This is a list of cases that appeared before the Supreme Court of the United States involving the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

The establishment of religion

Blue laws

Government-sponsored religious displays

Legislative prayer

Internal religious affairs (also involving the Free Exercise Clause)

Ministerial exception

Private religious speech

Religion in public schools

Religious institution functioning as a government agency

Standing to sue

Statutory religious exemptions

Unequal government treatment of different religious groups

Abortion and contraception


The free exercise of religion

Exclusion of religion from public benefits


Free exercise and eminent domain

Free exercise and free speech

Free exercise and public education

Free exercise and public property

Internal religious affairs (also involving the Establishment Clause)

Ministerial exception

Religion and the right to work

Religious tests for public service or benefits

Ritual sacrifice of animals

Solicitation by religious groups

Statutory religious exemptions

Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act


Freedom of speech

Campaign finance

Commercial speech

Compelled speech

Compelled commercial speech

Compelled subsidy for speech of others

Cases that consider the First Amendment implications of payments mandated by the state going to use in part for speech by third parties

Loyalty oaths and affirmations



Sedition and imminent danger

False speech

Fighting words and the heckler's veto

Freedom of assembly and public forums

Time, place and manner

Cases concerning restrictions on the time, place, and manner of speech

Government speech

Cases pertaining to whether or not extending protections to speech constitutes government endorsement of speech.

Government-subsidized speech

Cases about restrictions on speech by third parties funded by the government.



Cases concerned with the definition of obscenity and whether a particular work or type of material is obscene.

As criminal offense

Appeals of criminal convictions for possessing, selling or distributing obscenity that focused on that issue

Search, seizure and forfeiture

Cases involving the search and seizure of allegedly obscene material

Civil and administrative regulation

Cases dealing with civil and administrative regulatory procedures aimed at suppressing or restricting obscenity, such as film-licensing boards or zoning regulations.


Cases involving laws meant to restrict obscenity online

Public employees

Political activity and Hatch Act of 1939

Public school students

Speech by students in public secondary schools

Retaliation by public officials

Cases in which it has been alleged governmental officials retaliated for protected speech made by private citizens who are not employed by said officials.

Symbolic speech

Freedom of the press

Broadcast media


Prior restraints and censorship


Search and seizure

Taxation and privileges

Freedom of assembly

Freedom of association

Freedom to petition

Further reading

  • The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States. Kermit L. Hall, ed.
  • The Oxford Guide to United States Supreme Court Decisions. Kermit L. Hall, ed.
  • Alley, Robert S. (1999). The Constitution & Religion: Leading Supreme Court Cases on Church and State. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. ISBN 1-57392-703-1.
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