The Annales Sangallenses maiores (Latin for Greater Annals of St Gall) are annals compiled in St Gallen, covering the years 927 through to 1059.[1] They continue the Annales Alamannici, the St Gallen version of which reaches up to 926.[2]

Editions and facsimiles

Further reading

  • Ernst Tremp and Pascal Ladner, 'Aus der Welt der St. Galler Annalen. Zur Edition der Annales Sangallenses', in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 77 (2021), vol. 1, pp. 1–22.
  • Entry in Geschichtsquellen


  1. Geschichtsquellen
  2. "MGH. Scriptores (in Folio) (SS). Band 1: Annales et chronica aevi Carolini: Annales Sangallenses, Augienses et Weingartensis".

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