In mathematics, extendible cardinals are large cardinals introduced by Reinhardt (1974), who was partly motivated by reflection principles. Intuitively, such a cardinal represents a point beyond which initial pieces of the universe of sets start to look similar, in the sense that each is elementarily embeddable into a later one.


For every ordinal η, a cardinal κ is called η-extendible if for some ordinal λ there is a nontrivial elementary embedding j of Vκ+η into Vλ, where κ is the critical point of j, and as usual Vα denotes the αth level of the von Neumann hierarchy. A cardinal κ is called an extendible cardinal if it is η-extendible for every nonzero ordinal η (Kanamori 2003).


For a cardinal , say that a logic is -compact if for every set of -sentences, if every subset of or cardinality has a model, then has a model. (The usual compactness theorem shows -compactness of first-order logic.) Let be the infinitary logic for second-order set theory, permitting infinitary conjunctions and disjunctions of length . is extendible iff is -compact.[1]

Variants and relation to other cardinals

A cardinal κ is called η-C(n)-extendible if there is an elementary embedding j witnessing that κ is η-extendible (that is, j is elementary from Vκ+η to some Vλ with critical point κ) such that furthermore, Vj(κ) is Σn-correct in V. That is, for every Σn formula φ, φ holds in Vj(κ) if and only if φ holds in V. A cardinal κ is said to be C(n)-extendible if it is η-C(n)-extendible for every ordinal η. Every extendible cardinal is C(1)-extendible, but for n≥1, the least C(n)-extendible cardinal is never C(n+1)-extendible (Bagaria 2011).

Vopěnka's principle implies the existence of extendible cardinals; in fact, Vopěnka's principle (for definable classes) is equivalent to the existence of C(n)-extendible cardinals for all n (Bagaria 2011). All extendible cardinals are supercompact cardinals (Kanamori 2003).

See also


  1. Magidor, M. (1971). "On the Role of Supercompact and Extendible Cardinals in Logic". Israel Journal of Mathematics. 10 (2): 147–157. doi:10.1007/BF02771565.
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