The districts of Kenya were divided into 262 divisions (matarafa). Divisions of Kenya were further subdivided into locations. Today's counties of Kenya are based on the merging of some of the districts on this list and since the divisions are one level under the districts they are now the sub-counties. This is because Kenya recently changed its constitution and 47 Counties emerged. Here are the divisions listed below, by district (before the change in administration):

Divisions of Kenya

Baringo District

Bomet District







Bungoma District

Buret District


Butere/Mumias District

Embu District

  • Central
  • Nembure
  • Manyatta
  • Runyenjes
  • Kyeni
  • Gachoka
  • Mwea
  • Makima
  • Kiritiri
  • Evurore
  • Siakago

Garissa District

  • Bura
  • Central Garissa
  • Dadaab
  • Hulugho
  • Galmagalla
  • Jarajilla
  • Masalani
  • Mbalambala
  • Modogashe
  • sankuri
  • danyere
  • Shant-abak
  • Benane
  • Liboi

Etago Kenyenya Nyacheki Nyamache Nyamarambe Ogembo Sameta

Homa Bay District

  • Kendu Bay
  • Mbita
  • Ndhiwa
  • Oyugis
  • Rangwe

Ijara District

  • Hulugho
  • Ijara
  • Masalani
  • Sangailu

Isiolo District

  • Central Isiolo
  • Garba Tulla
  • Merti
  • Sericho

Kajiado District

  • Central Kajiado
  • Loitokitok
  • Magadi
  • Ngong
  • Mashuru

Kakamega District

  • Butere
  • Ikolomani
  • Khwisero
  • Lugari
  • Lurambi
  • Malava/kabras
  • Mumias
  • Shinyalu

Keiyo District

  • Chepkorio
  • Soy
  • Metkei

Kericho District

  • Belgut
  • Bureti
  • Kipkelion
  • Ainamoi
  • Soin
  • Sigowet

Kiambu District

  • Gatundu (Gatundu North and Gatundu South)
  • Githunguri
  • Kiambaa
  • Kikuyu
  • Lari
  • Limuru
  • Thika- Juja

Kilifi District

The original Kilifi District (County) has since been split to five districts:

  • Kilifi
  • Ganze
  • Malindi
  • Magarini
  • Kaloleni
  • Rabai

Kilifi District now has the following divisions:

  • Bahari
  • Kikambala
  • Chonyi

Ganze district has these divisions:

  • Ganze
  • Bamba
  • Vitengeni

While Kaloleni Division was recently split into two districts:

  • Kaloleni
  • Rabai

Malindi division also was upgraded to district and later split into two districts:

  • Malindi
  • Magarini

Kirinyaga District

  • Gichugu
  • kirinyaga central
  • Mwea
  • Ndia

Kisii Central

  • Bosongo
  • Irianyi
  • Kisii Municipality
  • Marani
  • Masaba
  • Nyamache
  • Ogembo
  • Suneka

Kisumu District

  • Kisumu Township
  • Kisumu Central
  • Kisumu East
  • Kisumu North
  • Kisumu Southwest
  • Kajulu East
  • Kajulu West
  • Central Kolwa
  • East Kolwa
  • West Kolwa

Kitui District

  • Central Kitui
  • Kwa-vonza
  • Kyuso
  • Mutito
  • Mutomo
  • Mwingi

Koibatek District

Kuria East District

Kuria West District

Kwale District

  • Kinango
  • Matuga
  • LungaLunga
  • Msambweni

Laikipia District

  • Central Laikipia
  • Mukogondo
  • Ng'arua
  • Rumuruti

Lamu District

  • Amu
  • Faza
  • Kiunga
  • Mpeketoni
  • Witu

Lugari District

Machakos District

  • Central Machakos
  • Kangundo
  • Kathiani
  • Masinga
  • Mwala
  • Yatta

Makueni District

  • Kibwezi
  • Kilome
  • Makueni
  • Mbooni
  • Tsavo West National Park

Malindi District

  • Malindi
  • Magarini

Mandera District

  • Banissa
  • Central Mandera
  • Elwak
  • Fino
  • Rhamu
  • Takaba

Maragua District

Marakwet District

  • Tot
  • Tunyo
  • Tirap
  • Chepyemit
  • Kapcherop

Marsabit District

  • Central Marsabit
  • Laisamis
  • Loiyangalani
  • Moyale
  • North Horr
  • Sololo

Mbeere District

Meru Central District

  • Central Imenti
  • Igembe
  • Meru National Park
  • Mount Kenya Forest
  • North Imenti
  • Ntonyiri
  • South Imenti
  • Tigania
  • Timau

Meru North District

Meru South District

Migori District

  • Kehancha
  • Migori
  • Nyatike
  • Rongo

Mombasa District

  • Changamwe
  • Kisauni
  • Likoni
  • Mvita

Mount Elgon District

  • Kaptama
  • Kapsokwony
  • Kopsiro
  • Cheptais

Moyale District

Murang'a District

  • Gatanga
  • Kandara
  • Kangema
  • Kigumo
  • Kiharu
  • Makuyu

Mutomo District




Mwingi District

Nairobi District

  • Central Nairobi
  • Dagoretti
  • Embakasi
  • Kasarani
  • Lang'ata
  • Makadara
  • Westlands
  • Pumwani

Nakuru District

  • Bahati
  • Gilgil
  • Mbogoini
  • Molo
  • Naivasha
  • Municipality_nakuru
  • Njoro
  • Olenguruone
  • Rongai
  • Keringet


  • Aldai
  • Kapsabet
  • Kilibwoni
  • Mosop
  • Tindiret

Narok District

  • MARA
  • Mau
  • Olokurto
  • Osupuko
  • Ololulunga
  • Loita

Nyamira District

  • Borabu
  • Ekerenyo
  • Magombo
  • Nyamira

Nyandarua District

  • Kinangop
  • Kipipiri
  • Ndaragwa
  • Ol Joro Orok
  • Ol-kalou

Nyando District

  • Muhoroni
  • Upper Nyakach
  • Lower Nyakach
  • Nyando
  • Miwani

Nyeri District

  • Aberdare Forest/National Park
  • Kieni East
  • Kieni West
  • Mathira
  • Mount Kenya Forest/National Park
  • Mukurweini
  • Nyeri Municipality
  • Othaya
  • Tetu

Rachuonyo District

  • West Karachuonyo
  • East Karachuonyo
  • Kasipul
  • Kabondo

Samburu District

  • Baragoi
  • Lorroki
  • Wamba
  • Waso

Siaya District

  • Boro
  • Karemo
  • Ogongó
  • Rarieda
  • Ugunja
  • Ukwala
  • Yala

Suba District

Suba South

Suba North

Taita-Taveta District

  • Mwatate
  • Taveta
  • Tsavo East National Park
  • Tsavo West National Park
  • Voi
  • Wundanyi

Tana River District

  • Bangale
  • Bura
  • Galole
  • Garsen
  • Kipini
  • Madogo
  • Wenje

Teso District

  • Chakol
  • Amagoro
  • Amukura
  • Ang’urai

Tharaka District

  • Chiakariga
  • Gatunga
  • Marimanti
  • Nkondi
  • Turima

Thika District

  • Gatanga
  • Gatundu
  • Kamwangi (Gatundu North)
  • Kakuzi
  • Municipality
  • Ruiru

Trans Mara District

Trans Nzoia District

  • Cherangani
  • Kwanza
  • Saboti
  • Kitale
  • Kiminini

Turkana District

  • Central (Kalokol)
  • Kakuma
  • Katilu
  • Kibish
  • Lake Turkana
  • Lokitaung
  • Lokori
  • Turkwel

Uasin Gishu District

  • Ainabkoi
  • Kesses
  • Moiben
  • Soy
  • Eldoret
  • Matunda
  • Moi's Bridge

Vihiga District

  • Emuhaya
  • Hamisi
  • Sabatia
  • Vihiga
  • Mbale
  • Majengo
  • Chavakali

Wajir District

  • Buna
  • Bute
  • Central Wajir
  • Griftu
  • Habaswein
  • Wajir-bor

West Pokot District

  • Alale
  • Chepareria
  • Kacheliba
  • Kapenguria
  • Sigor

The divisions are subdivided into approximately 1,088 "locations" (mtaa) and then "sublocations" (kata ndogo). A province is administered by a Provincial Commissioner (PC).

Kenyan local authorities mostly do not follow common boundaries with divisions. They are classified as City, Municipality, Town or County councils.

A third discrete type of classification are constituencies. They are further subdivided into wards.

See also

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