
See also: rīdziniecē



From Rīga (Riga) + -iniece, or rīdzinieks (Rigan) + -e (fem.) (with palatalization of g to dz and of k to c).


rīdziniece f (5th declension, masculine form: rīdzinieks)

  1. a (female) Rigan, a woman born in Riga, the capital of Latvia
    rīdziniece, kura laimēja 50 000 latua Rigan (woman) who won 50 000 lats
    rīdzinieces noslēpumsthe secret of the Rigan (woman)
    divas jaunas rīdzinieces meklē naktsmājas 30. aprīlī Liepājā - two young Rigan women are looking for a place to sleep on April 30th in Liepāja


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