"Жить Cтало Лучше"
Songwriter(s)Vasily Lebedev-Kumach
Composer(s)Alexander Alexandrov

"Life Has Become Better" (Russian: Жить Cта́ло Лу́чше, tr. zhit stálo lúchshe, IPA: [ʐɨtʲ ˈstalə ˈlut͡ʂʂɨ]) is a widespread version of a phrase uttered by former Soviet Communist Party General Secretary Joseph Stalin at the First All-Union Meeting of the Stakhanovites on November 17, 1935. The full quote from Joseph Stalin was, when translated into English,

Living has become better, comrades. Living has become happier. And when life becomes happier, work becomes more effective. ... If we lived badly, unattractive, unhappy, then there would be no Stakhanov movement in our country.



In approximately 1936 the words were used in the chorus of a song of the same name, with music by Alexander Alexandrov and words by Vasily Lebedev-Kumach. The opening bars of the song and some sequences share a notable resemblance to those of the State Anthem of the Soviet Union, as the two songs had the same composer, and elements of the song "Life Has Become Better" were used in composing the State Anthem.

Alexandrov apparently liked the opening bars of this piece. He used them again, with only minor alterations, just a few years later in the tune for the "State Anthem of the Soviet Union" (1944-1991). The Russian Duma officially readopted the Aleksandrov's Soviet Anthem as the National anthem of Russia on December 2000, as part of a political compromise. [2] New words were written by Sergey Mikhalkov.



Russian Transliteration English
Звонки, как птицы, одна за другой,

Песни летят над советской страной!

Припев: (Повторено дважды)

Весел напев городов и полей,

Жить стало лучше, жить стало веселей!

Zvonki, kak ptitsy, odna za drugoy,

Pesni letyat nad sovet·skoy stranoy!

Pripev: (Povtoreno dvazdy)

Vesel napev gorodov i poley,

Zhitʹ stalo luchshe, zhitʹ stalo veseley!

Bells, like birds, chime one by one,

Songs fly over the Soviet land!

Chorus: (Repeated twice)

A happy song of the cities and the fields,

Life has become better, life has become more joyous!

Дружно страна и растёт, и поёт,

С песнею новое счастье куёт!

Припев: (Повторено дважды)

Глянешь на солнце - и солнце светлей,

Жить стало лучше, жить стало веселей!

Druzhno strana i rastyot, i poyot,

S pesneyu novoye schastʹye kuyot!

Pripev: (Povtoreno dvazdy)

Glyaneshʹ na solntse - i solntse svetley,

Zhitʹ stalo luchshe, zhitʹ stalo veseley!

Our friendly country grows and sings,

And with their songs forge a new happiness!

Chorus: (Repeated twice)

When you look at the sun, it's brighter,

Life has become better, life has become more joyous!

Знай, Ворошилов, мы все начеку,

Пяди земли не уступим врагу!

Припев: (Повторено дважды)

Силушка есть у отцов и детей,

Жить стало лучше, жить стало веселей!

Znay, Voroshilov, my vse nacheku,

Pyadi zemli ne ustupim vragu!

Pripev: (Povtoreno dvazdy)

Silushka yestʹ u ottsov i detey,

Zhitʹ stalo luchshe, zhitʹ stalo veseley!

Know, Voroshilov, that we are all on the alert,

We will not yield an inch of land to the enemy!

Chorus: (Repeated twice)

Fathers and sons all have a heroic power,

Life has become better, life has become more joyous!

Хочется всей необъятной страной,

Сталину крикнуть, "Спасибо, Родной!"

Припев: (Повторено дважды)

Долгие годы живи, не болей,

Жить стало лучше, жить стало веселей!

Khochet·sya vsey neobʺyatnoy stranoy,

Stalinu kriknut, "Spasibo, Rodnoy!"

Pripev: (Povtoreno dvazdy)

Dolgiye gody zhivi, ne boley,

Zhitʹ stalo luchshe, zhitʹ stalo veseley!

The whole vast country wants to,

Shout to Stalin, "Thank you, Dear!"

Chorus: (Repeated twice)

For many years we will live without suffering,

Life has become better, life has become more joyous!

Звонки, как птицы, одна за другой,

Песни летят над советской страной!

Припев: (Повторено дважды)

Весел напев городов и полей,

Жить стало лучше, жить стало веселей!

Zvonki, kak ptitsy, odna za drugoy,

Pesni letyat nad sovet·skoy stranoy!

Pripev: (Povtoreno dvazdy)

Vesel napev gorodov i poley,

Zhitʹ stalo luchshe, zhitʹ stalo veseley!

Bells, like birds, chime one by one,

Songs fly over the Soviet land!

Chorus: (Repeated twice)

A happy song of the cities and the fields,

Life has become better, life has become more joyous!

See also


  1. "Жить стало лучше, жить стало веселее"
  2. Russian Duma Approves National Anthem Bill
  3. "Red Army Choir - Жить стало лучше (Zhit' stalo luchshe) lyrics + English translation". lyricstranslate.com. Retrieved 2022-10-19.
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