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None, either, neither, both, all

none, either, neither, both, all zaimek tłumaczenie występuje none żaden samodzielnie How many brothers or sisters have goy got? I’ve got none . none of * żaden z (większa ilość osób, rzeczy) z czasownikiem w l. poj. lub l. mn. None of them is / are married. None of my friends helped me when I was in trouble. either każdy, oba (dwie osoby, rzeczy) z rzeczownikiem w l. poj....

Język angielski

Question tag, So & Neither, Modalne - Can, may, must -sciąga

Jak wyżej. Gotowy do druku plik. Pozdr

Język angielski

The gap between generations ceases do exist.

to come to a new order all over the world or it was just a temporary situation. Nowadays lots of people think that neither young nor old generation have got the same outlook on life. But on the

Język angielski

Animal righys

research would grind to a halt. Second someexperiments do cause suffering. Huge areas of medical research would be impossuble if all animal experiments were bannrd. Most research on the nature of, and

Język angielski

Report 2

habits are changing for the better. However, the habit of eating between meals still persists. The report found that one of the 15-year-old girl is on a diet. However, all interviewed people take vitamin

Język angielski

Cold War

1945 and 1948), the conflict was more political than military. Both sides squabbled with each other at the UN, sought closer relations with nations that were not committed to either side, and