Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention
Convention concerning tripartite consultations to promote the implementation of international labour standards
Contracting States to the Convention
Signed21 June 1976
Effective16 May 1978
Condition2 ratifications
DepositaryDirector-General of the International Labour Office
LanguagesFrench and English

The Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976, officially the Convention concerning tripartite consultations to promote the implementation of international labour standards is an International Labour Organization Convention, which governs the process for implementation of measures regarding ILO conferences. It requires tripartite consultation before ratification, implementing legislation or denouncement of conventions.


As of September 2023, the convention had been ratified by 156 member states. The convention is also known as convention number 144 on the List of International Labour Organization Conventions.[1]

Country Date
Afghanistan 07 Apr 2010
Albania 30 Jun 1999
Algeria 12 Jul 1993
Angola 24 Apr 2020
Antigua and Barbuda 16 Sep 2002
Armenia 29 Apr 2005
Australia 11 Jun 1979
Austria 02 Mar 1979
Azerbaijan 12 Aug 1993
Bahamas 16 Aug 1979
Bangladesh 17 Apr 1979
Barbados 06 Apr 1983
Belarus 15 Sep 1993
Belgium 29 Oct 1982
Belize 06 Mar 2000
Benin 11 Jun 2001
Bosnia and Herzegovina 11 Jul 2006
Botswana 05 Jun 1997
Brazil 27 Sep 1994
Bulgaria 12 Jun 1998
Burkina Faso 25 Jul 2001
Burundi 10 Oct 1997
Cape Verde 10 Jan 2020
Cameroon 01 Jun 2018
Canada 13 Jun 2011
Central African Republic 05 Jun 2006
Chad 07 Jan 1998
Chile 29 Jul 1992
China 02 Nov 1990
Colombia 09 Nov 1999
Comoros 06 Jun 2014
Congo 26 Nov 1999
Cook Islands 15 Aug 2018
Costa Rica 29 Jul 1981
Croatia 26 Feb 2020
Cyprus 28 Jun 1977
Czech Republic 09 Oct 2000
Ivory Coast 05 Jun 1987
Democratic Republic of the Congo 20 Jun 2001
Denmark 06 Jun 1978
Djibouti 28 Feb 2005
Dominica 29 Apr 2002
Dominican Republic 15 Jun 1999
Ecuador 23 Nov 1979
Egypt 25 Mar 1982
El Salvador 15 Jun 1995
Estonia 22 Mar 1994
Eswatini 05 Jun 1981
Ethiopia 06 Jun 2011
Fiji 18 May 1998
Finland 02 Oct 1978
France 08 Jun 1982
Gabon 06 Dec 1988
Georgia 08 May 2018
Germany 23 Jul 1979
Ghana 06 Jun 2011
Greece 28 Aug 1981
Grenada 25 Oct 1994
Guatemala 13 Jun 1989
Guinea 16 Oct 1995
Guyana 10 Jan 1983
Honduras 12 Jun 2012
Hungary 04 Jan 1994
Iceland 30 Jun 1981
India 27 Feb 1978
Indonesia 17 Oct 1990
Iraq 11 Sep 1978
Ireland 22 Jun 1979
Israel 21 Jan 2010
Italy 18 Oct 1979
Jamaica 23 Oct 1996
Japan 14 Jun 2002
Jordan 05 Aug 2003
Kazakhstan 13 Dec 2000
Kenya 06 Jun 1990
Kiribati 26 Jun 2019
Kuwait 15 Aug 2000
Kyrgyzstan 12 Jan 2007
Lao People's Democratic Republic 29 Oct 2010
Latvia 25 Jul 1994
Lesotho 27 Jan 1998
Liberia 25 Mar 2003
Lithuania 26 Sep 1994
Luxembourg 18 Mar 2021
Madagascar 22 Apr 1997
Malawi 01 Oct 1986
Malaysia 14 Jun 2002
Mali 23 Jan 2008
Malta 14 Feb 2019
Mauritania 23 Sep 2019
Mauritius 14 Jun 1994
Mexico 28 Jun 1978
Mongolia 10 Aug 1998
Montenegro 03 Jun 2006
Morocco 16 May 2013
Mozambique 23 Dec 1996
Namibia 03 Jan 1995
Nepal 21 Mar 1995
Netherlands 27 Jul 1978
New Zealand 05 Jun 1987
Nicaragua 01 Oct 1981
Niger 15 Mar 2018
Nigeria 03 May 1994
North Macedonia 08 Dec 2005
Norway 09 Aug 1977
Pakistan 25 Oct 1994
Panama 11 Jun 2015
Peru 08 Nov 2004
Philippines 10 Jun 1991
Poland 15 Mar 1993
Portugal 09 Jan 1981
Republic of Korea 15 Nov 1999
Republic of Moldova 12 Aug 1996
Romania 09 Dec 1992
Russian Federation 18 Dec 2014
Rwanda 29 Jun 2018
Saint Kitts and Nevis 12 Oct 2000
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 09 Nov 2010
Samoa 05 Dec 2018
San Marino 23 May 1985
Sao Tome and Principe 17 Jun 1992
Senegal 19 Nov 2004
Serbia 13 May 2005
Seychelles 28 Oct 2005
Sierra Leone 21 Jan 1985
Singapore 04 Oct 2010
Slovakia 10 Feb 1997
Slovenia 29 Jun 2011
Somalia 8 Mar 2021
South Africa 18 Feb 2003
Spain 13 Feb 1984
Sri Lanka 17 Mar 1994
Sudan 17 Mar 2021
Suriname 16 Nov 1979
Sweden 16 May 1977
Switzerland 28 Jun 2000
Syrian Arab Republic 28 May 1985
Tajikistan 23 Jan 2014
Togo 08 Nov 1983
Trinidad and Tobago 07 Jun 1995
Tunisia 11 Feb 2014
Turkmenistan 09 Sep 2019
Turkey 12 Jul 1993
Uganda 13 Jan 1994
Ukraine 16 May 1994
United Kingdom 15 Feb 1977
United Republic of Tanzania 30 May 1983
United States of America 15 Jun 1988
Uruguay 22 May 1987
Uzbekistan 13 Aug 2019
Venezuela 17 Jun 1983
Viet Nam 09 Jun 2008
Yemen 15 Jun 2000
Zambia 04 Dec 1978
Zimbabwe 14 Dec 1989


  1. “Convention (No. 144) concerning Tripartite Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards. ATS 7 of 1980”. Australasian Legal Information Institute, Australian Treaties Library. Retrieved 15 April 2017.
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