This is a list of NATO country codes. Up to and including the seventh edition of STANAG 1059, these were two-letter codes (digrams). The eighth edition, promulgated 19 February 2004, and effective 1 April 2004, replaced all codes with new ones based on the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. Additional codes cover gaps in the ISO coverage, deal with imaginary countries used for exercise purposes, and designate large geographical groupings and water bodies (ranging from oceans to rivers). It consists of two-letter codes for geographical entities, four-letter codes for subdivisions, and lists the ISO three-letter codes for reference. The digrams match the FIPS 10-4 codes with a few exceptions.

The ninth edition's ratification draft was published on 6 July 2005, with a reply deadline of 6 October 2005. It replaces all two- and four-letter codes with ISO or ISO-like three- and six-letter codes. It is intended as a transitional standard: once all NATO nations have updated their information systems, a tenth edition will be published.

For diplomatic reasons, the country that is now known as North Macedonia was designated as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for a number of years and received a temporary code, FY/FYR, explicitly different from the ISO one, which was 3166 MKD. Since its name change following the 2018 Prespa agreement with Greece, the country is identified with the MK digram and the MKD trigram,[1] but on car license plates, they must be changed to NM or NMK.[2]

The Republic of Palau is also often indicated (at least in the United States) as PW.

Digram Trigram Entity Comment
AA ABW Aruba
AB ABB Asia 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
AC ATG Antigua and Barbuda
AF AFG Afghanistan
AG DZA Algeria
AJ AZE Azerbaijan
SS SSD South Sudan[3]
AL ALB Albania
AM ARM Armenia
AN AND Andorra
AO AGO Angola
AR ARG Argentina
AS AUS Australia
AT ACI Ashmore and Cartier Islands Appears with 9th ed.; the entity is omitted from 8th ed., not in ISO 3166-1
AU AUT Austria
AV AIA Anguilla
AY ATA Antarctica
BA BHR Bahrain
BB BRB Barbados
BC BWA Botswana
BM BMU Bermuda
BE BEL Belgium
BF BHS The Bahamas
BD BGD Bangladesh
BH BLZ Belize
BK BIH Bosnia-Herzegovina
BL BOL Bolivia
MM MMR Myanmar
BN BEN Benin
BO BLR Belarus
BP SLB Solomon Islands
BR BRA Brazil
BT BTN Bhutan
BG BGR Bulgaria
BV BVT Bouvet Island
BX BRN Brunei
BY BDI Burundi
CA CAN Canada
CB KHM Cambodia
CE LKA Sri Lanka
CF COG Republic of the Congo
CD COD Democratic Republic of the Congo
CH CHN People's Republic of China
CI CHL Chile
CJ CYM Cayman Islands
CK CCK Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CM CMR Cameroon
CN COM Comoros
CO COL Colombia
CQ MNP Northern Mariana Islands Also listed under the subdivision code US-MP-
CR CSI Coral Sea Islands Appears with 9th ed.; the entity is omitted from 8th ed., not in ISO 3166-1
CS CRI Costa Rica
CT CAF Central African Republic
CV CPV Cape Verde
CW COK Cook Islands
CY CYP Cyprus
CZ CZE Czech Republic
DA DNK Denmark
DJ DJI Djibouti
DO DMA Dominica
DR DOM Dominican Republic
EC ECU Ecuador
EE EEE Europe 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
EG EGY Egypt
EI IRL Ireland
EK GNQ Equatorial Guinea
EN EST Estonia
ER ERI Eritrea
ES ESP Spain
ET ETH Ethiopia
FF FFF Africa 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
FG GUF French Guiana 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-973
FI FIN Finland
FK FLK Falkland Islands
FM FSM Federated States of Micronesia
FO FRO Faroe Islands
FP PYF French Polynesia 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-PYF
FR FRA France
FS ATF French Southern Territories 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-FST
GM GMB The Gambia 8th ed. STANAG 1049 revised from GA (now: Gabon)
GA GAB Gabon 8th ed. STANAG 1049 revised from GB (now: United Kingdom)
GC n/a East Germany Obsolete 1990
DE DEU Germany
GG GEO Georgia
GH GHA Ghana
GI GIB Gibraltar
GJ GRD Grenada
GL GRL Greenland
GP GLP Guadeloupe 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-971
GQ GUM Guam Also listed under the subdivision code US-GU-
GR GRC Greece
GT GTM Guatemala
GV GIN Guinea
GY GUY Guyana
HA HTI Haiti
HK HKG Hong Kong Also listed under the provincial code CN-91-
HM HMD Heard and McDonald Islands
HO HND Honduras
HQ HQI Howland Island Appears with 9th ed.; also listed under IQ, not in ISO 3166-1
HR HRV Croatia
HU HUN Hungary
IC ISL Iceland
ID IDN Indonesia
IN IND India
IO IOT British Indian Ocean Territory
IQ UMI U.S. Minor Outlying Islands Baker, Howland, Jarvis, Johnston, Kingman Reef,
Midway, Navassa, Palmyra, and Wake Islands
Also listed under the subdivision code US-UM-
IS ISR Israel
IT ITA Italy
IV CIV Côte d'Ivoire
JA JPN Japan
JM JAM Jamaica
JN JNM Jan Mayen Island Appears with 9th ed.; also listed under SV/SJM;
Also listed under the subdivision code NO-22-
JO JOR Jordan
JQ JQA Johnston Atoll Appears with 9th ed.; also listed under IQ, not in ISO 3166-1
KE KEN Kenya
KG KGZ Kyrgyzstan
KN PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea
KR KIR Kiribati
KS KOR Republic of Korea
KT CXR Christmas Island
KU KWT Kuwait
KZ KAZ Kazakhstan
LE LBN Lebanon
LG LVA Latvia
LH LTU Lithuania
LI LBR Liberia
LO SVK Slovakia
LS LIE Liechtenstein
LT LSO Lesotho
LU LUX Luxembourg
LY LBY Libya
MA MDG Madagascar
MB MTQ Martinique 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-972
MC MAC Macau
MD MDA Republic of Moldova
ME MNE Montenegro Since 8th ed.
MG MNG Mongolia
MH MSR Montserrat
MI MWI Malawi
MK MKD North Macedonia While the country had the provisional name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the digram was FY and the trigram, FYR.
ML MLI Mali MLI in ISO 3166-1
MN MCO Monaco
MO MAR Morocco
MP MUS Mauritius
MR MRT Mauritania
MT MLT Malta
MV MDV The Maldives
MX MEX Mexico
MY MYS Malaysia
MZ MOZ Mozambique
NA ANT Netherlands Antilles removed from ISO 3166-1
NC NCL New Caledonia 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-NCL
NF NFK Norfolk Island
NE NER Niger
NH VUT Vanuatu
NG NGA Nigeria
NL NLD Netherlands
NN NNN North America 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
NO NOR Norway
NP NPL Nepal
NR NRU Nauru
NS SUR Suriname
NT NTT NATO countries 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
NU NIC Nicaragua
NZ NZL New Zealand
PA PRY Paraguay
PN PCN Pitcairn Islands
PF PFI Paracel Islands Appears with 9th ed.; the entity is omitted from 8th ed., not in ISO 3166-1
PK PAK Pakistan
PL POL Poland
PM PAN Panama
PT PRT Portugal
PP PNG Papua New Guinea
PS PLW Palau In 9th ed., the digram is also assigned to Palestine
PS PSE Palestinian Territory Temporary code; 8th ed. has no digram for Palestine
9th ed. also assigns PS to Palau
PU GNB Guinea-Bissau
QA QAT Qatar
RE REU Réunion 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-974
RM MHL Marshall Islands 8th ed. omits the trigram (mistakenly?)
RO ROU Romania
RP PHL Philippines
RQ PRI Puerto Rico Also listed under the subdivision code US-PR-
RS SRB Serbia 8th ed.
RU RUS Russia Original code RS is not to be used 8th ed. Now assigned to Serbia.
RW RWA Rwanda
SA SAU Saudi Arabia
SB SPM Saint Pierre and Miquelon 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-975
and assigns SB to "Serbia and Montenegro"
SC KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis
SE SYC Seychelles
SF ZAF South Africa
SG SEN Senegal
SH SHN Saint Helena
SI SVN Slovenia
SJ SJM Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Also listed under the subdivision code NO-21-
SL SLE Sierra Leone
SM SMR San Marino
SN SGP Singapore
SO SOM Somalia
SR SRR South America 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
SS ASM American Samoa Also listed under the subdivision code US-AS-
SS WSM Samoa Some sources (other than the STANAGs
themselves) claim the digram was WS
ST LCA Saint Lucia
SU SDN Sudan
SV SLV El Salvador
SW SWE Sweden
SX SGS South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
SY SYR Syria
SZ CHE Switzerland
TC ARE United Arab Emirates
TD TTO Trinidad and Tobago
TH THA Thailand
TI TJK Tajikistan
TK TCA Turks and Caicos Islands
TK TKL Tokelau
TL TLS Timor-Leste
TN TON Tonga
TP STP São Tomé and Príncipe
TS TUN Tunisia
TU TUR Turkey
TV TUV Tuvalu
TW TWN Republic of China (Taiwan) Also listed under the provincial code CN-71-
TX TKM Turkmenistan
TZ TZA Tanzania
UG UGA Uganda
GB GBR United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 8th ed. STANAG 1059 removed UK
UA UKR Ukraine
UR n/a Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Obsolete 1992
US USA United States
UU UUU Oceania 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
UV BFA Burkina Faso
UY URY Uruguay
UZ UZB Uzbekistan
VC VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VE VEN Venezuela
VI VIR U.S. Virgin Islands 8th ed. lists "VI or VS";
Also listed under the subdivision code US-VI-
VN VNM Vietnam
VS VGB British Virgin Islands 8th ed. lists "VI or VS"
VT VAT Vatican City (Holy See)
WA NAM Namibia
WF WLF Wallis and Futuna Islands 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-WLF
WI ESH Western Sahara
WZ SWZ Swaziland
XB XXB "Brownland" 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XE XXE SHAPE (ACO Command) 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XG XXG "Greyland" 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XI XXI "Indigoland" 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XL XXL "Limeland" 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XM XXM NATO [4] private use in ISO 3166-1
XN XXN NATO "Blue" Command 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XP XXP "Purpleland" 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XR XXR "Redland" 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XS XXS SACLANT (HQ SACT Command) 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XW XXW "Whiteland" 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XY XXY "Yellowland" 9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
YE YEM Yemen
YO n/a Yugoslavia Obsolete 1993
YT - Mayotte Former NATO code ME is not to be used since 8th ed.;
8th ed. omits the trigram (mistakenly?);
9th ed. lists it under France as FR-976
SCG Serbia and Montenegro 9th ed. lists SB for the digram, which
8th ed. assigns to Saint Pierre and Miquelon, removed from ISO 3166-1
YU YUG Yugoslavia (Federal Republic of)
ZA ZMB Zambia
ZI ZWE Zimbabwe
Water Bodies (9th edition)
Trigram Digram Entity Comment
1A-1ANorth Atlantic Ocean
1B-1BBay of Biscay
1C-1CBristol Channel
1D-1DDenmark Strait
1E-1EEnglish Channel
1F-1FBay of Fundy
1G-1GGulf of Guinea
1H-1HHudson Bay
1I-1ILake Volta
1J-1JPanama Canal
1K-1KInner SeasInner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland, a.k.a. Inner Scottish Sea,[5] including the Minch,
the Sea of the Hebrides, and stretching to Ireland
1L-1LLabrador Sea
1M-1MGulf of Mexico
1N-1NNorth Sea
1O-1ONiger River
1P-1PBaffin Bay
1Q-1QSt. George's Channel
1R-1RIrish Sea
1T-1TGulf of St. Lawrence
1U-1UHudson Strait
1V-1VDavis Strait
1W-1WMagdalena River
1X-1XCaribbean Sea
1Y-1YGulf of Cadiz
1Z-1ZCantabrian Sea
2A-2ASouth Atlantic Ocean
2B-2BAmazon River
2C-2CCongo River
2D-2DDrake Passage
2E-2EGulf of CampechaGulf of Campeche (typo)
2F-2FGulf of Fonseca
2G-2GLake GranadaLake Nicaragua
2H-2HGulf of Honduras
2I-2IRío de la Plata Bay
2J-2JGulf of San GorgeGolfo San Jorge (typo)
2K-2KSargasso Sea
2L-2LMagellan Strait
2M-2MGulf of San MatiasSan Matias Gulf
2P-2PPutymayo RiverPutumayo River (typo)
2Q-2QOrinoco River
2R-2RRío de la Plata
2S-2SScotia Sea
2W-2WWeddell Sea
2X-2XLa Pérouse Strait
2Y-2YSalomon SeaSolomon Sea (typo)
2Z-2ZYucátan Sea
31-31Tonle Sap
32-32Song Hua GiangBassac (Hua Giang) River
33-33Chhâk Kâmpóng SaômKompong Som Bay, Cambodia
34-34Chhâk Veal RenhVeal Renh Bay, Cambodia
35-35Chhâk Kaôh KŏngKaôh Kŏng Bay, Cambodia
36-36Huang Pu (Yellow River)
37-37Yangtze River
38-38Hang Chou WanKwang-Chou-Wan
39-39Sunda Strait
3A-3ANorth Pacific
3B-3BSakhalinskiy ZalivSakhalin Gulf/Bay/Bight
3C-3CCelebes Sea
3D-3DTatar Strait
3E-3EEast China Sea
3F-3FFormosa Strait
3G-3GGulf of Tonkin
3H-3HHalmahera Sea
3I-3ILuzon Strait
3J-3JSea of Japan
3K-3KZaliv ShelikhovaShelikhova Gulf
3L-3LGulf of California
3M-3MMolucca Sea
3N-3NInland Sea
3O-3OAmur River
3P-3PPhilippine Sea
3Q-3QSea of Okhotsk
3R-3RKorea Bay
3S-3SSulu Sea
3T-3TGulf of Thailand
3U-3USouth China Sea
3V-3VTeluk TominiGulf of Tomini
3W-3WMekong River
3X-3XBo Hai
3Y-3YYellow Sea
3Z-3ZSingapore Strait
4A-4ASouth Pacific Ocean
4B-4BBanda Sea
4C-4CCoral Sea
4D-4DAmundsen Sea
4E-4ETeluk BoneGulf of Bone/Boni
4F-4FFlores Sea
4G-4GBellingshausen Sea
4I-4ILake Titicaca
4J-4JJava Sea
4K-4KBismarck Sea
4L-4LBali Sea
4M-4MMakassar Strait
4N-4NNapo River
4O-4OPacific Ocean
4P-4PGulf of Carpentaria
4Q-4QCeram Sea
4R-4RRoss Sea
4S-4SSolomon Sea
4T-4TTasman Sea
4U-4UArafura Sea
4Z-4ZAntarctic Ocean
5A-5AArctic Ocean
5B-5BBarents Sea
5C-5CChukshi SeaChukchi Sea
5D-5DBering Sea
5E-5EAlaska/BC Coastal Waters
5F-5FGulf of Alaska
5G-5GGreenland Sea
5K-5KKara Sea
5L-5LLincoln Sea
5N-5NNorwegian Sea
5P-5PLaptev Sea
5R-5RBering Strait
5S-5SEast Siberian Sea
5T-5TNorthwest Passage
5U-5UBeaufort Sea
5W-5WWhite Sea
5Y-5YAnadyrskiy ZalivAnadyrskiy Gulf
62-62Strait of Hormuz
6A-6AIndian Ocean
6B-6BBay of Bengal
6C-6CStrait of Malacca
6D-6DGulf of Aden
6E-6ERed Sea
6F-6FBass Strait
6G-6GGreat Australian Bight
6H-6HGulf of Mannar
6I-6ILake Malawi
6J-6JUssuri River
6K-6KZambezi River
6L-6LLaccadive Sea
6M-6MGulf of Oman
6N-6NAndaman Sea
6O-6OLimpopo River
6P-6PPersian Gulf
6Q-6QGulf of Aqaba
6R-6RArabian Sea
6S-6SSavu Sea
6T-6TTimor Sea
6U-6USuez Canal
6V-6VLake Victoria
6W-6WGulf of Suez
6X-6XLake Nyasa
6Y-6YLake Tanganyika
6Z-6ZMozambique Channel
7B-7BBaltic Sea
7E-7EGerman Bight
7F-7FGulf of Finland
7G-7GGdansk Bay
7H-7HGulf of Riga
7L-7LLeba River
7M-7MBaltic Approaches
7P-7PPomeranian Bay
7T-7TGulf of Bothnia
81-81Gulf of Sirte
82-82Naama BaySharm el-Sheikh's Naama Bay??
83-83Gulf of Hammamet
84-84Gulf of SollumKhalîg el Salûm
89-89Mediterranean Sea
8A-8ADanube River
8B-8BBlack Sea
8C-8CCaspian Sea
8D-8DAdriatic Sea
8E-8EMediterranean, Eastern
8F-8FDurrës BayBay of Durrës, Albania
8G-8GAgean SeaAegean Sea (typo)
8H-8HMediterranean, Central
8I-8ILake Tiberias
8J-8JBalearic Sea
8K-8KKotor Bay
8L-8LLigurian Sea
8M-8MSea of Marmara
8N-8NIonian Sea
8O-8OLake Ohrid
8P-8PIstanbul StraitBosphorus
8Q-8QLake Scutari
8R-8RAral Sea
8S-8SStrait of Gibraltar
8T-8TTyrrhenian Sea
8U-8UÇanakkale StraitDardanelles
8V-8VVlorë BayBay of Vlorë, Albania
8W-8WMediterranean, Western
8X-8XGulf of Lion
8Y-8YAlboran Sea
8Z-8ZSea of Azov
9A-9AAtlantic Ocean
9E-9ELake Erie
9H-9HLake Huron
9L-9LSt. Lawrence Seaway
9M-9MLake Michigan
9N-9NLake Ontario
9S-9SLake Superior
9W-9WLake Winnipeg
9Z-9ZGreat Lakes
IW-IWInternational Waters


  • NATO STANAG 1059 INT (Ed. 7, 2000) Distinguishing Letters for Geographical Entities for Use in NATO
  • NATO STANAG 1059 INT (Ed. 8, 2003) Letter Codes for Geographical Entities
  • NATO STANAG 1059 INT (Ed. 9 Ratification Draft, 2005) Codes for Geographical Entities
  • ISO Online Browsing Platform

See also


  1. "European Commission > North Macedonia". European Commission. Retrieved 30 November 2020.
  2. ""North Macedonia" Vote Not All About Country Name". Polgeonow. Retrieved 30 November 2020.
  3. "ISO country code for South Sudan". ISO. Retrieved 21 March 2018.
  4. NATO Standardization Agency (NSA), Report of the Technical Panel to the Asset Tracking Interservice Working Group (ASTWG), 12 July 2007
  5. "Limits of Oceans and Seas, 3rd edition" (PDF). International Hydrographic Organization. 1953. Archived from the original (PDF) on 8 October 2011. Retrieved 29 December 2020.
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