List of years in music (table)

The year 1610 in music involved some significant events.


  • Girolamo Diruta dedicates part 2 of his treatise, Il transilvano, to Leonora Orsini Sforza. This is the last record of Diruta.


  • Adriano BanchieriVezzo di perle musicali, Op. 23 (Necklace of musical pearls) (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino), a collection of motets
  • Bartolomeo Barbarino
    • Third book of Madrigali di diversi autori for solo voice with theorbo, harpsichord, or other instruments (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino), also includes some canzonettas
    • First book of motets for solo voice, either soprano or tenor (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino)
  • Lodovico Bellanda – Second book of Le musiche ... per cantarsi sopra theorba, arpicordo, & altri stromenti (Music to sing with theorbo, harpsichord, and other instruments), for one and two voices (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
  • Girolamo Belli – Psalms for five voices and continuo, Op. 20 (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino), also includes two Magnificats and Marian litanies
  • Joachim a Burck
    • January 28Zwey Epithalamia, zu Glückwünschung zur Hochzeit (Two epithalamia as congratulations on the marriage) (Erfurt: Martin Wittel)
    • April 23Drey christliche Brautlieder (Three Christian bridal songs) (Jena: Johann Weidner)
  • Antonio Cifra – Vespers and motets for eight voices, Op. 9 (Rome: Bartolomeo Zannetti)
  • Giovanni Paolo CimaConcerti ecclesiastici (Ecclesiastical concerti) for one, two, three and four voices with one for five and one for eight, together with a mass, two Magnificats, and six sonatas with 2 to 4 instruments and basso continuo (Milan: Simon Tini & Filippo Lomazzo)
  • William CorkineAyres, to sing and play to the lute and basse violl (London: W. Stansby for John Browne), also includes dance music for the lyra viol
  • Giovanni Croce – 9 Lamentations for Holy Week for four voices (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti), published posthumously
  • Christoph DemantiusCorona harmonica for six voices or instruments (Leipzig: Abraham Lamberg), contains settings of selections from the Gospels for the whole year
  • Eustache Du Caurroy
    • Meslanges de la musique (Paris: Pierre Ballard), a collection of psalm settings, published posthumously
    • Fantasies for three, four, five, and six parts (Paris: Pierre Ballard), published posthumously
  • Michael EastThe Third Set Of Bookes ... to 5. and 6. parts: Apt both for Viols and Voyces
  • Johannes EccardEpithalamion in honorem nuptiarum Thomae Hoikendorphii & Elisabethae Foltelij compositum (Königsberg, Georg Osterberger), a wedding song
  • Melchior Franck
    • Musikalische Fröligkeit von etlichen Neuen lustigen Deutschen Gesängen, Täntzen, Galliarden und Concerten for four, five, six, and eight voices (Coburg: Justus Hauck)
    • Flores musicales for four, five, six, and eight voices (Nuremberg: David Kauffmann)
    • Gratulationes musicae for three, four, and five voices (Coburg: Justus Hauck), a birthday song
  • Bartholomäus GesiusCantiones sacrae chorales for four, five, and six voices (Frankfurt an der Oder: Friedrich Hartmann)
  • Cesario GussagoPsalmi ad vesperas solemnitatum totius anni (Vespers psalms for the whole year) for eight voices (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino)
  • Andreas HakenbergerNeue Deutsche Gesänge (New German Songs) for five voices (Danzig: Andreas Hünefeld), a collection of madrigals
  • Sigismondo d'India
    • Novi concentus ecclesiastici for two and three voices (Venice: Angelo Gardano), a collection of sacred songs
    • Second book of sacrae concentus for three, four, five, and six voices (Venice: Angelo Gardano)
  • Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger – First book of villanelle for one, two, and three voices with accompaniment (Rome)
  • Orlande de Lassus – Posthumous Masses (Munich: Nicolaus Heinrich)
  • Claude Le Jeune – Third book of psalms for three voices (Paris: Pierre Ballard), published posthumously
  • Giovanni de Macque – Third book of madrigals for four voices (Naples: Giovanni Battista Gargano & Lucrezio Nucci)
  • Simone MolinaroFatiche spirituali for six voices, books 1 & 2 (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino)
  • Claudio MonteverdiVespro della Beata Vergine (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino)
  • Giovanni Bernardino Nanino – Motets for two, three, and four voices (Rome: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
  • Germano Pallavicino – Il secondo libro delle fantasie, over ricercare a quattro voci... (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino)
  • Enrico Antonio Radesca (Radesca di Foggia) – Fourth book of canzonettas, madrigals and arie alla romana for two and three voices (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)

Classical music

  • Georg Patermann – Harmonia for ten voices, to commemorate the wedding of Peter Fueß and Wendula Linsing


  • Giordano Giacobbi – L'Andromeda[1]




  1. "Opera Composers: G".
  2. "Henry Du Mont (1610–1684)". Retrieved 26 July 2019.
  3. Don, Randel (1996). The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music. Harvard University Press. p. 479. ISBN 9780674372993.
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