Dimensionless numbers (or characteristic numbers) have an important role in analyzing the behavior of fluids and their flow as well as in other transport phenomena.[1] They include the Reynolds and the Mach numbers, which describe as ratios the relative magnitude of fluid and physical system characteristics, such as density, viscosity, speed of sound, and flow speed. To compare a real situation (e.g. an aircraft) with a small-scale model it is necessary to keep the important characteristic numbers the same. Names and formulation of these numbers were standardized in ISO 31-12 and in ISO 80000-11.

Diffusive numbers in transport phenomena

Dimensionless numbers in transport phenomena
vs. Inertial Viscous Thermal Mass
Inertial vd Re Pe PeAB
Viscous Re−1 μ/ρ, ν Pr Sc
Thermal Pe−1 Pr−1 α Le
Mass PeAB−1 Sc−1 Le−1 D

As a general example of how dimensionless numbers arise in fluid mechanics, the classical numbers in transport phenomena of mass, momentum, and energy are principally analyzed by the ratio of effective diffusivities in each transport mechanism. The six dimensionless numbers give the relative strengths of the different phenomena of inertia, viscosity, conductive heat transport, and diffusive mass transport. (In the table, the diagonals give common symbols for the quantities, and the given dimensionless number is the ratio of the left column quantity over top row quantity; e.g. Re = inertial force/viscous force = vd/ν.) These same quantities may alternatively be expressed as ratios of characteristic time, length, or energy scales. Such forms are less commonly used in practice, but can provide insight into particular applications.

Droplet formation

Dimensionless numbers in droplet formation
vs. Momentum Viscosity Surface tension Gravity Kinetic energy
Momentum ρvd Re Fr
Viscosity Re−1 ρν, μ Oh, Ca, La−1 Ga−1
Surface tension Oh−1, Ca−1, La σ Bo−1 We−1
Gravity Fr−1 Ga Bo g
Kinetic energy We ρv2d

Droplet formation mostly depends on momentum, viscosity and surface tension.[2] In inkjet printing for example, an ink with a too high Ohnesorge number would not jet properly, and an ink with a too low Ohnesorge number would be jetted with many satellite drops.[3] Not all of the quantity ratios are explicitly named, though each of the unnamed ratios could be expressed as a product of two other named dimensionless numbers.


All numbers are dimensionless quantities. See other article for extensive list of dimensionless quantities. Certain dimensionless quantities of some importance to fluid mechanics are given below:

Name Standard symbol Definition Field of application
Archimedes numberArfluid mechanics (motion of fluids due to density differences)
Atwood numberAfluid mechanics (onset of instabilities in fluid mixtures due to density differences)
Bejan number
(fluid mechanics)
Befluid mechanics (dimensionless pressure drop along a channel)[4]
Bingham numberBmfluid mechanics, rheology (ratio of yield stress to viscous stress)[5]
Biot numberBiheat transfer (surface vs. volume conductivity of solids)
Blake numberBl or Bgeology, fluid mechanics, porous media (inertial over viscous forces in fluid flow through porous media)
Bond numberBogeology, fluid mechanics, porous media (buoyant versus capillary forces, similar to the Eötvös number)[6]
Brinkman numberBrheat transfer, fluid mechanics (conduction from a wall to a viscous fluid)
Burger number Bu meteorology, oceanography (density stratification versus Earth's rotation)
Brownell–Katz numberNBKfluid mechanics (combination of capillary number and Bond number)[7]
Capillary numberCaporous media, fluid mechanics (viscous forces versus surface tension)
Cauchy numberCacompressible flows (inertia forces versus compressibility force)
Cavitation numberCamultiphase flow (hydrodynamic cavitation, pressure over dynamic pressure)
Chandrasekhar numberChydromagnetics (Lorentz force versus viscosity)
Colburn J factorsJM, JH, JDturbulence; heat, mass, and momentum transfer (dimensionless transfer coefficients)
Damkohler numberDachemistry (reaction time scales vs. residence time)
Darcy friction factorCf or fDfluid mechanics (fraction of pressure losses due to friction in a pipe; four times the Fanning friction factor)
Dean numberDturbulent flow (vortices in curved ducts)
Deborah numberDerheology (viscoelastic fluids)
Drag coefficientcdaeronautics, fluid dynamics (resistance to fluid motion)
Eckert numberEcconvective heat transfer (characterizes dissipation of energy; ratio of kinetic energy to enthalpy)
Eötvös numberEofluid mechanics (shape of bubbles or drops)
Ericksen numberErfluid dynamics (liquid crystal flow behavior; viscous over elastic forces)
Euler numberEuhydrodynamics (stream pressure versus inertia forces)
Excess temperature coefficientheat transfer, fluid dynamics (change in internal energy versus kinetic energy)[8]
Fanning friction factorffluid mechanics (fraction of pressure losses due to friction in a pipe; 1/4th the Darcy friction factor)[9]
Froude numberFrfluid mechanics (wave and surface behaviour; ratio of a body's inertia to gravitational forces)
Galilei numberGafluid mechanics (gravitational over viscous forces)
Görtler numberGfluid dynamics (boundary layer flow along a concave wall)
Garcia-Atance numberGAphase change (ultrasonic cavitation onset, ratio of pressures over pressure due to acceleration)
Graetz numberGzheat transfer, fluid mechanics (laminar flow through a conduit; also used in mass transfer)
Grashof numberGrheat transfer, natural convection (ratio of the buoyancy to viscous force)
Hartmann numberHamagnetohydrodynamics (ratio of Lorentz to viscous forces)
Hagen numberHgheat transfer (ratio of the buoyancy to viscous force in forced convection)
Iribarren numberIrwave mechanics (breaking surface gravity waves on a slope)
Jakob numberJaheat transfer (ratio of sensible heat to latent heat during phase changes)
Karlovitz numberKaturbulent combustion (characteristic flow time times flame stretch rate)
Kapitza numberKafluid mechanics (thin film of liquid flows down inclined surfaces)
Keulegan–Carpenter numberKCfluid dynamics (ratio of drag force to inertia for a bluff object in oscillatory fluid flow)
Knudsen numberKngas dynamics (ratio of the molecular mean free path length to a representative physical length scale)
Kutateladze numberKufluid mechanics (counter-current two-phase flow)[10]
Laplace numberLafluid dynamics (free convection within immiscible fluids; ratio of surface tension to momentum-transport)
Lewis numberLeheat and mass transfer (ratio of thermal to mass diffusivity)
Lift coefficientCLaerodynamics (lift available from an airfoil at a given angle of attack)
Lockhart–Martinelli parametertwo-phase flow (flow of wet gases; liquid fraction)[11]
Mach numberM or Magas dynamics (compressible flow; dimensionless velocity)
Marangoni numberMgfluid mechanics (Marangoni flow; thermal surface tension forces over viscous forces)
Markstein numberMaturbulence, combustion (Markstein length to laminar flame thickness)
Morton numberMofluid dynamics (determination of bubble/drop shape)
Nusselt numberNuheat transfer (forced convection; ratio of convective to conductive heat transfer)
Ohnesorge numberOhfluid dynamics (atomization of liquids, Marangoni flow)
Péclet numberPe or fluid mechanics (ratio of advective transport rate over molecular diffusive transport rate), heat transfer (ratio of advective transport rate over thermal diffusive transport rate)
Prandtl numberPrheat transfer (ratio of viscous diffusion rate over thermal diffusion rate)
Pressure coefficientCPaerodynamics, hydrodynamics (pressure experienced at a point on an airfoil; dimensionless pressure variable)
Rayleigh numberRaheat transfer (buoyancy versus viscous forces in free convection)
Reynolds numberRefluid mechanics (ratio of fluid inertial and viscous forces)[5]
Richardson numberRifluid dynamics (effect of buoyancy on flow stability; ratio of potential over kinetic energy)[12]
Roshko numberRofluid dynamics (oscillating flow, vortex shedding)
Rossby numberRofluid flow (geophysics, ratio of inertial force to Coriolis force)
Schmidt numberScmass transfer (viscous over molecular diffusion rate)[13]
Shape factorHboundary layer flow (ratio of displacement thickness to momentum thickness)
Sherwood numberShmass transfer (forced convection; ratio of convective to diffusive mass transport)
Sommerfeld numberShydrodynamic lubrication (boundary lubrication)[14]
Stanton numberStheat transfer and fluid dynamics (forced convection)
Stokes numberStk or Skparticles suspensions (ratio of characteristic time of particle to time of flow)
Strouhal numberStVortex shedding (ratio of characteristic oscillatory velocity to ambient flow velocity)
Stuart numberNmagnetohydrodynamics (ratio of electromagnetic to inertial forces)
Taylor numberTafluid dynamics (rotating fluid flows; inertial forces due to rotation of a fluid versus viscous forces)
Ursell numberUwave mechanics (nonlinearity of surface gravity waves on a shallow fluid layer)
Wallis parameterjmultiphase flows (nondimensional superficial velocity)[15]
Weber numberWemultiphase flow (strongly curved surfaces; ratio of inertia to surface tension)
Weissenberg numberWiviscoelastic flows (shear rate times the relaxation time)[16]
Womersley numberbiofluid mechanics (continuous and pulsating flows; ratio of pulsatile flow frequency to viscous effects)[17]
Zel'dovich numberfluid dynamics, Combustion (Measure of activation energy)


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