Chimé Rigdzin
TitleKhordong Tertrul IV
Born1922, Kham Region of Tibet
Died2002, Shivmandir Siliguri Darjeeling, West Bengal India
Jangter ("Northern Treasure")
Other namesC. R. Lama

Chimé Rigdzin Rinpoche (Wylie: ’chi med rig ’dzin, 1922-2002), popularly known as C. R. Lama, was an Indian lama of Tibetan Buddhism who was the lineage holder of the Northern Treasures (byang gter) tradition in the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism.


At the age of four he was recognized and enthroned as the 4th incarnation of Khordong Terchen Nüden Dorjé Dropen Lingpa (nus ldan rdo rje 'gro phan gling pa)[1] the main re-incarnate lama of Khordong Monastery in Kham, Tibet, located in today's Sichuan province.[2] At seven years old he had already started discovering spiritual treasures (terma) hidden by Padmasambhava[3] He was mostly trained by Tülku Tsurlo[4] (sPrul sku Tshul khrims bzang po, 1895-1954[5]) and completed his education at the age of 19 with the degree of Dorje Lopön Chenpo (mahavajracarya). Shortly after he left the monastery to enter into a traditional three-year retreat at Tsö Pema (Rewalsar) in India. Following that he visited many Buddhist pilgrimage sites in Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan and India as a wandering ngakpa. Later he settled with his family in Kalimpong, West Bengal and became an Indian citizen. From 1954 to 1987 C. R. Lama was head of the Department for Indo-Tibetan studies at Visva-Bharati University in Santiniketan, West Bengal. In the late 1950s he was invited by Giuseppe Tucci to teach in Rome. During that time he met Pope John XXIII. In the following year he was invited to teach at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich by Helmut Hoffman.[6] During the 1970s he had a number of American and European students at Visva-Bharati University, including James Low[2] and Ngakpa Chögyam, who also became his religious disciples.

After his retirement in 1987, C.R. Lama regularly visited Europe, where he guided a small groups of pupils in different countries.


  • C.R. Lama; Low, James (2013). Collected works of C.R. Lama. London: Simply Being. ISBN 9780956923929. OCLC 864086431.
  • C.R. Lama (1982). Dhammapada. Dalai Lama Tibeto-Indological series. Vol. 4. Sāranātha: Kendrīya Ucca Tibbatī-Śikshā-Saṃsthāna. OCLC 21149457.
  • C.R. Lama (1977). Gso sbyon ʼdon sgrigs : the rites of the gso sbyoṅ observance of the Rñiṅ-ma-pa tradition. Nemo, Ladakh: T.S. Tashigang. OCLC 4747263.
  • C.R. Lama; Low, James; ʼGro-phan-gling-pa, ʼKhor-gdong Gter-chen (2006). Being Guru Rinpoche : a commentary on the Vidyadhara Guru Sadhana. Khordong commentary series. Vol. 3. Victoria, B.C.: Trafford. ISBN 9781412084079. OCLC 70231260.
  • C.R. Lama, 'Khor-gdon Gter-sprul 'Chi-med-rig-'dzin; Gnubs-Chen Sangs-rgyas-ye-shes (1974). Rnal 'byor mig gibsam gtan or Bsam gtan mig sgron : a treatise on bhāvanā and dhyāna and the relationships between the various approaches to Buddhist contemplative practice. Smanrtsis shesrig spendzod. Vol. 74. Leh, Ladakh: S. W. Tashigangpa. OCLC 466391420.


  1. "'gro phan gling pa". TBRC. Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center. Retrieved 2015-01-21.
  2. 1 2 Low, James (2012). "CR Lama". Simply Being. Retrieved 2015-01-21.
  3. "The Passing of a Terton Chime Rigdzin Rinpoche (1922-2002)". World Tibet Network News. Canada Tibet Committee. 2002-06-18. Retrieved 2015-01-20.
  4. James Low, Collected works of C.R. Lama, p. XI-XII
  5. Chos dbying [2015], Byang gter thub bstan rdo rje brag gi chos ’byung rig ’dzin brgyud pa'i rtogs brjod ngo mtshar gtam gyi phreng ba, (p. 786-814 for the biography of sPrul sku Tshul khrims bzang po), vol. 62 in the 63-vol. collection sNga ’gyur byang gter chos skor phyogs bsgrigs (2015, publisher, etc., unknown).
  6. "Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche". Masters and their Organisations. Buddha Dharma Education Association. Retrieved 2015-01-21.

Further reading

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