Vectrex is one of the most inspired video game machines ever produced. Its point
of distinction is the fact that it uses vector "line" graphics (as opposed to raster "pixel" graphics). This is the same type of screen used in such arcade classics as Space Wars, Asteroids, Battlezone and Tempest.
The machine has a 9 x 11 inch black and white screen and comes with a built-in Asteroids clone called Minestorm. The games come with plastic overlays that slide over the screen to cut down on flicker and give some illusion of color.
It uses an 8 bit processor, the 68A09 (6809 with 1.5MHz clock speed), and a popular (at that time) sound chip, General Instruments AY-3-8912, which can produce a wide range of noises. Also included is a 1.5 inch, self-centering,
joystick with 4 buttons on the right. It uses an analog/potentiometer system allowing differing degrees of directional input.
Source : Vectrex FAQ
Please consider donating your old computer / videogame system to or one of our partners from anywhere in the world (Europe, America, Asia, etc.).
my freind has one of these. By the way you guys need to post the adventurvision
Thursday 3rd February 2011
max the collector (planet earth)
The vectrex...what''s an unusual machine. I''ve bought it with 13 games and a strange dedicatd green and gray bag. It has 9 pocket for cartridge at the right, 1 for the plastics films in front, and 2 pocket for controllers at the left. And the middle is for carrying the console. It close by the top with a scratch band. The console by itself is an unique experience of playing. Can we imagine today a machine like this ?
Thursday 13rd August 2009
Quentin Paszkowski (France)
My son moved out resently leaving an old Vectrex I pluged it in and it still works. I had never seen one before i was woundering how many were prodused. My son says he has som games somewere in storage. He did not think there were many made. He allso says he only paid £5 from a market stall.
Sunday 27th November 2005
Father Fred (England)
Milton Bradley
June 1982
December 1984
Mine Storm (built-in the system)
One built-in controller (joystick + 4 buttons). Second controller optional.