Icosidodecahedral prism

Schlegel diagram
Only one icosidodecahedron shown
TypePrismatic uniform polychoron
Uniform index58
Schläfli symbolt1,3{3,5,2} or r{3,5}×{}
Cells34 total:
2 t1{5,3}
20 {}x{3}
12 {}x{5}
Faces124 total:
40 {3}
60 {4}
24 {5}
Vertex figure
Rectangular pyramid
Dual polytopetriacontahedron bipyramid
Symmetry group[5,3,2], order 240

In geometry, an icosidodecahedral prism is a convex uniform polychoron (four-dimensional polytope).

It is one of 18 convex uniform polyhedral prisms created by using uniform prisms to connect pairs of parallel Platonic solids or Archimedean solids.

Alternative names

  • Icosidodecahedral dyadic prism (Norman W. Johnson)
  • Iddip (Jonathan Bowers: for icosidodecahedral prism)
  • Icosidodecahedral hyperprism
  • 6. Convex uniform prismatic polychora - Model 58, George Olshevsky.
  • Klitzing, Richard. "4D uniform polytopes (polychora) x o3x5i - iddip".

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