Voiced retroflex affricate
IPA Number106 (137)
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Entity (decimal)ɖ͡ʐ
Unicode (hex)U+0256U+0361U+0290

The voiced retroflex sibilant affricate is a type of consonantal sound, used in some spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ͡ʐ, sometimes simplified to , with apical ɖ̺͡ʐ̺ and laminal ɖ̻͡ʐ̻ when precision is needed. It occurs in such languages as Polish (the laminal affricate ) and Northwest Caucasian languages (apical).


Features of the voiced retroflex affricate:


Asturian Some dialects ḷḷuna ['d̠͡ʐunä] 'moon' Corresponds to /ʎ/ in other dialects. See Che Vaqueira
Belarusianджаз[d̠͡ʐas]'jazz'Laminal. See Belarusian phonology
ChineseWu[d̠͡ʐaŋ]'to grow'Only found in a few Wu dialects.
Some Mandarin speakers广州[kwaŋ˨˩ d̠͡ʐoʊ˥˥]'Guangzhou'
PolishStandard[2][3]em[d̠͡ʐɛm]'jam'Laminal; it's transcribed /d͡ʒ/ by most Polish scholars. See Polish phonology
Southeastern Cuyavian dialects[4]dzwon[d̠͡ʐvɔn̪]'bell'Some speakers. It's a result of hypercorrecting the more popular merger of /d̠͡ʐ/ and /d͡z/ into [d͡z].
Suwałki dialect[5]
Northern Qiangvvdhe[ʁd̠͡ʐə]'star'
Serbo-Croatian[6][7]џеп / ep[d̠͡ʐê̞p]'pocket'Apical. It may be palato-alveolar instead, depending on the dialect. See Serbo-Croatian phonology
Torwali[9]حؕىگ[d̠͡ʐiɡ̥]'long'Contrasts with a palatal affricate.
Yi / rry[d̠͡ʐɪ˧]'tooth'

See also


  1. Farid Ahmad Raza,Preliminary Grapheme to Phoneme Khowar Alphabet Chart, Booni Chitral http://www.mahraka.com/pdf/grapheme_to_phoneme.pdf
  2. Jassem (2003:103)
  3. Hamann (2004:65)
  4. "Gwary polskie - Gwara regionu". Archived from the original on 2013-11-13. Retrieved 2013-11-06.
  5. "Gwary polskie - Szadzenie". Archived from the original on 2013-11-13. Retrieved 2013-11-06.
  6. Kordić (2006), p. 5.
  7. Landau et al. (1999), p. 67.
  8. Hanulíková & Hamann (2010:374)
  9. Lunsford (2001:16–20)


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