Paullus Aemilius Regillus[1][2][3][4] or Regulus[5] (born around 15/14 BC) was a Roman Senator and grandnephew of the emperor Augustus.[2]


Early life

He was the son of the consul and censor Paullus Aemilius Lepidus[6] and Claudia Marcella the Younger, who was a daughter of Octavia the Younger and thus a niece of the Roman emperor Augustus.[6] From his father's previous marriage, Regillus had two half-brothers and one half-sister.[7] He was born c. 15 BC/14 BC.[5] His father died shortly after his birth, and his mother subsequently remarried.[5] Regillus was born and raised in Rome. Through his half-brother Marcus Valerius Messalla Barbatus, he was the uncle of the Roman Empress Valeria Messallina.


Regillus' political career was contemporaneous with the rule of the Roman emperors Augustus and Tiberius, during which he served as a quaestor.[8] During the reign of Tiberius (14 to 37), Regillus was one of the emperor's comites,[3] an imperial legate and proconsul[3] of a Roman province. According to inscriptional evidence, Regillus was patron of Saguntum.[2][3]



  • R. Szramkiewicz (1975). Les gouverneurs de province à l'époque augustéenne. Nouvelles éditions latines.
  • Ugo Fusco and Gian Luca Gregori (1996). "A proposito dei matrimoni di Marcella minore e del monvmentvm dei suoi schiavi e liberti" (PDF). Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH. 111: 226–232.
  • R. Syme (1989). The Augustan Aristocracy. Oxford University Press.
  • M. Lightman and B. Lightman (2008). A to Z of Ancient Greek and Roman Women. Infobase Publishing.
  • Jona Lendering (2014). "Octavia Minor". Retrieved 2015-03-19.
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