Ethnic and political situation in the Kingdom of Hungary according to the 1910 census
The Danube River basin, with its tributaries the Tisza and Mures (Maros) shown
Proportion of Hungarians in Hungary, 1890 census based on the most commonly spoken languages

The following table shows the linguistic composition of each Hungarian county according to the Hungarian Census of 1910.[1]

Danube Right BankHungarianGermanSlovakRomanianRuthenianCroatianSerbianOtherTotal
Baranya County199,659 (56.6%)112,297 (31.9%)392 (0.1%)54 (0.0%)5 (0.0%)10,159 (2.9%)13,048 (3.7%)16,864 (4.8%)352,478 (11.4%)
Fejér County218,822 (87.3%)24,265 (9.7%)4,359 (1.7%)37 (0.0%)5 (0.0%)333 (0.1%)814 (0.3%)2,035 (0.8%)250,670 (8.1%)
Győr County132,991 (97.6%)2,023 (1.5%)609 (0.4%)17 (0.0%)2 (0.0%)109 (0.1%)17 (0.0%)527 (0.4%)136,295 (4.4%)
Komárom County178,473 (88.4%)12,517 (6.2%)8,105 (4.0%)486 (0.2%)145 (0.1%)237 (0.1%)32 (0.0%)1,855 (0.9%)201,850 (6.5%)
Moson County33,006 (34.9%)51,997 (55.0%)735 (0.8%)5 (0.0%)7 (0.0%)8,123 (8.6%)2 (0.0%)604 (0.6%)94,479 (3.1%)
Somogy County333,597 (91.2%)18,718 (5.1%)364 (0.1%)63 (0.0%)4 (0.0%)9,934 (2.7%)44 (0.0%)3,237 (0.9%)365,961 (11.9%)
Sopron County141,011 (49.7%)109,160 (38.5%)397 (0.1%)33 (0.0%)4 (0.0%)31,004 (10.9%)15 (0.0%)1,886 (0.7%)283,510 (9.2%)
Tolna County189,521 (70.9%)74,376 (27.8%)789 (0.3%)39 (0.0%)4 (0.0%)343 (0.1%)1,102 (0.4%)1,085 (0.4%)267,259 (8.7%)
Vas County247,985 (56.9%)117,169 (26.9%)288 (0.1%)14 (0.0%)48 (0.0%)16,230 (3.7%)23 (0.0%)54,036 (12.4%)435,793 (14.1%)
Veszprém County199,063 (86.6%)29,283 (12.7%)917 (0.4%)41 (0.0%)5 (0.0%)55 (0.0%)17 (0.0%)395 (0.2%)229,776 (7.4%)
Zala County347,167 (74.4%)3,889 (0.8%)233 (0.0%)44 (0.0%)3 (0.0%)91,909 (19.7%)56 (0.0%)23,032 (4.9%)466,333 (15.1%)
Total2,221,295 (72.0%)555,694 (18.0%)17,188 (0.6%)833 (0.0%)232 (0.0%)168,436 (5.5%)15,170 (0.5%)105,556 (3.4%)3,084,404 (14.8%)
Danube Left BankHungarianGermanSlovakRomanianRuthenianCroatianSerbianOtherTotal
Árva County2,000 (2.5%)1,518 (1.9%)59,096 (75.0%)8 (0.0%)1 (0.0%)1 (0.0%)1 (0.0%)16,120 (20.5%)78,745 (3.6%)
Bars County62,022 (34.7%)17,366 (9.7%)97,824 (54.8%)11 (0.0%)92 (0.1%)12 (0.0%)8 (0.0%)1,165 (0.7%)178,500 (8.2%)
Esztergom County73,418 (80.8%)9,455 (10.4%)7,520 (8.3%)14 (0.0%)5 (0.0%)88 (0.1%)12 (0.0%)305 (0.3%)90,817 (4.2%)
Hont County73,215 (55.3%)6,417 (4.8%)51,522 (38.9%)71 (0.1%)7 (0.0%)19 (0.0%)18 (0.0%)1,172 (0.9%)132,441 (6.1%)
Liptó County4,365 (5.0%)2,591 (3.0%)78,098 (89.9%)222 (0.3%)25 (0.0%)11 (0.0%)1 (0.0%)1,593 (1.8%)86,906 (4.0%)
Nógrád County197,670 (75.6%)3,143 (1.2%)58,337 (22.3%)33 (0.0%)4 (0.0%)52 (0.0%)36 (0.0%)2,242 (0.9%)261,517 (12.0%)
Nyitra County100,324 (21.9%)27,937 (6.1%)324,664 (71.0%)39 (0.0%)13 (0.0%)81 (0.0%)26 (0.0%)4,371 (1.0%)457,455 (21.0%)
Pozsony County163,367 (41.9%)53,822 (13.8%)166,017 (42.6%)81 (0.0%)42 (0.0%)1,934 (0.5%)31 (0.0%)4,456 (1.1%)389,750 (17.9%)
Trencsén County13,204 (4.3%)9,029 (2.9%)284,770 (91.7%)172 (0.1%)24 (0.0%)78 (0.0%)51 (0.0%)3,109 (1.0%)310,437 (14.3%)
Turóc County5,560 (10.0%)10,993 (19.7%)38,432 (69.0%)27 (0.0%)44 (0.1%)4 (0.0%)3 (0.0%)640 (1.1%)55,703 (2.6%)
Zólyom County16,509 (12.4%)2,124 (1.6%)113,294 (84.8%)26 (0.0%)136 (0.1%)14 (0.0%)13 (0.0%)1,537 (1.1%)133,653 (6.1%)
Total711,654 (32.7%)144,395 (6.6%)1,279,574 (58.8%)704 (0.0%)393 (0.0%)2,294 (0.1%)200 (0.0%)36,710 (1.7%)2,175,924 (10.4%)
Bács-Bodrog County363,518 (44.7%)190,697 (23.5%)30,137 (3.7%)386 (0.0%)10,760 (1.3%)1,279 (0.2%)145,063 (17.9%)70,545 (8.7%)812,385 (21.6%)
Csongrád County319,274 (98.1%)2,862 (0.9%)646 (0.2%)773 (0.2%)11 (0.0%)94 (0.0%)1,235 (0.4%)673 (0.2%)325,568 (8.6%)
Heves County277,378 (99.2%)800 (0.3%)972 (0.3%)91 (0.0%)30 (0.0%)42 (0.0%)23 (0.0%)364 (0.1%)279,700 (7.4%)
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County372,423 (99.6%)639 (0.2%)450 (0.1%)206 (0.1%)14 (0.0%)32 (0.0%)43 (0.0%)157 (0.0%)373,964 (9.9%)
Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County1,728,473 (87.4%)162,824 (8.2%)47,149 (2.4%)3,357 (0.2%)306 (0.0%)3,419 (0.2%)7,934 (0.4%)24,579 (1.2%)1,978,041 (52.5%)
Total3,061,066 (81.2%)357,822 (9.5%)79,354 (2.1%)4,813 (0.1%)11,121 (0.3%)4,866 (0.1%)154,298 (4.1%)96,318 (2.6%)3,769,658 (18.0%)
Tisza Right BankHungarianGermanSlovakRomanianRuthenianCroatianSerbianOtherTotal
Abaúj-Torna County156,668 (77.4%)6,520 (3.2%)36,067 (17.8%)127 (0.1%)378 (0.2%)63 (0.0%)21 (0.0%)2,444 (1.2%)202,288 (11.4%)
Bereg County113,090 (47.8%)20,722 (8.8%)1,123 (0.5%)215 (0.1%)100,918 (42.7%)54 (0.0%)12 (0.0%)477 (0.2%)236,611 (13.4%)
Borsod County281,874 (97.2%)2,379 (0.8%)4,115 (1.4%)293 (0.1%)174 (0.1%)70 (0.0%)44 (0.0%)965 (0.3%)289,914 (16.4%)
Gömör és Kis-Hont County109,994 (58.5%)2,930 (1.6%)72,232 (38.4%)80 (0.0%)21 (0.0%)88 (0.0%)8 (0.0%)2,745 (1.5%)188,098 (10.6%)
Sáros County18,088 (10.4%)9,447 (5.4%)101,855 (58.3%)321 (0.2%)38,500 (22.0%)15 (0.0%)2 (0.0%)6,392 (3.7%)174,620 (9.9%)
Szepes County18,658 (10.8%)38,434 (22.2%)97,077 (56.2%)532 (0.3%)12,327 (7.1%)65 (0.0%)145 (0.1%)5,629 (3.3%)172,867 (9.8%)
Ung County53,824 (33.2%)8,383 (5.2%)36,364 (22.4%)133 (0.1%)61,711 (38.1%)82 (0.1%)8 (0.0%)1,584 (1.0%)162,089 (9.2%)
Zemplén County193,794 (56.5%)9,749 (2.8%)92,943 (27.1%)209 (0.1%)39,033 (11.4%)49 (0.0%)7 (0.0%)7,410 (2.2%)343,194 (19.4%)
Total945,990 (53.5%)98,564 (5.6%)441,776 (25.0%)1,910 (0.1%)253,062 (14.3%)486 (0.0%)247 (0.0%)27,646 (1.6%)1,769,681 (8.5%)
Tisza Left BankHungarianGermanSlovakRomanianRuthenianCroatianSerbianOtherTotal
Békés County219,261 (73.4%)6,048 (2.0%)66,770 (22.4%)6,125 (2.1%)4 (0.0%)17 (0.0%)76 (0.0%)409 (0.1%)298,710 (11.5%)
Bihar County365,642 (56.6%)3,599 (0.6%)8,457 (1.3%)265,098 (41.0%)211 (0.0%)156 (0.0%)122 (0.0%)3,016 (0.5%)646,301 (24.9%)
Hajdú County251,918 (99.2%)1,044 (0.4%)118 (0.0%)376 (0.1%)25 (0.0%)23 (0.0%)76 (0.0%)283 (0.1%)253,863 (9.8%)
Máramaros County52,964 (14.8%)59,552 (16.6%)503 (0.1%)84,510 (23.6%)159,489 (44.6%)41 (0.0%)6 (0.0%)640 (0.2%)357,705 (13.8%)
Szabolcs County316,765 (99.0%)868 (0.3%)1,117 (0.3%)212 (0.1%)194 (0.1%)15 (0.0%)7 (0.0%)640 (0.2%)319,818 (12.3%)
Szatmár County268,385 (67.7%)6,670 (1.7%)425 (0.1%)119,760 (30.2%)114 (0.0%)66 (0.0%)27 (0.0%)1,185 (0.3%)396,632 (15.3%)
Szilágy County87,312 (37.9%)816 (0.4%)3,727 (1.6%)136,087 (59.1%)52 (0.0%)5 (0.0%)6 (0.0%)2,135 (0.9%)230,140 (8.9%)
Ugocsa County42,677 (46.5%)4,632 (5.0%)37 (0.0%)9,750 (10.6%)34,415 (37.5%)4 (0.0%)1 (0.0%)239 (0.3%)91,755 (3.5%)
Total1,604,924 (61.8%)83,229 (3.2%)81,154 (3.1%)621,918 (24.0%)194,504 (7.5%)327 (0.0%)321 (0.0%)8,547 (0.3%)2,594,924 (12.4%)
Arad County124,215 (30.0%)38,695 (9.3%)5,451 (1.3%)239,755 (57.9%)677 (0.2%)70 (0.0%)2,138 (0.5%)3,387 (0.8%)414,388 (19.3%)
Csanád County108,621 (74.8%)1,013 (0.7%)17,133 (11.8%)14,046 (9.7%)119 (0.1%)8 (0.0%)3,967 (2.7%)341 (0.2%)145,248 (6.8%)
Krassó-Szörény County33,787 (7.2%)55,883 (12.0%)2,908 (0.6%)336,082 (72.1%)2,351 (0.5%)319 (0.1%)14,674 (3.1%)20,143 (4.3%)466,147 (21.8%)
Temes County79,960 (16.0%)165,883 (33.1%)3,080 (0.6%)169,030 (33.7%)30 (0.0%)350 (0.1%)69,905 (14.0%)12,597 (2.5%)500,835 (23.4%)
Torontál County128,405 (20.9%)165,779 (26.9%)16,143 (2.6%)86,937 (14.1%)11 (0.0%)4,203 (0.7%)199,750 (32.5%)13,923 (2.3%)615,151 (28.7%)
Total474,988 (22.2%)427,253 (19.9%)44,715 (2.1%)845,850 (39.5%)3,188 (0.1%)4,950 (0.2%)290,434 (13.6%)50,391 (2.4%)2,141,769 (10.3%)
Alsó-Fehér County39,107 (17.6%)7,269 (3.3%)184 (0.1%)171,483 (77.4%)8 (0.0%)8 (0.0%)18 (0.0%)3,541 (1.6%)221,618 (8.3%)
Beszterce-Naszód County10,737 (8.4%)25,609 (20.0%)37 (0.0%)87,564 (68.5%)213 (0.2%)11 (0.0%)6 (0.0%)3,666 (2.9%)127,843 (4.8%)
Brassó County35,372 (35.0%)29,542 (29.2%)184 (0.2%)35,091 (34.7%)18 (0.0%)19 (0.0%)22 (0.0%)951 (0.9%)101,199 (3.8%)
Csík County125,888 (86.4%)1,080 (0.7%)85 (0.1%)18,032 (12.4%)188 (0.1%)13 (0.0%)3 (0.0%)431 (0.3%)145,720 (5.4%)
Fogaras County6,466 (6.8%)3,236 (3.4%)55 (0.1%)84,436 (88.7%)20 (0.0%)5 (0.0%)3 (0.0%)953 (1.0%)95,174 (3.6%)
Háromszék County123,518 (83.4%)617 (0.4%)202 (0.1%)22,963 (15.5%)144 (0.1%)15 (0.0%)14 (0.0%)607 (0.4%)148,080 (5.5%)
Hunyad County52,720 (15.5%)8,101 (2.4%)1,024 (0.3%)271,675 (79.9%)606 (0.2%)195 (0.1%)140 (0.0%)5,674 (1.7%)340,135 (12.7%)
Kis-Küküllő County34,902 (30.1%)20,272 (17.5%)31 (0.0%)55,585 (47.9%)1 (0.0%)4 (0.0%)2 (0.0%)5,294 (4.6%)116,091 (4.3%)
Kolozs County111,439 (38.9%)8,386 (2.9%)169 (0.1%)161,279 (56.3%)13 (0.0%)55 (0.0%)44 (0.0%)5,302 (1.8%)286,687 (10.7%)
Maros-Torda County134,166 (61.1%)8,312 (3.8%)79 (0.0%)71,909 (32.7%)174 (0.1%)33 (0.0%)25 (0.0%)4,891 (2.2%)219,589 (8.2%)
Nagy-Küküllő County18,474 (12.4%)62,224 (41.8%)63 (0.0%)60,381 (40.6%)6 (0.0%)57 (0.0%)4 (0.0%)7,617 (5.1%)148,826 (5.6%)
Szeben County10,159 (5.7%)49,757 (28.1%)154 (0.1%)113,672 (64.3%)205 (0.1%)84 (0.0%)95 (0.1%)2,795 (1.6%)176,921 (6.6%)
Szolnok-Doboka County52,181 (20.7%)6,902 (2.7%)42 (0.0%)189,443 (75.2%)154 (0.1%)9 (0.0%)7 (0.0%)3,198 (1.3%)251,936 (9.4%)
Torda-Aranyos County44,630 (25.6%)576 (0.3%)62 (0.0%)125,668 (72.1%)8 (0.0%)10 (0.0%)3 (0.0%)3,418 (2.0%)174,375 (6.5%)
Udvarhely County118,458 (95.4%)2,202 (1.8%)33 (0.0%)2,840 (2.3%)1 (0.0%)5 (0.0%)35 (0.0%)599 (0.5%)124,173 (4.6%)
Total918,217 (34.3%)234,085 (8.7%)2,404 (0.1%)1,472,021 (55.0%)1,759 (0.1%)523 (0.0%)421 (0.0%)48,937 (1.8%)2,678,367 (12.8%)
FiumeHungarianGermanSlovakRomanianRuthenianCroatianSerbianOther (mostly Italian)Total
Fiume6,493 (13.0%)2,315 (4.6%)192 (0.4%)137 (0.3%)11 (0.0%)12,926 (26.0%)425 (0.9%)27,307 (54.8%)49,806 (0.2%)
KINGDOM OF HUNGARY9,944,627 (54.4%)1,903,357 (10.4%)1,946,357 (10.7%)2,948,186 (16.1%)464,270 (2.5%)194,808 (1.1%)461,516 (2.5%)401,412 (2.2%)18,264,533 (87.4%)
Belovár-Kőrös County14,224 (4.3%)4,235 (1.3%)386 (0.1%)1 (0.0%)281 (0.1%)253,687 (76.3%)44,533 (13.4%)15,245 (4.6%)332,592 (12.7%)
Lika-Korbava County22 (0.0%)68 (0.0%)3 (0.0%)2 (0.0%)2 (0.0%)100,346 (49.0%)104,036 (50.8%)231 (0.1%)204,710 (7.8%)
Modrus-Fiume County899 (0.4%)592 (0.3%)64 (0.0%)6 (0.0%)4 (0.0%)152,210 (65.7%)74,894 (32.3%)2,985 (1.3%)231,654 (8.8%)
Pozsega County16,462 (6.2%)13,143 (5.0%)3,352 (1.3%)154 (0.1%)2,888 (1.1%)142,616 (53.8%)66,783 (25.2%)19,874 (7.5%)265,272 (10.1%)
Szerém County29,522 (7.1%)68,086 (16.4%)13,841 (3.3%)587 (0.1%)4,642 (1.1%)106,198 (25.6%)183,109 (44.2%)8,249 (2.0%)414,234 (15.8%)
Varasd County1,095 (0.4%)1,172 (0.4%)41 (0.0%)2 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)300,033 (97.7%)2,384 (0.8%)2,283 (0.7%)307,010 (11.7%)
Verőcze County37,656 (13.8%)40,766 (15.0%)3,691 (1.4%)64 (0.0%)439 (0.2%)137,394 (50.4%)46,658 (17.1%)5,762 (2.1%)272,430 (10.4%)
Zágráb County6,068 (1.0%)6,016 (1.0%)235 (0.0%)30 (0.0%)61 (0.0%)445,870 (75.1%)122,558 (20.6%)13,214 (2.2%)594,052 (22.7%)
Total105,948 (4.0%)134,078 (5.1%)21,613 (0.8%)846 (0.0%)8,317 (0.3%)1,638,354 (62.5%)644,955 (24.6%)67,843 (2.6%)2,621,954 (12.6%)
TRANSLEITHANIA10,050,575 (48.1%)2,037,435 (9.8%)1,967,970 (9.4%)2,949,032 (14.1%)472,587 (2.3%)1,833,162 (8.8%)1,106,471 (5.3%)469,255 (2.2%)20,886,487 (100.0%)

This article is a list of census data of counties in the Kingdom of Hungary during the time period between 1715 and 1910. The list contains only 39 counties of the total 72 counties of pre Trianon Hungary.

Census data of Hungary (proper)

(The data doesn't include the population of the counties of present-day Hungary)


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Hungarian 156,668
Slovak 36,067
German 6,520
Russniak 378
Romanian 500
Croatian 63
Serbian 21
Other 2,444


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Romanian 171,483
Hungarian 39,107
German 7,269


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Romanian 239,755
Hungarian 124,215
German 38,695
Slovak 5,451
Serbian 2,138


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Slovak 59,096
Polish 16,131
Hungarian 2,000
German 1,518


1715 census

Ethnic group Population (%)
Serbs 97.6%

1720 census

Ethnic group Population %
Serbs 76,000 73%
Bunjevci and Šokci 22,000 21%
Hungarians 5,019 -
Germans 750 -

1820 census

Ethnic group Population %
Serbs, Bunjevci, Šokci 170,942 44%
Hungarians 121,688 31%
Germans 91,016 23%

1910 census (population by language)

Language Population %
Hungarian 363,518 44.75%
German 190,697 23.47%
Serbian 145,063 17.86%
Slovak 30,137 -
Russniak 10,760 -
Croatian 1,279 -
Romanian 386 -
other (mostly Bunjevac and Šokac) 70,545 -


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Hungarian 199,659
German 112,297
Serbian 13,048
Croatian 10,159


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Slovak 97,824
Hungarian 62,022
German 17,366


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Romanian 87,564
German 25,609
Hungarian 10,737


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Romanian 84,436
Hungarian 6,466
German 3,236


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Romanian 271,675
Hungarian 52,720
German 8,101
Slovak 1,024


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Romanian 55,585
Hungarian 34,902
German 20,272


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Romanian 161,279
Hungarian 111,439
German 8,386


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Romanian 336,082
Hungarian 33,787
German 55,883
Serbian 14,674
Slovak 2,908
Russniak 2,351


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Slovak 78,098
Hungarian 4,365
German 2,591


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Ruthenian 159,489
Romanian 84,510
German 59,552
Hungarian 52,964


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
German 51,997
Hungarian 33,006
Croatian 8,123


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
German 62,224
Romanian 60,381
Hungarian 18,474


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Slovak 324,664
Hungarian 100,324
German 27,937


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Slovak 166,017
Hungarian 163,367
German 53,822
Croatian 1,934


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Slovak 101,855
Ruthenian 38,500
Hungarian 18,088
German 9,447


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Romanian 113,672
German 49,757
Hungarian 10,159


1869 census

Language Population (%)
Slovak 50.4%
German 35%
Ruthenian/Rusyn 13.8%
Hungarian 0.7%

1900 census

Language Population (%)
Slovak 58.2%
German 25%
Ruthenian/Rusyn 8.4%
Hungarian 6%

1910 census

Language Population (%)
Slovak 58%
German 25%
Ruthenian/Rusyn 8%
Hungarian 6%


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Romanian 136,087
Hungarian 87,312
Slovak 3,727


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Romanian 189,443
Hungarian 52,181
Slovak 6,902


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Romanian 169,030
German 165,883
Hungarian 79,960
Serbian 69,905
Slovak 3,080


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Romanian 125,668
Hungarian 44,630


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Serbian 199,750
German 165,779
Hungarian 128,405
Romanian 86,937
Slovak 16,143
Croatian 4,203


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Slovak 284,770
Hungarian 13,204
German 9,029


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Slovak 38,432
German 10,993
Hungarian 5,560


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Ruthenian 61,711
Hungarian 53,824
Slovak 36,364
German 8,383


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Slovak 113,294
Hungarian 16,509
German 2,124



1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Croatian 253,687
Serbian 44,533
Hungarian 14,224
German 4,235


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Serbian 104,036
Croatian 100,346


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Croatian 152,210
Serbian 74,894


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Croatian 142,616
Serbian 66,783
Hungarian 16,462
German 13,143
Slovak 3,352
Rusyn 2,888


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Serbian 183,109
Croatian 106,198
German 68,086
Hungarian 29,522
Slovak 13,841
Russniak 4,642


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Croatian 300,033
Serbian 2,384
German 1,172
Hungarian 1,095


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Croatian 137,394
Serbian 46,658
German 40,766
Hungarian 37,656
Slovak 3,691


1910 census (population by language)

Language Population
Croatian 445,870
Serbian 122,558
Hungarian 6,068
German 6,016

See also


  1. Fajth, Gáspár; Dr Gyulay, Ferenc; Dr Klinger, András; Dr Harcsa, István; Kamarás, Ferenc; Dr Csahók, István; Dr Ehrlich, Éva (1992). Történeti statisztikai idősorok 1867–1992 I.: Népesség-népmozgalom (in Hungarian). ISBN 9789637070433. Archived from the original on 2 June 2019. Retrieved 3 June 2019.


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