


From spirgts (fresh, brisk, lively, active) + -ums.


spirgtums m (1st declension)

  1. freshness, briskness, liveliness, vivacity, activity (the quality of that which is fresh, brisk, lively, vivacious, active)
    lauku mājās viņi bija cerējuši atgūt veselību... bet vasara aizgāja, pelēka, lietaina, veselību un spirgtumu neatnesusiin rural houses they had hoped to regain health... but the summer went by, gray, rainy, not bringing any health or freshness, liveliness
    debess valgme atdzīvina visu ap mums... spirgtumu atgūst katra lapiņa, katrs ziediņš un zāles stiebriņšthe humidity of the sky animates everything around us... every little leaf, every little flower and blade of grass recovers its freshness, liveliness
    Cīrihē patvērumu bija atraduši daudzi politiskie emigranti, un turienes sabiedriskajā dzīve bija daudz spirgtumain Zurich many political emigrants had found refuge, and in the local social life there was a lot of liveliness
  2. freshness, coolness (the quality of that which is fresh, refreshing, pleasantly cool)
    atveru logu; spirgtums ieplūst ar šaltiI open the window; freshness flows in like a shower
    saule cepina kā somu pirts... ir zilas debesis un paglābj viens sāļš spirgtums, kas ceļas no jūrasthe sun was very hot, like a Finnish sauna... the sky is blue, and only the salty freshness coming from the sea saves (us) (from the sun)
    zālē pamazām sāk čirkstēt siseņi... pamostas pievakares spirgtums un dzīvībaslowly the locusts start to make their noise in the hall... the late afternoon freeshness and life are waking up



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