
Saint Prosdocimus
Diedc. 100 AD
Venerated inRoman Catholic Church, Orthodox Church.
Major shrineSanta Giustina Basilica, Padua
FeastNovember 7
AttributesDepicted as a bishop holding a jar. Sometimes he is shown with Saint Justina of Padua to whom he was a spiritual father according to a medieval source. He may be depicted wearing a Benedictine habit.

Prosdocimus (Prosdecimus) of Padua (Italian: Prosdocimo, German: Prosdozimus) (d. November 7, ca. 100 AD) is venerated as the first bishop of Padua. Tradition holds that, being of Greek origin, he was sent from Antioch by Peter the Apostle. He is thus often depicted in art with this apostle. The cathedral at Feltre is dedicated to him and Saint Peter the Apostle, and the artist Il Pordenone (c. 1483 - 1539) created a work depicting Prosdocimus with Peter.

He evangelized the region and is said to have founded the parish church at Isola Vicentina.

Pala Santa Giustina, Romanino

His tomb is situated at the basilica of Santa Giustina at Padua. The chapel dedicated to him there was built over his tomb outside the walls of Padua. The church also once contained the relics of Prosdocimus's deacon, Daniel, though these were moved to the Paduan church of Santa Sofia in the 11th century.

Prosdocimus is depicted in an altarpiece by Romanino, now in the Musei Civici di Padova, Padua. He holds the jug a water with which he baptized Justina.[1]


  1. PROCEEDINGS 4th International Congress on “Science and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin” Vol. I, (Angelo Ferrari, ed.) p. 441, Cairo, 2009ISBN 9788896680315
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