Herpotrichia juniperi on Pinus mugo
Scientific classification

Type species
Herpotrichia rubi

Herpotrichia is a genus of fungi in the family Melanommataceae.[1]


As accepted by Species Fungorum;[2]

  • Herpotrichia alligata (Fr.) M.E. Barr (1992)
  • Herpotrichia alpincola Rehm (1906)
  • Herpotrichia arizonica M.E. Barr (1992)
  • Herpotrichia australis S.K. Bose (1961)
  • Herpotrichia bakeri Syd. & P. Syd. (1917)
  • Herpotrichia bambusana Henn. (1908)
  • Herpotrichia boldoae Speg. (1910)
  • Herpotrichia brasiliensis Rick (1933)
  • Herpotrichia brenckleana Petr. (1923)
  • Herpotrichia caesalpiniae (Doidge) Sivan. (1972)
  • Herpotrichia calamicola J. Fröhl. & K.D. Hyde (2000)
  • Herpotrichia callimorpha (Auersw.) G. Winter (1885)
  • Herpotrichia caulogena Feltgen (1903)
  • Herpotrichia chilensis Speg. (1910)
  • Herpotrichia cirrhostoma (Berk. & Broome) Petch (1912)
  • Herpotrichia dalisayi K.D. Hyde & Aptroot (1998)
  • Herpotrichia decidua (Ellis & Everh.) M.E. Barr (1992)
  • Herpotrichia detzneriae Otani (1971)
  • Herpotrichia diffusa (Cooke) Ellis & Everh. (1892)
  • Herpotrichia ellisii (Sacc. & P. Syd.) M.E. Barr (1992)
  • Herpotrichia ephedrae Kuhnh.-Lord. & J.P. Barry (1949)
  • Herpotrichia fusispora Chi Y. Chen & W.H. Hsieh (2004)
  • Herpotrichia gelasinosporoides (J.N. Kapoor, S.P. Lal & Bahl) Arx (1981)
  • Herpotrichia henkeliana Syd. & P. Syd. (1921)
  • Herpotrichia herbarum (Wehm.) M.E. Barr (1992)
  • Herpotrichia herpotrichoides (Fuckel) P.F. Cannon (1982)
  • Herpotrichia hippocrateae Tilak (1975)
  • Herpotrichia indica Anahosur (1971)
  • Herpotrichia laricina Feltgen (1901)
  • Herpotrichia leptospora Kirschst. (1911)
  • Herpotrichia lignicola (Mouton) S.K. Bose (1961)
  • Herpotrichia macrotricha (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1883)
  • Herpotrichia mangrovei E.B.G. Jones & Vrijmoed (2003)
  • Herpotrichia melanotricha Saccas (1954)
  • Herpotrichia millettiae Sivan. (1972)
  • Herpotrichia monospermatis P.G. Sathe & K.M. Mogarkar (1973)
  • Herpotrichia moravica Petr. (1914)
  • Herpotrichia mulleri Tilak & S.B. Kale (1969)
  • Herpotrichia myriangii Racib. (1909)
  • Herpotrichia nectrioides Rehm (1901)
  • Herpotrichia nigra R. Hartig (1888)
  • Herpotrichia nigrotuberculata (I. Hino & Katum.) Piroz. (1972)
  • Herpotrichia nypicola K.D. Hyde & Alias (1999)
  • Herpotrichia occulta Rick (1933)
  • Herpotrichia ochrostoma Feltgen (1903)
  • Herpotrichia palmicola J. Fröhl. & K.D. Hyde (2000)
  • Herpotrichia pandei S.K. Bose (1961)
  • Herpotrichia petrakiana S.K. Bose (1960)
  • Herpotrichia philippinensis Rehm (1914)
  • Herpotrichia pinetorum (Fuckel) G. Winter (1885)
  • Herpotrichia quinqueseptata Weir (1915)
  • Herpotrichia rara Kirschst. (1935)
  • Herpotrichia rhenana Fuckel (1870)
  • Herpotrichia rhodospiloides Peck (1909)
  • Herpotrichia rhodosticta (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1883)
  • Herpotrichia setosa M.E. Barr (1992)
  • Herpotrichia striatispora Papendorf & Arx (1967)
  • Herpotrichia symphoricarpi (Tracy & Earle) M.E. Barr (1968)
  • Herpotrichia tenuispora Kirschst. (1906)
  • Herpotrichia vaginatispora Q. Tian, Wanas., Camporesi & K.D. Hyde (2015)
  • Herpotrichia villosa Samuels & E. Müll. (1979)
  • Herpotrichia xiaokongensis G.C. Ren & K.D. Hyde (2021)

Former species (most are Melanommataceae, excepted stated ones);[2]

  • H. barbicincta (Ellis & Everh.) Ellis & Everh. (1892) = Chaetosphaeria barbicincta, Chaetosphaeriaceae
  • H. callimorpha var. juniperi Feltgen (1901) = Herpotrichia callimorpha
  • H. collapsa (Romell) Rehm (1903) = Nitschkia collapsa, Nitschkiaceae
  • H. coulteri (Peck) S.K. Bose (1961) = Neopeckia coulteri, Dothideomycetes
  • H. diffusa var. rhodomphala (Berk.) Ellis (1895) = Byssosphaeria rhodomphala
  • H. erythrinae B. Huguenin (1966) = Byssosphaeria erythrinae
  • H. heterostoma (P. Karst.) Sacc. (1883) = Echinosphaeria heterostoma, Helminthosphaeriaceae
  • H. jamaicana Sivan. (1971) = Byssosphaeria jamaicana
  • H. juniperi (Sacc.) Petr. (1925) = Herpotrichia pinetorum
  • H. keithii (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1883) = Byssosphaeria schiedermayriana
  • H. melasperma (Cooke) Sivan. (1972) = Lojkania melasperma, Fenestellaceae
  • H. mutabilis (Pers.) G. Winter (1885) = Pseudotrichia mutabilis
  • H. nicaraguensis Ellis & Everh. (1893) = Jobellisia nicaraguensis, Jobellisiaceae
  • H. parasitica (R. Hartig) Rostr. (1890) = Nematostoma parasiticum, Pseudoperisporiaceae
  • H. pezizula (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Pat. (1903) = Thaxteriella pezizula, Tubeufiaceae
  • H. resinae Bres. ex Capp. (1928) = Sorocybe resinae, Amorphothecaceae
  • H. rhodomphala (Berk.) Sacc. (1883) = Byssosphaeria rhodomphala
  • H. rhodospila (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1883) = Bertiella rhodospila, Massarinaceae
  • H. rubi Fuckel (1868) = Herpotrichia herpotrichoides
  • H. schiedermayriana Fuckel (1874) = Byssosphaeria schiedermayriana
  • H. schiedermayriana var. caldariorum Henn. (1895) = Byssosphaeria schiedermayriana
  • H. schiedermayriana var. xestothele (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sivan. (1972) = Byssosphaeria xestothele
  • H. separans (Ellis & Everh.) Sivan. (1972) = Lojkania separans, Fenestellaceae
  • H. vermicularispora (I. Hino & Katum.) Piroz. (1972) = Chaetosphaerulina vermicularispora, Tubeufiaceae
  • H. xestotheli (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1928) = Byssosphaeria xestothele
  • H. yasudae (I. Hino) Piroz. (1972) = Chaetosphaerulina yasudae, Tubeufiaceae


  1. Lumbsch TH, Huhndorf SM. (December 2007). "Outline of Ascomycota 2007". Myconet. Chicago, USA: The Field Museum, Department of Botany. 13: 1–58. Archived from the original on 2009-03-18.
  2. 1 2 "Species Fungorum - Search Page - Herpotrichia". www.speciesfungorum.org. Retrieved 4 August 2023.

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