John Edward Gunby Hadath
Born(1871-04-30)30 April 1871
Died17 January 1954(1954-01-17) (aged 82)
Other namesGunby Hadath, Florence Gunby Hadath, John Mowbray, Felix O'Grady, James Duncan, Shepherd/Shepperd Pearson
Occupation(s)Schoolmaster, company promoter, journalist, song-writer, lawyer, and author
Years active1892  1954
Known forEnglish Boarding School Stories
Notable workSparrow in search of expulsion

John Edward Gunby Hadath MA FRSA (30 April 1871  17 January 1954) was an English schoolmaster, lawyer, company promoter, songwriter, journalist, and author of boarding school stories. He is best remembered for over seventy novels (almost all juvenile fiction) of which over two-thirds were set in English Public Schools.

Early life

St Edmund's School, Canterbury, then the Clergy Orphan School, which Hadath attended.

Hadath was born at the Rectory in Owersby, Lincolnshire, England on 30 April 1871, the only son[note 1] of Reverend Edward Evans Hadath MA (c. 1892  19 Nov 1873),[1] the Rector of Owersby and Charlotte Elizabeth (first quarter of 1840  27 April 1912),[2][3] the eldest daughter of Rev. John Mobray Pearson (11 February 1809  third quarter of 1850),[4][5] a Wesleyan Minister.[6]

Hadath's father dies when he is two, and after initially attending a Dame school,[7] he was sent to the Clergy Orphan School at St Thomas Hill in Canterbury, where the 1881 census found him registered as a scholar. He was athletic, and like the hero of one of his own school stories, was Captain of the school. He matriculated for Cambridge in October 1889 and was admitted as a resident student to Peterhouse College on 2 October 1889.[8] At Cambridge he continuing his sporting career and earned his college colours for rugby, soccer, and cricket.[7] He was awarded his BA in 1892, and began a career as a schoolmaster.[8]

Early career

On leaving Cambridge Hadath taught first at Montpellier School in Paignton. This Private or Preparatory School had just been acquired by Bertram Bennet MA FRSA (18 April 1864  21 March 1925), who was a few years ahead of Hadath at Peterhouse.[9] Bertram was another athlete. By 1894 the school was advertising Hadath as the Second Master, after the Head Master.[10][note 2] In 1894 also, Hadath was advertising for private pupils, so he cannot have been content with his salary.[11] It is not clear how many years Hadath remained teaching here, but no advertisements referring to him can be found after 1895.

Branching out

Guildford Grammar School, where Hadath was the Head of Classics.

Hadath was awarded his MA degree in January 1896 and was the Senior Classics Master at Guildford Grammar-School[note 3] He continued to play sports, especially cricket.

Hadath married Florence Annie Webber (9 January 1873  23 January 1960) [12][13] in Tonbridge in the third quarter of 1898.[14] The couple never had any children. Florence was one of the few people who could read Hadath's awful handwriting and she used to type his stories for submission. Florences's twin sister Ella Maud was living with them in 1939.[12] She had been the Matron[note 4] at Dulwich School for many years.[15] By 18 August 1900 the Hadath's were living at what would be their long-term address of 39 Chichele Road, Cricklewood, North London.[16] It was still his address when he died.[6] As well as the Cricklewood Address, Hadeth also had a Chalet at Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, in the French Alps, near the Haute Savoie and Mont Blanc. He was a member of the Alpine Club of France. He was made a Citoyen d’Honneur of the town in 1932.[17]

Saint-Gervais-les-Bains in 2004

Hadath was a keen sportsman. He was on the school and college teams at St Edmunds and Peterhouse. After leaving school, he play Rugby as an amateur, but injury stopped him from playing for Devon.[18] Florence was also a keen sportswoman. The Times reported that she collected holes in the most merciless fashion when playing on the Legal Association team in 1920.[19]

It is not known when Hadath ceased teaching, but by 1902 he had already a good income from song-writing, having had more than 100 songs published.[20][note 5]Hadath was also working for a number of companies. In 1897, Hadath was appointed liquidator for the Candelaria Gold Mine Limited, a liquidation that was only completed in 1902.[21][22] Hadeth was listed as company secretary for two copper mines in 1903, The Copaquire Copper Sulphate Co. Ltd, with a mine in Copaquire, Tarapaca, Chile, and the Chile Copper Sulphate Syndicate, Ltd. which was leasing the lands to the first company. In 1907 he was the Company Secretary of British Coalite.[23] 1909 found him company secretary to Sierra Morena Copper Mines Ltd, with an idle copper mine in Penaflor, Seville, Spain. Hadath was admitted to the Inner Temple on 20 February 1908.

Between 1896 and 1910, Hadath earned between £1,300 and £1,400 from his songwriting. However, his losses from his speculations on the stock exchange exceeded this. He lost nearly £2,000 on the stock market and he was declared bankrupt on 19 January 1910. He had an initial hearing in February 1910, in which he declared that he had been a schoolmaster, a secretary of more than one company, a journalist and songwriter.[24]

At a subsequent hearing on 28 July 1910, the Official Receiver reported that Hadath's bankruptcy had been brought on by rash and hazardous speculations. Because of this, the Registrar suspended the discharge for two years, and Hadath's discharge was to date from 28 July 1912.[25]

Hadath joined up in the First World War and served in the 6th Battalion of the Middlesex Volunteer Regiment.[7] This was a reserve battalion and was in Mill Hill in North London when war broke out, and were almost immediately sent to Gillingham in Kent. In November 1915, the Battalion was sent to nearby Chatham where the remained for the rest of the war.[26] and was never sent to as a First-Class Light Guns instructor at Hythe, in Kent, England.[7] Hadath was appointed to the Rank of Captain (Temporary) on 2 February 1917.[27] He resigned his commission due to ill-health on 2 December 1918.[28]

Later life

After the war, Hadath began coaching pupils for the bar exam. He continued writing, and published right up to his death. Hadath was the director and co-trustee of the Benevolent Fund of the Performing Right Society. His first essay into such work was his appeal for the destitute family of the Italian song composer Piccolomini in the Musical Times of 1 August 1900.[16] Hadath was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts,

Hadath dies in a London Hospital on 17 January 1954.[29] Florence survived him another six years, until 1960.[13]

Hadath has attracted a lot of praise for his writing:

  • Hadath became famous for his authentic and true-to-life school stories [30]:165.
  • . . . his name became one of the best known and best loved of those who aim to instruct as well as entertain youth[29]
  • His articulate and highly intelligent (as well as often very funny) school stories often spotlighted real-life social problems.[31]:128-9
  • Sports, humor, and loyalty play an important role in his sixty novels [32]
  • . . . he has been a schoolmaster, and is a schoolboy at heart still. He has the atmosphere of the public school. Boys know it and revel in it. [33]
  • It is a pleasant surprise to find an old favourite still writing, and still writing well.[34]

But not everyone shared such high regard for Gunby: In New Zealand Dorothy Neal White, children's librarian at Dunedin, began in 1937 to organize the steady withdrawal from her shelves of books by writers judged second-rate, e.g. Percy Westerman, Elinor Brent-Dyer, and Gunby Hadath.[35]

Hadath himself identified one of the problems facing his work. Juvenile fiction was a poor relation of other literature. It attracted far less attention than adult fiction, and far less monetary reward.[36] There is undoubtedly an impression too many quarters that anybody can write books for young people, whereas actually youth is an exceedingly critical audience.[37]

By the time he died, the weekly boy's reading papers, which had sustained the genre through serialisation, were all but gone. Eyre said The school story was always an artificial type and its decline towards the middle of the century was neither unexpected nor deplored.[38] Trease noted that the boys’ school-story is  with a few notable exceptions  non-existent in the new lists.[39][note 6]


Hadath had his first published juvenile fiction story, a school story, published in The Captain in 1909. It was a story about a boy called Foozle who was to be one of his recurring characters.[30]:165 It may have been that Hadath was already feeling the financial pinch when he wrote the story. He had applied for bankruptcy on 18 November 1909, and owed over three hundred pounds in interest to money lenders when he first appeared in court.[24]

Hadath wrote for The Captain and other boy's papers including Chums, The Modern Boy, and The Boy's Own Paper. His serial stories were almost always published later in book form.

Pseudonyms and attribution

Hadath used a range of pseudonyms, mainly for his short fiction, with a few exception:

  • Duncan James.[41][18][30]:165[31]:128-9 No potential titles listed under this name n The British Library catalogue.
  • Felix O'Grady[41][30]:165[31]:128-9[18]. No titles listed under this name in The British Library catalogue.
  • Florence Gunby Hadath. Florence was Hadath's wife's name, and using this pseudonym he wrote the Pamela series of stories for girls.[32][7] Four unique titles are listed under this name in The British Library catalogue.
  • Shepherd (sometimes given as Shepperd) Pearson[41][30]:165[18] The name seems to come from George Shepherd Pearson (second quarter of 1844  18 February 1906),[42] Hadath's maternal uncle, who nominated Hadath as one of the executors of his estate.[43] One title listed under this name in The British Library catalogue, The Second Count (1944).
  • John Mowbray[41][7][30]:165 [31]:128-9[30]:250[18]. John Mowbray were the given names of both Hadath's maternal grandfather Rev. John Mowbray Pearson (11 Feb 1809  19 July 1850).[4][44] and a maternal uncle of the same name (fourth quarter of 1838  ).[45] Fourteen unique titles under this name are listed in The British Library catalogue.

The authorship of the books by John Mowbray is disputed. Edwards says Mowbray had been identified with Hadath until the British Museum (now Library) catalogue firmly declared Mowbray the pseudonym of one J. G. H. Vahey, with no additional proof. [46] The British Library sometimes indicated pseudonymous authorship unequivocally, as in the case of Harry Collingwood where his books are listed in the catalogue as being authored by Collingwood, Harry, pseud. (i.e. William Joseph Cosens Lancaster.) In the case of John Mowbray, there is now no such unequivocal assignment, it is merely that the year of birth and death are the same as those of Vahey as in Mowbray, John, 1881-1938.

John George Haslette Vahey (1881  15 June 1934)[47] was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland and attended Foyle College. He later attended school in Hannover, Germany.[48] He had moved to England by the 1911 census with an address in Bournemouth. Kemp et al. say that Vahey became an accomplished hack writer and published over forty crime novel, fourteen under his own name, twenty-two as Vernon Loder, four as Walter Proudfoot, seven as Henrietta Clandon, and five as Anthony Lang. He also published verse, and a volume of angling stories. He published seven novels under 4 different aliases in 1933, his most productive year. Kemp et al. also say that Vahey published fourteen novels as John Mowbray.[49]

However, it appears that Hadath also used the pseudonym. The evidence for Hadath's authorship of the books by John Mowbray is as follows:

  • The Mowbray novels, with one exception, are all juvenile fiction, whereas all the books published by Vahey under his other pseudonyms, are adult crime novels and thrillers.
  • The pseudonym, John Mowbray, like the other two pseudonyms which Hadath used for published books, can be found in his family tree.
  • Some of the school novels share characters with novels by Hadath.
  • Some of the novels are situated near where Hadath spent his summers.
  • The plots of the school novels are common (unjustly accused boys, initial conflict ending in friendship) etc. with many of Hadath's works. Kirkpatrick noted that the Mowbray school stories are similar to those written by Hadath [50]

Hubin bibliography of crime fiction in 1984 listed five titles as being by Vahey, using the pseudonym John Mowbray. These were

  • Call the Yard. Skeffington, 1931
  • The Frontier Mystery. Collins, 1940
  • The Megeve Mystery. Collins, 1941
  • On Secret Service. Collins, 1939
  • The Radio Mystery. Collins, 1941

A sixth title, The Way of the Weasel. Partridge, 1922 was listed as being a questionable inclusion.

Of these titles:

  • Only one of these, Call in the Yard is a crime novel, and this is the only one now attributed to Vahey by Hubin in his updated Crime Fiction IV: A Comprehensive Bibliography 1749-2000.[51] The heroes of this story are not English schoolboys, but young American men.[52] It was clearly not juvenile fiction as it was published in the Spring.[note 7] A reviewer described as a thriller of a rather naive character in parts. It concerns the efforts of a party wealthy and rather scatter-brained young men to secure some treasure, the supposed whereabouts of which they have to shown a crook. It is pure comedy up to the time the dead body of the crook is discovered, and then complications a deadly character ensue.[53]The attribution of this novel to Vahey is without question as Vahey registered the copyright for this work in the United States (this was the only such registration found for the Mowbray novels).[54]
  • The next four titles were juvenile fiction, were all published after Vahey's death in 1938, and in most cases had plots centred on the Second World War, which began more than a year after Vahey had died.[55][56][46]
  • The Way of the Weasel is a public-school story about a boy nicknamed The Weasel.[57]


The following list of major works excludes shorter fiction, the many anthologies and annuals to which Hadath contributed, and only lists the full-length novels. It is drawn from four sources:

  • The Jisc Library Hub Discover catalogue. This is a collated catalogue of 161 academic and specialist libraries across the UK and Ireland, including The British Library.[58] The J column in the table indicates if the title appears in the Jisc catalogue.
  • The list of school-boy fiction given in Benjamin Watson's English Schoolboy Stories: An annotated bibliography of hardcover fiction (1992) The Scarecrow Press, inc., Metuchen, New Jersey.[41] The W column in the table indicates if the title appears in Watson's list.
  • The list of boys' school stories presented in The Encyclopedia of Boys School Stories for both Gunby Hadath[7] and John Mowbray.[50]. The E column in the table indicates if the title appears in the Encyclopedia's list.
  • The online catalogue of Abe Books for both Gunby Hadath[59] and John Mowbray.[60] The A column in the table indicates if the title appeared in the Abe Books catalogue at 23:00UTC on 23 May 2020.[note 8]
List of full-length books by Gunby Hadath
11913The Feats of FoozleW. F. Thomas, T. M. R. WhitwellLondon, Adam & Charles Blackviii, 237 p., 12 fp ill. (8º)YesYesYesYes[note 9]
21913Schoolboy grit: a public school storyA. TwiddleLondon, James Nisbet & Covi, 296 p., ill., (8º)YesYesYesYes
31913Paying the price!: a public school storyE. PraterLondon, S.W. Partridge384 p., 5 fp ill., (8º)YesYesYesYes
41914Never say die!: a public school storyLondon, S.W. Patridge319 p., 5 fp ill., (8º)YesYesNoYes[note 10]
51914The last of his line: a public school storyLondon, S.W. Partridge382 p., 6 fp ill., (8º)YesYesYesYes
61915Sheepy Wilson: a public school storyLondon, James Nisbetix, 304 p., 6 fp ill., (8º)YesYesYesYes
71915The outlaws of St Martyn's, or, The school on the downsLondon, S.W. Partridge384 p., 6 fp ill., (8º)YesYesYesNo
81916Fall In! A public school storyLondon, S.W. Partridge320 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
91922Won by a try. A story, etcFrank GillettLondon, Cassell & Coviii, 293 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes[note 11]
101923The New House at Oldborough. A public school storyLondon, Hodder & Stoughton319 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes[note 12]
111924Against the Clock. A public school storyLondon, Hodder & Stoughton318 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
121924His Highness. A public school storyLondon, T. Nelson & Sons428 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
131924Pulling his weight: a public school storyLondon, Hodder & Stoughton320 p., 1 ill., (8º)YesYesYesYes
141924Sparrow in Search of Expulsion, etcLondon, Hodder & Stoughton320 p., (8º)YesYesYesNo
151924The way of the Weasel : a public school storyLondon, S.W. Partridge159 p., 1 ill. ; (8º)YesNoYesYes[note 13]
161925The Fattest Head in the Fifth, etcLondon, Hodder & Stoughton319 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
171925Something like a heroHenry Matthew BrockLondon, Cassell & Co215 pages ; (8º)YesNoYesYes[note 14]
181925Barkworth's Last Year. A school storyLondon, Cassell & Co185 pages ; (8º)YesNoYesYes[note 15]
191926Go-Bang Garry. A public school storyLondon, Hodder & Stoughton318 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
201926The secret of the code: being the truth of certain recent astonishing happenings at St. Quentin's School, Tidegate, and on the coast by Ottersfoot and OldportLondon, Hodder & Stoughton319 p., fs, (8º)YesNoYesNo
211926The Black Sheep of the SchoolLondon, Cassell & Co185 pages ; (8º)YesNoYesYes[note 16]
221927Feversham's fagLondon, Cassell & Co215 pages ; (8º)YesNoYesYes[note 17]
231928Carey of Cobhouse, etcLondon, Humphrey Milford287 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
241928Sparrow gets going: being the unvarnished truth concerning the notable efforts of Thomas Whitcombe Shirley Sparrow ... to become a great man of business and, perhaps, Lord Mayor of LondonLondon, Hodder & Stoughton320 p., fs, (8º)YesYesNoYes[note 18]
251928The lost legion: a story of Wallcaster SchoolLondon, Hodder & Stoughton320 p., ill, (8º)YesNoYesYes
261928Wonder Island, etcLondon, Cassell & Co246 p., (8º)YesNoNoYes
271928Dismal Jimmy of the fourthHenry Matthew BrockLondon, Cassell & Co215 pages ; (8º)YesNoYesYes[note 19]
281929Young Hendry, etcLondon, Hodder & Stoughton320 p., (8º)YesYesYesNo
291929Feversham's brotherHenry Matthew BrockLondon, Cassell & Co215 pages ; (8º)YesNoYesYes[note 20]
301930Pamela: a story for girls (and their aunts and uncles)London, Andrew Dakers188 p., col fs, (8º)YesNoNoYes[note 21]
311930St. Palfry's Cross. A story of adventure in the Alps, etcMargaret Freeman (in the US edition)London, Cassell & Coviii, 215 p., (8º)YesNoNoYes[note 22]
321930The new school at Shropp: a public school storyand R. MillsLondon, OUP283 p., 5 fp ill., (8º)YesYesYesYes
331930The feud at Fennell'sHenry Matthew BrockLondon, Cassell & Co215 pages ; (8º)YesNoYesYes[note 23]
341931Brent of Gatehouse. A public school story, etcLondon, OUP282 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
351931The strongest chap in the schoolHenry Matthew BrockLondon, Cassell & Co215 pages ; (8º)YesNoYesYes[note 24]
361932The Big Five! A public school story, etcLondon, OUP288 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
371932The Mystery of the Seventh SwordLondon, Cassell & Co287 p., (8º)YesNoNoYes
381933The mystery at Ridings: a public school storyLondon, Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford286 p., 5 fp ill., (8º)YesYesYesYes
391933Twenty Good Ships. A taleLondon, Cassell & Co256 p., 4 ill., (8º)YesNoNoYes[note 25]
401934Revolt at Fallas, etcLondon, OUP287 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
411935Grim Work at Bodlands. A public school storyReginald MillsLondon, OUP287 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
421935Sparrow in Search of Fame, etcLondon, Hutchinson & Co287 p., (8º)YesYesNoYes
431935The Hand and the Glove. A public school storyLondon, George Newnes255 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
441936The house that disappearedLondon, George Newnes256 p., fs, (8º)YesYesNoYes
451936The mystery of the three chimneysand V. CooleyLondon, Thomas Nelson and Sonsvi, 296 p., fs, (8º)YesNoNoYes
461938Living up to it: a public school storyLondon, Collins320 p., fs, (8º)YesYesYesNo
471938Major and minor: a public school storyand R. MillsLondon, OUP288 p., ill., (8º)YesYesYesNo
481939Happy-go-lucky: a public school storyHenry Matthew BrockLondon, Collins256 p., 3 fp ill., (8º)YesYesYesNo
491939More PamelaHenry Matthew BrockLondon, Collins288 p., (8º)YesNoNoYes[note 26]
501939On secret serviceLondon, Cassell & Co303 pages ; (8º)YesNoNoYes[note 27]
511940From pillar to postLondon, Collins256 p., ill., (8º)YesNoYesYes
521940Pamela CallingHenry Matthew BrockLondon, Collins288 p., (8º)YesNoNoYes[note 28]
531940The seventh swordsmanLondon, Boys' Own Paper Office256 p., fs, (8º)YesNoNoYes
541940The frontier mysteryLondon, Cassell & Co256 pages ; (8º)YesNoNoNo[note 29]
551941Blue beretsR. SheppardLondon, Lutterworth Press252 p., ill., (8º)YesNoNoYes
561941Pamela: George MedalLondon, Collins256 p., (8º)YesNoNoYes[note 30]
571941The radio mysteryLondon, Collins254 p. ; (8º)YesNoNoYes[note 31]
581941The Megève mysteryLondon, Cassell & Co256 pages ; (8º)YesNoNoYes[note 32]
591942Grim and gay: the story of a school which stayed putLondon, Lutterworth Press255 p., fs, (8º)YesYesYesYes
601942The swinger: a story of school life in war-timeLondon, Faber and Faber254 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
611943Fight it outLondon, Lutterworth Press254 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
621944All Clear!: a public school storyLondon, OUP192, (8º)YesYesYesYes
631944The Second CountLondon, John Gifford Ltd.280 p.NoNoNoYes[note 33]
641945The Bridgehead, etcLondon, OUP192 p., (8º)YesNoYesYes
651945What's in a Name?London, Lutterworth Press221 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
661946The March of Time. A story of school life in war timeLondon, Faber & Faber222 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
671947Men of the MaquisLondon, Lutterworth Press236 p., (8º)YesNoNoYes[note 34]
681948Fortune LaneLondon, Faber & Faber189 p., (8º)YesNoNoYes[note 35]
691948The Fifth FevershamLondon, Lutterworth Press96 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
701949The AtomNorman HowardLondon, OUPv, 186 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes[note 36]
711949The Shepherd's GuideJohn DreverLondon, C. & J. Temple236 p., ill., (8º)YesNoYesYes
721950No RobberyLondon, Lutterworth Press191 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes
731950Playing the game: a public school storyLondon, Latimer House150 p., fs., (8º)YesYesYesYes
741953Honours easyDrake BrookshawLondon, Thomas Nelson & Sonsvii, 214 p., (8º)YesYesYesYes


  1. He had three older sisters: Charlotte Elizabeth (1864  1945), a missionary who married in India and eventually emigrated to the United States, Maria Julia (1865  1881), who died when a teenager, and Mary Mowbray (1869  1891), who died in her early twenties.
  2. The reason for advertising that Hadath was a master, was that while Bennett had a mathematics degree, excellent for those who wanted their children to try for the Navy or the Army, parents interested in sending their sons to Public Schools would be keen on a teacher of the classics, which was Hadath's degree. The advertisements for the school stated the specialisms of the two masters.
  3. This is a Grammar School based at Guildford, Surrey in England, and not the Western Australian school of this name.
  4. A Boarding School Matron has the usual duties of a school nurse, but is also responsible for settling in new young boys, as well as overseeing the overall health of the children. A large school would typically have a few in-patient beds for any that needed more careful attention.
  5. The British Library Catalogue lists 91 scores written by Hadath.
  6. This was long before the advent of Harry Potter and the contested rebirth of the boarding school story.[40]
  7. At the time, juvenile fiction was almost always first published in September to November for the Christmas gift-book trade.
  8. Unlike the library catalogues, the content of the Abe Books catalogue constantly changes as books are sold or now volumes are offered for sale.
  9. Re-issued as According to Brown Minor in 1924
  10. Published in 1916 says Watson and Doyle.
  11. Some editions have same cover art as wonder island
  12. A reviewer said . . . gets the boys’ noses right into it at the first page. It is calculated to make good boys better and bad boys happier. After all, what can a book do more?[61]
  13. As John Mowbray. "Weasel" is a boy of small stature, who finds his friend is the victim of a plot at school. He clears up the mystery and justice is done.[62]
  14. As John Mowbray. In the Cassell's New Boys' Library.
  15. As John Mowbray in the Cassell's Popular Library for Boys' and Girls. Barkworth is removed after an unjust accusation, but eventually recovers his place.[63]
  16. As John Mowbray. In the Cassell's New Boys' Library.
  17. As John Mowbray. In the Cassell's New Boys' Library. Shares characters with The Fifth Feversham.
  18. Watson gives the year of publication as 1929. The title is not in Doyle's list. This is a collection of thirty-six Sparrow stories (presumably already published in boys' magazines). A reviewer commented: The tales are neither powerful nor deeply humorous, but the light comedy style runs through them all, and the versatility of Sparrow and his rise in trade will gain many a laugh.[64]
  19. As John Mowbray. In the Cassell's New Boys' Library
  20. As John Mowbray. In the Cassell's New Boys' Library. Shares characters with The Fifth Feversham.[46]
  21. As Florence, It's a girls' story so not listed by Watson or Doyle. Pamela, while still at school, is assisting the war effort by driving a Canteen Van. She gains the George Medal from rescues from a bombed school.[65]
  22. Published in the US as Mystery Cross: A Mystery Story for Young People (1931) Frederick A Stokes, New York. In this book a Cornish lad is summoned by a mysterious drummer, to seek a treasure hidden for him and marked with a cross, by his adventurer-father.[66][67]
  23. As John Mowbray. In the Cassell's New Boys' Library. A feud breaks out between day-boys and boarders and two boys work hard to resolve matters.[68]
  24. As John Mowbray. In the Cassell's New Boys' Library. A boy who has been tutored for years is suddenly sent to school, but object to compulsory games. He struggles with the school's all-rounder and they eventually become friends.[69]
  25. Retitled as "The Mystery of Black Pearl Island" for the US market. Also available in French as "Les Perles noires du pacifique".
  26. As Florence
  27. As John Mowbray. A boy recovers the stolen plans of a new and very secret British aircraft and flies home in the prototype that foreign agents have made from the drawings.[55]
  28. As Florence, It's a girls' story so not listed by Watson or Doyle
  29. As John Mowbray. A spy tale set in a frontier town on the borders of France, Italy, and Switzerland. Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, where Hadath spent part of every year, fits that description, being less than 25 km from the point where all three countries meet.[56]
  30. As Florence, It's a girls' story so not listed by Watson or Doyle
  31. As John Mowbray. Concerns espionage on the Yorkshire Moors during the Second World War.[70]
  32. As John Mowbray. Megève is 4km from the village of Saint-Gervais-les-Bains which made Hadath an honorary citizen.
  33. As Shepherd Pearson.
  34. Does not appear to be a boys' school story so not listed by Watson or Doyle
  35. Does not appear to be a boys' school story so not listed by Watson or Doyle. This was filmed as Fortune Lane in 1947. The hero, a boy, is trying to raise money to train as an engineer, but gives his savings to a friend so that he can visit his very ill Grandfather in Ireland.[71][72]
  36. Nothing to do with physics, the story is about a schoolboy whose energy is out of proportion to his size.[34]


  1. "Wills and Probates 1858-1996: Pages for Haddath and the year of death 1874". Find a Will Service. Retrieved 2020-05-23.
  2. "Index entry". FreeBMD. ONS. Retrieved 24 May 2020.
  3. "Wills and Probates 1858-1996: Pages for Haddath and the year of death 1912". Find a Will Service. Retrieved 2020-05-23.
  4. 1 2 Charlesworth, J., ed. (1917). Parish Register of Kirkleatham, 1559-1812, Vol 59.
  5. "Index entry". FreeBMD. ONS. Retrieved 24 May 2020.
  6. 1 2 A. & C. Black Ltd. (1964). "Hadath, Gunby, M.A. ; F.R.S.A.". Who Was Who: Volume V 1951-1960: A Companion to Who's Who Containing the Biographies of Those Who Died During the Decade 1951-1960. Vol. V (2nd ed.). London: Adam and Charles Black. p. 466.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Doyle, Brian. "Alphabetical list of Authors: Gunby Hadath". In Kirkpatrick, Robert J. (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Boys School Stories. Aldershot: Ashgate. pp. 146–9.
  8. 1 2 "Searching for Surname=Hadath". A Cambridge Alumni Database. Retrieved 2020-05-23.
  9. "Trained "Best Seller": Death of Mr B. Bennett of Paignton". Western Morning News (Monday 23 March 1925): 5. 1925-03-23.
  10. "Advertisement for Montpellier School". London Evening Standard (Tuesday 02 January 1894): 8. 1894-01-02.
  11. "Educational". Torquay Times, and South Devon Advertiser (Friday 25 May 1894): 4. 1894-05-25.
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