Hello, I'm Erin Haugrud. I'm an electrical engineering major at the University of New Orleans. I chose electrical engineering because previously I was going for Computer Engineering but I just didn't find it as exciting. The reason I chose engineering to begin with was about 4 years ago I was working at Spectrum, in a lame position but regardless I was surrounded with a lot of people who had STEM degrees or were programmers. Being exposed to those types of people (thinking back it was only like two people) got me interested in engineering and some of my peers were going back to school for engineering so it gave me the confidence to try myself. I started CE in 2020 but I took a break due to Covid & also ended up moving out of state. I resumed my education this fall as basically a freshman. I definitely wasn't interested in these subjects when I was in high school as I took a much more traditionally artistic approach to life as a musician. I spent the majority of my 20's pursing music and got my heart BROKEN by the music industry so I figured as a freshly 30 year old I should try something more logical/realistic.

As far as aspirations pertaining to engineering; I'm still unsure of exactly what I want to do, but I assume the more information I collect while I'm in school, I'll arrive at the right decision for myself soon. I don't have any technical repair experience as I mentioned I'm new to this world though I'm looking forward to the exposure.

I don't really have any hobbies but my passion is music which I consider to be a second job, definitely more important to me than a hobby. I write Spanish Classical guitar pieces which I plan to record & release myself within a few years. The writing is tedious so it could be longer but I have a weird habit of proving myself wrong so we shall see.

I would like to introduce my cat Mowgli, it's a GIRL with a boy name, like me. She's my world, I've never adored anything so much.

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The rest of these were taken when I was an OTR truck driver (over the road) It was just Mowgli & I driving a big rig across the country. To clarify, all of these were taken while the truck was parked.

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