agente provocateuse



Alteration of French agente provocatrice


  • (UK) IPA(key): /ˌaʒɒ̃(t) pɹəvɒkəˈtəːz/


agente provocateuse (plural agentes provocateuses)

  1. An agente provocatrice.
    • 1920, HL Mencken, Prejudices:
      Much gabble is to be found in the literature of the world upon the function of woman as inspiration, stimulant and agente provocateuse to the creative artist.
    • 1984, David Marr, The Ivanov Trail, page 18:
      Skripov was caught trying to establish a secure courier system by an attractive agente provocateuse lent to ASIO by British security.

Usage notes

  • The term does not exist (and would be grammatically incorrect) in French.
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