In mathematics, particularly in computer algebra, Abramov's algorithm computes all rational solutions of a linear recurrence equation with polynomial coefficients. The algorithm was published by Sergei A. Abramov in 1989.[1][2]

Universal denominator

The main concept in Abramov's algorithm is a universal denominator. Let be a field of characteristic zero. The dispersion of two polynomials is defined as

where denotes the set of non-negative integers. Therefore the dispersion is the maximum such that the polynomial and the -times shifted polynomial have a common factor. It is if such a does not exist. The dispersion can be computed as the largest non-negative integer root of the resultant .[3][4] Let be a recurrence equation of order with polynomial coefficients , polynomial right-hand side and rational sequence solution . It is possible to write for two relatively prime polynomials . Let and

where denotes the falling factorial of a function. Then divides . So the polynomial can be used as a denominator for all rational solutions and hence it is called a universal denominator.[5]


Let again be a recurrence equation with polynomial coefficients and a universal denominator. After substituting for an unknown polynomial and setting the recurrence equation is equivalent to

As the cancel this is a linear recurrence equation with polynomial coefficients which can be solved for an unknown polynomial solution . There are algorithms to find polynomial solutions. The solutions for can then be used again to compute the rational solutions . [2]

algorithm rational_solutions is
    input: Linear recurrence equation .
    output: The general rational solution  if there are any solutions, otherwise false.

    Solve  for general polynomial solution 
    if solution  exists then
        return general solution 
        return false
    end if


The homogeneous recurrence equation of order

over has a rational solution. It can be computed by considering the dispersion

This yields the following universal denominator:


Multiplying the original recurrence equation with and substituting leads to

This equation has the polynomial solution for an arbitrary constant . Using the general rational solution is

for arbitrary .


  1. Abramov, Sergei A. (1989). "Rational solutions of linear differential and difference equations with polynomial coefficients". USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. 29 (6): 7–12. doi:10.1016/s0041-5553(89)80002-3. ISSN 0041-5553.
  2. 1 2 Abramov, Sergei A. (1995). "Rational solutions of linear difference and q -difference equations with polynomial coefficients". Proceedings of the 1995 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation - ISSAC '95. pp. 285–289. doi:10.1145/220346.220383. ISBN 978-0897916998. S2CID 15424889.
  3. Man, Yiu-Kwong; Wright, Francis J. (1994). "Fast polynomial dispersion computation and its application to indefinite summation". Proceedings of the international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation - ISSAC '94. pp. 175–180. doi:10.1145/190347.190413. ISBN 978-0897916387. S2CID 2192728.
  4. Gerhard, Jürgen (2005). Modular Algorithms in Symbolic Summation and Symbolic Integration. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 3218. doi:10.1007/b104035. ISBN 978-3-540-24061-7. ISSN 0302-9743.
  5. Chen, William Y. C.; Paule, Peter; Saad, Husam L. (2007). "Converging to Gosper's Algorithm". arXiv:0711.3386 [math.CA].
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