
See also: God-wink and God wink



godwink (plural godwinks)

  1. Alternative form of God wink
    • 2006, SQuire D. Rushnell (sic), When God Winks at You: How God Speaks Directly to You Through the Power of Coincidence, page 15:
      For several moments of disbelief and absolute wonder, he stared at the godwink he held in his hands!
    • 2010, Pat Stempfy, Who Says Dogs Don't Talk?, →ISBN:
      The image was warm and comforting. I understood that Harley was giving us a symbol, while at the same time we were receiving together the sacred symbols of Reiki. This experience was another godwink for Harley and me.
    • 2011, Edie Weinstein, The Bliss Mistress Guide to Transforming the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary, →ISBN, page 86:
      What qualifies this as an interesting Godwink is that in 1987, when each of us got married, we had outdoor weddings officiated by the same minister!
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