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every, each Zarówno zaimek every , jak i each tłumaczymy jako każdy, każda, każde itd., jednak stosując je w języku angielskim, musimy pamiętać o tym, że funkcjonują one w różnych kontekstach. every odnosi się do grupy osób, rzeczy, roślin lub zwierząt Every plant needs water. = All plants need water. (Każda roślina potrzebuje wody.) Every student has to take this exam. = All students have to take this exam. (Każdy student musi...
was to happen. Usually we all were very sleepy at math but that time everybody seemed awake. Suddenly the door opened and another person was to enter the room. We looked at each other and the pressure
International Folk Festival is celebrated in Kaszuby region in the last week of July. Every folk group from all over the world, representing each region, is invited to Poland and is asked to show
I am an ant? I feel everyone?s a giant I see you as a giant Can carry many times the size of me I can live with million?s other me?s Close to me And never get confused who is who Every grain of
Whoever wants to walk to school because everyone is zaleniwy Ratko pedal because it is because each class is strange A visitor is Mr. President Every director is different But Anil kazdz
Ex theft as well housebreakings until hauses as well flat may yourselves encounter every day. On tv in each is not tongue of with that , that somebody broke home znanego businessman as well bone