Front LineLos ArtillerosThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
La FrancesaLa francesaThe Romantic Dogs
The Outsider ApeEl mono exteriorThe Romantic Dogs
Dirty, Poorly DressedThe Romantic Dogs
I Dreamt of Frozen DetectivesThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
The DetectivesThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
The Lost DetectivesThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
The Frozen DetectivesThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
FragmentsFragmentosThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
The Ghost of Edna LiebermanThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
Visit to the ConvalescentThe Romantic Dogs
Godzilla in MexicoThe Romantic Dogs
Verses by Juan RamónVersos de Juan RamónThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
Dino Campana Revises His Biography
in Castel Pulci Psychiatric Hospital
The Romantic Dogs
PalingenesisPalingenesiaThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
The NursesThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
Twilight in BarcelonaThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
The GreekThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
Mr. WiltshireEl senor WiltshireThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
RainLluviaThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
LuckLasuerteThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
X-RaysRayos XThe Romantic Dogs
The Last Love Song of
Pedro J. Lastarria, Alias "El Chorito"
The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
My Life in the Tubes of SurvivalThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
On the Edge of the CliffThe Romantic Dogs
RoadsterThe Romantic Dogs
The Last SavageThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
Half-BakedThe Romantic Dogs
AtoleAtoleThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
The DonkeyEl burroThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
Parra's FootstepsThe Romantic Dogs
I'll Try to ForgetThe Romantic Dogs
MuseMusaThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
With the FliesEntre las moscasThe Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University
Prose from Autumn in GeronaProsa del otono en GeronaTres; The Unknown University35 prose poems
The NeochileansLos neochilenosTres; The Unknown University
A Stroll Through LiteratureUn paseo por la literaturaTressequence of 57 poems
People Walking AwayThe Unknown Universitya slightly different version of Antwerp
Roberto Bolaño’s DevotionThe Unknown University
TreesArbolesThe Unknown University
The MonkEl monjeThe Unknown University
The Snow-NovelLa novela-nieveThe Unknown University
DaybreakAmanecerThe Unknown University
This is the honest TruthEsta es la pura verdadThe Unknown University
WorkEl TrabajoThe Unknown University
The Wigs of BarcelonaLas pelucas de BarcelonaThe Unknown University
My CastlesMis CastillosThe Unknown University
Chinese Poet in BarcelonaPoeta Chino en BarcelonaThe Unknown University
My PoetryMi poesiaThe Unknown University
Fucking WhistlerPendejo WhistlerThe Unknown University
Dickensian ChildrenNiños de DickensThe Unknown University

Interviews with Bolaño

NameInterviewerOriginal publicationCollected in
Literature Is Not Made from Words AloneHéctor Soto and Matias BravoCapital Santiago, December 1999Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview & Other Conversations
Reading Is Always More Important than WritingCarmen BoullosaBomb Magazine #78, Winter 2002Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview & Other Conversations
Positions Are Positions and Sex Is SexEliseo ÁlvarezRevista Cultural Turia 75, June 2005
(as "Roberto Bolaño: Todo escritor que escribe
en español deberia tener influencia cervantina"
Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview & Other Conversations
The Last Interview / The End: Distant StarMonica MaristainPlayboy Mexico, July 2003Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview & Other Conversations;
Between Parentheses

Works about Bolaño


NameWriterOriginal publicationCollected inAvailable online
Roberto Bolaño: Portrait of the Writer as Noble SavageWill H. CorralWorld Literature Today, November - December 2006--
Vagabonds - Roberto Bolaño and his fractured masterpieceDaniel ZalewskiThe New Yorker, 26 March 2007-The New Yorker
Precarious Crossing: Immigration, Neoliberalism, and the Atlantic Alexandra Perisic Ohio State University Press, 2019. 89-120. Print. "How to Get Away with Murder: Multinational Corporations and Atlantic Crimes". Chapter 3 on Roberto Bolaño's novel 2666)"
The Great BolañoFrancisco GoldmanThe New York Review of Books, 19 July 2007--
In the SonoraBenjamin KunkelLondon Review of Books, 6 September 2007-London Review of Books
Alone Among the GhostsMarcela ValdesThe Nation, 8 December 2008Introduction to Roberto Bolaño:
The Last Interview & Other Conversations
The Nation
Roberto Bolaño’s Flower War: Memory, Melancholy, and Pierre Menard.Ignacio López-CalvoRoberto Bolaño, a Less Distant Star: Critical Essays., Ed. Ignacio López-Calvo. Palgrave Macmillan Publishing, 2015. 35-64. Print--


Roberto Bolaño's Fiction: An Expanding UniverseChris AndrewsColumbia University Press (July 29, 2014)
Bolaño: A BiographyMonica MaristainMelville House (August 26, 2014)
Roberto Bolaño, a Less Distant Star: Critical Essays.Ignacio López-CalvoPalgrave Macmillan Publishing (March 25, 2015)
Framing Roberto Bolaño: Poetry, Fiction, Literary History, PoliticsJonathan Beck MonroeCambridge University Press (November 7, 2019)


  1. Bolaño, Roberto (April 22, 2013). "Mexican manifesto". The New Yorker. Vol. 89, no. 10. Translated from the Spanish by Laura Healy. pp. 96–101.
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