

Ummál og þvermál hrings (Circumference and diameter of a circle).


From Old Norse ummál. See the Old Norse ummæli (Icelandic ummæli). Compare the Icelandic um (around) + mál (measurement) and mæla (measure).


ummál n (genitive singular ummáls, nominative plural ummál)

  1. (mathematics) a perimeter; (sum of the distance of all the lengths of the sides of an object)
  2. (mathematics) a circumference; (length of a line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional figure)

Derived terms

  • brjóstummál
  • meðalbrjóstummál
  • jafn að ummáli (isoperimetric)
  • ummálsjafn (isoperimetric)
  • ummálsjafnaðarójafna (isoperimetric inequality)
  • ummálsjafnaðarverkefni (isoperimetric problem)
  • ummálsmikill
  • ummálsregla (half-angle formula)
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