It was fully compatible with the Apple II. It, however, had new features:
- a new ROM holding the AppleSoft Basic (floating point version written by Microsoft),
- a new auto-start (stored in ROM) for easier start-up and screen editing,
- 48 KB RAM,
- text modes were the same as the Apple II, but the graphics modes were enhanced, they're the same as the Apple 2e : 16 colours at low resolution and 6 colours at high resolutions. In fact this 6-colour mode was also available on the Apple II since revision 1 of the motherboard.
The Apple II+ was sold in Europe as the Apple IIeuroplus which could display video in European PAL format, and had ESC sequences for European letters. It was followed by the Apple 2e.
Please consider donating your old computer / videogame system to or one of our partners from anywhere in the world (Europe, America, Asia, etc.).
Just got my old Apple $$+ out of a box... Z80 CP/M card, 80 column card, speech synth, 75/110/300 baud modem, and 2400 baud modem, dual disk drives. so fun. and a gazillion floppies. PR$6.
Friday 20th October 2017
David (USA)
I bought my first computer $ an Apple $$+ in mid-eighties for about $400 (second hand). Black screen with green text, ALL CAPS :D Didn''t use the full capabilities of it $ but really became obsessed with "Snake" and the old game from Infocom $ "ZORK-3". Also liked the crude graphics of "Castle Wolfenstein". Brings back memories...I may have to get it out of storage and fire it up!
Friday 10th August 2012
Edward (Tennessee/USA)
I bought an Apple II+, the euro version. It had 48K ram, two 140K disk drives and some extension cards: 80-column card with printer output, CPM card with a Z80 CPU (enabled me to use CPM O/S and program in Turbo Pascal!) Awsome machine. I programmed in assembler and found out that the 1 MHz 6502 would easily outrun the 4 MHz Z80! Wow what a wonderful CPU 6502 was.