Subject: Linux Tips 002
Switches/options of commonly used commands.
(see man cmd, or cmd --help for more options/details)
Command Description
ls Directory list
ls -ltr sorted by date, reverse order (comparable to dos "dir").
ls --color=auto turn on color for file types in directory list
ls -1 one column list in directory
ls -d .* show only "." directories
ex: ls -ltr --color=auto
du Disk space used
du -X disclude files in "list".
du -h . Disk space used in this directory, in human readable
du -m . Disk space used in this directory, in Megabytes
du -c Disk space used with total.
du -hc Disk space used with total, in human readable numbers.
ex: du -hc -X out.txt /home/ftp/pub* > /usr/local/bbbs/menus/bull5
(out.txt: index.html
The above example will generate a decent File "overview" bulletin. It excludes
backup files (filename~) and other you may not want included.
df Disk space free
df -h Disk space free in human readable format, all drives.
df -h . Disk space free, current drive only.
How to Copy/Paste from the command line on a tty:
Hold down left mouse button, drag across text. Place cursor in the location
where you'd like to copy the text. Press right mouse button.
In X, you can do the same by highlighting text you want to copy with the
left mouse button, and you copy the text to the new location by pressing BOTH
mouse buttons simultaneously. You can highlight the text on one window and
copy it to the command-line on another.
Notes about Archivers, etc.:
Archivers which you may have used under DOS are available:
name: date of last update for Linux:
zip 10/13/98
unzip 11/30/98
lha 6/28/99
unarj 6/22/99
pkzip251 4/15/99
arc 5/29/99
rar 5/28/99
Viewing multiple Archives:
As you probably know, unzip -v will list the contents of one
archive. To list the contents of multiple archives, enclose the argument in
unzip -v "*.zip"
ex.: [bbs@jkracht bbbs]$ unzip -v "*.zip"
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----
1706292 Defl:N 560625 67% 09-14-99 15:57 a18214bc NODELIST.253
-------- ------- --- -------
1706292 560625 67% 1 file
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----
158718 Defl:N 48642 69% 10-16-99 20:32 b4ad98a9 PPP-HOWTO
-------- ------- --- -------
158718 48642 69% 1 file
2 archives were successfully processed.
Tar and gzip are used commonly on Linux. Often you'll see archives with
.tgz extensions, or no extension at all. You can use the File command to
see how the file is archived/stored if there is no externsion or if you are
just curious:
[bbs@jkracht bbbs]$ file ZPMF025D.TGZ
ZPMF025D.TGZ: gzip compressed data, deflated, last modified: Thu Jun 8
04:55:16 1995, max compression, os: Unix
So you'd need to un-gzip this file first, then un-tar it.
gzip -d ZPMF025D.TGZ
This results in the file ZPMF025.tar
To list the contents of the tar file, type tar -tf filename.tar
To extract the tar, type tar -xf filename.tar
There are options to "keep old files" with both gzip and tar which you may
also want to include on the command line. The default action is to remove
the original tar. See tar --help, and gzip --h for more info.
Here's a shortcut to extract both the tar and gzip files in one command:
tar xvzf filename.tar.gz
the "z" flag says "un-gzip before un-tarring". The same flag works in
reverse when tarring.
questions/comments: Linux-User FidoNet Echo
by Janis Kracht (
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