
See also: 吃喝玩乐


food and drink; diet; to eat and drink to have fun; play around; to disport oneself
trad. (吃喝玩樂) 吃喝 玩樂
simp. (吃喝玩乐) 吃喝 玩乐
Literally: “eat, drink, play and be merry”.




  1. (derogatory) to eat, drink and be merry; to seek pleasure instead of doing work
    不務正業天天知道吃喝玩樂 [MSC, trad.]
    不务正业天天知道吃喝玩乐 [MSC, simp.]
    Tā bùwùzhèngyè, tiāntiān jiù zhīdào chīhēwánlè. [Pinyin]
    He won't do an honest day's work, and instead spends his days just having fun.

Usage notes

Unlike the equivalent English idiom, “eat drink and be merry”, in some contexts this Chinese expression conveys a negative impression of shirking honest work to seek pleasure.


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