Pyrenophora seminiperda on cheat grass (Bromus secalinus L.)
Scientific classification

Type species
Pyrenophora phaeocomes
(Rebent.) Fr.

See list

The fungal genus Pyrenophora includes 108 species,[2] including the following plant pathogenic species: Pyrenophora teres, Pyrenophora graminea and Pyrenophora tritici-repentis.

Pyrenophora teres (has the teleomorph, Drechslera teres) makes up to 3 conidia per conidiophore. It infects plants with an appressorium. It grows bio-trophically in the first infected plant cell, but then switches to a necrotrophic growth mode. During necrotrophic growth, the fungus can only be found in the plant apoplast but not within plant cells.


As accepted by Species Fungorum (which has a list over 50 former species);[2]

  • Pyrenophora allosuri Cruchet (1923)
  • Pyrenophora ampla Syd. & P. Syd. (1906)
  • Pyrenophora astragalorum Maire (1906)
  • Pyrenophora avenae S. Ito & Kurib. (1930)
  • Pyrenophora avenicola Y. Marín & Crous (2019)
  • Pyrenophora bartramiae Racov. (1959)
  • Pyrenophora biseptata (Sacc. & Roum.) Crous (2013)
  • Pyrenophora bondarzewii Pidopl. (1950)
  • Pyrenophora brizae C. Massal. ex Sacc. (1911)
  • Pyrenophora bromi (Died.) Drechsler (1923)
  • Pyrenophora bryophila Racov. (1959)
  • Pyrenophora buddlejae Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora bupleuri Negru (1965)
  • Pyrenophora calvertii Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora carthami Politis (1940)
  • Pyrenophora castillejae Earle (1901)
  • Pyrenophora catenaria (Drechsler) Rossman & K.D. Hyde (2015)
  • Pyrenophora centranthi Politis (1940)
  • Pyrenophora cerastii (Oudem.) Lind (1924)
  • Pyrenophora chaetomioides Speg. (1898)
  • Pyrenophora chengii Gucevič (1960)
  • Pyrenophora chrysanthemi Gucevič (1952)
  • Pyrenophora ciliolata Moesz (1915)
  • Pyrenophora clematidis Earle (1901)
  • Pyrenophora convexispora Bubák (1914)
  • Pyrenophora convolvuli Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora coppeyana Maire (1930)
  • Pyrenophora cynosuri Y. Marín & Crous (2019)
  • Pyrenophora dactylidis Ammon (1963)
  • Pyrenophora dematioidea (Bubák & Wróbl.) Rossman & K.D. Hyde (2015)
  • Pyrenophora dichondrae Yun Huang & F. Fang (2008)
  • Pyrenophora dictyoides A.R. Paul & Parbery (1968)
  • Pyrenophora dubia Bubák (1914)
  • Pyrenophora ephedrae Speg. (1912)
  • Pyrenophora ephemera Crivelli (1983)
  • Pyrenophora eriogoni Earle (1901)
  • Pyrenophora eryngiicola Losa (1947)
  • Pyrenophora erythrospila A.R. Paul (1972)
  • Pyrenophora euphorbiae Politis (1946)
  • Pyrenophora filicina Lind (1910)
  • Pyrenophora flavofusca Feltgen (1903)
  • Pyrenophora freticola Speg. (1924)
  • Pyrenophora fugax (Wallr.) Rossman & K.D. Hyde (2015)
  • Pyrenophora grahamii Rossman & K.D. Hyde (2015)
  • Pyrenophora graminea S. Ito & Kurib. (1930)
  • Pyrenophora heraclei Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora hordei Wallwork, Lichon & Sivan. (1992)
  • Pyrenophora hyperici Gucevič (1960)
  • Pyrenophora japonica S. Ito & Kurib. (1930)
  • Pyrenophora kugitangi Kurbans. (1982)
  • Pyrenophora leucelenes Fairm. (1918)
  • Pyrenophora leucospermi Crous & L. Swart (2011)
  • Pyrenophora lithophila Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora lolii Dovaston (1948)
  • Pyrenophora macrospora Wehm. (1961)
  • Pyrenophora meliloti Ranoj. (1919)
  • Pyrenophora metasequoiae Gucevič (1960)
  • Pyrenophora minuartiae-hirsutae Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora moroczkovskii Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora muscorum Racov. (1959)
  • Pyrenophora nisikadoi Y. Marín & Crous (2019)
  • Pyrenophora nobleae (McKenzie & D. Matthews) Rossman & K.D. Hyde (2015)
  • Pyrenophora novozelandica Y. Marín & Crous (2019)
  • Pyrenophora nuda Cooke (1879)
  • Pyrenophora osmanthi Gucevič (1970)
  • Pyrenophora pachyasca Syd. & P. Syd. (1908)
  • Pyrenophora parvula (Speg.) Sacc. (1883)
  • Pyrenophora pellatii Ranoj. (1918)
  • Pyrenophora pellita (Fr.) Sacc. (1883)
  • Pyrenophora pestalozzae Magnus (1903)
  • Pyrenophora phaeocomes (Rebent.) Fr. (1849)
  • Pyrenophora phlei (E. Müll.) Crivelli (1983)
  • Pyrenophora pimpinellae Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora pittospori Bondartseva (1960)
  • Pyrenophora poae (Baudyš) Y. Marín & Crous (2019)
  • Pyrenophora polyphragmoides Sacc. & Scalia (1904)
  • Pyrenophora polytricha Sousa da Câmara (1936)
  • Pyrenophora pontresinensis Kirschst. (1939)
  • Pyrenophora pseudoerythrospila Y. Marín & Crous (2019)
  • Pyrenophora pulsatillae Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora raetica (E. Müll.) Crivelli (1983)
  • Pyrenophora rayssiae Sandu (1961)
  • Pyrenophora relicina (Fuckel) Sacc. (1883)
  • Pyrenophora rugosa Dearn. & Bisby (1929)
  • Pyrenophora saviczii Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora scirpi (Fr. ex Rabenh.) Wehm. (1961)
  • Pyrenophora seminiperda (Brittleb. & D.B. Adam) Shoemaker (1966)
  • Pyrenophora semiusta Gucevič (1970)
  • Pyrenophora seseli Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora sieglingiae Y. Marín & Crous (2019)
  • Pyrenophora silenes Gonz. Frag. (1916)
  • Pyrenophora sobolewskii Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora subantarctica Speg. (1924)
  • Pyrenophora sudetica Baudyš & Picb. (1925)
  • Pyrenophora syntrichiae Racov. (1959)
  • Pyrenophora szaferiana Moesz (1926)
  • Pyrenophora teres Drechsler (1923)
  • Pyrenophora tetraneuris Earle (1905)
  • Pyrenophora tetrarrhenae A.R. Paul (1971)
  • Pyrenophora tranzschelii Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora trifolii Savinceva (1970)
  • Pyrenophora triseptata (Drechsler) Rossman & K.D. Hyde (2015)
  • Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Died.) Drechsler (1923)
  • Pyrenophora ushuwaiensis Speg. (1924)
  • Pyrenophora variabilis Hern.-Restr. & Y. Marín (2019)
  • Pyrenophora venturia (Speg.) Sacc. (1883)
  • Pyrenophora villosa Gucevič (1959)
  • Pyrenophora wirreganensis (Wallwork, Lichon & Sivan.) Y. Marín & Crous (2019)


  1. "NCBI Taxonomy Browser entry for Pyrenohora".
  2. 1 2 "Species Fungorum - Search Page - Pyrenophora". Retrieved 8 August 2023.

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