Plants of the World Online[1] recognizes about 143 accepted species in the plant genus Castanopsis of the beech family Fagaceae. Individual species are described in detail on[2]


  • Castanopsis acuminatissima (Blume) A. DC. (= Castanea acuminatissima Blume, Quercus junghuhnii Miq.) – Bangladesh to Indochina, south-central China, Malesia, and Papuasia.
  • Castanopsis amabilis W.C.Cheng & C.S.Chao – China (southwest Guangxi)
  • Castanopsis annamensis Hickel & A.Camus – Vietnam and south-central China
  • Castanopsis argentea (Blume) A. DC. (= Castanea argentea (Blume) Blume) – India, Myanmar, Thailand, Sumatra, Borneo, and Java
  • Castanopsis argyrophylla King ex Hook. f. – Bangladesh and Indochina to China (southern Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis arietina Hickel & A.Camus – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis armata (Roxb.) Spach – Arunachal Pradesh and Bangladesh to Indochina


  • Castanopsis birmanica A.Camus – Myanmar
  • Castanopsis boisii Hickel & A.Camus – China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, and Hainan) and Vietnam
  • Castanopsis borneensis King – Borneo
  • Castanopsis brevispinula Hickel & A.Camus – northern Thailand and Laos
  • Castanopsis buruana Miq. – northern Borneo, Sulawesi, Maluku


  • Castanopsis calathiformis (Skan) Rehder & E.H.Wilson – Assam to Indochina and China (Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis cambodiana A.Chev. Cambodia
  • Castanopsis carlesii (Hemsl.) Hayata (= Quercus carlesii Hemsl.) – southern China, Taiwan, and Vietnam
  • Castanopsis castanicarpa (Roxb.) Spach Bangladesh and Myanmar
  • Castanopsis catappifolia King ex Hook.f. – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Castanopsis ceratacantha Rehder & E.H.Wilson – Indochina and south-central China
  • Castanopsis cerebrina (Hickel & A.Camus) Barnett – south-central China and northern Indochina
  • Castanopsis chapaensis Luong – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis chevalieri Hickel & A.Camus – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis chinensis (Spreng.) Hance – southern China, southern Taiwan, Vietnam
  • Castanopsis choboensis Hickel & A.Camus – China (Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi) and Vietnam
  • Castanopsis chunii W.C.Cheng – southern China
  • Castanopsis clarkei King ex Hook f. – Bhutan to Indochina
  • Castanopsis clemensii Soepadmo – Borneo (Sabah)
  • Castanopsis concinna (Champ. ex Benth.) A.DC. – China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong)
  • Castanopsis costata (Blume) A.DC. – Thailand and western Malesia
  • Castanopsis crassifolia Hickel & A.Camus – China (Guangxi) and Indochina
  • Castanopsis cryptoneuron (H.Lév.) A.Camus – China (Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis curtisii King – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Castanopsis cuspidata (Thunb.) Schottky – South Korea (Jeju) and southern and central Japan


  • Castanopsis delavayi Franch. – southern China
  • Castanopsis densinervia Soepadmo – northern Borneo
  • Castanopsis densispinosa Y.C.Hsu & H.Wei Jen – China (Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis diversifolia (Kurz) King ex Hook. f. (= Castanea diversifolia Kurz) – Indochina and China (Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis dongchoenensis Hickel & A.Camus – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis dongnaiensis Son & Ngoc – Vietnam


  • Castanopsis echinocarpa Miq. – Nepal to Indochina and southern China
  • Castanopsis echinophora A.Camus – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis endertii Hatus. ex Soepadmo – Borneo
  • Castanopsis evansii Elmer – northern and eastern Borneo, Philippines (Palawan)
  • Castanopsis eyrei (Champ. ex Benth.) Tutcher (= Castanopsis caudata Franch., Quercus eyrei Champ. ex Benth.) – southern China and Taiwan


  • Castanopsis faberi Hance (= Castanopsis stellatospina Hayata) – south-central and southeastern China, Taiwan, and Vietnam
  • Castanopsis fargesii Franch. (= Castanopsis taiwaniana Hayata) – southern China and Taiwan
  • Castanopsis ferox (Roxb.) Spach – Sikkim to Indochina and China (Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis fissa (Champ. ex Benth.) Rehder & E.H.Wilson – southeastern China to Indochina
  • Castanopsis fleuryi Hickel & A.Camus – Laos, China (Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis fordii Hance – southern China and northern Thailand
  • Castanopsis foxworthyi Schottky – Peninsular Malaysia and western Borneo
  • Castanopsis fulva Gamble – Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo


  • Castanopsis gamblei Hickel & A.Camus – Laos to northwestern Vietnam
  • Castanopsis glabra Merr. – Philippines (Leyte)
  • Castanopsis glabrifolia J.Q.Li & Li Chen – Hainan
  • Castanopsis grandicicatricata N.H.Xia & D.H.Vuong – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis griffithii A.Camus – Myanmar
  • Castanopsis guinieri A.Camus – Vietnam


  • Castanopsis hainanensis Merr. – Hainan
  • Castanopsis harmandii – Laos
  • Castanopsis hsiensiui J.Q.Li & Li Chen – Hainan
  • Castanopsis hupehensis C.S.Chao – China (Guizhou, Hunan, Sichuan, Hubei)
  • Castanopsis hypophoenicea (Seemen) Soepadmo – Borneo


  • Castanopsis indica (Roxb. ex Lindl.) A. DC. – Nepal to Indochina, southern China, and Taiwan
  • Castanopsis inermis (Lindl.) Benth. & Hook. f. (= Callaeocarpus sumatrana Miq., Castanea inermis Lindl., Castanopsis sumatrana (Miq.) A. DC.) – Myanmar, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Philippines


  • Castanopsis javanica (Blume) A. DC. (= Castanea javanica (Blume) Blume, Fagus javanica Blume, Quercus discocarpa Hance, Quercus javanica (Blume) Drake) – Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Java
  • Castanopsis jianfenglingensis Duanmu – Hainan
  • Castanopsis jinpingensis J.Q.Li & Li Chen – China (Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis johorensis Soepadmo – Peninsular Malaysia (Johor)
  • Castanopsis jucunda Hance – southern China


  • Castanopsis kawakamii Hayata – southeastern China, Taiwan, Vietnam
  • Castanopsis kweichowensis Hu – China (Guizhou, Guangxi)


  • Castanopsis lamontii Hance – southern China and Vietnam
  • Castanopsis lanceifolia (Oerst.) Hickel & A. Camus – Nepal to Indochina
  • Castanopsis lecomtei Hickel & A.Camus – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis longipes A.Camus – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis longipetiolata Hickel & A.Camus – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis longispina (King ex Hook.f.) C.C.Huang & Y.T.Zhang – eastern Himalayas and Tibet
  • Castanopsis lucida (Nees) Soepadmo – Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo


  • Castanopsis malaccensis Gamble – Peninsular Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra
  • Castanopsis malipoensis C.C.Huang ex J.Q.Li & Li Chen – China (Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis megacarpa Gamble – Peninsular Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo
  • Castanopsis mekongensis A.Camus – China (Yunnan), Laos, and Vietnam
  • Castanopsis microphylla Soepadmo – Borneo
  • Castanopsis motleyana King – Borneo, Philippines
  • Castanopsis multiporcata N.H.Xia & D.H.Vuong – Vietnam


  • Castanopsis namdinhensis Hickel & A.Camus – Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia
  • Castanopsis neocavaleriei A.Camus – China (Guizhou)
  • Castanopsis nephelioides King ex Hook f. – Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia
  • Castanopsis nhatrangensis Hickel & A.Camus – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis ninhhoensis Hickel & A.Camus – Vietnam


  • Castanopsis oblonga Y.C.Hsu & H.Wei Jen – China (Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis oliefera G.A.Fu – Hainan
  • Castanopsis oligoneura Soepadmo – Borneo (Sabah)
  • Castanopsis orthacantha Franch. – China (Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis ouonbiensis Hickel & A.Camus – China (southeastern and Yunnan) and Vietnam
  • Castanopsis oviformis Soepadmo – Borneo


  • Castanopsis pathakii Shankh.Mitra, Ranjan & D.Maity – Arunachal Pradesh
  • Castanopsis paucispina Soepadmo – western Borneo
  • Castanopsis pedunculata Soepadmo – northern Borneo
  • Castanopsis philipensis (Blanco) S. Vidal (= Fagus philipensis Blanco) – Philippines
  • Castanopsis phuthoensis Luong – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis pierrei Hance – Cambodia and Thailand
  • Castanopsis piriformis Hickel & A.Camus – Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam
  • Castanopsis platyacantha Rehder & E.H.Wilson – China (Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis poilanei Hickel & A.Camus – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis pseudohystrix Phengklai – Thailand
  • Castanopsis psilophylla Soepadmo – Borneo, Philippines (Palawan)
  • Castanopsis purpurea Barnett – Thailand
  • Castanopsis purpurella (Miq.) N.P.Balakr. – Nepal to northern Indochina, southern China, and Taiwan
    • Castanopsis purpurella subsp. laotica (Hickel & A.Camus) Govaerts – Laos
    • Castanopsis purpurella subsp. purpurella (= Castanopsis hystrix Miq.) – Nepal to northern Indochina, southern China, and Taiwan


  • Castanopsis qiongbeiensis G.A.Fu – Hainan


  • Castanopsis remotidenticulata Hu – China (Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis rhamnifolia (Miq.) A.DC. – Myanmar, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra
  • Castanopsis ridleyi Gamble – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Castanopsis rockii A.Camus – China (Yunnan) and northern Indochina
  • Castanopsis rufotomentosa Hu – China (Yunnan)


  • Castanopsis schefferiana Hance – Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, and northeastern Sumatra
  • Castanopsis sclerophylla (Lindl. & Paxton) Schottky (= Quercus chinensis C. Abel, Quercus sclerophylla Lindl. & Paxton) – southern China
  • Castanopsis scortechinii Gamble – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Castanopsis selangorensis A.Camus – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Castanopsis semifabri X.M.Chen & B.P.Yu – Hainan
  • Castanopsis siamensis Duanmu – northern Thailand
  • Castanopsis sieboldii (Makino) Hatus. (= Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii (Makino) Nakai, Pasania cuspidata var. sieboldii Makino) – South Korea, central and southern Japan, Ryukyu Islands
  • Castanopsis symmetricupulata Luong – Vietnam


  • Castanopsis tcheponensis Hickel & A.Camus – China (Yunnan), Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar
  • Castanopsis tessellata Hickel & A. Camus – China (Yunnan), Vietnam, and Laos
  • Castanopsis thaiensis Phengklai – northern Thailand
  • Castanopsis tibetana Hance – Tibet and southern China
  • Castanopsis tonkinensis Seemen – southern China, Hainan, and Vietnam
  • Castanopsis torulosa Hickel & A. Camus – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis touranensis Hickel & A. Camus – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis tranninhensis Hickel & A. Camus – Laos
  • Castanopsis tribuloides (Sm.) A. DC. (= Quercus tribuloides Sm.) – west-central Himalayas to Indochina and south-central China
  • Castanopsis trichocarpa G.A.Fu – Hainan
  • Castanopsis trinervis (H.Lév.) A.Camus – China (Guizhou)
  • Castanopsis tungurrut (Blume) A. DC. (= Castanea tungurrut Blume) – Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java


  • Castanopsis undulatifolia G.A.Fu – Hainan


  • Castanopsis wallichii King ex Hook f. – Peninsular Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia
  • Castanopsis wattii (King ex Hook.f.) A.Camus – Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Tibet, China (Yunnan)
  • Castanopsis wenchangensis G.A.Fu & C.C.Huang – Hainan
  • Castanopsis wilsonii Hickel & A.Camus – Vietnam
  • Castanopsis wuzhishanensis G.A.Fu – Hainan


  • Castanopsis xichouensis C.C.Huang & Y.T.Chang – China (Yunnan)


  1. "Plants of the World Online. Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew". Plants of the World Online. Retrieved 4 March 2023.
  2. Strijk, J.S. (September 4, 2018). "Castanopsis - On: – The complete database for information on the evolutionary history, diversity, identification and conservation of over 700 Species of Asian trees". Asian Fagaceae. Retrieved May 4, 2021.
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