The Federal Court of Canada, which succeeded the Exchequer Court of Canada in 1971, was a national court of Canada that had limited jurisdiction to hear certain types of disputes arising under the federal government's legislative jurisdiction. Originally composed of two divisions, the Appellate Division and the Trial Division, in 2003 the Court was split into two separate Courts, the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal. The jurisdiction and powers of the two courts remained largely unchanged from the predecessor divisions.

The court used facilities as the Supreme Court of Canada Building as well as Thomas D'Arcy McGee Building and registry office at 90 Elgin Street.


Pre-Confederation to Confederation

Prior to Confederation, the predominantly English-speaking Canada West (which succeeded Upper Canada) and the predominantly French-speaking Canada East (which succeeded Lower Canada) each had a separate system of courts. During pre-Confederation negotiations, the creation of a national court had been contemplated to deal with matters relating to federal law.[1] The Constitution Act, 1867 thus provided under s. 101 that:

The Parliament of Canada may, notwithstanding anything in this Act, from Time to Time provide for the Constitution, Maintenance, and Organization of a General Court of Appeal for Canada, and for the Establishment of any additional Courts for the better Administration of the Laws of Canada.[2]

Despite the language in the constitution, a national court was not established until 1875.[1] Prime Minister John A. Macdonald made several attempts between 1869 and 1873 to create a national court under the powers granted to Parliament under s. 101 of the Constitution Act, 1867.[1] However, these early attempts were rebuffed due to concerns over jurisdiction, particularly because the early proposals would have established a federal Supreme Court exercising both original (trial) jurisdiction and concurrent appellate jurisdiction potentially in conflict with existing courts administered by Ontario and Quebec.[1]

While no court per se was created, provision was made for the appointment of Official Arbitrators,[3] whose decisions soon became subject to a final appeal to a Board of Arbitrators,[4] until a further right of appeal to the new Exchequer Court was created in 1879.[5]

Exchequer Court

In 1875, the Liberal government of Prime Minister Alexander Mackenzie passed The Supreme and Exchequer Court Act[6] (introduced by Minister of Justice Telesphore Fournier), which was based on Macdonald's earlier unsuccessful bill of 1870. This act created both the Supreme Court of Canada and the Exchequer Court. The jurisdiction of the Exchequer Court was provided under sections 58 and 59 of the Act:

58. The Exchequer Court shall have and possess concurrent original jurisdiction in the Dominion of Canada, in all cases in which it shall be sought to enforce any law of the Dominion of Canada relating to the revenue, including actions, suits, and proceedings, by way of information, to enforce penalties and proceedings by way of information in rem, and as well in qui tam suits for penalties or forfeitures as where the suit is on behalf of the Crown alone; and the said Court shall have exclusive original jurisdiction in all cases in which demand shall be made or relief sought in respect of any matter which might in England by the subject of a suit or action in the Court of Exchequer on its revenue side against the Crown, or any officer of the Crown. 59. The Exchequer Court shall also have concurrent original jurisdiction with the Courts of the several Provinces in all other suits of a civil nature at common law or equity in which the Crown in the interest of the Dominion of Canada is plaintiff or petitioner.[6]

The Supreme and Exchequer Court Act made it clear that the Exchequer Court of Canada was inspired by the Court of Exchequer in England, both in name and in jurisdiction, focusing as it did on matters of revenue.[7] In the same year, however, England abolished the Court of Exchequer, merging its jurisdiction into the High Court of Justice.[1] Nonetheless, the jurisdiction provided to the Exchequer Court of Canada initially consisted of:

  • concurrent original jurisdiction over all cases relating to the enforcement of the revenue laws;
  • exclusive original jurisdiction over any demand or relief sought in like manner as the English Court of Exchequer in its revenue side; and
  • concurrent original jurisdiction over all civil cases where the Crown is the plaintiff or petitioner.

The independence of the Exchequer Court was not immediately established. Indeed, justices of the Supreme Court also sat as justices of the Exchequer Court in the early years.[7] The two Courts were not separated until 1887, at which time the functions of the Official Arbitrators were subsumed into the Exchequer Court.[8] George W. Burbidge, a lawyer from New Brunswick, was the first Exchequer Court judge appointed under this new arrangement.[7] At the same time, the Court's jurisdiction was expanded to include exclusive original jurisdiction over all claims against the Crown.[9]

Jurisdiction over railway insolvency

Beginning in 1901, railways gained the ability under the Railway Act to apply to the Court to secure a scheme of arrangement in the event of insolvency.[10]

Acquisition of admiralty jurisdiction

While s. 96 of the BNA Act, 1867 constituted the superior courts in the provinces, admiralty law jurisdiction was not conferred on them, which continued to be vested in the vice-admiralty courts under the British Vice Admiralty Courts Act, 1863.[11] Separate courts existed in British Columbia, Lower Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.[12] The absence of such a court for Ontario led to the Parliament of Canada, exercising its power under s. 101, to create the Maritime Court of Ontario through the passage of the Maritime Jurisdiction Act 1877.[13] This was held to be a valid exercise of federal jurisdiction by the Supreme Court of Canada in 1879.[14]

This mix of courts was rationalized after the British Parliament passed the Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890,[15] where British possessions were authorized to create their own courts of admiralty jurisdiction.[16] This was followed shortly with the passage of the Admiralty Act 1891,[17] which consolidated such jurisdiction throughout Canada in the Exchequeur Court of Canada, which under the British Act could "exercise such jurisdiction in like manner and to as full an extent as the High Court in England, and shall have the same regard as that Court to international law and the comity of nations."[18]

The extent of this jurisdiction was held to be only that which existed on 1 July 1891, in an appeal decided in 1927 by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.[19] This situation only changed after the Statute of Westminster 1931 came into force, after which Canada passed the Admiralty Act 1934,[20] which broadened Canadian admiralty jurisdiction to match that of the High Court of England at that time:

18(1) The jurisdiction of the Court on its Admiralty side shall extend to and be exercised in respect of all navigable waters, tidal and non-tidal, whether naturally navigable or artificially made so, and although such waters be within the body of a county or other judicial district, and, generally, such jurisdiction shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, be over the like places, persons, matters and things as the Admiralty jurisdiction now possessed by the High Court of Justice in England, whether existing by virtue of any statute or otherwise, and be exercised by the Court in like manner and to as full an extent as by such High Court.[21]

Federal Court of Canada

In 1971, the Federal Court of Canada was established, consisting of two divisions (the "Federal Court Trial Division" and the "Federal Court Appeal Division"), inheriting much of the jurisdiction of the Exchequer Court.[22] The Federal Court of Canada gained the jurisdiction to hear judicial reviews from federal agencies and tribunals.[23] With respect to maritime jurisdiction, the Trial Division was declared to have:

concurrent original jurisdiction ... in all cases in which a claim for relief is made or a remedy is sought under or by virtue of Canadian maritime law or any other law of Canada relating to any matter coming within the class of subject of navigation and shipping except to the extent that jurisdiction has been otherwise specially assigned.[24]

On July 2, 2003, the Court was split into two separate Courts, with the "Trial Division" continued as the Federal Court and the "Appeal Division" continued as the Federal Court of Appeal.[25]

Until 1976, there was substantial judicial support[26][27] for the view that Parliament could give a federal court jurisdiction over any matter (even a matter not regulated by federal statute law), on the basis that "the Laws of Canada" meant not only federal statutes, but provincial ones as well. However, in Quebec North Shore Paper Co. v. Canadian Pacific,[28] the Supreme Court of Canada rejected this notion, as:

  • provincial law is not pro tanto federal law, nor can it be transposed into federal law for the purposes of giving jurisdiction to the Federal Court.
  • judicial jurisdiction of the Federal Court is not co-extensive with legislative jurisdiction of Parliament, as "the Laws of Canada" carries the requirement that there be applicable and existing federal law


The Court consisted of a first-level trial court, known as the Federal Court of Canada Trial Division, and an appellate Court, known as the Federal Court of Canada Appeal Division (more commonly referred to as the Federal Court of Appeal).

The Trial Division had jurisdiction to hear judicial review of decisions of federal boards and tribunals, including most immigration matters, as well as jurisdiction in admiralty, intellectual property, and disputes involving the federal government.

The Appeal Division had jurisdiction to hear appeals of decisions of the Trial Division, as well as to determine applications for judicial review of decisions made by specific boards and tribunals, set out in section 28 of the Federal Court Act. Decisions of the Appeal Division could be appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada, but only if leave (permission) was granted by either court.

The court did not use juries so all matters were decided by judge alone: a single judge in the Trial Division and a panel of three judges at the appeal level. Some pre-trial steps such as motions were decided by prothonotaries, a role similar to a master in other courts. The judges and prothonotaries were appointed by the Cabinet of the federal government.


Unlike the general courts set up by each province, matters could not be brought before the Federal Court of Canada unless a law explicitly allowed the proceeding. The docket of the court primarily consisted of judicial reviews of immigration, intellectual property, and federal employment disputes. The court could also deal with incidental aspects of a dispute that fell outside its jurisdiction if the primary dispute was within its jurisdiction.

The court was a national court so trials and hearings occurred throughout Canada. Any orders rendered by the court were enforceable in all the provinces and territories. This contrasts with the provincial superior courts which are organized by each province and require additional steps to enforce decisions in other provinces.

Presidents of the Exchequer Court of Canada

The position of President of the Court was not created until 1923. Before that time, justices of the Supreme Court of Canada sat as judges of the Exchequer Court from 1875 to 1887, at which time George Wheelock Burbidge was appointed as the first full-time judge of the Court. He served until 1908. when Walter Cassels was appointed. In 1912, authority was given to appoint an associate judge to the Court, and Louis Arthur Audette was appointed to that position. In 1945, authority was given to appoint more judges to the Court.

From 1923, the Presidents of the Court were:


Current judges

Name[29] Appointed Nominated By
Chief Justice Paul Crampton2011 (CJ)
Associate Chief Justice Jocelyne Gagné2018 (ACJ)
Trudeau (ACJ)
Associate Chief Justice A. Kristian Kennedy2022 (ACJ)
Trudeau (ACJ)
Justice Sandra Simpson1993Mulroney
Justice Elizabeth Heneghan1999Chretien
Justice Luc Martineau2002Chretien
Justice Simon Noël2002Chretien
Justice James O'Reilly2002Chretien
Justice Richard Mosley2003Chretien
Justice Michel M.J. Shore2003Chretien
Justice Michael Phelan2003Chretien
Justice Robert L. Barnes2005Martin
Justice Russel W. Zinn2008Harper
Justice Catherine M. Kane2012Harper
Justice Michael D. Manson2012Harper
Justice Yvan Roy2012Harper
Justice Cecily Y. Strickland2012Harper
Justice Peter B. Annis2013Harper
Justice Glennys L. McVeigh2013Harper
Justice Martine St-Louis2014Harper
Justice Henry S. Brown2014Harper
Justice Alan Diner2014Harper
Justice Simon Fothergill2014Harper
Justice B. Richard Bell2015Harper
Justice Denis Gascon2015Harper
Justice Richard F. Southcott2015Harper
Justice Patrick K. Gleeson2015Harper
Justice E. Susan Elliott2015Harper
Justice Sylvie E. Roussel2015Harper
Justice Ann Marie McDonald2015Harper
Justice Roger Lafrenière2016Trudeau
Justice William F. Pentney2017Trudeau
Justice Shirzad S. Ahmed2017Trudeau
Justice Sébastien Grammond2017Trudeau
Justice Paul Favel2017Trudeau
Justice Elizabeth Walker2018Trudeau
Justice John Norris2018Trudeau
Justice Peter Pamel2019Trudeau
Justice Nicholas McHaffie2019Trudeau
Justice Janet Fuhrer2019Trudeau
Justice Christine Pallotta2020Trudeau
Justice Andrew Little2020Trudeau
Justice Angela Furlanetto2021Trudeau
Justice Lobat Sadrehashemi2021Trudeau
Justice Avvy Yao-Yao Go2021Trudeau
Justice Mandy Aylen2021Trudeau
Justice Vanessa Rochester2021Trudeau

Prior judges

The judges of this court are listed below.[30]

  = former judge of the Exchequer Court of Canada
  = stepped down from original appointment
† = died in office
Judges of the Federal Court of Canada, June 1, 1971 July 2, 2003
Name Trial Division Appeal Division Associate Chief Justice Chief Justice Left office Transferred to
Federal Court Federal Court of Appeal
Wilbur R. JackettJune 1, 1971October 1, 1979
Camilien NoëlJune 1, 1971July 4, 1975
Jacques DumoulinJune 1, 1971December 1, 1972
Arthur L. ThurlowJune 1, 1971December 4, 1975January 4, 1980May 5, 1988
Alexander CattanachJune 1, 1971July 26, 1984
Hugh F. GibsonJune 1, 1971December 14, 1981
Allison WalshJune 1, 1971June 30, 1986
Roderick KerrJune 1, 1971September 1, 1975
Louis PratteJune 10, 1971January 25, 1973January 1, 1999
Darrel V. HealdJune 30, 1971December 4, 1975August 27, 1994
Frank U. CollierSeptember 15, 1971December 31, 1992
John J. UrieApril 19, 1973December 15, 1990
Raymond G. DécarySeptember 13, 1973January 31, 1984
Patrick M. MahoneySeptember 13, 1973July 18, 1983October 31, 1994
George A. AddySeptember 17, 1973September 28, 1990
William F. RyanApril 11, 1974August 1, 1986
Jean-Eudes DubéApril 9, 1975November 6, 2001
Gerald Le DainSeptember 1, 1975May 28, 1984[31]
Louis MarceauDecember 23, 1975July 18, 1983May 1, 2000
James Alexander JeromeFebruary 18, 1980March 4, 1998
Paul U.C. RouleauAugust 5, 1982[32]
James K. HugessenJune 23, 1998July 18, 1983[33]
Arthur J. StoneJuly 18, 1983[34]
John McNairJuly 18, 1983August 31, 1990
Francis C. MuldoonJuly 18, 1983September 4, 2001
Barry L. StrayerJuly 18, 1983August 30, 1994[35]
Barbara ReedNovember 17, 1983July 22, 2000
Mark R. MacGuiganJune 29, 1984†January 12, 1998
Pierre DenaultJune 29, 1984November 1, 2001
Louis-Marcel JoyalJune 29, 1984December 31, 1998
Bud CullenJuly 26, 1984August 31, 2000
Bertrand LacombeOctober 29, 1985December 7, 1989
Leonard MartinOctober 29, 1985October 24, 1991
Max M. TeitelbaumOctober 29, 1985[36]
Alice DesjardinsJune 29, 1987[37]
Frank IacobucciSeptember 2, 1988January 6, 1991[31]
W. Andrew MacKaySeptember 2, 1988[38]
Robert DécaryMarch 14, 1990July 1, 2001
Allen M. LindenJuly 5, 1990October 7, 2009
Julius A. IsaacSeptember 1, 1999December 24, 1991[39]
Gilles LétourneauMay 13, 1992
Joseph RobertsonMay 13, 1992July 27, 2000
Donna McGillisMay 13, 1992May 15, 2003
Marc NoëlJune 24, 1992June 23, 1998
Marshall E. RothsteinJune 24, 1992January 22, 1999[40]
Francis J. McDonaldApril 1, 1993September 6, 2001
Frederick E. GibsonApril 1, 1993[41]
William P. McKeownApril 1, 1993September 1, 2002
Marc NadonJune 10, 1993December 14, 2001
Howard WetstonJune 16, 1993January 11, 1999
John D. RichardJune 23, 1998November 4, 1999[42]
J. Edgar SextonJune 23, 1998[43]
Pierre BlaisJune 23, 1998[44]
John Maxwell EvansJune 26, 1998December 30, 1999
Karen SharlowJanuary 21, 1999November 4, 1999
J.D. Denis PelletierFebruary 16, 1999December 14, 2001
Brian D. MaloneNovember 4, 1999[45]
Allan LutfyDecember 8, 1999[46]
Eleanor DawsonDecember 8, 1999[47]
Carolyn Layden-StevensonJanuary 25, 2002[48]
Johanne GauthierDecember 11, 2002[49]
Robin Camp [50]

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Ian Bushnell (1997). The Federal Court of Canada: A History, 1875-1992. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. ISBN 0-8020-4207-4. Retrieved 2013-01-06.
  2. Constitution Act, 1867, s 101.
  3. An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada, S.C. 1867, c. 12, s. 31-48
  4. An Act to extend the powers of the Official Arbitrators, to certain cases therein mentioned, S.C. 1870, c. 23
  5. An Act respecting the Official Arbitrators, S.C. 1879, c. 8
  6. 1 2 The Supreme and Exchequer Court Act, S.C. 1875, c. 11
  7. 1 2 3 Frank Iacobucci (1990). "The Federal Court of Canada: Some Comments on its Origin, Traditions and Evolution". Advocates Quarterly. 11: 318.  via HeinOnline (subscription required)
  8. An Act to amend "The Supreme and Exchequer Courts Act," and to make better provision for the Trial of Claims against the Crown, S.C. 1887, c. 16
  9. 1887 Act, ss. 15-17
  10. An Act to amend the Railway Act, S.C. 1901, c. 31 , later consolidated as The Railway Act, 1903, S.C. 1903, c. 58, Part XIII
  11. Vice-Admiralty Courts Act 1863, 1863, c. 24
  12. 1863 Act, Schedule A
  13. The Maritime Jurisdiction Act, 1877, S.C. 1877, c. 21
  14. The Picton, 1879 CanLII 42, 4 SCR 648 (13 December 1879)
  15. Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890, 1890, c. 27
  16. 1890 Act, s. 3
  17. The Admiralty Act, 1891, S.C. 1891, c. 29
  18. 1890 Act, s. 2(2)
  19. The Yuri Maru [1927] UKPC 69, [1927] AC 906, (1927) 28 Ll L Rep 221 (5 July 1927) (on appeal from Canada)
  20. The Admiralty Act, 1934, S.C. 1934, c. 31
  21. 1934 Act, s. 18
  22. Federal Court Act, S.C. 1970-72, c. 1
  23. 1970-72 Act, s. 18
  24. 1970-72 Act, s. 22(1)
  25. Courts Administration Service Act, S.C. 2002, c. 8, s. 13-58
  26. Stephen A. Scott (1982). "Canadian Federal Courts and the Constitutional Limits of Their Jurisdiction" (PDF). McGill Law Journal. McGill Law School. 27 (2): 137–195. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2019-01-26. Retrieved 2019-01-25.
  27. Consolidated Distilleries, Limited, and another v The King [1933] UKPC 34, [1933] AC 508 (10 April 1933), P.C. (on appeal from Canada)
  28. Quebec North Shore Paper v. C.P. Ltd., 1976 CanLII 10, [1977] 2 SCR 1054 (29 June 1976)
  29. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2018-02-12. Retrieved 2018-02-11.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  30. "Former Judges and Prothonotaries". Federal Court (Canada). Archived from the original on February 9, 2012. Retrieved February 1, 2012.
  31. 1 2 Elevated to the Supreme Court of Canada
  32. Served until July 25, 2007.
  33. Served until July 26, 2008.
  34. Served until November 19, 2004.
  35. Served until May 1, 2004.
  36. Served until January 27, 2007.
  37. Served until August 11, 2009.
  38. Served until March 20, 2004.
  39. Served until July 18, 2003.
  40. Served until March 9, 2006, before being elevated to the Supreme Court of Canada.
  41. Served until August 30, 2008.
  42. Became Chief Justice of the new Federal Court of Appeal on July 3, 2003, in which post he served until July 30, 2009.
  43. Served until October 28, 2011.
  44. Served until February 19, 2008, before being elevated to the Federal Court of Appeal.
  45. Served until September 27, 2007.
  46. Became Chief Justice of the Federal Court on July 3, 2003, in which post he served until September 30, 2011.
  47. Served until November 26, 2009, before being elevated to the Federal Court of Appeal.
  48. Served until December 12, 2008.
  49. Served until October 21, 2011, before being elevated to the Federal Court of Appeal.
  50. Service Canada (June 26, 2015). "Federal Court Judicial Appointments Announced". gcnws.

Further reading

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