Ma Sanbao
Died629 (aged 4344)
EraTang dynasty

Ma Sanbao (Chinese: 马三宝) was a Chinese general during the Tang dynasty. He played an important role in the establishment of the Tang dynasty.

In history

Ma Sanbao was initially a servant of Chai Shao, the husband of Li Yuan's daughter Princess Pingyang. He was good at training eagles and hounds.[1] When Li Yuan rebelled against the Sui dynasty in 617 in Taiyuan, Chai Shao and Pingyang were chased by Sui officials. To avoid being both captured, they split and ran separate ways. Chai Shao fled to Taiyuan, while Ma Sanbao stayed with and protected Pingyang. They went to Sizhuyuan and convinced a local armed force led by He Panren, a bandit, to join forces with them. They then launched their own uprising near Chang'an to remotely assist Li Yuan's main force. Other small rebellion forces led by Li Zhongwen, Xiang Shanzhi, and Qiu Shili joined forces with them, and they managed to capture smaller cities around Chang'an such as Zhouzhi, Shiping, and Wugong. Sui forces in Chang'an tried to attack Ma Sanbao but were defeated. When Li Yuan's main force arrived, Pingyang and Ma Sanbao had already cleared most Sui garrisons around Chang'an. [2][3][4] Then, Ma Sanbao joined forces with Li Shimin and captured Chang'an successfully. He also defeated another group of rebels led by barbarians north of the city.[5]

After Tang dynasty was officially established, Ma Sanbao participated in campaigns against Xue Renguo and Tuyuhun as a subordinate to Chai Shao. He was known for his bravery on the battlefield. In the battle at Minzhou, he killed a prince of Tuyuhun and captured thousands of enemy soldiers. For those achievements, Li Yuan granted him the title of Baron of Xinxing County.[6] When Li Shimin became the emperor, he appointed Ma Sanbao to be the Grand General of Left Brave Guard, and promoted Ma's title to Duke of Xinxing County. Ma Sanbao died in 629 and was given a posthumous name of Zhong (Chinese: ; lit. 'loyal').[7]

In folklores, Ma Sanbao is often written as 马三保 (same romanization but different Chinese characters). He was said to be the general guarding the fortress of Wagang during Sui dynasty. He was defeated by Cheng Yaojin, who at that time was a general in the rebellion Wagang Army. After that, Ma Sanbao joined Tang army and became one of four close guards protecting Li Shimin (along with Duan Zhixuan, Yin Kaishan and Liu Hongji). In a battle against Goguryeo, Ma Sanbao was killed by Korean general Yeon Gaesomun.


  1. Cefu Yuangui:马三宝,本柴绍之家童,性狡猾,善调鹰犬。
  2. Old Book of Tang:公主乃归鄠县庄所,遂散家资,招引山中亡命,得数百人,起兵以应高祖。时有胡贼何潘仁聚众于司竹园,自称总管,未有所属。公主遣家童马三宝说以利害,潘仁攻鄠县,陷之。三宝又说群盗李仲文、向善志、丘师利等,各率众数千人来会。时京师留守频遣军讨公主,三宝、潘仁屡挫其锋。
  3. New Book of Tang:名贼何潘仁壁司竹园,杀行人,称总管,主遣家奴马三宝喻降之,共攻鄠。别部贼李仲文、向善志、丘师利等各持所领会戏下,因略地盩室、武功、始平,下之。
  4. Zizhi Tongjian:李氏归鄠县别墅,散家赀,聚徒众。渊从弟神通在长安,亡入鄠县山中,与长安大侠史万宝等起兵以应渊。西域商胡何潘仁入司竹园为盗,有众数万,劫前尚书右卫李纲为长史,李氏使其奴马三宝说潘会与之就神通,合势攻鄠县,下之。神通众逾一万,自称关中道行军总管,以前东城长令狐德棻为记室。德棻,熙之子也。李氏又使马三宝说群盗李仲文、向善志、丘师利等,皆帅众从之。
  5. Old Book of Tang:别击叛胡刘拔真于北山,破之。
  6. Old Book of Tang:又从平薛仁杲,迁左骁卫将军。复从柴绍击吐谷浑于岷州,先锋陷阵,斩其名王,前后虏男女数千口,累封新兴县公。
  7. Old Book of Tang:贞观三年卒。太宗为之废朝,谥曰忠。

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