Bamum Supplement
(576 code points)
Assigned569 code points
Unused7 reserved code points
Unicode version history
6.0 (2010)569 (+569)
Unicode documentation
Code chartโ€ƒโˆฃโ€ƒWeb page
Note: [1][2]

Bamum Supplement is a Unicode block containing the characters of the historic stage A-F of the Bamum script, used for writing the Bamum language of western Cameroon. The modern stage G characters, which include many characters used for stage A-F orthographies, are included in the Bamum block.


Bamum Supplement[1][2]
Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
U+1680x ๐– € ๐–  ๐– ‚ ๐– ƒ ๐– „ ๐– … ๐– † ๐– ‡ ๐– ˆ ๐– ‰ ๐– Š ๐– ‹ ๐– Œ ๐–  ๐– Ž ๐– 
U+1681x ๐–  ๐– ‘ ๐– ’ ๐– “ ๐– ” ๐– • ๐– – ๐– — ๐– ˜ ๐– ™ ๐– š ๐– › ๐– œ ๐–  ๐– ž ๐– Ÿ
U+1682x ๐–   ๐– ก ๐– ข ๐– ฃ ๐– ค ๐– ฅ ๐– ฆ ๐– ง ๐– จ ๐– ฉ ๐– ช ๐– ซ ๐– ฌ ๐– ญ ๐– ฎ ๐– ฏ
U+1683x ๐– ฐ ๐– ฑ ๐– ฒ ๐– ณ ๐– ด ๐– ต ๐– ถ ๐– ท ๐– ธ ๐– น ๐– บ ๐– ป ๐– ผ ๐– ฝ ๐– พ ๐– ฟ
U+1684x ๐–ก€ ๐–ก ๐–ก‚ ๐–กƒ ๐–ก„ ๐–ก… ๐–ก† ๐–ก‡ ๐–กˆ ๐–ก‰ ๐–กŠ ๐–ก‹ ๐–กŒ ๐–ก ๐–กŽ ๐–ก
U+1685x ๐–ก ๐–ก‘ ๐–ก’ ๐–ก“ ๐–ก” ๐–ก• ๐–ก– ๐–ก— ๐–ก˜ ๐–ก™ ๐–กš ๐–ก› ๐–กœ ๐–ก ๐–กž ๐–กŸ
U+1686x ๐–ก  ๐–กก ๐–กข ๐–กฃ ๐–กค ๐–กฅ ๐–กฆ ๐–กง ๐–กจ ๐–กฉ ๐–กช ๐–กซ ๐–กฌ ๐–กญ ๐–กฎ ๐–กฏ
U+1687x ๐–กฐ ๐–กฑ ๐–กฒ ๐–กณ ๐–กด ๐–กต ๐–กถ ๐–กท ๐–กธ ๐–กน ๐–กบ ๐–กป ๐–กผ ๐–กฝ ๐–กพ ๐–กฟ
U+1688x ๐–ข€ ๐–ข ๐–ข‚ ๐–ขƒ ๐–ข„ ๐–ข… ๐–ข† ๐–ข‡ ๐–ขˆ ๐–ข‰ ๐–ขŠ ๐–ข‹ ๐–ขŒ ๐–ข ๐–ขŽ ๐–ข
U+1689x ๐–ข ๐–ข‘ ๐–ข’ ๐–ข“ ๐–ข” ๐–ข• ๐–ข– ๐–ข— ๐–ข˜ ๐–ข™ ๐–ขš ๐–ข› ๐–ขœ ๐–ข ๐–ขž ๐–ขŸ
U+168Ax ๐–ข  ๐–ขก ๐–ขข ๐–ขฃ ๐–ขค ๐–ขฅ ๐–ขฆ ๐–ขง ๐–ขจ ๐–ขฉ ๐–ขช ๐–ขซ ๐–ขฌ ๐–ขญ ๐–ขฎ ๐–ขฏ
U+168Bx ๐–ขฐ ๐–ขฑ ๐–ขฒ ๐–ขณ ๐–ขด ๐–ขต ๐–ขถ ๐–ขท ๐–ขธ ๐–ขน ๐–ขบ ๐–ขป ๐–ขผ ๐–ขฝ ๐–ขพ ๐–ขฟ
U+168Cx ๐–ฃ€ ๐–ฃ ๐–ฃ‚ ๐–ฃƒ ๐–ฃ„ ๐–ฃ… ๐–ฃ† ๐–ฃ‡ ๐–ฃˆ ๐–ฃ‰ ๐–ฃŠ ๐–ฃ‹ ๐–ฃŒ ๐–ฃ ๐–ฃŽ ๐–ฃ
U+168Dx ๐–ฃ ๐–ฃ‘ ๐–ฃ’ ๐–ฃ“ ๐–ฃ” ๐–ฃ• ๐–ฃ– ๐–ฃ— ๐–ฃ˜ ๐–ฃ™ ๐–ฃš ๐–ฃ› ๐–ฃœ ๐–ฃ ๐–ฃž ๐–ฃŸ
U+168Ex ๐–ฃ  ๐–ฃก ๐–ฃข ๐–ฃฃ ๐–ฃค ๐–ฃฅ ๐–ฃฆ ๐–ฃง ๐–ฃจ ๐–ฃฉ ๐–ฃช ๐–ฃซ ๐–ฃฌ ๐–ฃญ ๐–ฃฎ ๐–ฃฏ
U+168Fx ๐–ฃฐ ๐–ฃฑ ๐–ฃฒ ๐–ฃณ ๐–ฃด ๐–ฃต ๐–ฃถ ๐–ฃท ๐–ฃธ ๐–ฃน ๐–ฃบ ๐–ฃป ๐–ฃผ ๐–ฃฝ ๐–ฃพ ๐–ฃฟ
U+1690x ๐–ค€ ๐–ค ๐–ค‚ ๐–คƒ ๐–ค„ ๐–ค… ๐–ค† ๐–ค‡ ๐–คˆ ๐–ค‰ ๐–คŠ ๐–ค‹ ๐–คŒ ๐–ค ๐–คŽ ๐–ค
U+1691x ๐–ค ๐–ค‘ ๐–ค’ ๐–ค“ ๐–ค” ๐–ค• ๐–ค– ๐–ค— ๐–ค˜ ๐–ค™ ๐–คš ๐–ค› ๐–คœ ๐–ค ๐–คž ๐–คŸ
U+1692x ๐–ค  ๐–คก ๐–คข ๐–คฃ ๐–คค ๐–คฅ ๐–คฆ ๐–คง ๐–คจ ๐–คฉ ๐–คช ๐–คซ ๐–คฌ ๐–คญ ๐–คฎ ๐–คฏ
U+1693x ๐–คฐ ๐–คฑ ๐–คฒ ๐–คณ ๐–คด ๐–คต ๐–คถ ๐–คท ๐–คธ ๐–คน ๐–คบ ๐–คป ๐–คผ ๐–คฝ ๐–คพ ๐–คฟ
U+1694x ๐–ฅ€ ๐–ฅ ๐–ฅ‚ ๐–ฅƒ ๐–ฅ„ ๐–ฅ… ๐–ฅ† ๐–ฅ‡ ๐–ฅˆ ๐–ฅ‰ ๐–ฅŠ ๐–ฅ‹ ๐–ฅŒ ๐–ฅ ๐–ฅŽ ๐–ฅ
U+1695x ๐–ฅ ๐–ฅ‘ ๐–ฅ’ ๐–ฅ“ ๐–ฅ” ๐–ฅ• ๐–ฅ– ๐–ฅ— ๐–ฅ˜ ๐–ฅ™ ๐–ฅš ๐–ฅ› ๐–ฅœ ๐–ฅ ๐–ฅž ๐–ฅŸ
U+1696x ๐–ฅ  ๐–ฅก ๐–ฅข ๐–ฅฃ ๐–ฅค ๐–ฅฅ ๐–ฅฆ ๐–ฅง ๐–ฅจ ๐–ฅฉ ๐–ฅช ๐–ฅซ ๐–ฅฌ ๐–ฅญ ๐–ฅฎ ๐–ฅฏ
U+1697x ๐–ฅฐ ๐–ฅฑ ๐–ฅฒ ๐–ฅณ ๐–ฅด ๐–ฅต ๐–ฅถ ๐–ฅท ๐–ฅธ ๐–ฅน ๐–ฅบ ๐–ฅป ๐–ฅผ ๐–ฅฝ ๐–ฅพ ๐–ฅฟ
U+1698x ๐–ฆ€ ๐–ฆ ๐–ฆ‚ ๐–ฆƒ ๐–ฆ„ ๐–ฆ… ๐–ฆ† ๐–ฆ‡ ๐–ฆˆ ๐–ฆ‰ ๐–ฆŠ ๐–ฆ‹ ๐–ฆŒ ๐–ฆ ๐–ฆŽ ๐–ฆ
U+1699x ๐–ฆ ๐–ฆ‘ ๐–ฆ’ ๐–ฆ“ ๐–ฆ” ๐–ฆ• ๐–ฆ– ๐–ฆ— ๐–ฆ˜ ๐–ฆ™ ๐–ฆš ๐–ฆ› ๐–ฆœ ๐–ฆ ๐–ฆž ๐–ฆŸ
U+169Ax ๐–ฆ  ๐–ฆก ๐–ฆข ๐–ฆฃ ๐–ฆค ๐–ฆฅ ๐–ฆฆ ๐–ฆง ๐–ฆจ ๐–ฆฉ ๐–ฆช ๐–ฆซ ๐–ฆฌ ๐–ฆญ ๐–ฆฎ ๐–ฆฏ
U+169Bx ๐–ฆฐ ๐–ฆฑ ๐–ฆฒ ๐–ฆณ ๐–ฆด ๐–ฆต ๐–ฆถ ๐–ฆท ๐–ฆธ ๐–ฆน ๐–ฆบ ๐–ฆป ๐–ฆผ ๐–ฆฝ ๐–ฆพ ๐–ฆฟ
U+169Cx ๐–ง€ ๐–ง ๐–ง‚ ๐–งƒ ๐–ง„ ๐–ง… ๐–ง† ๐–ง‡ ๐–งˆ ๐–ง‰ ๐–งŠ ๐–ง‹ ๐–งŒ ๐–ง ๐–งŽ ๐–ง
U+169Dx ๐–ง ๐–ง‘ ๐–ง’ ๐–ง“ ๐–ง” ๐–ง• ๐–ง– ๐–ง— ๐–ง˜ ๐–ง™ ๐–งš ๐–ง› ๐–งœ ๐–ง ๐–งž ๐–งŸ
U+169Ex ๐–ง  ๐–งก ๐–งข ๐–งฃ ๐–งค ๐–งฅ ๐–งฆ ๐–งง ๐–งจ ๐–งฉ ๐–งช ๐–งซ ๐–งฌ ๐–งญ ๐–งฎ ๐–งฏ
U+169Fx ๐–งฐ ๐–งฑ ๐–งฒ ๐–งณ ๐–งด ๐–งต ๐–งถ ๐–งท ๐–งธ ๐–งน ๐–งบ ๐–งป ๐–งผ ๐–งฝ ๐–งพ ๐–งฟ
U+16A0x ๐–จ€ ๐–จ ๐–จ‚ ๐–จƒ ๐–จ„ ๐–จ… ๐–จ† ๐–จ‡ ๐–จˆ ๐–จ‰ ๐–จŠ ๐–จ‹ ๐–จŒ ๐–จ ๐–จŽ ๐–จ
U+16A1x ๐–จ ๐–จ‘ ๐–จ’ ๐–จ“ ๐–จ” ๐–จ• ๐–จ– ๐–จ— ๐–จ˜ ๐–จ™ ๐–จš ๐–จ› ๐–จœ ๐–จ ๐–จž ๐–จŸ
U+16A2x ๐–จ  ๐–จก ๐–จข ๐–จฃ ๐–จค ๐–จฅ ๐–จฆ ๐–จง ๐–จจ ๐–จฉ ๐–จช ๐–จซ ๐–จฌ ๐–จญ ๐–จฎ ๐–จฏ
U+16A3x ๐–จฐ ๐–จฑ ๐–จฒ ๐–จณ ๐–จด ๐–จต ๐–จถ ๐–จท ๐–จธ
1.^ As of Unicode version 15.1
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Bamum Supplement block:

VersionFinal code points[lower-alpha 1]CountL2 IDWG2 IDDocument
6.0U+16800..16A38569L2/06-313Riley, Charles (2006-09-21), Report on work with the Bamum script in Cameroon
L2/07-023Riley, Charles (2007-01-19), Towards the Encoding of the Bamum Script in the UCS
L2/08-231N3472Everson, Michael; Riley, Chuck; Tuchscherer, Konrad (2008-06-01), Preliminary Proposal to encode the Old Bamum script in the SMP of the UCS
L2/09-019N3564Everson, Michael; Riley, Charles; Tuchscherer, Konrad (2009-01-27), Proposal for encoding the Old Bamum script in the SMP of the UCS
L2/09-102N3597Everson, Michael; Riley, Charles; Tuchscherer, Konrad (2009-03-28), Proposal for encoding additional Bamum characters
L2/09-106N3523Everson, Michael (2009-03-28), Sources for the encoding of historical Bamum characters
L2/09-234N3603 (pdf, doc)Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2009-07-08), "M54.09", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 54
L2/09-104Moore, Lisa (2009-05-20), "Consensus 119-C26", UTC #119 / L2 #216 Minutes
  1. โ†‘ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names


  1. โ†‘ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. โ†‘ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
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