2018 Indonesian local elections

27 June 2018

17 governors, 39 mayors, and 115 regents

Leadership before election

See #Elections

Elected Leadership

See #Elections

A voter submitting her ballot at a polling station in Pekanbaru, Riau

Local elections (Indonesian: Pemilihan Kepala Daerah or Pilkada) were held in Indonesia on 27 June 2018. Voters elected 17 governors, 39 mayors and 115 regents across the country.[1] The elections included gubernatorial elections for Indonesia's four most populous provinces: West Java, East Java, Central Java and North Sumatra.[2]

Like other local elections in Indonesia (except for Jakarta), the elections followed a simple plurality, first-past-the-post system where the candidates with the most votes automatically wins the seat even if they have less than 50% of the votes.[3]


Simultaneous local elections (Pilkada Serentak) was first held in Indonesia on 2015.[4] Another one was held in 2017, making the 2018 election the third simultaneous regional elections to be held in the country. The next set of regional elections are set to be held in 2020 and 2024, the latter one being simultaneous with the presidential and legislative elections. It is also planned that regional offices with elections in 2017 and 2018 are to be held by centrally appointed officials starting from the end of their five-year terms until the 2024 elections.[5]

It has been described as a run-up to the 2019 national elections, due to the fact that the three most populous provinces in the country (West Java, East Java and Central Java) hosting 48 percent of voters in 2014 are to vote, with the elections covering 31 provinces altogether.[2][6][7] 152 million of the country's 260 million citizens were eligible to vote in the elections.[8] Some observers also described the election as a follow-up to the 2017 elections, particularly the Jakartan election where Gerindra and PKS-backed Anies Baswedan defeated Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, commonly seen as president Joko Widodo's ally.[9] The Indonesian National Police identified several provinces as being prone to conflicts arising from the results of the elections, namely North Sumatra, West Java, East Java, South Sulawesi, and Papua.[10]


Preparations of the elections began in 2017, with the KPU receiving demographic data by 31 July 2017 and forming local committees by October. Finalization of the voter list was done by 31 December 2017 and registration for candidates opened the following day, closing at 10 January. For regions where only a single candidate were registered, 3 additional days were allocated between the 14 and 16 January 2018 for extended registration.[11] The campaigning period was to officially start on 15 February 2018 and end by 24 June. The actual voting took place on 27 June.[12]

According to the KPU, the election would cost an estimated Rp 10.5 trillion (USD 735 million).[13] The day of the election (27 June) was made into a national holiday by the government on 25 June.[14]

Map of the gubernatorial elections by year. Provinces in red held gubernatorial elections in 2018.



Province Incumbent Winner[lower-alpha 1] Population (2010 census)[15] Notes
North SumatraTengku Erry Nuradi (Golkar)Edy Rahmayadi12,982,204details
RiauArsyadjuliandi Rachman (Golkar)Syamsuar5,538,367details
South SumatraAlex Noerdin (Golkar)Herman Deru7,450,394details
LampungMuhammad Ridho Ficardo (Demokrat)Arinal Djunaidi7,608,405details
West JavaAhmad Heryawan (PKS)Ridwan Kamil43,053,732details
Central JavaGanjar Pranowo (PDI-P)32,382,657details
East JavaSoekarwo (Demokrat)Khofifah Indar Parawansa37,476,757details
BaliI Made Mangku Pastika (Demokrat)I Wayan Koster3,890,757details
West Nusa TenggaraMuhammad Zainul Majdi (Demokrat)Zulkieflimansyah4,500,212details
East Nusa TenggaraFrans Lebu Raya (PDI-P)Viktor Laiskodat4,683,827details
West KalimantanCornelis (PDI-P)Sutarmidji4,395,983details
East KalimantanAwang Faroek Ishak (Golkar)Isran Noor3,553,143details
South SulawesiSyahrul Yasin Limpo (Golkar)Nurdin Abdullah8,034,776details
Southeast SulawesiTeguh Setyabudi (PAN)Ali Mazi2,232,586
MalukuSaid Assagaff (Golkar)Murad Ismail1,533,506
North MalukuAbdul Ghani Kasuba (PKS)1,038,087
PapuaLukas Enembe (Demokrat)2,833,381details

Note: name in italics indicate incumbents who ran for re-election


City Province Incumbent Notes
SerangBantenTubagus Haerul Jaman
TangerangBantenArief Rachadionosingle candidate
BengkuluBengkuluHelmi Hasan
GorontaloGorontaloMarten A Taha
JambiJambiSyarif Fasha
BekasiWest JavaRahmat Effendi
CirebonWest JavaNasrudin Azis
BandungWest JavaRidwan Kamildetails
BanjarWest JavaAde Uu Sukaesih
BogorWest JavaBima Arya Sugiarto
TegalCentral JavaSiti Masitha Soeparno
MalangEast JavaMochamad Anton
MojokertoEast JavaMas'ud Yunus
ProbolinggoEast JavaRukmini Buchori
KediriEast JavaAbdullah Abu Bakar
MadiunEast JavaSugeng Rismiyanto
PontianakWest KalimantanSutarmidji
PalangkarayaCentral KalimantanMuhammad Riban Satia
TarakanNorth KalimantanSofian Raga
Pangkal PinangBangka Belitung IslandsMuhammad Irwansyah
Tanjung PinangRiau IslandsLis Darmansyah
TualMalukuAdam Rahayaan
SubulussalamAcehMerah Sakti Kombih
BimaWest Nusa TenggaraQurais H Abidin
PalopoSouth SulawesiMuhammad Judas Amir
MakassarSouth SulawesiMohammad Ramdhan Pomantodetails
single candidate
BaubauSoutheast SulawesiAbdul Sajid Tamrin
KotamobaguNorth SulawesiTatong Bara
SawahluntoWest SumatraAli Yusuf
PadangpanjangWest SumatraHendri Arnis
PariamanWest SumatraMukhlis Rahman
PadangWest SumatraMahyeldi Ansharullah
LubuklinggauSouth SumatraAbdul Sajid Tamrin
Pagar AlamSouth SumatraIda Fitriati
PrabumulihSouth SumatraRidho Yahya
PalembangSouth SumatraHarnojoyo
Padang SidempuanNorth SumatraAndar Amin Harahap


Regency Results
South Aceh 1. Tgk Husen Yusuf-Mustafril
2. H Azwir-Tgk Amran
3. Zulkarnaini-M. Jasa
4. Darman-Baital Makmur
5. HT Sama Indra-H Harmaini
6. H Mirwan-Zirwan
7. H Karman-Afdhal Yasin
Pidie Jaya 1. Yusri Yusuf-Saifulah
2. H Aiyub Abbas-H Said Mulyadi
3. Muhibuddin Husen-HM Yusuf Ibrahim
4. Muhammad Yusuf-H Anwar Ishak
North Sumatera
Regency Results Notes
Batu Bara 1. Harry Nugroho-Muhammad Syafii
2. Darwis-Janmat Sembiring
3. Zahir-Oky
4. Khairil Anwar-Sofyan Alwi
Dairi 1. Depriwanto Sitohang-Azhar Bintang
2. Edy Kelleng Ate Beritu-Jimmy Andrea Lukita
Deli Serdang
Langkat 1. Terbit Rencana PA-Syah Afandin
2. Rudi Hartono Bangun-Budiono
Padang Lawas 1. Tondi Roni Tua-Syarifuddin Hasibuan
2. Ali Sutan Harahap-Ahmad Zarnawi Pasaribu
3. Rahmad Pardamean Hasibuan-Syahrul Effendi Hasibuan
North Padang Lawas 1. Andar Amin Harahap-Hariro Harahap
2. Empty Candidate
single candidate
North Tapanuli 1. Nikson Nababan-Sarlandy Hutabarat
2. Jonius Taripar Hutabarat-Frengky P Simanjuntak
3. Chrismanto Lumbantobing-Hotman P Hutasoit
Regency Results
Indragiri Hilir 1. Rosman Malomo-Musmulyadi
2. Ramli Walid-Ali Azhar
3. M Wardan-Syamsuddin Uti
Regency Results
Kerinci 1. Monadi-Edison
2. Adirozal-Ami Taher
3. Zainal-Arsal
Merangin 1. Fauzi-Sujarmin
2. Al Haris-Mashuri
3. Nalim-Khafid
South Sumatera
Regency Results
Banyuasin 1. Agus Yudiantoro- Hazuar Bidui AZ
2. Arkoni MD-Azwar Hamid
3. Husni Tahmrin-Supartijo
4. Syaiful Bakhri-Agus Salam
5. Askolani Jasi-Slamet
Empat Lawang 1. Davit Hardiyanto-Eduar Kohar
2. Joncik Muhamad- Yulius Maulana
Lahat 1. Nopran Marjani-Herliansyah
2. Hapit Padli-Erlansyah Rumsyah
3. Cik Ujang-Haryanto
4. Bursah Zarnubi-Parhan Berza
5. Purnawarman Kias-Rozi Adiansyah
Muara Enim 1. Syamsul Bahri-Hanan
2. Nurul Aman-Thamrin
3. Shinta Paramita-Syuryadi
4. Ahmad Yani-Juarsah
Ogan Komering Ilir 1. Iskandar-Djakfar Sodiq
2. Abdiyanto Fikri-Made Indrawan
3. Azhari Effendi-Qomarus Zaman
Bangka Belitung Islands
Regency Results
Bangka 1. Tarmizi H. Saat-Amri Cahyadi
2. Mulkan-Syahbudin
3. Danial-Fadillah Sabri
Belitung 1. Azwardy Azhar-Erwandi A Rani
2. Hellyana-Junaidi Rachman
3. Andi Lanna-Zulfriandi Afan
4. Sahani Saleh-Isyak Meirobie
Regency Results
North Lampung 1. Zainal Abidin-Yusrizal
2. Aprozi Alam-Ice Suryana
3. Agung Ilmu Mangkunegara-Budi Utomo
Tanggamus 1. Dewi Handajani-A.M. Syafi'i
2. Samsul Hadi-Nuzul Irsan
Regency Results Notes
Lebak 1. Iti Octavia Jayabaya-Ade Sumardi ( %)
2. Empty Candidate ( %)
single candidate
Tangerang 1. Ahmed Zaki Iskandar-Mad Romli ( %)
2. Empty Candidate ( %)
single candidate
West Java
Regency Results
West Bandung
Bogor details
Central Java
Regency Results
Banyumas 1. Mardjoko-Ifan Haryanto ( %)
2. Achmad Husein-Sadewo Tri Lastiono ( %).
Temanggung 1. Bambang Sukarno - Matoha. ( %)
2. Haryo Dewandono - Irawan Prasetyadi. ( %)
3. HM Al Khadziq - R Heri Ibnu Wibowo. ( %)
Kudus 1. Masan-Noor Yasin ( %)
2. Noor Hartoyo-Junaidi ( %)
3. Sri Hartini-Setia Budi Wibawa ( %)
4. Akhwan-Hadi Sucipto ( %)
5. M Tamzil-Hartopo ( %)
1. Juliyatmono-Rober Christanto ( %)
2. Rohadi Widodo-Ida Retno Wahyuningsih ( %)
Tegal 1. Rusbandi-Fatkhudin ( %)
2. Haron Bagas-Drajat ( %)
3. Enthus Susmono-Umi Azizah ( %)
Magelang 1. Zaenal Arifin-Edy Cahyana ( %)
2. Zaenal Arifin-Rohadi Pratoto ( %)
East Java
Regency Results Notes
Sampang 1. Slamet Junaidi-Abdullah Hidayat ( %)
2. Hermanto Subaidi-Suparto ( %)
3. Hisan-Abdullah Mansyur ( %)
Bangkalan 1. Farid Alfauzi-Sudarmawan ( %)
2. Imam Bukhori-Mondir Rofii ( %)
3. Abdul Latif Amin Imron-Mohni ( %)
Bojonegoro 1. Soehadi Moeljono-Mitroatin( %)
2. Mahfudoh Suyoto-Kuswiyanto ( %)
3. Anna Muawanah-Budi Irawanto ( %)
4. Basuki-Pudji Dewanto ( %)
Nganjuk 1. Novi Rahman Hidayat-Marhaen Djumadi ( %)
2. Siti Nurhayati-Bimantoro Wiyono ( %)
3. Desy Natalia Widya-Ainul Yakin (%)
Pamekasan 1. Baddrut Tamam-Rajae (%)
2. Kholilurrahman-Fathorrahman (%)
Tulungagung 1. Margiono-Eko Prisdianto
2. Syahri Mulyo-Maryoto Bhirowo
Pasuruan 1. M Irsyad Yusuf-Mujib Imron
2. Empty Candidate
single candidate
Magetan 1. Suyatni Priasmoro-Nur Wahkid
2. Miratul Mukminin-Joko Suyono
3. Suprawoto-Nanik Endang Rusminiarti
Madiun 1. Ahmad Dawami Ragil Saputra-Hari Wuryanto
2 Rio Wing Dinaryhadi-Sukiman
3. Djoko Setiono-Suprapto.
Lumajang 1. Thoriqul Haq-Indah Amperawati
2. As'at-Thoriq
3. Rofik Abidin-Nurul Huda
Bondowoso 1. Salwa Arifin-Irwan Bachtiar
2. Dhafir-Dayat.
Jombang 1. Mundjidah-Sumrambah
2. Nyono-Subaidi
3. Syafiin-Choirul
Probolinggo 1. Puput Tantriana Sari-Timbul Prihanjoko
2. Abdul Malik Haramain-Muzayyan Badri
Regency Results
Gianyar 1. Tjokorda Raka Kerthyasa-Pande Istri Maharani Prima Dewi (%)
2. I Made Mahayastra-Anak Agung Gde Mayun (%)
Klungkung 1. Tjokorda Bagus Oka-I Ketut Mandia
2. I Nyoman Suwirta-I Made Kasta
West Nusa Tenggara
Regency Results
West Lombok
East Lombok
East Nusa Tenggara
Regency Results
Central Sumba
Rote Ndao
East Manggarai
South Central Timor
Southwest Sumba
West Kalimantan
Regency Results
North Kayong
Kubu Raya
Central Kalimantan
Regency Results
Pulang Pisau
Murung Raya
East Barito
North Barito
Gunung Mas
South Kalimantan
Regency Results
South Hulu Sungai
Tanah Laut
East Kalimantan
Regency Results
North Penajam Paser 1. Mustaqim-Sofyan Nur
2. Andi Harahap-Fadly Imawan (Ahli)
3. Abdul Gafur Mas'ud-Hamdam
North Sulawesi
Regency Results
North Bolaang Mongondow
Southeast Minahasa
Talaud Islands
Central Sulawesi
Regency Results
Parigi Moutong
West Sulawesi
Regency Results
Polewali Mandar
South Sulawesi
Regency Results
Siddereng Rapang
Southeast Sulawesi
Regency Results
Kolaka 1. Ahmad Safei-Muhammad Jayadin
2. Asmani Arif-Syahrul Beddu
Regency Results
Southeast Maluku 1. Angky Renyaan-Hamsa Rahayaan
2. Esebius Utha Savsavubun-Abdul Rachman Matdoan
3. Taher Hanubun-Petrus Beruatwarin
Regency Results
Central Mambramo
Biak Numfor


  1. According to KPU real count results


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