This is a list of list of Franco-Belgian comic magazines. Belgium and France have a long tradition in comics. They have a common history for comics (see Franco-Belgian comics) and magazines.

In the early years of its history, magazines had a large place on the comics market and were often the only place where comics were published. Most of them were kids-targeted.

In the 1970s, satirical and more adult publications begun to appear. In the 1990s, there was a large pallet of comics magazine. In the late 1990s, some notable comics have disappeared and only a few remain.

Famous magazines

  • (A SUIVRE) (Casterman) English: (TO BE CONTINUED)
    • February 1, 1978 - December 1, 1997
  • BoDoï (LZ Publications)
    • September 20, 1997 - still published
  • Bravo (Jean Meewissen)
    • December 1940 - April 1951
  • Canal BD Magazine (Canal BD)
    • October 1997 – Present. Still published.
  • Charlie Hebdo (Editions du Square, Kalachnikof) English: Charlie Weekly
    • 1st run: November 1970 - December 1981; 2nd run: July 1992
  • Charlie Mensuel (Editions du Square, Dargaud) English: Charlie Monthly
    • 1st run: February 1, 1969 - September 1, 1981; 2nd run: April 1, 1982 - February 1, 1986
  • Circus (Glénat)
    • April 1, 1975 - September 1, 1989
  • Coeurs Vaillants (UOCF) English: The Valiant Hearts
    • December 8, 1929 - October 1, 1963
  • Corto (Casterman)
    • May 25, 1985 - November 20, 1989
  • L'Écho des Savannes (Albin Michel) English: The Echo of the Savannahs
    • 1st run: May 1, 1972 - January 1, 1982; 2nd run: November 1, 1982 - December 1, 2006
  • Ferraille (Les Requins-Marteaux)
    • October 1996–Present. Still (but irregularly) published.
  • Fluide Glacial (Audie) English: Frozen Liquid
    • May 1, 1975 - still published
  • Gomme!
    • November 15, 1981 - January 15, 1984
  • Hara-Kiri (Editions du Square, SELD, Société Française de Revue)
    • Hara-Kiri Hebdo (weekly), 1st run: February 1969 - November 1970; 2nd run :1993; 3rd run: 1996
    • Hara-Kiri Mensuel (monthly), 1st run: September 1960 - December 1985; 2nd run: 1986 - 1987; 3rd run: 1988; 4th run: 1988 - 1990; 5th run: January -March 1993, 6th run: April 1996
  • Héroïc Albums (Edition Esseo)
    • 1945- December 1956
  • Le Journal de Mickey (Opera Mundi, Hachette)(English : Mickey's Newspaper) (Walt Disney's Comics and Stories French homologue)
    • 1st run: October 21, 1934 - July, 1944; 2nd run: June 1952
  • Lanfeust Mag (Soleil Prod.)
    • May 1998–Present. Still published.
  • Métal Hurlant (Les Humanoïdes Associés, Hachette) English: Screaming Metal
    • 1st run: January 1, 1975 - July 1, 1987; 2nd run: July 3, 2002 - October 3, 2004
  • Pavillon Rouge (Editions Delcoutr) English: Red Pennant
    • May 2001 - July 2003
  • Petits Belges (Editions Bonne Presse) English: Little Belgians
    • January 4, 1920 - December 4, 1960
  • Pif gadget (Pif edition)
    • 1st run: February 1969 - January 1994; 2nd run: July 2004
  • Le Petit Vingtième (Le Journal du Vingtième Siècle) English: literally The Little Twentieth, this was a children's offshoot of Le Journal du Vigntième Siècle, English: The Journal of the Twentieth Century
    • November 1, 1928 - May 9, 1940
  • Pilote (Dargaud) English: Pilot
    • weekly: October 29, 1959 - May 30, 1974; monthly: June 5, 1974 - December 1, 1986
  • Record (Bonne Presse, Bayard Presse)
    • 1st run: January, 1962 - December, 1971; 2nd run: January, 1972 - December, 1973; 3rd run: January 1974 - July 1976
  • Spirou magazine (Dupuis)
    • April 21, 1938 - still published
  • Tchô! (Glenat)
    • September 1998; monthly; still published
  • Tintin magazine
    • Belgian edition: September 26, 1948 - December 23, 1980
    • French edition, 1st run: October 28, 1948 - January 4, 1973; 2nd run: September 16, 1975 - May 30, 1978; merged with Belgian edition
  • Le Trombone Illustré (Spirou magazine supplement, Dupuis)
    • March 17, 1977 - October 20, 1977
  • Vaillant (Éditions Vaillant)
  • Vécu (Glénat)
    • March 1, 1985 - still published


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