Hi, I'm Divyansh Bhatti. I'm a student at York University for Information Tech. Aside from hackathons during high school and minor projects here and there, I mostly focus on software development and networking. with software dev I mostly make small and niche programs for Q.O.L. improvements.

I have an interest in mechanical repair and like to tinker with electronics, because of this I love to learn about repairs and take up projects which further increase my understanding. since joining high school, I have built and maintained several desktop PCs and done several repairs to phones, laptops, and small electronics.

Outside IT and electronics, I enjoy mountain biking and video games. I've recently taken up extreme sports as a hobby and have been playing airsoft on and off for about a year. I'm mostly an impulsive person and it plays a role in both my academics and day to day life, I'm not opposed to trying new things and learning more about myself and my capabilities.


  • Knowledge of C++, Java, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and Python
  • Minor knowledge in databases and data structures.
  • CPR certified


  • Desktop PC repairs (including software repair and hardware repair/replacement)
  • Laptop repairs (screens, motherboards, hard drives)
  • Phone repairs (small repairs such replacement of damaged parts)
  • Repairs on bikes and small motor vehicles (electric scooter/skateboard)